Annotation of embedaddon/quagga/doc/, revision 1.1
1.1 ! misho 1: ## Process this file with automake to produce
! 2:
! 3: # Dia, the version i have at least, doesn't do very good EPS output
! 4: # (some of the text is scaled strangely). So this will work, but
! 5: # it is probably better to use something like gimp to convert the
! 6: # dia exported PNG files to EPS manually.
! 7: #
! 8: # Here we use 'convert' from the well known 'ImageMagick' package
! 9: # to do conversion from png to eps/pdf for figures.
! 10: # PDF form is required for quagga.pdf, using PDFTex at least.
! 11: #
! 12: # TeX implementation, which we depend on already anyway.
! 13: #
! 14: # dia -> (dia) -> png -> (convert) -> eps -> (epstopdf) -> pdf
! 15: SUFFIXES = .png .eps .dia .pdf
! 16: DIATOPNG = dia -t png -e
! 17: DIATOEPS = dia -t eps -e
! 18: PNGTOEPS = convert -antialias -contrast -despeckle
! 20: EPSTOPDF = epstopdf
! 21:
! 22: # The figure sources
! 23: figures_names_parts = -normal-processing -rs-processing \
! 24: _topologies_full _topologies_rs
! 25: figures_sources = $(figures_names_parts:%=fig%.dia)
! 26: figures_png = $(figures_names_parts:%=fig%.png)
! 27: figures_pdf = $(figures_names_parts:%=fig%.pdf)
! 28: figures_eps = $(figures_names_parts:%=fig%.eps)
! 29: figures_txt = $(figures_names_parts:%=fig%.txt)
! 30:
! 31: # rather twisted logic because we have to build PDFs of the EPS figures for
! 32: # PDFTex and yet build one PDF, quagga.pdf, from texi source. Which means we
! 33: # cant rely on a single automatic rule for *.pdf, eg the one automatically
! 34: # provided by automake. If you are an automake wizard, please feel free to
! 35: # compact it somehow.
! 36:
! 37: # Built from
! 38: BUILT_SOURCES = defines.texi
! 39:
! 40: info_TEXINFOS = quagga.texi
! 41:
! 42: # Have to manually specify the quagga.pdf rule in order to allow
! 43: # us to have a generic automatic .pdf rule to build the figure sources
! 44: # because it cant just work from the png's directly it seems - contrary
! 45: # to the documentation...
! 46: quagga.pdf: $(info_TEXINFOS) $(figures_pdf) $(quagga_TEXINFOS)
! 47: $(TEXI2PDF) -o "$@" $<
! 48:
! 49: quagga_TEXINFOS = appendix.texi basic.texi bgpd.texi filter.texi install.texi \
! 50: ipv6.texi kernel.texi main.texi ospf6d.texi ospfd.texi overview.texi \
! 51: protocol.texi ripd.texi ripngd.texi routemap.texi snmp.texi \
! 52: vtysh.texi routeserver.texi defines.texi $(figures_png) snmptrap.texi \
! 53: $(figures_txt)
! 54:
! 55: .png.eps:
! 56: $(PNGTOEPS) $< "$@"
! 57:
! 58: .png.pdf:
! 59: $(PNGTOPDF) $< "$@"
! 60:
! 61: .dia.png:
! 62: $(DIATOPNG) "$@" $<
! 63:
! 64: man_MANS = vtysh.1 bgpd.8 ospf6d.8 ospfd.8 ripd.8 ripngd.8 zebra.8 isisd.8
! 65:
! 66: EXTRA_DIST = BGP-TypeCode draft-zebra-00.txt $(man_MANS) \
! 67: mpls/ChangeLog.opaque.txt mpls/cli_summary.txt \
! 68: mpls/opaque_lsa.txt mpls/ospfd.conf \
! 69: $(figures_sources) $(figures_png) $(figures_txt)
! 70:
! 71: draft-zebra-00.txt:
! 72: groff -T ascii -ms $< > $@
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