Annotation of embedaddon/php/ext/xsl/tests/xslt012.phpt, revision 1.1
1.1 ! misho 1: --TEST--
! 2: Test 12: Using Associative Array of Parameters
! 3: --SKIPIF--
! 4: <?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) .'/'; ?>
! 5: --FILE--
! 6: <?php
! 7: echo "Test 12: Using Associative Array of Parameters";
! 8:
! 9: $dom = new domDocument;
! 10: $dom->load(dirname(__FILE__)."/xslt.xml");
! 11: if(!$dom) {
! 12: echo "Error while parsing the document\n";
! 13: exit;
! 14: }
! 15:
! 16: $xsl = new domDocument;
! 17: $xsl->load(dirname(__FILE__)."/xslt012.xsl");
! 18: if(!$xsl) {
! 19: echo "Error while parsing the document\n";
! 20: exit;
! 21: }
! 22:
! 23: $proc = new xsltprocessor;
! 24: if(!$proc) {
! 25: echo "Error while making xsltprocessor object\n";
! 26: exit;
! 27: }
! 28:
! 29:
! 30: $proc->importStylesheet($xsl);
! 31:
! 32: $parameters = Array(
! 33: 'foo' => 'barbar',
! 34: 'foo1' => 'test',
! 35: );
! 36:
! 37: $proc->setParameter( "", $parameters);
! 38:
! 39: print "\n";
! 40: print $proc->transformToXml($dom);
! 41: print "\n";
! 42:
! 43:
! 44: --EXPECT--
! 45: Test 12: Using Associative Array of Parameters
! 46: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
! 47: <html><body>barbar
! 48: test
! 49: a1 b1 c1 <br/>
! 50: a2 c2 <br/>
! 51: ä3 b3 c3 <br/>
! 52: </body></html>
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