Annotation of embedaddon/pimd/, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: README
        !             2: ======
        !             3: [![Travis Status][]][Travis] [![Coverity Status][]][Coverity Scan]
        !             4: 
        !             5: Table of Contents
        !             6: -----------------
        !             7: 
        !             8: * [Introduction](#introduction)
        !             9: * [Download](#download)
        !            10: * [Building](#building)
        !            11: * [Configuration](#configuration)
        !            12: * [Example](#example)
        !            13: * [Starting](#starting)
        !            14: * [Monitoring](#monitoring)
        !            15: * [Contributing](#contributing)
        !            16: 
        !            17: 
        !            18: Introduction
        !            19: ------------
        !            20: 
        !            21: pimd is a lightweight, stand-alone PIM-SM/SSM multicast routing daemon
        !            22: available under the free [3-clause BSD license][BSD license].  This is
        !            23: the restored original version from University of Southern California, by
        !            24: Ahmed Helmy, Rusty Eddy and Pavlin Ivanov Radoslavov.
        !            25: 
        !            26: Today pimd is [maintained at GitHub][GitHub].  Use its facilities to
        !            27: access the source, report bugs and feature requests, and send patches or
        !            28: pull requests.  Official release tarballs at [the homepage][homepage].
        !            29: 
        !            30: pimd is primarily developed on Linux and should work as-is out of the
        !            31: box on all major distributions.  Other UNIX variants (OpenBSD, NetBSD,
        !            32: and FreeBSD) should also work, but are not as thoroughly tested.  For
        !            33: some tips and details, see the `configure` script.
        !            34: 
        !            35: For a summary of changes for each release, see the [ChangeLog][changes].
        !            36: 
        !            37: 
        !            38: Download
        !            39: --------
        !            40: 
        !            41: Although the project makes heavy use of GitHub, it is *not* recommended
        !            42: to use the ZIP file links GitHub provides.  Instead, we recommend using
        !            43: proper tarball releases from [the FTP][], or the [releases page][].
        !            44: 
        !            45: The GitHub *Download ZIP* links, and ZIP files on the [releases page][],
        !            46: do not include files from the GIT submodules.  The configure script has
        !            47: a check for this, but is not 100% foolproof.
        !            48: 
        !            49: See below if you want to contribute.
        !            50: 
        !            51: 
        !            52: Building
        !            53: --------
        !            54: 
        !            55: When building pimd from source you first need to run the `configure`
        !            56: script to generate the file ``.  The script relies on Bourne
        !            57: shell standard features as well as expr and uname.  Any optional pimd
        !            58: features, such as `--enable-scoped-acls` are activated here as well.
        !            59: 
        !            60: **Example:**
        !            61: 
        !            62:     ./configure --enable-scoped-acls && make
        !            63: 
        !            64:     sudo make install
        !            65: 
        !            66: The configure script and Makefile supports de facto standard settings
        !            67: and environment variables such as `--prefix=PATH` and `DESTDIR=` for the
        !            68: install process.  E.g., to install pimd to `/usr` instead of the default
        !            69: `/usr/local`, but redirect to a binary package directory in `/tmp`:
        !            70: 
        !            71:     ./configure --prefix=/usr && make clean all
        !            72:     make VERSION=2.3.0-1 DESTDIR=/tmp/pimd-2.3.0-1 install
        !            73: 
        !            74: 
        !            75: Configuration
        !            76: -------------
        !            77: 
        !            78: The configuration is kept in the file `/etc/pimd.conf`, the order of
        !            79: the statements are in some cases important.
        !            80: 
        !            81: PIM-SM is a designed to be a *protocol independent* multicast routing
        !            82: protocol.  As such it relies on unicast protocols like, e.g, OSPF, RIP,
        !            83: or static routing entries, to figure out the path to all multicast
        !            84: capable neighboring routers.  This information is necessary in setups
        !            85: with more than one route between a multicast sender and a receiver to
        !            86: figure out which PIM router should be the active forwarder.
        !            87: 
        !            88: However, pimd currently cannot retrieve the unicast routing distance
        !            89: (preference) and metric of routes from the system, not from the kernel
        !            90: nor a route manager like zebra.  Hence, pimd currently needs to be setup
        !            91: statically on each router using the desired distance and metric for each
        !            92: active interface.  If either the distance and/or the metric is missing
        !            93: in an interface configuration, the following two defaults will be used:
        !            94: 
        !            95:     default-route-distance   <1-255>     default: 101
        !            96:     default-route-metric     <1-1024>    default: 1024
        !            97: 
        !            98: By default pimd starts up on all interfaces it can find, using the above
        !            99: defaults.  To configure individual interfaces use:
        !           100: 
        !           101:     phyint <address | ifname> ...
        !           102: 
        !           103: You can reference the interface via either its local IPv4 address or
        !           104: its name, e.g., eth0.  Some common interface settings are:
        !           105: 
        !           106:    * `disable`: Disable pimd on this interface, i.e., do not send or
        !           107:      listen for PIM-SM traffic
        !           108: 
        !           109:    * `dr-priority <1-4294967294>`: The DR Priority option, sent in all
        !           110:      all PIM Hello messages.  Used instead of the IP address in all DR
        !           111:      elections, if all PIM routers in LAN advertise it.  The higher, the
        !           112:      better, default 1.
        !           113: 
        !           114:    * `distance <1-255>`: The interface's admin distance value (also
        !           115:      confusingly referred to as *metric preference* in the RFC) in PIM
        !           116:      Assert messages.  Used with `metric` to elect the active multicast
        !           117:      forwarding router.  Defaults to `default-route-distance`
        !           118: 
        !           119:    * `metric <1-1024>`: The cost for traversing this router.  Used with
        !           120:      the `preference` value above. Defaults to `default-route-metric`
        !           121: 
        !           122: More interface settings are available, see the pimd(8) manual page for
        !           123: the full details.
        !           124: 
        !           125: The most notable feature of PIM-SM is that multicast is distributed from
        !           126: so called Rendezvous Points (RP).  Each RP handles distribution of one
        !           127: or more multicast groups, pimd can be configured to advertise itself as
        !           128: a candidate RP `rp-candidate`, and request to be static RP `rp-address`
        !           129: for one or more multicast groups.
        !           130: 
        !           131:     rp-address <address> [<group>[/<LENGTH> | masklen <LENGTH]
        !           132: 
        !           133: The `rp-address` setting is the same as the Cisco `ip pim rp-address`
        !           134: setting to configure static Rendezvous Points.  The first argument can
        !           135: be an IPv4 address or a multicast group address.  The default group and
        !           136: prefix length is  Static RP's always have priority 1.
        !           137: 
        !           138:     rp-candidate [address | ifname] [time <10-16383>] [priority <0-255>]
        !           139: 
        !           140: The Rendezvous Point candidate, or CRP, setting is the same as the Cisco
        !           141: `ip pim rp-candidate` setting.  Use it to control which interface that
        !           142: should be used in RP elections.
        !           143: 
        !           144:    * `address | ifname`: Optional local IPv4 address, or interface name
        !           145:      to acquire address from.  The default is to use the highest active
        !           146:      IP address.
        !           147: 
        !           148:    * `time <10-16383>`: The interval, in seconds, between advertising
        !           149:      this CRP. Default: 60 seconds
        !           150: 
        !           151:    * `priority <0-255>`: How important this CRP is compared to others.
        !           152:      The lower the value here, the more important the CRP.  Like Cisco,
        !           153:      pimd defaults to priority 0 when this is left out
        !           154: 
        !           155: In the CRP messages sent out by pimd, one or more multicast groups can
        !           156: be advertised using the following syntax.
        !           157: 
        !           158:     group-prefix <group>[</LENGTH> | masklen <LENGTH>]
        !           159: 
        !           160: Each `group-prefix` setting defines one multicast group and an optional
        !           161: mask length, which defaults to 16 if left out.  A maximum of 255
        !           162: multicast group prefix records is possible for the CRP.
        !           163: 
        !           164: To keep track of all Rendezvous Points in a PIM-SM domain there exists a
        !           165: feature called *Bootstrap Router*.  The elected BSR in a PIM-SM domain
        !           166: periodically announces the RP set in Bootstrap messages.  For details on
        !           167: PIM BSR operation, see [RFC 5059](
        !           168: 
        !           169:     bsr-candidate [address | ifname] [priority <0-255>]
        !           170: 
        !           171: The configuration of a Candidate BootStrap Router (CBSR) is very similar
        !           172: to that of CRP, except for the interval time.  If either the address or
        !           173: the interface name is left out pimd uses the highest active IP address.
        !           174: If the priority is left out, `pimd` (like Cisco) defaults to priority 0.
        !           175: 
        !           176: To *disable CRP and CBSR* completely in `pimd`, simply comment the two
        !           177: lines out from your `pimd.conf`, and make sure `pimd` can find the file.
        !           178: Because if `pimd` cannot find the file it will default to them enabled,
        !           179: with defaults listed in the `pimd.conf` included in the distribution.
        !           180: 
        !           181: In a PIM-SM domain there can be two, or more, paths from a designated
        !           182: router (DR) for a multicast sender to reach a receiver.  When receivers
        !           183: begin joining multicast groups all data is received via the *shared
        !           184: tree* (RPT) from each Rendezvous Point (RP).  This is often not an
        !           185: optimal route, so when the volume starts exceeding a configurable
        !           186: threshold, on either the last-hop router or the RP itself, the router
        !           187: will attempt to switch to the *shortest path tree* (SPT) from the
        !           188: multicast source to the receiver.
        !           189: 
        !           190: In versions of pimd prior to 2.2.0 this threshold was confusingly split
        !           191: in two different settings, one for the DR and one for the RP.  These
        !           192: settings are still supported, for compatibility reasons and documented
        !           193: in the man-page, but it is strongly recommended to change to the new
        !           194: syntax instead:
        !           195: 
        !           196:     spt-threshold [rate <KBPS> | packets <NUM> | infinity] [interval <5-60>]
        !           197: 
        !           198: Only slightly different from the Cisco `ip pim spt-threshold` setting,
        !           199: pimd can trigger a switch to SPT on a rate or number of packets and you
        !           200: can also tweak the poll interval.  It's recommended to keep the interval
        !           201: in the tens of seconds, the default is 100 sec.  The default threshold
        !           202: is set to zero packets, which will cause a switch over to the SPT after
        !           203: the first multicast packet is received.
        !           204: 
        !           205: 
        !           206: Example
        !           207: -------
        !           208: 
        !           209:     # Interface eth0 is disabled, i.e., pimd will not run there.
        !           210:     phyint eth0 disable
        !           211: 
        !           212:     # On this LAN we have a lower numeric IP than other PIM routers
        !           213:     # but we want to take care of forwarding all PIM messages.
        !           214:     phyint eth1 dr-priority 10
        !           215: 
        !           216:     # Partake in BSR elections on eth1
        !           217:     bsr-candidate eth1
        !           218: 
        !           219:     # Offer to be an RP for all of
        !           220:     rp-candidate eth1
        !           221:     group-prefix masklen 4
        !           222: 
        !           223:     # This is the built-in defaults, switch to SPT on first packet
        !           224:     spt-threshold packets 0 interval 100
        !           225: 
        !           226: 
        !           227: Starting
        !           228: --------
        !           229: 
        !           230: Having set up the configuration file, you are ready to run pimd.  As
        !           231: usual, it is recommended that you start it manually first, to make sure
        !           232: everything works as expected, before adding it to your system's startup
        !           233: scripts, with any startup flags it might need.
        !           234: 
        !           235:     pimd [-c file] [-d subsys1[,...,subsysN]] [-s level]
        !           236: 
        !           237: * `-c file`: Utilize the specified configuration file rather than the
        !           238:    default, `/etc/pimd.conf`
        !           239: * `-d [subsys1,...,subsysN]`: Subsystems to enable debug for when
        !           240:   running the daemon.  Optional argument, if left out, all subsystems
        !           241:   are enabled.  Type `pimd -h` for a full list of subsystems
        !           242: * `-s level`: Log level, one of `none`, `error`, `warning`, `notice`,
        !           243:    `info`, or `debug`.  Default is `notice`
        !           244: 
        !           245: **Example:**
        !           246: 
        !           247:     pimd -c /cfg/pimd.conf -digmp_proto,pim_jp,kernel,pim_register
        !           248: 
        !           249: Notice the lack of spaces in the option argument to `-d`, the
        !           250: long-option `--debug=igmp_proto,pim_jp,kernel,pim_register`is slightly
        !           251: more readable.
        !           252: 
        !           253: 
        !           254: Monitoring
        !           255: ----------
        !           256: 
        !           257: To see the virtual interface table, including neighboring PIM routers,
        !           258: and the multicast routing table:
        !           259: 
        !           260:     pimd -r
        !           261: 
        !           262: or to watch it continually:
        !           263: 
        !           264:     watch pimd -r
        !           265: 
        !           266: In addition, pimd logs important events to the system logfile, in
        !           267: particular at startup when parsing the `pimd.conf` configuration file.
        !           268: 
        !           269: 
        !           270: Contributing
        !           271: ------------
        !           272: 
        !           273: pimd is maintained by [Joachim Nilsson][] at [GitHub][].  If you find
        !           274: bugs, have feature requests, or want to contribute fixes or features,
        !           275: check out the code from GitHub, including the submodules:
        !           276: 
        !           277:        git clone
        !           278:        cd uftpd
        !           279:        make submodules
        !           280: 
        !           281: When you pull from upstream, remember to also update the submodules
        !           282: using `git submodule update`, see the file [][contrib]
        !           283: for further details.
        !           284: 
        !           285: 
        !           286: [BSD license]:
        !           287: [github]:
        !           288: [homepage]:
        !           289: [changes]:
        !           290: [the FTP]:
        !           291: [releases page]:
        !           292: [contrib]:
        !           293: [Joachim Nilsson]:
        !           294: [Travis]:
        !           295: [Travis Status]:
        !           296: [Coverity Scan]:
        !           297: [Coverity Status]:
        !           298: 
        !           299: <!--
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