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1.1 misho 1: --TEST-- 2: Test hexdec() - basic function test hexdec() 3: --SKIPIF-- 4: <?php 5: if (PHP_INT_SIZE != 4) die("skip this test is for 32bit platform only"); 6: ?> 7: --FILE-- 8: <?php 9: $values = array(0x123abc, 10: 0x789DEF, 11: 0x7FFFFFFF, 12: 0x80000000, 13: '0x123abc', 14: '0x789DEF', 15: '0x7FFFFFFF', 16: '0x80000000', 17: '0x123XYZABC', 18: 311015, 19: '311015', 20: 31101.3, 21: 31.1013e5, 22: 011237, 23: '011237', 24: true, 25: false, 26: null); 27: for ($i = 0; $i < count($values); $i++) { 28: $res = hexdec($values[$i]); 29: var_dump($res); 30: } 31: ?> 32: --EXPECTF-- 33: int(18433668) 34: int(126895953) 35: float(142929835591) 36: float(142929835592) 37: int(1194684) 38: int(7904751) 39: int(2147483647) 40: float(2147483648) 41: int(1194684) 42: int(3215381) 43: int(3215381) 44: int(3215379) 45: int(51446064) 46: int(18279) 47: int(70199) 48: int(1) 49: int(0) 50: int(0)