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1.1 misho 1: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2: <definitions name="qweb" 3: targetNamespace="" 4: xmlns:tns="" 5: xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" 6: xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" 7: xmlns:xsi="" 8: xmlns:xsd="" 9: xmlns:ns1="urn:qweb" 10: xmlns:SOAP="" 11: xmlns:WSDL="" 12: xmlns=""> 13: 14: <types> 15: 16: <schema targetNamespace="urn:qweb" 17: xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" 18: xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" 19: xmlns:xsi="" 20: xmlns:xsd="" 21: xmlns:ns1="urn:qweb" 22: xmlns="" 23: elementFormDefault="unqualified" 24: attributeFormDefault="unqualified"> 25: <import namespace=""/> 26: <complexType name="qwebGetHostInfoResponse"> 27: <sequence> 28: <element name="return" type="ns1:HostInfo" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> 29: </sequence> 30: </complexType> 31: <complexType name="ArrayOfHostInfo"> 32: <complexContent> 33: <restriction base="SOAP-ENC:Array"> 34: <sequence> 35: <element name="item" type="ns1:HostInfo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 36: </sequence> 37: <attribute ref="SOAP-ENC:arrayType" WSDL:arrayType="ns1:HostInfo[]"/> 38: </restriction> 39: </complexContent> 40: </complexType> 41: </schema> 42: 43: </types> 44: 45: <message name="qwebSquareRequest"> 46: <part name="mynum" type="xsd:int"/> 47: </message> 48: 49: <message name="qwebSquareResponse"> 50: <part name="result" type="xsd:int"/> 51: </message> 52: 53: <message name="qwebStrlenRequest"> 54: <part name="mystr" type="xsd:string"/> 55: </message> 56: 57: <message name="qwebStrlenResponse"> 58: <part name="result" type="xsd:int"/> 59: </message> 60: 61: <message name="qwebGetHostInfoRequest"> 62: </message> 63: 64: <message name="HostInfo"> 65: <part name="name" type="xsd:string"/> 66: <part name="shortDescription" type="xsd:string"/> 67: <part name="ipAddress" type="xsd:string"/> 68: </message> 69: 70: <portType name="qwebPortType"> 71: <operation name="qwebSquare"> 72: <documentation>Service definition of function ns1__qwebSquare</documentation> 73: <input message="tns:qwebSquareRequest"/> 74: <output message="tns:qwebSquareResponse"/> 75: </operation> 76: <operation name="qwebStrlen"> 77: <documentation>Service definition of function ns1__qwebStrlen</documentation> 78: <input message="tns:qwebStrlenRequest"/> 79: <output message="tns:qwebStrlenResponse"/> 80: </operation> 81: <operation name="qwebGetHostInfo"> 82: <documentation>Service definition of function ns1__qwebGetHostInfo</documentation> 83: <input message="tns:qwebGetHostInfoRequest"/> 84: <output message="tns:HostInfo"/> 85: </operation> 86: </portType> 87: 88: <binding name="qweb" type="tns:qwebPortType"> 89: <SOAP:binding style="rpc" transport=""/> 90: <operation name="qwebSquare"> 91: <SOAP:operation style="rpc" soapAction=""/> 92: <input> 93: <SOAP:body use="encoded" namespace="urn:qweb" encodingStyle=""/> 94: </input> 95: <output> 96: <SOAP:body use="encoded" namespace="urn:qweb" encodingStyle=""/> 97: </output> 98: </operation> 99: <operation name="qwebStrlen"> 100: <SOAP:operation style="rpc" soapAction=""/> 101: <input> 102: <SOAP:body use="encoded" namespace="urn:qweb" encodingStyle=""/> 103: </input> 104: <output> 105: <SOAP:body use="encoded" namespace="urn:qweb" encodingStyle=""/> 106: </output> 107: </operation> 108: <operation name="qwebGetHostInfo"> 109: <SOAP:operation style="rpc" soapAction=""/> 110: <input> 111: <SOAP:body use="encoded" namespace="urn:qweb" encodingStyle=""/> 112: </input> 113: <output> 114: <SOAP:body use="encoded" namespace="urn:qweb" encodingStyle=""/> 115: </output> 116: </operation> 117: </binding> 118: 119: <service name="qweb"> 120: <documentation>Demo Qweb SOAP interface</documentation> 121: <port name="qweb" binding="tns:qweb"> 122: <SOAP:address location=""/> 123: </port> 124: </service> 125: 126: </definitions>