Annotation of embedaddon/pimd/vif.c, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: /*
        !             2:  * Copyright (c) 1998-2001
        !             3:  * University of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute.
        !             4:  * All rights reserved.
        !             5:  *
        !             6:  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
        !             7:  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
        !             8:  * are met:
        !             9:  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
        !            10:  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
        !            11:  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
        !            12:  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
        !            13:  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
        !            14:  * 3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors
        !            15:  *    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
        !            16:  *    without specific prior written permission.
        !            17:  *
        !            28:  * SUCH DAMAGE.
        !            29:  */
        !            30: /*
        !            31:  * Part of this program has been derived from mrouted.
        !            32:  * The mrouted program is covered by the license in the accompanying file
        !            33:  * named "LICENSE.mrouted".
        !            34:  *
        !            35:  * The mrouted program is COPYRIGHT 1989 by The Board of Trustees of
        !            36:  * Leland Stanford Junior University.
        !            37:  *
        !            38:  */
        !            39: 
        !            40: 
        !            41: #include "defs.h"
        !            42: 
        !            43: /*
        !            44:  * Helper macros
        !            45:  */
        !            46: #define is_uv_subnet(src, v) \
        !            47:     (src & v->uv_subnetmask) == v->uv_subnet && ((v->uv_subnetmask == 0xffffffff) || (src != v->uv_subnetbcast))
        !            48: 
        !            49: #define is_pa_subnet(src, v) \
        !            50:     (src & p->pa_subnetmask) == p->pa_subnet && ((p->pa_subnetmask == 0xffffffff) || (src != p->pa_subnetbcast))
        !            51: 
        !            52: /*
        !            53:  * Exported variables.
        !            54:  */
        !            55: struct uvif    uvifs[MAXVIFS]; /* array of all virtual interfaces          */
        !            56: vifi_t         numvifs;        /* Number of vifs in use                    */
        !            57: int             vifs_down;      /* 1=>some interfaces are down              */
        !            58: int             phys_vif;       /* An enabled vif                           */
        !            59: vifi_t         reg_vif_num;    /* really virtual interface for registers   */
        !            60: int            udp_socket;     /* Since the honkin' kernel doesn't support
        !            61:                                 * ioctls on raw IP sockets, we need a UDP
        !            62:                                 * socket as well as our IGMP (raw) socket. */
        !            63: int             total_interfaces; /* Number of all interfaces: including the
        !            64:                                   * non-configured, but excluding the
        !            65:                                   * loopback interface and the non-multicast
        !            66:                                   * capable interfaces.
        !            67:                                   */
        !            68: 
        !            69: uint32_t       default_route_metric   = UCAST_DEFAULT_ROUTE_METRIC;
        !            70: uint32_t       default_route_distance = UCAST_DEFAULT_ROUTE_DISTANCE;
        !            71: 
        !            72: /*
        !            73:  * Forward declarations
        !            74:  */
        !            75: static void start_vif      (vifi_t vifi);
        !            76: static void stop_vif       (vifi_t vifi);
        !            77: static void start_all_vifs (void);
        !            78: static int init_reg_vif    (void);
        !            79: static int update_reg_vif  (vifi_t register_vifi);
        !            80: 
        !            81: 
        !            82: void init_vifs(void)
        !            83: {
        !            84:     vifi_t vifi;
        !            85:     struct uvif *v;
        !            86:     int enabled_vifs;
        !            87: 
        !            88:     numvifs    = 0;
        !            89:     reg_vif_num = NO_VIF;
        !            90:     vifs_down = FALSE;
        !            91: 
        !            92:     /* Configure the vifs based on the interface configuration of the the kernel and
        !            93:      * the contents of the configuration file.  (Open a UDP socket for ioctl use in
        !            94:      * the config procedures if the kernel can't handle IOCTL's on the IGMP socket.) */
        !            95: #ifdef IOCTL_OK_ON_RAW_SOCKET
        !            96:     udp_socket = igmp_socket;
        !            97: #else
        !            98:     if ((udp_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0)
        !            99:        logit(LOG_ERR, errno, "UDP socket");
        !           100: #endif
        !           101: 
        !           102:     /* Clean up all vifs */
        !           103:     for (vifi = 0, v = uvifs; vifi < MAXVIFS; ++vifi, ++v)
        !           104:        zero_vif(v, FALSE);
        !           105: 
        !           106:     logit(LOG_INFO, 0, "Getting vifs from kernel");
        !           107:     config_vifs_from_kernel();
        !           108:     if (disable_all_by_default) {
        !           109:        logit(LOG_INFO, 0, "Disabling all vifs from kernel");
        !           110: 
        !           111:        for (vifi = 0, v = uvifs; vifi < numvifs; ++vifi, ++v)
        !           112:           v->uv_flags |= VIFF_DISABLED;
        !           113:     }
        !           114: 
        !           115:     logit(LOG_INFO, 0, "Getting vifs from %s", config_file);
        !           116:     config_vifs_from_file();
        !           117: 
        !           118:     /*
        !           119:      * Quit if there are fewer than two enabled vifs.
        !           120:      */
        !           121:     enabled_vifs    = 0;
        !           122:     phys_vif        = -1;
        !           123: 
        !           124:     for (vifi = 0, v = uvifs; vifi < numvifs; ++vifi, ++v) {
        !           125:        /* Initialize the outgoing timeout for each vif.  Currently use a fixed time
        !           126:         * 'PIM_JOIN_PRUNE_HOLDTIME'.  Later, may add a configurable array to feed
        !           127:         * these parameters, or compute them as function of the i/f bandwidth and the
        !           128:         * overall connectivity...etc. */
        !           129:        SET_TIMER(v->uv_jp_timer, PIM_JOIN_PRUNE_HOLDTIME);
        !           130:        if (v->uv_flags & (VIFF_DISABLED | VIFF_DOWN | VIFF_REGISTER | VIFF_TUNNEL))
        !           131:            continue;
        !           132: 
        !           133:        if (phys_vif == -1)
        !           134:            phys_vif = vifi;
        !           135: 
        !           136:        enabled_vifs++;
        !           137:     }
        !           138: 
        !           139:     if (enabled_vifs < 1) /* XXX: TODO: */
        !           140:        logit(LOG_ERR, 0, "Cannot forward: %s", enabled_vifs == 0 ? "no enabled vifs" : "only one enabled vif");
        !           141: 
        !           142:     k_init_pim(igmp_socket);   /* Call to kernel to initialize structures */
        !           143: 
        !           144:     /* Add a dummy virtual interface to support Registers in the kernel.
        !           145:      * In order for this to work, the kernel has to have been modified
        !           146:      * with the PIM patches to ip_mroute.{c,h} and ip.c
        !           147:      */
        !           148:     init_reg_vif();
        !           149: 
        !           150:     start_all_vifs();
        !           151: }
        !           152: 
        !           153: /*
        !           154:  * Initialize the passed vif with all appropriate default values.
        !           155:  * "t" is true if a tunnel or register_vif, or false if a phyint.
        !           156:  */
        !           157: void zero_vif(struct uvif *v, int t)
        !           158: {
        !           159:     v->uv_flags                = 0;    /* Default to IGMPv3 */
        !           160:     v->uv_metric       = DEFAULT_METRIC;
        !           161:     v->uv_admetric     = 0;
        !           162:     v->uv_threshold    = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD;
        !           163:     v->uv_rate_limit   = t ? DEFAULT_REG_RATE_LIMIT : DEFAULT_PHY_RATE_LIMIT;
        !           164:     v->uv_lcl_addr     = INADDR_ANY_N;
        !           165:     v->uv_rmt_addr     = INADDR_ANY_N;
        !           166:     v->uv_dst_addr     = t ? INADDR_ANY_N : allpimrouters_group;
        !           167:     v->uv_subnet       = INADDR_ANY_N;
        !           168:     v->uv_subnetmask   = INADDR_ANY_N;
        !           169:     v->uv_subnetbcast  = INADDR_ANY_N;
        !           170:     strlcpy(v->uv_name, "", IFNAMSIZ);
        !           171:     v->uv_groups       = (struct listaddr *)NULL;
        !           172:     v->uv_dvmrp_neighbors = (struct listaddr *)NULL;
        !           173:     NBRM_CLRALL(v->uv_nbrmap);
        !           174:     v->uv_querier      = (struct listaddr *)NULL;
        !           175:     v->uv_igmpv1_warn  = 0;
        !           176:     v->uv_prune_lifetime = 0;
        !           177:     v->uv_acl          = (struct vif_acl *)NULL;
        !           178:     RESET_TIMER(v->uv_leaf_timer);
        !           179:     v->uv_addrs                = (struct phaddr *)NULL;
        !           180:     v->uv_filter       = (struct vif_filter *)NULL;
        !           181: 
        !           182:     RESET_TIMER(v->uv_hello_timer);
        !           183:     v->uv_dr_prio       = PIM_HELLO_DR_PRIO_DEFAULT;
        !           184:     v->uv_genid         = 0;
        !           185: 
        !           186:     RESET_TIMER(v->uv_gq_timer);
        !           187:     RESET_TIMER(v->uv_jp_timer);
        !           188:     v->uv_pim_neighbors        = (struct pim_nbr_entry *)NULL;
        !           189:     v->uv_local_pref   = default_route_distance;
        !           190:     v->uv_local_metric = default_route_metric;
        !           191: #ifdef __linux__
        !           192:     v->uv_ifindex      = -1;
        !           193: #endif /* __linux__ */
        !           194: }
        !           195: 
        !           196: 
        !           197: /*
        !           198:  * Add a (the) register vif to the vif table.
        !           199:  */
        !           200: static int init_reg_vif(void)
        !           201: {
        !           202:     struct uvif *v;
        !           203:     vifi_t i;
        !           204: 
        !           205:     v = &uvifs[numvifs];
        !           206:     v->uv_flags = 0;
        !           207: 
        !           208:     if ((numvifs + 1) == MAXVIFS) {
        !           209:         /* Exit the program! The PIM router must have a Register vif */
        !           210:        logit(LOG_ERR, 0, "Cannot install the Register vif: too many interfaces");
        !           211: 
        !           212:        return FALSE;
        !           213:     }
        !           214: 
        !           215:     /*
        !           216:      * So far in PIM we need only one register vif and we save its number in
        !           217:      * the global reg_vif_num.
        !           218:      */
        !           219:     reg_vif_num = numvifs;
        !           220: 
        !           221:     /* set the REGISTER flag */
        !           222:     v->uv_flags = VIFF_REGISTER;
        !           223: #ifdef PIM_EXPERIMENTAL
        !           224:     v->uv_flags |= VIFF_REGISTER_KERNEL_ENCAP;
        !           225: #endif
        !           226:     strlcpy(v->uv_name, "register_vif0", sizeof(v->uv_name));
        !           227: 
        !           228:     /* Use the address of the first available physical interface to
        !           229:      * create the register vif.
        !           230:      */
        !           231:     for (i = 0; i < numvifs; i++) {
        !           232:        if (uvifs[i].uv_flags & (VIFF_DOWN | VIFF_DISABLED | VIFF_REGISTER | VIFF_TUNNEL))
        !           233:            continue;
        !           234: 
        !           235:        break;
        !           236:     }
        !           237: 
        !           238:     if (i >= numvifs) {
        !           239:        logit(LOG_ERR, 0, "No physical interface enabled");
        !           240:        return -1;
        !           241:     }
        !           242: 
        !           243:     v->uv_lcl_addr = uvifs[i].uv_lcl_addr;
        !           244:     v->uv_threshold = MINTTL;
        !           245: 
        !           246:     numvifs++;
        !           247:     total_interfaces++;
        !           248: 
        !           249:     return 0;
        !           250: }
        !           251: 
        !           252: 
        !           253: static void start_all_vifs(void)
        !           254: {
        !           255:     vifi_t vifi;
        !           256:     struct uvif *v;
        !           257:     u_int action;
        !           258: 
        !           259:     /* Start first the NON-REGISTER vifs */
        !           260:     for (action = 0; ; action = VIFF_REGISTER) {
        !           261:        for (vifi = 0, v = uvifs; vifi < numvifs; ++vifi, ++v) {
        !           262:            /* If starting non-registers but the vif is a register or if starting
        !           263:             * registers, but the interface is not a register, then just continue. */
        !           264:            if ((v->uv_flags & VIFF_REGISTER) ^ action)
        !           265:                continue;
        !           266: 
        !           267:            /* Start vif if not DISABLED or DOWN */
        !           268:            if (v->uv_flags & (VIFF_DISABLED | VIFF_DOWN)) {
        !           269:                if (v->uv_flags & VIFF_DISABLED)
        !           270:                    logit(LOG_INFO, 0, "Interface %s is DISABLED; vif #%u out of service", v->uv_name, vifi);
        !           271:                else
        !           272:                    logit(LOG_INFO, 0, "Interface %s is DOWN; vif #%u out of service", v->uv_name, vifi);
        !           273:            } else {
        !           274:                start_vif(vifi);
        !           275:            }
        !           276:        }
        !           277: 
        !           278:        if (action == VIFF_REGISTER)
        !           279:            break;   /* We are done */
        !           280:     }
        !           281: }
        !           282: 
        !           283: 
        !           284: /*
        !           285:  * stop all vifs
        !           286:  */
        !           287: void stop_all_vifs(void)
        !           288: {
        !           289:     vifi_t vifi;
        !           290:     struct uvif *v;
        !           291: 
        !           292:     for (vifi = 0; vifi < numvifs; vifi++) {
        !           293:        v = &uvifs[vifi];
        !           294:        if (!(v->uv_flags & VIFF_DOWN))
        !           295:            stop_vif(vifi);
        !           296:     }
        !           297: }
        !           298: 
        !           299: 
        !           300: /*
        !           301:  * Initialize the vif and add to the kernel. The vif can be either
        !           302:  * physical, register or tunnel (tunnels will be used in the future
        !           303:  * when this code becomes PIM multicast boarder router.
        !           304:  */
        !           305: static void start_vif(vifi_t vifi)
        !           306: {
        !           307:     struct uvif *v;
        !           308: 
        !           309:     v  = &uvifs[vifi];
        !           310:     /* Initialy no router on any vif */
        !           311:     if (v->uv_flags & VIFF_REGISTER)
        !           312:        v->uv_flags = v->uv_flags & ~VIFF_DOWN;
        !           313:     else {
        !           314:        v->uv_flags = (v->uv_flags | VIFF_DR | VIFF_NONBRS) & ~VIFF_DOWN;
        !           315: 
        !           316:        /* */
        !           317:        v->uv_genid = RANDOM();
        !           318: 
        !           319:        SET_TIMER(v->uv_hello_timer, 1 + RANDOM() % pim_timer_hello_interval);
        !           320:        SET_TIMER(v->uv_jp_timer, 1 + RANDOM() % PIM_JOIN_PRUNE_PERIOD);
        !           321:        /* TODO: CHECK THE TIMERS!!!!! Set or reset? */
        !           322:        RESET_TIMER(v->uv_gq_timer);
        !           323:        v->uv_pim_neighbors = (pim_nbr_entry_t *)NULL;
        !           324:     }
        !           325: 
        !           326:     /* Tell kernel to add, i.e. start this vif */
        !           327:     k_add_vif(igmp_socket, vifi, &uvifs[vifi]);
        !           328:     logit(LOG_INFO, 0, "Interface %s comes up; vif #%u now in service", v->uv_name, vifi);
        !           329: 
        !           330:     if (!(v->uv_flags & VIFF_REGISTER)) {
        !           331:        /* Join the PIM multicast group on the interface. */
        !           332:        k_join(pim_socket, allpimrouters_group, v);
        !           333: 
        !           334:        /* Join the ALL-ROUTERS multicast group on the interface.  This
        !           335:         * allows mtrace requests to loop back if they are run on the
        !           336:         * multicast router. */
        !           337:        k_join(igmp_socket, allrouters_group, v);
        !           338: 
        !           339:        /* Join INADDR_ALLRPTS_GROUP to support IGMPv3 membership reports */
        !           340:        k_join(igmp_socket, allreports_group, v);
        !           341: 
        !           342:        /* Until neighbors are discovered, assume responsibility for sending
        !           343:         * periodic group membership queries to the subnet.  Send the first
        !           344:         * query. */
        !           345:        v->uv_flags |= VIFF_QUERIER;
        !           346:        query_groups(v);
        !           347: 
        !           348:        /* Send a probe via the new vif to look for neighbors. */
        !           349:        send_pim_hello(v, pim_timer_hello_holdtime);
        !           350:     }
        !           351: #ifdef __linux__
        !           352:     else {
        !           353:        struct ifreq ifr;
        !           354: 
        !           355:        memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(struct ifreq));
        !           356: 
        !           357:        if (mrt_table_id != 0) {
        !           358:                logit(LOG_INFO, 0, "Initializing pimreg%u", mrt_table_id);
        !           359:                snprintf(ifr.ifr_name, IFNAMSIZ, "pimreg%u", mrt_table_id);
        !           360:        } else {
        !           361:                strlcpy(ifr.ifr_name, "pimreg", IFNAMSIZ);
        !           362:        }
        !           363: 
        !           364:        if (ioctl(udp_socket, SIOGIFINDEX, (char *) &ifr) < 0) {
        !           365:            logit(LOG_ERR, errno, "ioctl SIOGIFINDEX for %s", ifr.ifr_name);
        !           366:            /* Not reached */
        !           367:            return;
        !           368:        }
        !           369: 
        !           370:        v->uv_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
        !           371:     }
        !           372: #endif /* __linux__ */
        !           373: }
        !           374: 
        !           375: 
        !           376: /*
        !           377:  * Stop a vif (either physical interface, tunnel or
        !           378:  * register.) If we are running only PIM we don't have tunnels.
        !           379:  */
        !           380: static void stop_vif(vifi_t vifi)
        !           381: {
        !           382:     struct uvif *v;
        !           383:     struct listaddr *a, *b;
        !           384:     pim_nbr_entry_t *n, *next;
        !           385:     struct vif_acl *acl;
        !           386: 
        !           387:     /*
        !           388:      * TODO: make sure that the kernel viftable is
        !           389:      * consistent with the daemon table
        !           390:      */
        !           391:     v = &uvifs[vifi];
        !           392:     if (!(v->uv_flags & VIFF_REGISTER)) {
        !           393:        k_leave(pim_socket, allpimrouters_group, v);
        !           394:        k_leave(igmp_socket, allrouters_group, v);
        !           395:        k_leave(igmp_socket, allreports_group, v);
        !           396: 
        !           397:        /* Discard all group addresses.  (No need to tell kernel;
        !           398:         * the k_del_vif() call will clean up kernel state.) */
        !           399:        while (v->uv_groups) {
        !           400:            a = v->uv_groups;
        !           401:            v->uv_groups = a->al_next;
        !           402: 
        !           403:            while (a->al_sources) {
        !           404:                b = a->al_sources;
        !           405:                a->al_sources = a->al_next;
        !           406:                free(b);
        !           407:            }
        !           408: 
        !           409:            free(a);
        !           410:        }
        !           411:     }
        !           412: 
        !           413:     /*
        !           414:      * TODO: inform (eventually) the neighbors I am going down by sending
        !           415:      * PIM_HELLO with holdtime=0 so someone else should become a DR.
        !           416:      */
        !           417:     /* TODO: dummy! Implement it!! Any problems if don't use it? */
        !           418:     delete_vif_from_mrt(vifi);
        !           419: 
        !           420:     /* Delete the interface from the kernel's vif structure. */
        !           421:     k_del_vif(igmp_socket, vifi, v);
        !           422: 
        !           423:     v->uv_flags = (v->uv_flags & ~VIFF_DR & ~VIFF_QUERIER & ~VIFF_NONBRS) | VIFF_DOWN;
        !           424:     if (!(v->uv_flags & VIFF_REGISTER)) {
        !           425:        RESET_TIMER(v->uv_hello_timer);
        !           426:        RESET_TIMER(v->uv_jp_timer);
        !           427:        RESET_TIMER(v->uv_gq_timer);
        !           428: 
        !           429:        for (n = v->uv_pim_neighbors; n; n = next) {
        !           430:            next = n->next;     /* Free the space for each neighbour */
        !           431:            delete_pim_nbr(n);
        !           432:        }
        !           433:        v->uv_pim_neighbors = NULL;
        !           434:     }
        !           435: 
        !           436:     /* TODO: currently not used */
        !           437:    /* The Access Control List (list with the scoped addresses) */
        !           438:     while (v->uv_acl) {
        !           439:        acl = v->uv_acl;
        !           440:        v->uv_acl = acl->acl_next;
        !           441:        free(acl);
        !           442:     }
        !           443: 
        !           444:     vifs_down = TRUE;
        !           445:     logit(LOG_INFO, 0, "Interface %s goes down; vif #%u out of service", v->uv_name, vifi);
        !           446: }
        !           447: 
        !           448: 
        !           449: /*
        !           450:  * Update the register vif in the multicast routing daemon and the
        !           451:  * kernel because the interface used initially to get its local address
        !           452:  * is DOWN. register_vifi is the index to the Register vif which needs
        !           453:  * to be updated. As a result the Register vif has a new uv_lcl_addr and
        !           454:  * is UP (virtually :))
        !           455:  */
        !           456: static int update_reg_vif(vifi_t register_vifi)
        !           457: {
        !           458:     struct uvif *v;
        !           459:     vifi_t vifi;
        !           460: 
        !           461:     /* Find the first useable vif with solid physical background */
        !           462:     for (vifi = 0, v = uvifs; vifi < numvifs; ++vifi, ++v) {
        !           463:        if (v->uv_flags & (VIFF_DISABLED | VIFF_DOWN | VIFF_REGISTER | VIFF_TUNNEL))
        !           464:            continue;
        !           465: 
        !           466:         /* Found. Stop the bogus Register vif first */
        !           467:        stop_vif(register_vifi);
        !           468:        uvifs[register_vifi].uv_lcl_addr = uvifs[vifi].uv_lcl_addr;
        !           469: 
        !           470:        start_vif(register_vifi);
        !           471:        IF_DEBUG(DEBUG_PIM_REGISTER | DEBUG_IF) {
        !           472:            logit(LOG_NOTICE, 0, "Interface %s has come up; vif #%u now in service",
        !           473:                  uvifs[register_vifi].uv_name, register_vifi);
        !           474:        }
        !           475: 
        !           476:        return 0;
        !           477:     }
        !           478: 
        !           479:     vifs_down = TRUE;
        !           480:     logit(LOG_WARNING, 0, "Cannot start Register vif: %s", uvifs[vifi].uv_name);
        !           481: 
        !           482:     return -1;
        !           483: }
        !           484: 
        !           485: 
        !           486: /*
        !           487:  * See if any interfaces have changed from up state to down, or vice versa,
        !           488:  * including any non-multicast-capable interfaces that are in use as local
        !           489:  * tunnel end-points.  Ignore interfaces that have been administratively
        !           490:  * disabled.
        !           491:  */
        !           492: void check_vif_state(void)
        !           493: {
        !           494:     vifi_t vifi;
        !           495:     struct uvif *v;
        !           496:     struct ifreq ifr;
        !           497:     static int checking_vifs = 0;
        !           498: 
        !           499:     /*
        !           500:      * XXX: TODO: True only for DVMRP?? Check.
        !           501:      * If we get an error while checking, (e.g. two interfaces go down
        !           502:      * at once, and we decide to send a prune out one of the failed ones)
        !           503:      * then don't go into an infinite loop!
        !           504:      */
        !           505:     if (checking_vifs)
        !           506:        return;
        !           507: 
        !           508:     vifs_down = FALSE;
        !           509:     checking_vifs = 1;
        !           510: 
        !           511:     /* TODO: Check all potential interfaces!!! */
        !           512:     /* Check the physical and tunnels only */
        !           513:     for (vifi = 0, v = uvifs; vifi < numvifs; ++vifi, ++v) {
        !           514:        if (v->uv_flags & (VIFF_DISABLED | VIFF_REGISTER))
        !           515:            continue;
        !           516: 
        !           517:        /* get the interface flags */
        !           518:        strlcpy(ifr.ifr_name, v->uv_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
        !           519:        if (ioctl(udp_socket, SIOCGIFFLAGS, (char *)&ifr) < 0) {
        !           520:            if (errno == ENODEV) {
        !           521:               logit(LOG_NOTICE, 0, "Interface %s has gone; vif #%u taken out of service", v->uv_name, vifi);
        !           522:               stop_vif(vifi);
        !           523:               vifs_down = TRUE;
        !           524:               continue;
        !           525:            }
        !           526: 
        !           527:           logit(LOG_ERR, errno, "check_vif_state: ioctl SIOCGIFFLAGS for %s", ifr.ifr_name);
        !           528:        }
        !           529: 
        !           530:        if (v->uv_flags & VIFF_DOWN) {
        !           531:            if (ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP)
        !           532:                start_vif(vifi);
        !           533:            else
        !           534:                vifs_down = TRUE;
        !           535:        } else {
        !           536:            if (!(ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP)) {
        !           537:                logit(LOG_NOTICE, 0, "Interface %s has gone down; vif #%u taken out of service", v->uv_name, vifi);
        !           538:                stop_vif(vifi);
        !           539:                vifs_down = TRUE;
        !           540:            }
        !           541:        }
        !           542:     }
        !           543: 
        !           544:     /* Check the register(s) vif(s) */
        !           545:     for (vifi = 0, v = uvifs; vifi < numvifs; ++vifi, ++v) {
        !           546:        vifi_t vifi2;
        !           547:        struct uvif *v2;
        !           548:        int found;
        !           549: 
        !           550:        if (!(v->uv_flags & VIFF_REGISTER))
        !           551:            continue;
        !           552: 
        !           553:        found = 0;
        !           554: 
        !           555:        /* Find a physical vif with the same IP address as the
        !           556:         * Register vif. */
        !           557:        for (vifi2 = 0, v2 = uvifs; vifi2 < numvifs; ++vifi2, ++v2) {
        !           558:            if (v2->uv_flags & (VIFF_DISABLED | VIFF_DOWN | VIFF_REGISTER | VIFF_TUNNEL))
        !           559:                continue;
        !           560: 
        !           561:            if (v->uv_lcl_addr != v2->uv_lcl_addr)
        !           562:                continue;
        !           563: 
        !           564:            found = 1;
        !           565:            break;
        !           566:        }
        !           567: 
        !           568:        /* The physical interface with the IP address as the Register
        !           569:         * vif is probably DOWN. Get a replacement. */
        !           570:        if (!found)
        !           571:            update_reg_vif(vifi);
        !           572:     }
        !           573: 
        !           574:     checking_vifs = 0;
        !           575: }
        !           576: 
        !           577: 
        !           578: /*
        !           579:  * If the source is directly connected to us, find the vif number for
        !           580:  * the corresponding physical interface (Register and tunnels excluded).
        !           581:  * Local addresses are excluded.
        !           582:  * Return the vif number or NO_VIF if not found.
        !           583:  */
        !           584: vifi_t find_vif_direct(uint32_t src)
        !           585: {
        !           586:     vifi_t vifi;
        !           587:     struct uvif *v;
        !           588:     struct phaddr *p;
        !           589: 
        !           590:     for (vifi = 0, v = uvifs; vifi < numvifs; ++vifi, ++v) {
        !           591:        if (v->uv_flags & (VIFF_DISABLED | VIFF_DOWN | VIFF_REGISTER | VIFF_TUNNEL))
        !           592:            continue;
        !           593: 
        !           594:        if (src == v->uv_lcl_addr)
        !           595:            return NO_VIF;      /* src is one of our IP addresses */
        !           596: 
        !           597:        if (is_uv_subnet(src, v))
        !           598:            return vifi;
        !           599: 
        !           600:        /* Check the extra subnets for this vif */
        !           601:        /* TODO: don't think currently pimd can handle extra subnets */
        !           602:        for (p = v->uv_addrs; p; p = p->pa_next) {
        !           603:            if (is_pa_subnet(src, v))
        !           604:                return vifi;
        !           605:        }
        !           606: 
        !           607:        /* POINTOPOINT but not VIFF_TUNNEL interface (e.g., GRE) */
        !           608:        if ((v->uv_flags & VIFF_POINT_TO_POINT) && (src == v->uv_rmt_addr))
        !           609:            return vifi;
        !           610:     }
        !           611: 
        !           612:     return NO_VIF;
        !           613: }
        !           614: 
        !           615: 
        !           616: /*
        !           617:  * Checks if src is local address. If "yes" return the vif index,
        !           618:  * otherwise return value is NO_VIF.
        !           619:  */
        !           620: vifi_t local_address(uint32_t src)
        !           621: {
        !           622:     vifi_t vifi;
        !           623:     struct uvif *v;
        !           624: 
        !           625:     for (vifi = 0, v = uvifs; vifi < numvifs; ++vifi, ++v) {
        !           626:        /* TODO: XXX: what about VIFF_TUNNEL? */
        !           627:        if (v->uv_flags & (VIFF_DISABLED | VIFF_DOWN | VIFF_REGISTER))
        !           628:            continue;
        !           629: 
        !           630:        if (src == v->uv_lcl_addr)
        !           631:            return vifi;
        !           632:     }
        !           633: 
        !           634:     /* Returning NO_VIF means not a local address */
        !           635:     return NO_VIF;
        !           636: }
        !           637: 
        !           638: /*
        !           639:  * If the source is directly connected, or is local address,
        !           640:  * find the vif number for the corresponding physical interface
        !           641:  * (Register and tunnels excluded).
        !           642:  * Return the vif number or NO_VIF if not found.
        !           643:  */
        !           644: vifi_t find_vif_direct_local(uint32_t src)
        !           645: {
        !           646:     vifi_t vifi;
        !           647:     struct uvif *v;
        !           648:     struct phaddr *p;
        !           649: 
        !           650:     for (vifi = 0, v = uvifs; vifi < numvifs; ++vifi, ++v) {
        !           651:        /* TODO: XXX: what about VIFF_TUNNEL? */
        !           652:        if (v->uv_flags & (VIFF_DISABLED | VIFF_DOWN | VIFF_REGISTER | VIFF_TUNNEL))
        !           653:            continue;
        !           654: 
        !           655:        if (src == v->uv_lcl_addr)
        !           656:            return vifi;        /* src is one of our IP addresses */
        !           657: 
        !           658:        if (is_uv_subnet(src, v))
        !           659:            return vifi;
        !           660: 
        !           661:        /* Check the extra subnets for this vif */
        !           662:        /* TODO: don't think currently pimd can handle extra subnets */
        !           663:        for (p = v->uv_addrs; p; p = p->pa_next) {
        !           664:            if (is_pa_subnet(src, v))
        !           665:                return vifi;
        !           666:        }
        !           667: 
        !           668:        /* POINTOPOINT but not VIFF_TUNNEL interface (e.g., GRE) */
        !           669:        if ((v->uv_flags & VIFF_POINT_TO_POINT) && (src == v->uv_rmt_addr))
        !           670:            return vifi;
        !           671:     }
        !           672: 
        !           673:     return NO_VIF;
        !           674: }
        !           675: 
        !           676: /*
        !           677:  * Returns the highest address of local vif that is UP and ENABLED.
        !           678:  * The VIFF_REGISTER interface(s) is/are excluded.
        !           679:  */
        !           680: uint32_t max_local_address(void)
        !           681: {
        !           682:     vifi_t vifi;
        !           683:     struct uvif *v;
        !           684:     uint32_t max_address = 0;
        !           685: 
        !           686:     for (vifi = 0, v = uvifs; vifi < numvifs; ++vifi, ++v) {
        !           687:        /* Count vif if not DISABLED or DOWN */
        !           688:        /* TODO: XXX: What about VIFF_TUNNEL? */
        !           689:        if (v->uv_flags & (VIFF_DISABLED | VIFF_DOWN | VIFF_REGISTER))
        !           690:            continue;
        !           691: 
        !           692:        if (ntohl(v->uv_lcl_addr) > ntohl(max_address))
        !           693:            max_address = v->uv_lcl_addr;
        !           694:     }
        !           695: 
        !           696:     return max_address;
        !           697: }
        !           698: 
        !           699: /**
        !           700:  * Local Variables:
        !           701:  *  version-control: t
        !           702:  *  indent-tabs-mode: t
        !           703:  *  c-file-style: "ellemtel"
        !           704:  *  c-basic-offset: 4
        !           705:  * End:
        !           706:  */

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