File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / pimdd / pimdd.conf
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Mon Jun 12 07:58:55 2017 UTC (7 years, 9 months ago) by misho
Branches: pimdd, MAIN
CVS tags: v0_2_1p0, v0_2_1, HEAD

#   This is the configuration file for "pimd", an IP multicast router.
#   pimd looks for it in "/etc/pimd.conf".
#   $Id: pimdd.conf,v 2017/06/12 07:58:55 misho Exp $
#   Command formats:
# default_source_preference <preference>
# default_source_metric <metric>
# phyint <local-addr> [disable] | [preference <preference>] [metric <metric>]
# By default PIM will be activated on all interfaces.  Use phyint to 
# disable on interfaces where PIM should not be run.
# Preferences are used by assert elections to determine upstream routers.
# Currently pimd cannot reliably obtain preferences and metrics from the
# unicast routing protocols, so a default preference may be configured.
# In an assert election, the router advertising the lowest assert preference
# will be selected as the (S,G)-forwarder and upstream router for the LAN.
# 101 should be sufficiently high so that asserts from Cisco or GateD
# routers are prefered over poor-little pimd.
# It is reccommended that preferences be set such that metrics are never
# consulted.  However, default metrics may also be set and will default to
# 1024.

#phyint disable
#phyint localpref 101
phyint disable

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