File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / pimdd / TESTING
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Mon Jun 12 07:58:55 2017 UTC (7 years, 9 months ago) by misho
Branches: pimdd, MAIN
CVS tags: v0_2_1p0, v0_2_1, HEAD

Neighbor establishment					passes manual
Neighbor addition w/ state (potential flood)		passes manual
Neighbor timeout 					passes manual
Neighbor timeout w/ state (potential prune)		passes manual
Cache miss-create S,G state				passes manual
Packet forwarding on flood (fwd to nbr)			passes manual
Packet forwarding on flood (fwd to host)		passes manual
MRT entry refresh on data				passes manual
MRT entry timeout					passes manual
IGMP group membership caching w/o state			passes manual
IGMP group membership report w/ state			passes manual
IGMP group membership leave w/ state			passes manual
<join/prune>						passes manual
<graft>							passes manual
<assert>						passes manual

<cisco interop>
<gated interop>

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