File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / quagga / bgpd / BGP4-MIB.txt
Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs - revision graph
Tue Feb 21 17:26:11 2012 UTC (12 years, 7 months ago) by misho
Branches: quagga, MAIN
CVS tags: v1_0_20160315, v0_99_22p0, v0_99_22, v0_99_21, v0_99_20_1, v0_99_20, HEAD

    3:         IMPORTS
    5:             IpAddress, Integer32, Counter32, Gauge32, mib-2
    6:                 FROM SNMPv2-SMI
    8:                 FROM SNMPv2-CONF;
   10:         bgp MODULE-IDENTITY
   11:             LAST-UPDATED "9902100000Z"
   12:             ORGANIZATION "IETF IDR Working Group"
   13:             CONTACT-INFO "E-mail:
   15:                           Susan Hares  (Editor)
   16:                           Merit Network
   17:                           4251 Plymouth Road
   18:                           Suite C
   19:                           Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2785
   20:                           Tel: +1 734 936 2095
   21:                           Fax: +1 734 647 3185
   22:                           E-mail:
   24:                           Jeff Johnson (Editor)
   25:                           RedBack Networks, Inc.
   26:                           1389 Moffett Park Drive
   27:                           Sunnyvale, CA  94089-1134
   28:                           Tel: +1 408 548 3516
   29:                           Fax: +1 408 548 3599
   30:                           E-mail:"
   31:             DESCRIPTION
   32:                     "The MIB module for BGP-4."
   33:             REVISION    "9902100000Z"
   34:             DESCRIPTION
   35:                     "Corrected duplicate OBJECT IDENTIFIER
   36:                      assignment in the conformance information."
   37:             REVISION    "9601080000Z"
   38:             DESCRIPTION
   39:                     "1) Fixed the definitions of the traps to
   40:                      make them equivalent to their initial
   41:                      definition in RFC 1269.
   42:                      2) Added compliance and conformance info."
   43:             ::= { mib-2 15 }
   45:         bgpVersion OBJECT-TYPE
   46:             SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..255))
   47:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
   48:             STATUS     current
   49:             DESCRIPTION
   50:                     "Vector of supported BGP protocol version
   51:                     numbers.  Each peer negotiates the version
   52:                     from this vector.  Versions are identified
   53:                     via the string of bits contained within this
   54:                     object.  The first octet contains bits 0 to
   55:                     7, the second octet contains bits 8 to 15,
   56:                     and so on, with the most significant bit
   57:                     referring to the lowest bit number in the
   58:                     octet (e.g., the MSB of the first octet
   59:                     refers to bit 0).  If a bit, i, is present
   60:                     and set, then the version (i+1) of the BGP
   61:                     is supported."
   62:             ::= { bgp 1 }
   64:         bgpLocalAs OBJECT-TYPE
   65:             SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
   66:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
   67:             STATUS     current
   68:             DESCRIPTION
   69:                     "The local autonomous system number."
   70:             ::= { bgp 2 }
   74:         -- BGP Peer table.  This table contains, one entry per BGP
   75:         -- peer, information about the BGP peer.
   77:         bgpPeerTable OBJECT-TYPE
   78:             SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF BgpPeerEntry
   79:             MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
   80:             STATUS     current
   81:             DESCRIPTION
   82:                     "BGP peer table.  This table contains,
   83:                     one entry per BGP peer, information about the
   84:                     connections with BGP peers."
   85:             ::= { bgp 3 }
   87:         bgpPeerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
   88:             SYNTAX     BgpPeerEntry
   89:             MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
   90:             STATUS     current
   91:             DESCRIPTION
   92:                     "Entry containing information about the
   93:                     connection with a BGP peer."
   94:             INDEX { bgpPeerRemoteAddr }
   95:             ::= { bgpPeerTable 1 }
   97:         BgpPeerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
   98:                 bgpPeerIdentifier
   99:                     IpAddress,
  100:                 bgpPeerState
  101:                     INTEGER,
  102:                 bgpPeerAdminStatus
  103:                     INTEGER,
  104:                 bgpPeerNegotiatedVersion
  105:                     Integer32,
  106:                 bgpPeerLocalAddr
  107:                     IpAddress,
  108:                 bgpPeerLocalPort
  109:                     INTEGER,
  110:                 bgpPeerRemoteAddr
  111:                     IpAddress,
  112:                 bgpPeerRemotePort
  113:                     INTEGER,
  114:                 bgpPeerRemoteAs
  115:                     INTEGER,
  116:                 bgpPeerInUpdates
  117:                     Counter32,
  118:                 bgpPeerOutUpdates
  119:                     Counter32,
  120:                 bgpPeerInTotalMessages
  121:                     Counter32,
  122:                 bgpPeerOutTotalMessages
  123:                     Counter32,
  124:                 bgpPeerLastError
  125:                     OCTET STRING,
  126:                 bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTransitions
  127:                     Counter32,
  128:                 bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime
  129:                     Gauge32,
  130:                 bgpPeerConnectRetryInterval
  131:                     INTEGER,
  132:                 bgpPeerHoldTime
  133:                     INTEGER,
  134:                 bgpPeerKeepAlive
  135:                     INTEGER,
  136:                 bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured
  137:                     INTEGER,
  138:                 bgpPeerKeepAliveConfigured
  139:                     INTEGER,
  140:                 bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval
  141:                     INTEGER,
  142:                 bgpPeerMinRouteAdvertisementInterval
  143:                     INTEGER,
  144:                 bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime
  145:                     Gauge32
  146:                 }
  148:         bgpPeerIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
  149:             SYNTAX     IpAddress
  150:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  151:             STATUS     current
  152:             DESCRIPTION
  153:                     "The BGP Identifier of this entry's BGP peer."
  154:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 1 }
  156:         bgpPeerState OBJECT-TYPE
  157:             SYNTAX     INTEGER {
  158:                                 idle(1),
  159:                                 connect(2),
  160:                                 active(3),
  161:                                 opensent(4),
  162:                                 openconfirm(5),
  163:                                 established(6)
  164:                        }
  165:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  166:             STATUS     current
  167:             DESCRIPTION
  168:                     "The BGP peer connection state."
  169:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 2 }
  171:         bgpPeerAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
  172:             SYNTAX     INTEGER {
  173:                                 stop(1),
  174:                                 start(2)
  175:                        }
  176:             MAX-ACCESS read-write
  177:             STATUS     current
  178:             DESCRIPTION
  179:                     "The desired state of the BGP connection.  A
  180:                     transition from 'stop' to 'start' will cause
  181:                     the BGP Start Event to be generated.  A
  182:                     transition from 'start' to 'stop' will cause
  183:                     the BGP Stop Event to be generated.  This
  184:                     parameter can be used to restart BGP peer
  185:                     connections.  Care should be used in providing
  186:                     write access to this object without adequate
  187:                     authentication."
  188:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 3 }
  190:         bgpPeerNegotiatedVersion OBJECT-TYPE
  191:             SYNTAX     Integer32
  192:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  193:             STATUS     current
  194:             DESCRIPTION
  195:                     "The negotiated version of BGP running between
  196:                     the two peers."
  197:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 4 }
  199:         bgpPeerLocalAddr OBJECT-TYPE
  200:             SYNTAX     IpAddress
  201:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  202:             STATUS     current
  203:             DESCRIPTION
  204:                     "The local IP address of this entry's BGP
  205:                     connection."
  206:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 5 }
  208:         bgpPeerLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
  209:             SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
  210:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  211:             STATUS     current
  212:             DESCRIPTION
  213:                     "The local port for the TCP connection between
  214:                     the BGP peers."
  215:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 6 }
  217:         bgpPeerRemoteAddr OBJECT-TYPE
  218:             SYNTAX     IpAddress
  219:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  220:             STATUS     current
  221:             DESCRIPTION
  222:                     "The remote IP address of this entry's BGP
  223:                     peer."
  224:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 7 }
  226:         bgpPeerRemotePort OBJECT-TYPE
  227:             SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
  228:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  229:             STATUS     current
  230:             DESCRIPTION
  231:                     "The remote port for the TCP connection between
  232:                     the BGP peers.  Note that the objects
  233:                     bgpPeerLocalAddr, bgpPeerLocalPort,
  234:                     bgpPeerRemoteAddr and bgpPeerRemotePort
  235:                     provide the appropriate reference to the
  236:                     standard MIB TCP connection table."
  237:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 8 }
  239:         bgpPeerRemoteAs OBJECT-TYPE
  240:             SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
  241:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  242:             STATUS     current
  243:             DESCRIPTION
  244:                     "The remote autonomous system number."
  245:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 9 }
  247:         bgpPeerInUpdates OBJECT-TYPE
  248:             SYNTAX     Counter32
  249:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  250:             STATUS     current
  251:             DESCRIPTION
  252:                     "The number of BGP UPDATE messages received on
  253:                     this connection.  This object should be
  254:                     initialized to zero (0) when the connection is
  255:                     established."
  256:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 10 }
  258:         bgpPeerOutUpdates OBJECT-TYPE
  259:             SYNTAX     Counter32
  260:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  261:             STATUS     current
  262:             DESCRIPTION
  263:                     "The number of BGP UPDATE messages transmitted
  264:                     on this connection.  This object should be
  265:                     initialized to zero (0) when the connection is
  266:                     established."
  267:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 11 }
  269:         bgpPeerInTotalMessages OBJECT-TYPE
  270:             SYNTAX     Counter32
  271:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  272:             STATUS     current
  273:             DESCRIPTION
  274:                     "The total number of messages received from the
  275:                     remote peer on this connection.  This object
  276:                     should be initialized to zero when the
  277:                     connection is established."
  278:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 12 }
  280:         bgpPeerOutTotalMessages OBJECT-TYPE
  281:             SYNTAX     Counter32
  282:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  283:             STATUS     current
  284:             DESCRIPTION
  285:                     "The total number of messages transmitted to
  286:                     the remote peer on this connection.  This object
  287:                     should be initialized to zero when the
  288:                     connection is established."
  289:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 13 }
  291:         bgpPeerLastError OBJECT-TYPE
  292:             SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
  293:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  294:             STATUS     current
  295:             DESCRIPTION
  296:                     "The last error code and subcode seen by this
  297:                     peer on this connection.  If no error has
  298:                     occurred, this field is zero.  Otherwise, the
  299:                     first byte of this two byte OCTET STRING
  300:                     contains the error code, and the second byte
  301:                     contains the subcode."
  302:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 14 }
  304:         bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTransitions OBJECT-TYPE
  305:             SYNTAX     Counter32
  306:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  307:             STATUS     current
  308:             DESCRIPTION
  309:                     "The total number of times the BGP FSM
  310:                     transitioned into the established state."
  311:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 15 }
  313:         bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime OBJECT-TYPE
  314:             SYNTAX     Gauge32
  315:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  316:             STATUS     current
  317:             DESCRIPTION
  318:                     "This timer indicates how long (in seconds) this
  319:                     peer has been in the Established state or how long
  320:                     since this peer was last in the Established state.
  321:                     It is set to zero when a new peer is configured or
  322:                     the router is booted."
  323:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 16 }
  325:         bgpPeerConnectRetryInterval OBJECT-TYPE
  326:             SYNTAX     INTEGER (1..65535)
  327:             MAX-ACCESS read-write
  328:             STATUS     current
  329:             DESCRIPTION
  330:                     "Time interval in seconds for the ConnectRetry
  331:                     timer.  The suggested value for this timer is
  332:                     120 seconds."
  333:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 17 }
  335:         bgpPeerHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE
  336:             SYNTAX     INTEGER  ( 0 | 3..65535 )
  337:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  338:             STATUS     current
  339:             DESCRIPTION
  340:                     "Time interval in seconds for the Hold Timer
  341:                     established with the peer.  The value of this
  342:                     object is calculated by this BGP speaker by
  343:                     using the smaller of the value in
  344:                     bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured and the Hold Time
  345:                     received in the OPEN message.  This value
  346:                     must be at lease three seconds if it is not
  347:                     zero (0) in which case the Hold Timer has
  348:                     not been established with the peer, or, the
  349:                     value of bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured is zero (0)."
  350:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 18 }
  352:         bgpPeerKeepAlive OBJECT-TYPE
  353:             SYNTAX     INTEGER ( 0 | 1..21845 )
  354:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  355:             STATUS     current
  356:             DESCRIPTION
  357:                     "Time interval in seconds for the KeepAlive
  358:                     timer established with the peer.  The value of
  359:                     this object is calculated by this BGP speaker
  360:                     such that, when compared with bgpPeerHoldTime,
  361:                     it has the same proportion as what
  362:                     bgpPeerKeepAliveConfigured has when compared
  363:                     with bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured.  If the value
  364:                     of this object is zero (0), it indicates that
  365:                     the KeepAlive timer has not been established
  366:                     with the peer, or, the value of
  367:                     bgpPeerKeepAliveConfigured is zero (0)."
  368:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 19 }
  370:         bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured OBJECT-TYPE
  371:             SYNTAX     INTEGER ( 0 | 3..65535 )
  372:             MAX-ACCESS read-write
  373:             STATUS     current
  374:             DESCRIPTION
  375:                     "Time interval in seconds for the Hold Time
  376:                     configured for this BGP speaker with this peer.
  377:                     This value is placed in an OPEN message sent to
  378:                     this peer by this BGP speaker, and is compared
  379:                     with the Hold Time field in an OPEN message
  380:                     received from the peer when determining the Hold
  381:                     Time (bgpPeerHoldTime) with the peer.  This value
  382:                     must not be less than three seconds if it is not
  383:                     zero (0) in which case the Hold Time is NOT to be
  384:                     established with the peer.  The suggested value for
  385:                     this timer is 90 seconds."
  386:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 20 }
  388:         bgpPeerKeepAliveConfigured OBJECT-TYPE
  389:             SYNTAX     INTEGER ( 0 | 1..21845 )
  390:             MAX-ACCESS read-write
  391:             STATUS     current
  392:             DESCRIPTION
  393:                     "Time interval in seconds for the KeepAlive timer
  394:                     configured for this BGP speaker with this peer.
  395:                     The value of this object will only determine the
  396:                     KEEPALIVE messages' frequency relative to the value
  397:                     specified in bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured; the actual
  398:                     time interval for the KEEPALIVE messages is
  399:                     indicated by bgpPeerKeepAlive.  A reasonable
  400:                     maximum value for this timer would be configured to
  401:                     be one third of that of bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured.
  402:                     If the value of this object is zero (0), no
  403:                     periodical KEEPALIVE messages are sent to the peer
  404:                     after the BGP connection has been established.  The
  405:                     suggested value for this timer is 30 seconds."
  406:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 21 }
  408:         bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval OBJECT-TYPE
  409:             SYNTAX     INTEGER (1..65535)
  410:             MAX-ACCESS read-write
  411:             STATUS     current
  412:             DESCRIPTION
  413:                     "Time interval in seconds for the
  414:                     MinASOriginationInterval timer.
  415:                     The suggested value for this timer is 15 seconds."
  416:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 22 }
  418:         bgpPeerMinRouteAdvertisementInterval OBJECT-TYPE
  419:             SYNTAX     INTEGER (1..65535)
  420:             MAX-ACCESS read-write
  421:             STATUS     current
  422:             DESCRIPTION
  423:                     "Time interval in seconds for the
  424:                     MinRouteAdvertisementInterval timer.
  425:                     The suggested value for this timer is 30 seconds."
  426:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 23 }
  428:         bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime OBJECT-TYPE
  429:             SYNTAX     Gauge32
  430:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  431:             STATUS     current
  432:             DESCRIPTION
  433:                     "Elapsed time in seconds since the last BGP
  434:                     UPDATE message was received from the peer.
  435:                     Each time bgpPeerInUpdates is incremented,
  436:                     the value of this object is set to zero (0)."
  437:             ::= { bgpPeerEntry 24 }
  441:         bgpIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
  442:             SYNTAX     IpAddress
  443:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  444:             STATUS     current
  445:             DESCRIPTION
  446:                     "The BGP Identifier of local system."
  447:             ::= { bgp 4 }
  451:         -- Received Path Attribute Table.  This table contains,
  452:         -- one entry per path to a network, path attributes
  453:         -- received from all peers running BGP version 3 or less.
  454:         -- This table is obsolete, having been replaced in
  455:         -- functionality with the bgp4PathAttrTable.
  457:         bgpRcvdPathAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE
  458:             SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF BgpPathAttrEntry
  459:             MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
  460:             STATUS     obsolete
  461:             DESCRIPTION
  462:                     "The BGP Received Path Attribute Table contains
  463:                     information about paths to destination networks
  464:                     received from all peers running BGP version 3 or
  465:                     less."
  466:             ::= { bgp 5 }
  468:         bgpPathAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  469:             SYNTAX     BgpPathAttrEntry
  470:             MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
  471:             STATUS     obsolete
  472:             DESCRIPTION
  473:                     "Information about a path to a network."
  474:             INDEX { bgpPathAttrDestNetwork,
  475:                     bgpPathAttrPeer        }
  476:             ::= { bgpRcvdPathAttrTable 1 }
  478:         BgpPathAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  479:             bgpPathAttrPeer
  480:                  IpAddress,
  481:             bgpPathAttrDestNetwork
  482:                  IpAddress,
  483:             bgpPathAttrOrigin
  484:                  INTEGER,
  485:             bgpPathAttrASPath
  486:                  OCTET STRING,
  487:             bgpPathAttrNextHop
  488:                  IpAddress,
  489:             bgpPathAttrInterASMetric
  490:                  Integer32
  491:         }
  493:         bgpPathAttrPeer OBJECT-TYPE
  494:             SYNTAX     IpAddress
  495:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  496:             STATUS     obsolete
  497:             DESCRIPTION
  498:                     "The IP address of the peer where the path
  499:                     information was learned."
  500:             ::= { bgpPathAttrEntry 1 }
  502:         bgpPathAttrDestNetwork OBJECT-TYPE
  503:             SYNTAX     IpAddress
  504:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  505:             STATUS     obsolete
  506:             DESCRIPTION
  507:                     "The address of the destination network."
  508:             ::= { bgpPathAttrEntry 2 }
  510:         bgpPathAttrOrigin OBJECT-TYPE
  511:             SYNTAX     INTEGER {
  512:                            igp(1),-- networks are interior
  513:                            egp(2),-- networks learned via EGP
  514:                            incomplete(3) -- undetermined
  515:                        }
  516:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  517:             STATUS     obsolete
  518:             DESCRIPTION
  519:                  "The ultimate origin of the path information."
  520:             ::= { bgpPathAttrEntry 3 }
  522:         bgpPathAttrASPath OBJECT-TYPE
  523:             SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (2..255))
  524:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  525:             STATUS     obsolete
  526:             DESCRIPTION
  527:                     "The set of ASs that must be traversed to reach
  528:                     the network.  This object is probably best
  529:                     represented as SEQUENCE OF INTEGER.  For SMI
  530:                     compatibility, though, it is represented as
  531:                     OCTET STRING.  Each AS is represented as a pair
  532:                     of octets according to the following algorithm:
  534:                         first-byte-of-pair = ASNumber / 256;
  535:                         second-byte-of-pair = ASNumber & 255;"
  536:             ::= { bgpPathAttrEntry 4 }
  538:         bgpPathAttrNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
  539:             SYNTAX     IpAddress
  540:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  541:             STATUS     obsolete
  542:             DESCRIPTION
  543:                     "The address of the border router that should
  544:                     be used for the destination network."
  545:             ::= { bgpPathAttrEntry 5 }
  547:         bgpPathAttrInterASMetric OBJECT-TYPE
  548:             SYNTAX     Integer32
  549:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  550:             STATUS     obsolete
  551:             DESCRIPTION
  552:                     "The optional inter-AS metric.  If this
  553:                     attribute has not been provided for this route,
  554:                     the value for this object is 0."
  555:             ::= { bgpPathAttrEntry 6 }
  559:         -- BGP-4 Received Path Attribute Table.  This table contains,
  560:         -- one entry per path to a network, path attributes
  561:         -- received from all peers running BGP-4.
  563:         bgp4PathAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE
  564:             SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF Bgp4PathAttrEntry
  565:             MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
  566:             STATUS     current
  567:             DESCRIPTION
  568:                     "The BGP-4 Received Path Attribute Table contains
  569:                     information about paths to destination networks
  570:                     received from all BGP4 peers."
  571:             ::= { bgp 6 }
  573:         bgp4PathAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  574:             SYNTAX     Bgp4PathAttrEntry
  575:             MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
  576:             STATUS     current
  577:             DESCRIPTION
  578:                     "Information about a path to a network."
  579:             INDEX { bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefix,
  580:                     bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen,
  581:                     bgp4PathAttrPeer            }
  582:             ::= { bgp4PathAttrTable 1 }
  584:         Bgp4PathAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  585:             bgp4PathAttrPeer
  586:                  IpAddress,
  587:             bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen
  588:                  INTEGER,
  589:             bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefix
  590:                  IpAddress,
  591:             bgp4PathAttrOrigin
  592:                  INTEGER,
  593:             bgp4PathAttrASPathSegment
  594:                  OCTET STRING,
  595:             bgp4PathAttrNextHop
  596:                  IpAddress,
  597:             bgp4PathAttrMultiExitDisc
  598:                  INTEGER,
  599:             bgp4PathAttrLocalPref
  600:                  INTEGER,
  601:             bgp4PathAttrAtomicAggregate
  602:                  INTEGER,
  603:             bgp4PathAttrAggregatorAS
  604:                  INTEGER,
  605:             bgp4PathAttrAggregatorAddr
  606:                  IpAddress,
  607:             bgp4PathAttrCalcLocalPref
  608:                  INTEGER,
  609:             bgp4PathAttrBest
  610:                  INTEGER,
  611:             bgp4PathAttrUnknown
  612:                  OCTET STRING
  613:         }
  615:         bgp4PathAttrPeer OBJECT-TYPE
  616:             SYNTAX     IpAddress
  617:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  618:             STATUS     current
  619:             DESCRIPTION
  620:                     "The IP address of the peer where the path
  621:                     information was learned."
  622:             ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 1 }
  623:         bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE
  624:             SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..32)
  625:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  626:             STATUS     current
  627:             DESCRIPTION
  628:                     "Length in bits of the IP address prefix in the
  629:                     Network Layer Reachability Information field."
  630:             ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 2 }
  632:         bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefix OBJECT-TYPE
  633:             SYNTAX     IpAddress
  634:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  635:             STATUS     current
  636:             DESCRIPTION
  637:                     "An IP address prefix in the Network Layer
  638:                     Reachability Information field.  This object
  639:                     is an IP address containing the prefix with
  640:                     length specified by bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen.
  641:                     Any bits beyond the length specified by
  642:                     bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen are zeroed."
  643:             ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 3 }
  645:         bgp4PathAttrOrigin OBJECT-TYPE
  646:             SYNTAX     INTEGER {
  647:                                  igp(1),-- networks are interior
  648:                                  egp(2),-- networks learned via EGP
  649:                                  incomplete(3) -- undetermined
  650:                                }
  651:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  652:             STATUS     current
  653:             DESCRIPTION
  654:                     "The ultimate origin of the path information."
  655:             ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 4 }
  657:         bgp4PathAttrASPathSegment OBJECT-TYPE
  658:             SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (2..255))
  659:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  660:             STATUS     current
  661:             DESCRIPTION
  662:                     "The sequence of AS path segments.  Each AS
  663:                     path segment is represented by a triple
  664:                     <type, length, value>.
  666:                     The type is a 1-octet field which has two
  667:                     possible values:
  668:                          1      AS_SET: unordered set of ASs a
  669:                                      route in the UPDATE message
  670:                                      has traversed
  671:                          2      AS_SEQUENCE: ordered set of ASs
  672:                                      a route in the UPDATE message
  673:                                      has traversed.
  675:                     The length is a 1-octet field containing the
  676:                     number of ASs in the value field.
  678:                     The value field contains one or more AS
  679:                     numbers, each AS is represented in the octet
  680:                     string as a pair of octets according to the
  681:                     following algorithm:
  683:                         first-byte-of-pair = ASNumber / 256;
  684:                         second-byte-of-pair = ASNumber & 255;"
  685:             ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 5 }
  687:         bgp4PathAttrNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
  688:             SYNTAX     IpAddress
  689:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  690:             STATUS     current
  691:             DESCRIPTION
  692:                     "The address of the border router that should
  693:                     be used for the destination network."
  694:             ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 6 }
  696:         bgp4PathAttrMultiExitDisc OBJECT-TYPE
  697:             SYNTAX     INTEGER (-1..2147483647)
  698:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  699:             STATUS     current
  700:             DESCRIPTION
  701:                     "This metric is used to discriminate between
  702:                     multiple exit points to an adjacent autonomous
  703:                     system.  A value of -1 indicates the absence of
  704:                     this attribute."
  705:             ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 7 }
  707:         bgp4PathAttrLocalPref OBJECT-TYPE
  708:             SYNTAX     INTEGER (-1..2147483647)
  709:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  710:             STATUS     current
  711:             DESCRIPTION
  712:                     "The originating BGP4 speaker's degree of
  713:                     preference for an advertised route.  A value of
  714:                     -1 indicates the absence of this attribute."
  715:             ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 8 }
  717:         bgp4PathAttrAtomicAggregate OBJECT-TYPE
  718:             SYNTAX     INTEGER {
  719:                            lessSpecificRrouteNotSelected(1),
  720:                            lessSpecificRouteSelected(2)
  721:                        }
  722:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  723:             STATUS     current
  724:             DESCRIPTION
  725:                     "Whether or not a system has selected
  726:                     a less specific route without selecting a
  727:                     more specific route."
  728:             ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 9 }
  730:         bgp4PathAttrAggregatorAS OBJECT-TYPE
  731:             SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
  732:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  733:             STATUS     current
  734:             DESCRIPTION
  735:                     "The AS number of the last BGP4 speaker that
  736:                     performed route aggregation.  A value of zero (0)
  737:                     indicates the absence of this attribute."
  738:             ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 10 }
  740:         bgp4PathAttrAggregatorAddr OBJECT-TYPE
  741:             SYNTAX     IpAddress
  742:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  743:             STATUS     current
  744:             DESCRIPTION
  745:                     "The IP address of the last BGP4 speaker that
  746:                      performed route aggregation.  A value of
  747:             indicates the absence of this attribute."
  748:             ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 11 }
  750:         bgp4PathAttrCalcLocalPref OBJECT-TYPE
  751:             SYNTAX     INTEGER (-1..2147483647)
  752:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  753:             STATUS     current
  754:             DESCRIPTION
  755:                     "The degree of preference calculated by the
  756:                     receiving BGP4 speaker for an advertised route.
  757:                     A value of -1 indicates the absence of this
  758:                     attribute."
  759:             ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 12 }
  761:         bgp4PathAttrBest OBJECT-TYPE
  762:             SYNTAX     INTEGER {
  763:                            false(1),-- not chosen as best route
  764:                            true(2) -- chosen as best route
  765:                        }
  766:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  767:             STATUS     current
  768:             DESCRIPTION
  769:                     "An indication of whether or not this route
  770:                     was chosen as the best BGP4 route."
  771:             ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 13 }
  773:         bgp4PathAttrUnknown OBJECT-TYPE
  774:             SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
  775:             MAX-ACCESS read-only
  776:             STATUS     current
  777:             DESCRIPTION
  778:                     "One or more path attributes not understood
  779:                      by this BGP4 speaker.  Size zero (0) indicates
  780:                      the absence of such attribute(s).  Octets
  781:                      beyond the maximum size, if any, are not
  782:                      recorded by this object."
  783:             ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 14 }
  786:         -- Traps.
  788:         -- note that in RFC 1657, bgpTraps was incorrectly
  789:         -- assigned a value of { bgp 7 }, and each of the
  790:         -- traps had the bgpPeerRemoteAddr object inappropriately
  791:         -- removed from their OBJECTS clause.  The following
  792:         -- definitions restore the semantics of the traps as
  793:         -- they were initially defined in RFC 1269.
  795:         -- { bgp 7 } is unused
  797:         bgpTraps          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bgp 0 }
  799:         bgpEstablished NOTIFICATION-TYPE
  800:             OBJECTS { bgpPeerRemoteAddr,
  801:                       bgpPeerLastError,
  802:                       bgpPeerState      }
  803:             STATUS  current
  804:             DESCRIPTION
  805:                     "The BGP Established event is generated when
  806:                     the BGP FSM enters the ESTABLISHED state."
  807:             ::= { bgpTraps 1 }
  809:         bgpBackwardTransition NOTIFICATION-TYPE
  810:             OBJECTS { bgpPeerRemoteAddr,
  811:                       bgpPeerLastError,
  812:                       bgpPeerState      }
  813:             STATUS  current
  814:             DESCRIPTION
  815:                     "The BGPBackwardTransition Event is generated
  816:                     when the BGP FSM moves from a higher numbered
  817:                     state to a lower numbered state."
  818:             ::= { bgpTraps 2 }
  820:         -- conformance information
  822:         bgpMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bgp 8 }
  823:         bgpMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bgpMIBConformance 1 }
  824:         bgpMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bgpMIBConformance 2 }
  826:         -- compliance statements
  828:         bgpMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
  829:             STATUS  current
  830:             DESCRIPTION
  831:                     "The compliance statement for entities which
  832:                      implement the BGP4 mib."
  833:             MODULE  -- this module
  834:                 MANDATORY-GROUPS { bgp4MIBGlobalsGroup,
  835:                                    bgp4MIBPeerGroup,
  836:                                    bgp4MIBPathAttrGroup,
  837:                                    bgp4MIBNotificationGroup }
  838:             ::= { bgpMIBCompliances 1 }
  840:         -- units of conformance
  842:         bgp4MIBGlobalsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
  843:             OBJECTS { bgpVersion,
  844:                       bgpLocalAs,
  845:                       bgpIdentifier }
  846:             STATUS  current
  847:             DESCRIPTION
  848:                     "A collection of objects providing information
  849:                      on global BGP state."
  850:             ::= { bgpMIBGroups 1 }
  852:         bgp4MIBPeerGroup OBJECT-GROUP
  853:             OBJECTS { bgpPeerIdentifier,
  854:                       bgpPeerState,
  855:                       bgpPeerAdminStatus,
  856:                       bgpPeerNegotiatedVersion,
  857:                       bgpPeerLocalAddr,
  858:                       bgpPeerLocalPort,
  859:                       bgpPeerRemoteAddr,
  860:                       bgpPeerRemotePort,
  861:                       bgpPeerRemoteAs,
  862:                       bgpPeerInUpdates,
  863:                       bgpPeerOutUpdates,
  864:                       bgpPeerInTotalMessages,
  865:                       bgpPeerOutTotalMessages,
  866:                       bgpPeerLastError,
  867:                       bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTransitions,
  868:                       bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime,
  869:                       bgpPeerConnectRetryInterval,
  870:                       bgpPeerHoldTime,
  871:                       bgpPeerKeepAlive,
  872:                       bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured,
  873:                       bgpPeerKeepAliveConfigured,
  874:                       bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval,
  875:                       bgpPeerMinRouteAdvertisementInterval,
  876:                       bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime }
  877:             STATUS  current
  878:             DESCRIPTION
  879:                     "A collection of objects for managing
  880:                      BGP peers."
  881:             ::= { bgpMIBGroups 2 }
  883:         bgp4MIBRcvdPathAttrGroup OBJECT-GROUP
  884:             OBJECTS { bgpPathAttrPeer,
  885:                       bgpPathAttrDestNetwork,
  886:                       bgpPathAttrOrigin,
  887:                       bgpPathAttrASPath,
  888:                       bgpPathAttrNextHop,
  889:                       bgpPathAttrInterASMetric }
  890:             STATUS  obsolete
  891:             DESCRIPTION
  892:                     "A collection of objects for managing BGP
  893:                      path entries.
  895:                      This conformance group is obsolete,
  896:                      replaced by bgp4MIBPathAttrGroup."
  897:             ::= { bgpMIBGroups 3 }
  899:         bgp4MIBPathAttrGroup OBJECT-GROUP
  900:             OBJECTS { bgp4PathAttrPeer,
  901:                       bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen,
  902:                       bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefix,
  903:                       bgp4PathAttrOrigin,
  904:                       bgp4PathAttrASPathSegment,
  905:                       bgp4PathAttrNextHop,
  906:                       bgp4PathAttrMultiExitDisc,
  907:                       bgp4PathAttrLocalPref,
  908:                       bgp4PathAttrAtomicAggregate,
  909:                       bgp4PathAttrAggregatorAS,
  910:                       bgp4PathAttrAggregatorAddr,
  911:                       bgp4PathAttrCalcLocalPref,
  912:                       bgp4PathAttrBest,
  913:                       bgp4PathAttrUnknown }
  914:             STATUS  current
  915:             DESCRIPTION
  916:                     "A collection of objects for managing
  917:                      BGP path entries."
  918:             ::= { bgpMIBGroups 4 }
  920:         bgp4MIBNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
  921:             NOTIFICATIONS { bgpEstablished,
  922:                             bgpBackwardTransition }
  923:             STATUS  current
  924:             DESCRIPTION
  925:                     "A collection of notifications for signaling
  926:                     changes in BGP peer relationships."
  927:             ::= { bgpMIBGroups 5 }
  929:     END

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