Annotation of embedaddon/php/sapi/nsapi/nsapi-readme.txt, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: Configuration of your Netscape/iPlanet/Sun Webserver for PHP5
        !             2: -----------------------------------------------------------------
        !             3: 
        !             4: These instructions are targetted at Netscape Enterprise Web Server and
        !             5: SUN/Netscape Alliance iPlanet Web Server and the new Sun Java System Webserver.
        !             6: On other web servers your milage may vary.
        !             7: 
        !             8: Firstly you may need to add some paths to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
        !             9: environment for Netscape to find all the shared libs. This is best done
        !            10: in the start script for your Netscape server.  Windows users can
        !            11: probably skip this step. The start script is located in:
        !            12: 
        !            13:     <path-to-netscape-server>/https-servername/start
        !            14: 
        !            15: 
        !            16: Netscape/iPlanet/Sun config files are located in:
        !            17: 
        !            18:     <path-to-server>/https-servername/config
        !            19: 
        !            20: 
        !            21: Add the following line to mime.types (you can do that by the administration server):
        !            22: 
        !            23:     type=magnus-internal/x-httpd-php   exts=php
        !            24: 
        !            25: 
        !            26: Place the following two lines after mime.types init in
        !            27: <path-to-server>/https-servername/config/obj.conf (for servers < 6) or
        !            28: for iPlanet/Sun Webserver 6.0 and above however at the end of the
        !            29: <path-to-server>/https-servername/config/magnus.conf file:
        !            30: 
        !            31:     Init fn="load-modules" funcs="php5_init,php5_execute,php5_auth_trans" shlib="/path/to/phplibrary"
        !            32:     Init fn=php5_init errorString="Failed to initialize PHP!" [php_ini="/path/to/php.ini"]
        !            33: 
        !            34: The "shlib" will vary depending on your OS:
        !            35: 
        !            36:        Unix: "<path-to-server>/bin/".
        !            37:        Windows: "c:/path/to/php5/php5nsapi.dll"
        !            38: 
        !            39: 
        !            40: In obj.conf (for virtual server classes [Sun 6.0+] in their vserver.obj.conf):
        !            41: 
        !            42:     <Object name="default">
        !            43:     .
        !            44:     .
        !            45:     .
        !            46:     # NOTE this next line should happen after all 'ObjectType' and before
        !            47:     # all 'AddLog' lines
        !            48:     # You can modify some entries in php.ini request specific by adding it to the Service
        !            49:     # directive, e.g. doc_root="/path"
        !            50:     # For boolean ini-keys please use 0/1 as value, NOT "On","Off",... (this will not work
        !            51:     # correctly), e.g. zlib.output_compression=1 instead of zlib.output_compression="On"
        !            52: 
        !            53:     Service fn="php5_execute" type="magnus-internal/x-httpd-php" [inikey=value ...]
        !            54:     .
        !            55:     .
        !            56:     .
        !            57:     </Object>
        !            58: 
        !            59: This is only needed if you want to configure a directory that only consists of
        !            60: PHP scripts (same like a cgi-bin directory):
        !            61: 
        !            62:     <Object name="x-httpd-php">
        !            63:     ObjectType fn="force-type" type="magnus-internal/x-httpd-php"
        !            64:     Service fn="php5_execute" [inikey=value ...]
        !            65:     </Object>
        !            66: 
        !            67: After that you can configure a directory in the Administration server and assign it
        !            68: the style "x-httpd-php". All files in it will get executed as PHP. This is nice to
        !            69: hide PHP usage by renaming files to .html
        !            70: 
        !            71: Note: The stacksize that PHP uses depends on the configuration of the webserver. If you get
        !            72: crashes with very large PHP scripts, it is recommended to raise it with the Admin Server
        !            73: (in the section "MAGNUS EDITOR").
        !            74: 
        !            75: 
        !            76: Authentication configuration
        !            77: ----------------------------
        !            78: 
        !            79: PHP authentication cannot be used with any other authentication. ALL
        !            80: AUTHENTICATION IS PASSED TO YOUR PHP SCRIPT.  To configure PHP
        !            81: Authentication for the entire server, add the following line:
        !            82: 
        !            83:     <Object name="default">
        !            84:     AuthTrans fn=php5_auth_trans
        !            85:     .
        !            86:     .
        !            87:     .
        !            88:     .
        !            89:     </Object>
        !            90: 
        !            91: 
        !            92: To use PHP Authentication on a single directory, add the following:
        !            93: 
        !            94:     <Object ppath="d:\path\to\authenticated\dir\*">
        !            95:     AuthTrans fn=php5_auth_trans
        !            96:     </Object>
        !            97: 
        !            98: 
        !            99: Special use for error pages or self-made directory listings
        !           100: -----------------------------------------------------------
        !           101: 
        !           102: You can use PHP to generate the error pages for "404 Not Found"
        !           103: or similar. Add the following line to the object in obj.conf for
        !           104: every error page you want to overwrite:
        !           105: 
        !           106:     Error fn="php5_execute" code=XXX script="/path/to/script.php" [inikey=value inikey=value...]
        !           107: 
        !           108: where XXX ist the HTTP error code. Please delete any other Error
        !           109: directives which could interfere with yours.
        !           110: If you want to place a page for all errors that could exist, leave
        !           111: the "code" parameter out. Your script can get the HTTP status code
        !           112: with $_SERVER['ERROR_TYPE'].
        !           113: 
        !           114: Another posibility is to generate self-made directory listings.
        !           115: Just generate a PHP script which displays a directory listing and
        !           116: replace the corresponding default Service line for
        !           117: type="magnus-internal/directory" in obj.conf with the following:
        !           118: 
        !           119:     Service fn="php5_execute" type="magnus-internal/directory" script="/path/to/script.php" [inikey=value inikey=value...]
        !           120: 
        !           121: For both error and directory listing pages the original URI and
        !           122: translated URI are in the variables $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] and
        !           123: $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'].
        !           124: 
        !           125: 
        !           126: Note about nsapi_virtual() and subrequests
        !           127: ------------------------------------------
        !           128: 
        !           129: The NSAPI module now supports the nsapi_virtual() function (alias: virtual())
        !           130: to make subrequests on the webserver and insert the result in the webpage.
        !           131: The problem is, that this function uses some undocumented features from
        !           132: the NSAPI library.
        !           133: 
        !           134: Under Unix this is not a problem, because the module automatically looks
        !           135: for the needed functions and uses them if available. If not, nsapi_virtual()
        !           136: is disabled.
        !           137: 
        !           138: Under Windows limitations in the DLL handling need the use of a automatic
        !           139: detection of the most recent ns-httpdXX.dll file. This is tested for servers
        !           140: till version 6.1. If a newer version of the Sun server is used, the detection
        !           141: fails and nsapi_virtual() is disabled.
        !           142: 
        !           143: If this is the case, try the following:
        !           144: Add the following parameter to php5_init in magnus.conf:
        !           145: 
        !           146:     Init fn=php5_init ... server_lib="ns-httpdXX.dll"
        !           147:     
        !           148: where XX is the correct DLL version number. To get it, look in the server-root
        !           149: for the correct DLL name. The DLL with the biggest filesize is the right one.
        !           150: 
        !           151: But be warned: SUPPORT FOR nsapi_virtual() IS EXPERIMENTAL !!!
        !           152: 
        !           153: 
        !           154: $Id: nsapi-readme.txt 242949 2007-09-26 15:44:16Z cvs2svn $

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