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1.1 misho 1: --TEST-- 2: Bug #28985 (__getTypes() returning nothing on complex WSDL) 3: --SKIPIF-- 4: <?php require_once(''); ?> 5: --INI-- 6: soap.wsdl_cache_enabled=0 7: --FILE-- 8: <?php 9: $client = new SOAPClient(dirname(__FILE__).'/bug28985.wsdl', array('trace'=>1)); 10: var_dump($client->__getTypes()); 11: ?> 12: --EXPECT-- 13: array(42) { 14: [0]=> 15: string(100) "struct LoginMGDIS { 16: string iUserLogin; 17: string iUserId; 18: string iUserPassword; 19: string iProfilId; 20: }" 21: [1]=> 22: string(29) "struct LoginMGDISResponse { 23: }" 24: [2]=> 25: string(28) "struct GetIdentification { 26: }" 27: [3]=> 28: string(77) "struct GetIdentificationResponse { 29: ArrayOfAnyType GetIdentificationResult; 30: }" 31: [4]=> 32: string(43) "struct ArrayOfAnyType { 33: anyType anyType; 34: }" 35: [5]=> 36: string(37) "struct RollbackCurrentTransaction { 37: }" 38: [6]=> 39: string(45) "struct RollbackCurrentTransactionResponse { 40: }" 41: [7]=> 42: string(68) "struct GetListeProfil { 43: string iUserLogin; 44: string iUserPassword; 45: }" 46: [8]=> ! misho 47: string(87) "struct MGCodeLibelle { 1.1 misho 48: string Code; 49: string Libelle; ! misho 50: boolean Default; 1.1 misho 51: anyType Tag; 52: }" 53: [9]=> 54: string(61) "struct ArrayOfMGCodeLibelle { 55: MGCodeLibelle MGCodeLibelle; 56: }" 57: [10]=> 58: string(77) "struct GetListeProfilResponse { 59: ArrayOfMGCodeLibelle GetListeProfilResult; 60: }" 61: [11]=> 62: string(41) "struct GetListeValCodif { 63: string Code; 64: }" 65: [12]=> 66: string(43) "struct ArrayOfMGCodif { 67: MGCodif MGCodif; 68: }" 69: [13]=> 70: string(18) "struct MGCodif { 71: }" 72: [14]=> 73: string(75) "struct GetListeValCodifResponse { 74: ArrayOfMGCodif GetListeValCodifResult; 75: }" 76: [15]=> 77: string(39) "struct TestPhpSoap { 78: MGCodif entree; 79: }" 80: [16]=> 81: string(57) "struct TestPhpSoapResponse { 82: string TestPhpSoapResult; 83: }" 84: [17]=> 85: string(50) "struct GetListeCodif { 86: boolean iGetListeValeur; 87: }" 88: [18]=> 89: string(87) "struct MGCodifGrp { 90: string TypeCodif; 91: string LibCodif; 92: ArrayOfMGCodif ListeCodifs; 93: }" 94: [19]=> 95: string(52) "struct ArrayOfMGCodifGrp { 96: MGCodifGrp MGCodifGrp; 97: }" 98: [20]=> 99: string(72) "struct GetListeCodifResponse { 100: ArrayOfMGCodifGrp GetListeCodifResult; 101: }" 102: [21]=> 103: string(57) "struct DroitCreation { 104: string iObjet; 105: string iProfil; 106: }" 107: [22]=> 108: string(62) "struct DroitCreationResponse { 109: boolean DroitCreationResult; 110: }" 111: [23]=> 112: string(74) "struct ListeDroitCreation { 113: ArrayOfString iListeObjet; 114: string iProfil; 115: }" 116: [24]=> 117: string(40) "struct ArrayOfString { 118: string string; 119: }" 120: [25]=> 121: string(79) "struct ListeDroitCreationResponse { 122: ArrayOfAnyType ListeDroitCreationResult; 123: }" 124: [26]=> 125: string(87) "struct GetDroitsObjetProtege { 126: string iObjet; 127: string iProfil; 128: string iUtilisateur; 129: }" 130: [27]=> 131: string(154) "struct MGDroitsObjetProtege { 132: string LbUti; 133: string LbProf; 134: string LbServ; 135: string LbDir; 136: boolean isProtected; 137: ArrayOfMGDroitAcces ListeDroitsAcces; 138: }" 139: [28]=> 140: string(58) "struct ArrayOfMGDroitAcces { 141: MGDroitAcces MGDroitAcces; 142: }" 143: [29]=> 144: string(104) "struct MGDroitAcces { 145: string IdProfil; 146: boolean Lecture; 147: boolean Modification; 148: boolean Suppression; 149: }" 150: [30]=> 151: string(91) "struct GetDroitsObjetProtegeResponse { 152: MGDroitsObjetProtege GetDroitsObjetProtegeResult; 153: }" 154: [31]=> 155: string(76) "struct GetPrivileges { 156: string iIdSupport; 157: int iIdForme; 158: string iProfil; 159: }" 160: [32]=> 161: string(68) "struct GetPrivilegesResponse { 162: ArrayOfString GetPrivilegesResult; 163: }" 164: [33]=> 165: string(46) "struct GetLibelleProfil { 166: string iIdProfil; 167: }" 168: [34]=> 169: string(67) "struct GetLibelleProfilResponse { 170: string GetLibelleProfilResult; 171: }" 172: [35]=> 173: string(91) "struct GetValeurRecherche { 174: string iChampSource; 175: string iTable; 176: string iOrderByClause; 177: }" 178: [36]=> 179: string(78) "struct GetValeurRechercheResponse { 180: ArrayOfString GetValeurRechercheResult; 181: }" 182: [37]=> 183: string(128) "struct GetValeurRechercheWithClauseWhere { 184: string iChampSource; 185: string iTable; 186: string iClauseWhere; 187: string iOrderByClause; 188: }" 189: [38]=> 190: string(108) "struct GetValeurRechercheWithClauseWhereResponse { 191: ArrayOfString GetValeurRechercheWithClauseWhereResult; 192: }" 193: [39]=> 194: string(27) "struct GetEnvironnement { 195: }" 196: [40]=> 197: string(106) "struct MGEnvironnement { 198: string RepBureautique; 199: string RepBureautiqueImage; 200: string RepBureautiqueDoc; 201: }" 202: [41]=> 203: string(76) "struct GetEnvironnementResponse { 204: MGEnvironnement GetEnvironnementResult; 205: }" ! misho 206: }