File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / php / ext / zlib / tests / gzseek_variation1.phpt
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Tue Feb 21 23:48:05 2012 UTC (13 years ago) by misho
Branches: php, MAIN
CVS tags: v5_4_3elwix, v5_4_29p0, v5_4_29, v5_4_20p0, v5_4_20, v5_4_17p0, v5_4_17, v5_3_10, HEAD

Test function gzseek() by seeking forward in write mode
if (!extension_loaded("zlib")) {
	print "skip - ZLIB extension not loaded"; 
$f = "temp3.txt.gz";
$h = gzopen($f, 'w'); 
$str1 = "This is the first line.";
$str2 = "This is the second line.";
gzwrite($h, $str1);

//seek forwards 20 bytes.
gzseek($h, strlen($str1) + 20);
gzwrite($h, $str2);
$h = gzopen($f, 'r');
echo gzread($h, strlen($str1))."\n";
echo var_dump(bin2hex(gzread($h, 20)));
echo gzread($h, strlen($str2))."\n";
This is the first line.
string(40) "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
This is the second line.

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