Annotation of embedaddon/php/tests/basic/bug55500.phpt, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: --TEST--
        !             2: Bug #55500 (Corrupted $_FILES indices lead to security concern)
        !             3: --INI--
        !             4: file_uploads=1
        !             5: error_reporting=E_ALL&~E_NOTICE
        !             6: upload_max_filesize=1024
        !             7: max_file_uploads=10
        !             8: --POST_RAW--
        !             9: Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------20896060251896012921717172737
        !            10: -----------------------------20896060251896012921717172737
        !            11: Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file[]"; filename="file1.txt"
        !            12: Content-Type: text/plain-file1
        !            13: 
        !            14: 1
        !            15: -----------------------------20896060251896012921717172737
        !            16: Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file[[type]"; filename="file2.txt"
        !            17: Content-Type: text/plain-file2
        !            18: 
        !            19: 2
        !            20: -----------------------------20896060251896012921717172737
        !            21: Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file[[name]"; filename="file3.txt"
        !            22: Content-Type: text/plain-file3
        !            23: 
        !            24: 3
        !            25: -----------------------------20896060251896012921717172737
        !            26: Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file[name]["; filename="file4.txt"
        !            27: Content-Type: text/plain-file3
        !            28: 
        !            29: 4
        !            30: -----------------------------20896060251896012921717172737--
        !            31: --FILE--
        !            32: <?php
        !            33: var_dump($_FILES);
        !            34: var_dump($_POST);
        !            35: ?>
        !            36: --EXPECTF--
        !            37: array(1) {
        !            38:   [%u|b%"file"]=>
        !            39:   array(5) {
        !            40:     [%u|b%"name"]=>
        !            41:     array(1) {
        !            42:       [0]=>
        !            43:       %unicode|string%(9) "file1.txt"
        !            44:     }
        !            45:     [%u|b%"type"]=>
        !            46:     array(1) {
        !            47:       [0]=>
        !            48:       %unicode|string%(16) "text/plain-file1"
        !            49:     }
        !            50:     [%u|b%"tmp_name"]=>
        !            51:     array(1) {
        !            52:       [0]=>
        !            53:       %unicode|string%(%d) "%s"
        !            54:     }
        !            55:     [%u|b%"error"]=>
        !            56:     array(1) {
        !            57:       [0]=>
        !            58:       int(0)
        !            59:     }
        !            60:     [%u|b%"size"]=>
        !            61:     array(1) {
        !            62:       [0]=>
        !            63:       int(1)
        !            64:     }
        !            65:   }
        !            66: }
        !            67: array(0) {
        !            68: }

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