Return to bug30045.phpt CVS log | Up to [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / php / ext / soap / tests / bugs |
1.1 misho 1: --TEST-- 2: Bug #30045 (Cannot pass big integers (> 2147483647) in SOAP requests) 3: --SKIPIF-- 4: <?php 5: if (!extension_loaded('soap')) die('skip soap extension not available'); 6: if (!extension_loaded('simplexml')) die('skip simplexml extension not available'); 7: ?> 8: --INI-- 9: soap.wsdl_cache_enabled=1 10: --FILE-- 11: <?php 12: 13: function foo($type, $num) { 14: return new SoapVar($num, $type); 15: } 16: 17: class LocalSoapClient extends SoapClient { 18: 19: function __construct($wsdl, $options) { 20: parent::__construct($wsdl, $options); 21: $this->server = new SoapServer($wsdl, $options); 22: $this->server->addFunction('foo'); 23: } 24: 25: function __doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version, $one_way = 0) { 26: $xml = simplexml_load_string($request); 27: echo $xml->children("")->Body->children("http://test-uri")->children()->param1->asXML(),"\n"; 28: unset($xml); 29: 30: ob_start(); 31: $this->server->handle($request); 32: $response = ob_get_contents(); 33: ob_end_clean(); 34: 35: return $response; 36: } 37: 38: } 39: 40: $soap = new LocalSoapClient(NULL, array("uri"=>"http://test-uri", "location"=>"test://")); 41: 42: function test($type, $num) { 43: global $soap; 44: try { 45: printf(" %0.0f\n ", $num); 46: $ret = $soap->foo($type, new SoapVar($num, $type)); 47: printf(" %0.0f\n", $ret); 48: } catch (SoapFault $ex) { 49: var_dump($ex); 50: } 51: } 52: /* 53: echo "byte\n"; 54: //test(XSD_BYTE, -129); 55: test(XSD_BYTE, -128); 56: test(XSD_BYTE, 127); 57: //test(XSD_BYTE, 128); 58: 59: echo "\nshort\n"; 60: //test(XSD_SHORT, -32769); 61: test(XSD_SHORT, -32768); 62: test(XSD_SHORT, 32767); 63: //test(XSD_SHORT, 32768); 64: 65: echo "\nint\n"; 66: //test(XSD_INT, -2147483649); 67: test(XSD_INT, -2147483648); 68: test(XSD_INT, 2147483647); 69: //test(XSD_INT, 2147483648); 70: 71: echo "\nlong\n"; 72: //test(XSD_LONG, -9223372036854775809); 73: test(XSD_LONG, -9223372036854775808); 74: test(XSD_LONG, 9223372036854775807); 75: //test(XSD_LONG, 9223372036854775808); 76: 77: echo "\nunsignedByte\n"; 78: //test(XSD_UNSIGNEDBYTE, -1); 79: test(XSD_UNSIGNEDBYTE, 0); 80: test(XSD_UNSIGNEDBYTE, 255); 81: //test(XSD_UNSIGNEDBYTE, 256); 82: 83: echo "\nunsignedShort\n"; 84: //test(XSD_UNSIGNEDSHORT, -1); 85: test(XSD_UNSIGNEDSHORT, 0); 86: test(XSD_UNSIGNEDSHORT, 65535); 87: //test(XSD_UNSIGNEDSHORT, 65536); 88: 89: echo "\nunsignedInt\n"; 90: //test(XSD_UNSIGNEDINT, -1); 91: test(XSD_UNSIGNEDINT, 0); 92: test(XSD_UNSIGNEDINT, 4294967295); 93: //test(XSD_UNSIGNEDINT, 4294967296); 94: 95: echo "\nunsignedLong\n"; 96: //test(XSD_UNSIGNEDLONG, -1); 97: test(XSD_UNSIGNEDLONG, 0); 98: test(XSD_UNSIGNEDLONG, 18446744073709551615); 99: //test(XSD_UNSIGNEDLONG, 18446744073709551616); 100: 101: echo "\nnegativeInteger\n"; 102: test(XSD_NEGATIVEINTEGER, -18446744073709551616); 103: test(XSD_NEGATIVEINTEGER, -1); 104: //test(XSD_NEGATIVEINTEGER, 0); 105: 106: echo "\nnonPositiveInteger\n"; 107: test(XSD_NONPOSITIVEINTEGER, -18446744073709551616); 108: test(XSD_NONPOSITIVEINTEGER, 0); 109: //test(XSD_NONPOSITIVEINTEGER, 1); 110: 111: echo "\nnonNegativeInteger\n"; 112: //test(XSD_NONNEGATIVEINTEGER, -1); 113: test(XSD_NONNEGATIVEINTEGER, 0); 114: test(XSD_NONNEGATIVEINTEGER, 18446744073709551616); 115: 116: echo "\nPositiveInteger\n"; 117: //test(XSD_POSITIVEINTEGER, 0); 118: test(XSD_POSITIVEINTEGER, 1); 119: test(XSD_POSITIVEINTEGER, 18446744073709551616); 120: 121: echo "\ninteger\n"; 122: test(XSD_INTEGER, -18446744073709551616); 123: test(XSD_INTEGER, 18446744073709551616); 124: */ 125: echo "long\n"; 126: test(XSD_LONG, 2147483647); 127: test(XSD_LONG, 2147483648); 128: test(XSD_LONG, 4294967296); 129: test(XSD_LONG, 8589934592); 130: test(XSD_LONG, 17179869184); 131: 132: echo "\nunsignedLong\n"; 133: test(XSD_UNSIGNEDLONG, 2147483647); 134: test(XSD_UNSIGNEDLONG, 2147483648); 135: test(XSD_UNSIGNEDLONG, 4294967296); 136: test(XSD_UNSIGNEDLONG, 8589934592); 137: test(XSD_UNSIGNEDLONG, 17179869184); 138: 139: ?> 140: --EXPECT-- 141: long 142: 2147483647 143: <param1 xsi:type="xsd:long">2147483647</param1> 144: 2147483647 145: 2147483648 146: <param1 xsi:type="xsd:long">2147483648</param1> 147: 2147483648 148: 4294967296 149: <param1 xsi:type="xsd:long">4294967296</param1> 150: 4294967296 151: 8589934592 152: <param1 xsi:type="xsd:long">8589934592</param1> 153: 8589934592 154: 17179869184 155: <param1 xsi:type="xsd:long">17179869184</param1> 156: 17179869184 157: 158: unsignedLong 159: 2147483647 160: <param1 xsi:type="xsd:unsignedLong">2147483647</param1> 161: 2147483647 162: 2147483648 163: <param1 xsi:type="xsd:unsignedLong">2147483648</param1> 164: 2147483648 165: 4294967296 166: <param1 xsi:type="xsd:unsignedLong">4294967296</param1> 167: 4294967296 168: 8589934592 169: <param1 xsi:type="xsd:unsignedLong">8589934592</param1> 170: 8589934592 171: 17179869184 172: <param1 xsi:type="xsd:unsignedLong">17179869184</param1> 173: 17179869184