Annotation of embedaddon/php/ext/pdo_odbc/tests/long_columns.phpt, revision
1.1 misho 1: --TEST--
2: PDO ODBC "long" columns
3: --SKIPIF--
4: <?php # vim:ft=php
5: if (!extension_loaded('pdo_odbc')) print 'skip not loaded'; ! misho 6: // make sure there is an ODBC driver and a DSN, or the test will fail
! 7: include 'ext/pdo/tests/';
! 8: $config = PDOTest::get_config('ext/pdo_odbc/tests/common.phpt');
! 9: if (!isset($config['ENV']['PDOTEST_DSN']) || $config['ENV']['PDOTEST_DSN']===false) print 'skip';
1.1 misho 10: ?>
11: --FILE--
12: <?php ! misho 13: // setup: set PDOTEST_DSN environment variable
! 14: // for MyODBC (MySQL) and MS SQL Server, you need to also set PDOTEST_USER and PDOTEST_PASS
! 15: //
! 16: // can use MS SQL Server on Linux - using unixODBC
! 17: // -RHEL6.2
! 18: // -download & instructions:
! 19: // -Linux6\sqlncli-11.0.1790.0.tar.gz (it calls RHEL6.x 'Linux6' for some reason)
! 20: // -follow instructions on web page and install script
! 21: // -may have to specify connection info in connection string without using a DSN (DSN-less connection)
! 22: // -for example:
! 23: // set PDOTEST_DSN='odbc:Driver=SQL Server Native Client 11.0;Server=;Database=testdb'
! 24: // set PDOTEST_USER=sa
! 25: // set PDOTEST_PASS=Password01
! 26: //
! 27: // on Windows, the easy way to do this:
! 28: // 1. install MS Access (part of MS Office) and include ODBC (Development tools feature)
! 29: // install the x86 build of the Drivers. You might not be able to load the x64 drivers.
! 30: // 2. in Control Panel, search for ODBC and open "Setup data sources (ODBC)"
! 31: // 3. click on System DSN tab
! 32: // 4. click Add and choose "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)" driver
! 33: // 5. enter a DSN, ex: accdb12
! 34: // 6. click 'Create' and select a file to save the database as
! 35: // -otherwise, you'll have to open MS Access, create a database, then load that file in this Window to map it to a DSN
! 36: // 7. set the environment variable PDOTEST_DSN="odbc:<system dsn from step 5>" ex: SET PDOTEST_DSN=odbc:accdb12
! 37: // -note: on Windows, " is included in environment variable
! 38: //
! 39: // easy way to compile:
! 40: // configure --disable-all --enable-cli --enable-zts --enable-pdo --with-pdo-odbc --enable-debug
! 41: // configure --disable-all --eanble-cli --enable-pdo --with-pdo-odbc=unixODBC,/usr,/usr --with-unixODBC=/usr --enable-debug
! 42: //
! 43:
1.1 misho 44: require 'ext/pdo/tests/';
45: $db = PDOTest::test_factory('ext/pdo_odbc/tests/common.phpt');
46: $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT);
48: if (false === $db->exec('CREATE TABLE TEST (id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, data CLOB)')) {
49: if (false === $db->exec('CREATE TABLE TEST (id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, data longtext)')) {
50: if (false === $db->exec('CREATE TABLE TEST (id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, data varchar(4000))')) {
51: die("BORK: don't know how to create a long column here:\n" . implode(", ", $db->errorInfo()));
52: }
53: }
54: }
57: ! misho 58: // the driver reads columns in blocks of 255 bytes and then reassembles those blocks into a single buffer.
! 59: // test sizes around 255 to make sure that the reassembly works (and that the column is split into 255 byte blocks by the database)
! 60: // also, test sizes below 255 to make sure that they work - and are not treated as a long column (should be read in a single read)
! 61: $sizes = array(32, 53, 64, 79, 128, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 1278, 1279, 1280, 1281, 1282, 2046, 2047, 2048, 2049, 2050, 1534, 1535, 1536, 1537, 1538, 3070, 3071, 3072, 3073, 3074, 3998, 3999, 4000);
! 62:
! 63: function alpha_repeat($len) {
! 64: // use the alphabet instead of 'i' characters to make sure the blocks don't overlap when they are reassembled
! 65: $out = "";
! 66: while (strlen($out) < $len) {
! 67: $out .= "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
! 68: }
! 69: return substr($out, 0, $len);
! 70: }
1.1 misho 71: ! misho 72: // don't use Prepared Statements. that fails on MS SQL server (works with Access, MyODBC), which is a separate failure, feature/code-path from what
! 73: // this test does - nice to be able to test using MS SQL server
1.1 misho 74: foreach ($sizes as $num) { ! misho 75: $text = alpha_repeat($num);
! 76: $db->exec("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES($num, '$text')");
1.1 misho 77: }
78: ! misho 79: // verify data
1.1 misho 80: foreach ($db->query('SELECT id, data from TEST') as $row) { ! misho 81: $expect = alpha_repeat($row[0]);
1.1 misho 82: if (strcmp($expect, $row[1])) {
83: echo "Failed on size $row[id]:\n";
84: printf("Expected %d bytes, got %d\n", strlen($expect), strlen($row['data'])); ! misho 85: echo ($expect) . "\n";
! 86: echo ($row['data']) . "\n";
! 87: } else {
! 88: echo "Passed on size $row[id]\n";
1.1 misho 89: }
90: }
92: echo "Finished\n";
94: --EXPECT-- ! misho 95: Passed on size 32
! 96: Passed on size 53
! 97: Passed on size 64
! 98: Passed on size 79
! 99: Passed on size 128
! 100: Passed on size 253
! 101: Passed on size 254
! 102: Passed on size 255
! 103: Passed on size 256
! 104: Passed on size 257
! 105: Passed on size 258
! 106: Passed on size 1022
! 107: Passed on size 1023
! 108: Passed on size 1024
! 109: Passed on size 1025
! 110: Passed on size 1026
! 111: Passed on size 510
! 112: Passed on size 511
! 113: Passed on size 512
! 114: Passed on size 513
! 115: Passed on size 514
! 116: Passed on size 1278
! 117: Passed on size 1279
! 118: Passed on size 1280
! 119: Passed on size 1281
! 120: Passed on size 1282
! 121: Passed on size 2046
! 122: Passed on size 2047
! 123: Passed on size 2048
! 124: Passed on size 2049
! 125: Passed on size 2050
! 126: Passed on size 1534
! 127: Passed on size 1535
! 128: Passed on size 1536
! 129: Passed on size 1537
! 130: Passed on size 1538
! 131: Passed on size 3070
! 132: Passed on size 3071
! 133: Passed on size 3072
! 134: Passed on size 3073
! 135: Passed on size 3074
! 136: Passed on size 3998
! 137: Passed on size 3999
! 138: Passed on size 4000
1.1 misho 139: Finished ! misho 140:
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