Annotation of embedaddon/quagga/ripd/RIPv2-MIB.txt, revision

1.1       misho       1:    RIPv2-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN
                      3:    IMPORTS
                      4:        MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32,
                      5:        TimeTicks, IpAddress                     FROM SNMPv2-SMI
                      6:        TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, RowStatus            FROM SNMPv2-TC
                      7:        MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP          FROM SNMPv2-CONF
                      8:        mib-2                                    FROM RFC1213-MIB;
                     10:    --  This MIB module uses the extended OBJECT-TYPE macro as
                     11:    --  defined in [9].
                     13:    rip2  MODULE-IDENTITY
                     14:            LAST-UPDATED "9407272253Z"      -- Wed Jul 27 22:53:04 PDT 1994
                     15:            ORGANIZATION "IETF RIP-II Working Group"
                     16:            CONTACT-INFO
                     17:           "       Fred Baker
                     18:           Postal: Cisco Systems
                     19:                   519 Lado Drive
                     20:                   Santa Barbara, California 93111
                     21:           Tel:    +1 805 681 0115
                     22:           E-Mail:
                     24:           Postal: Gary Malkin
                     25:                   Xylogics, Inc.
                     26:                   53 Third Avenue
                     27:                   Burlington, MA  01803
                     29:           Phone:  (617) 272-8140
                     30:           EMail:  gmalkin@Xylogics.COM"
                     31:       DESCRIPTION
                     32:          "The MIB module to describe the RIP2 Version 2 Protocol"
                     33:      ::= { mib-2 23 }
                     35:  --  RIP-2 Management Information Base
                     37:  -- the RouteTag type represents the contents of the
                     38:  -- Route Domain field in the packet header or route entry.
                     39:  -- The use of the Route Domain is deprecated.
                     41:  RouteTag ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
                     42:      STATUS      current
                     43:      DESCRIPTION
                     44:         "the RouteTag type represents the contents of the Route Domain
                     45:         field in the packet header or route entry"
                     46:     SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
                     48: --4.1 Global Counters
                     50: --      The RIP-2 Globals Group.
                     51: --      Implementation of this group is mandatory for systems
                     52: --      which implement RIP-2.
                     54: -- These counters are intended to facilitate debugging quickly
                     55: -- changing routes or failing neighbors
                     57: rip2Globals OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rip2 1 }
                     59:     rip2GlobalRouteChanges OBJECT-TYPE
                     60:         SYNTAX   Counter32
                     61:         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
                     62:         STATUS   current
                     63:         DESCRIPTION
                     64:            "The number of route changes made to the IP Route
                     65:            Database by RIP.  This does not include the refresh
                     66:            of a route's age."
                     67:        ::= { rip2Globals 1 }
                     69:     rip2GlobalQueries OBJECT-TYPE
                     70:         SYNTAX   Counter32
                     71:         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
                     72:         STATUS   current
                     73:         DESCRIPTION
                     74:            "The number of responses sent to RIP queries
                     75:            from other systems."
                     76:        ::= { rip2Globals 2 }
                     78: --4.2 RIP Interface Tables
                     80: --  RIP Interfaces Groups
                     81: --  Implementation of these Groups is mandatory for systems
                     82: --  which implement RIP-2.
                     84: -- The RIP Interface Status Table.
                     86:     rip2IfStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
                     87:         SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF Rip2IfStatEntry
                     88:         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
                     89:         STATUS   current
                     90:         DESCRIPTION
                     91:            "A list of subnets which require separate
                     92:            status monitoring in RIP."
                     93:        ::= { rip2 2 }
                     95:    rip2IfStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                     96:        SYNTAX   Rip2IfStatEntry
                     97:        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
                     98:        STATUS   current
                     99:        DESCRIPTION
                    100:           "A Single Routing Domain in a single Subnet."
                    101:       INDEX { rip2IfStatAddress }
                    102:       ::= { rip2IfStatTable 1 }
                    104:     Rip2IfStatEntry ::=
                    105:         SEQUENCE {
                    106:             rip2IfStatAddress
                    107:                 IpAddress,
                    108:             rip2IfStatRcvBadPackets
                    109:                 Counter32,
                    110:             rip2IfStatRcvBadRoutes
                    111:                 Counter32,
                    112:             rip2IfStatSentUpdates
                    113:                 Counter32,
                    114:             rip2IfStatStatus
                    115:                 RowStatus
                    116:     }
                    118:     rip2IfStatAddress OBJECT-TYPE
                    119:         SYNTAX   IpAddress
                    120:         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
                    121:         STATUS   current
                    122:         DESCRIPTION
                    123:            "The IP Address of this system on the indicated
                    124:            subnet. For unnumbered interfaces, the value 0.0.0.N,
                    125:            where the least significant 24 bits (N) is the ifIndex
                    126:            for the IP Interface in network byte order."
                    127:        ::= { rip2IfStatEntry 1 }
                    129:     rip2IfStatRcvBadPackets OBJECT-TYPE
                    130:         SYNTAX   Counter32
                    131:         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
                    132:         STATUS   current
                    133:         DESCRIPTION
                    134:            "The number of RIP response packets received by
                    135:            the RIP process which were subsequently discarded
                    136:            for any reason (e.g. a version 0 packet, or an
                    137:            unknown command type)."
                    138:        ::= { rip2IfStatEntry 2 }
                    140:     rip2IfStatRcvBadRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
                    141:         SYNTAX   Counter32
                    142:         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
                    143:         STATUS   current
                    144:         DESCRIPTION
                    145:            "The number of routes, in valid RIP packets,
                    146:            which were ignored for any reason (e.g. unknown
                    147:            address family, or invalid metric)."
                    148:        ::= { rip2IfStatEntry 3 }
                    150:     rip2IfStatSentUpdates OBJECT-TYPE
                    151:         SYNTAX   Counter32
                    152:         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
                    153:         STATUS   current
                    154:         DESCRIPTION
                    155:            "The number of triggered RIP updates actually
                    156:            sent on this interface.  This explicitly does
                    157:            NOT include full updates sent containing new
                    158:            information."
                    159:        ::= { rip2IfStatEntry 4 }
                    161:     rip2IfStatStatus OBJECT-TYPE
                    162:         SYNTAX   RowStatus
                    163:         MAX-ACCESS   read-create
                    164:         STATUS   current
                    165:         DESCRIPTION
                    166:            "Writing invalid has the effect of deleting
                    167:            this interface."
                    168:        ::= { rip2IfStatEntry 5 }
                    170: -- The RIP Interface Configuration Table.
                    172:     rip2IfConfTable OBJECT-TYPE
                    173:         SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF Rip2IfConfEntry
                    174:         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
                    175:         STATUS   current
                    176:         DESCRIPTION
                    177:            "A list of subnets which require separate
                    178:            configuration in RIP."
                    179:        ::= { rip2 3 }
                    181:    rip2IfConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                    182:        SYNTAX   Rip2IfConfEntry
                    183:        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
                    184:        STATUS   current
                    185:        DESCRIPTION
                    186:           "A Single Routing Domain in a single Subnet."
                    187:       INDEX { rip2IfConfAddress }
                    188:       ::= { rip2IfConfTable 1 }
                    190:     Rip2IfConfEntry ::=
                    191:         SEQUENCE {
                    192:             rip2IfConfAddress
                    193:                 IpAddress,
                    194:             rip2IfConfDomain
                    195:                 RouteTag,
                    196:             rip2IfConfAuthType
                    197:                 INTEGER,
                    198:             rip2IfConfAuthKey
                    199:                 OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..16)),
                    200:             rip2IfConfSend
                    201:                 INTEGER,
                    202:             rip2IfConfReceive
                    203:                 INTEGER,
                    204:             rip2IfConfDefaultMetric
                    205:                 INTEGER,
                    206:             rip2IfConfStatus
                    207:                 RowStatus,
                    208:             rip2IfConfSrcAddress
                    209:                 IpAddress
                    210:     }
                    212:     rip2IfConfAddress OBJECT-TYPE
                    213:         SYNTAX   IpAddress
                    214:         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
                    215:         STATUS   current
                    216:         DESCRIPTION
                    217:            "The IP Address of this system on the indicated
                    218:            subnet.  For unnumbered interfaces, the value 0.0.0.N,
                    219:            where the least significant 24 bits (N) is the ifIndex
                    220:            for the IP Interface in network byte order."
                    221:        ::= { rip2IfConfEntry 1 }
                    223:     rip2IfConfDomain OBJECT-TYPE
                    224:         SYNTAX   RouteTag
                    225:         MAX-ACCESS   read-create
                    226:         STATUS   obsolete
                    227:         DESCRIPTION
                    228:            "Value inserted into the Routing Domain field
                    229:            of all RIP packets sent on this interface."
                    230:        DEFVAL { '0000'h }
                    231:        ::= { rip2IfConfEntry 2 }
                    233:     rip2IfConfAuthType OBJECT-TYPE
                    234:         SYNTAX   INTEGER {
                    235:                     noAuthentication (1),
                    236:                     simplePassword (2),
                    237:                     md5 (3)
                    238:                  }
                    239:         MAX-ACCESS   read-create
                    240:         STATUS   current
                    241:         DESCRIPTION
                    242:            "The type of Authentication used on this
                    243:            interface."
                    244:        DEFVAL { noAuthentication }
                    245:        ::= { rip2IfConfEntry 3 }
                    247:     rip2IfConfAuthKey OBJECT-TYPE
                    248:         SYNTAX   OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..16))
                    249:         MAX-ACCESS   read-create
                    250:         STATUS   current
                    251:         DESCRIPTION
                    252:            "The value to be used as the Authentication Key
                    253:            whenever the corresponding instance of
                    254:            rip2IfConfAuthType has a value other than
                    255:            noAuthentication.  A modification of the corresponding
                    256:            instance of rip2IfConfAuthType does not modify
                    257:            the rip2IfConfAuthKey value.  If a string shorter
                    258:            than 16 octets is supplied, it will be left-
                    259:            justified and padded to 16 octets, on the right,
                    260:            with nulls (0x00).
                    262:            Reading this object always results in an  OCTET
                    263:            STRING of length zero; authentication may not
                    264:            be bypassed by reading the MIB object."
                    265:        DEFVAL { ''h }
                    266:        ::= { rip2IfConfEntry 4 }
                    268:     rip2IfConfSend OBJECT-TYPE
                    269:         SYNTAX   INTEGER {
                    270:                     doNotSend (1),
                    271:                     ripVersion1 (2),
                    272:                     rip1Compatible (3),
                    273:                     ripVersion2 (4),
                    274:                     ripV1Demand (5),
                    275:                     ripV2Demand (6)
                    276:                  }
                    277:         MAX-ACCESS   read-create
                    278:         STATUS   current
                    279:         DESCRIPTION
                    280:            "What the router sends on this interface.
                    281:            ripVersion1 implies sending RIP updates compliant
                    282:            with  RFC  1058.   rip1Compatible implies
                    283:            broadcasting RIP-2 updates using RFC 1058 route
                    284:            subsumption rules.  ripVersion2 implies
                    285:            multicasting RIP-2 updates.  ripV1Demand indicates
                    286:            the use of Demand RIP on a WAN interface under RIP
                    287:            Version 1 rules.  ripV2Demand indicates the use of
                    288:            Demand RIP on a WAN interface under Version 2 rules."
                    289:        DEFVAL { rip1Compatible }
                    290:        ::= { rip2IfConfEntry 5 }
                    292:     rip2IfConfReceive OBJECT-TYPE
                    293:         SYNTAX   INTEGER {
                    294:                     rip1 (1),
                    295:                     rip2 (2),
                    296:                     rip1OrRip2 (3),
                    297:                     doNotRecieve (4)
                    298:                  }
                    299:         MAX-ACCESS   read-create
                    300:         STATUS   current
                    301:         DESCRIPTION
                    302:            "This indicates which version of RIP updates
                    303:            are to be accepted.  Note that rip2 and
                    304:            rip1OrRip2 implies reception of multicast
                    305:            packets."
                    306:        DEFVAL { rip1OrRip2 }
                    307:        ::= { rip2IfConfEntry 6 }
                    309:     rip2IfConfDefaultMetric OBJECT-TYPE
                    310:         SYNTAX   INTEGER ( 0..15 )
                    311:         MAX-ACCESS   read-create
                    312:         STATUS   current
                    313:         DESCRIPTION
                    314:            "This variable indicates the metric that is to
                    315:            be used for the default route entry in RIP updates
                    316:            originated on this interface.  A value of zero
                    317:            indicates that no default route should be
                    318:            originated; in this case, a default route via
                    319:            another router may be propagated."
                    320:        ::= { rip2IfConfEntry 7 }
                    322:     rip2IfConfStatus OBJECT-TYPE
                    323:         SYNTAX   RowStatus
                    324:         MAX-ACCESS   read-create
                    325:         STATUS   current
                    326:         DESCRIPTION
                    327:            "Writing invalid has  the  effect  of  deleting
                    328:            this interface."
                    329:        ::= { rip2IfConfEntry 8 }
                    331:     rip2IfConfSrcAddress OBJECT-TYPE
                    332:         SYNTAX   IpAddress
                    333:         MAX-ACCESS   read-create
                    334:         STATUS   current
                    335:         DESCRIPTION
                    336:            "The IP Address this system will use as a source
                    337:             address on this interface.  If it is a numbered
                    338:             interface, this MUST be the same value as
                    339:             rip2IfConfAddress.  On unnumbered interfaces,
                    340:             it must be the value of rip2IfConfAddress for
                    341:             some interface on the system."
                    342:        ::= { rip2IfConfEntry 9 }
                    344: --4.3 Peer Table
                    346: --  Peer Table
                    348: --      The RIP Peer Group
                    349: --      Implementation of this Group is Optional
                    351: --      This group provides information about active peer
                    352: --      relationships intended to assist in debugging.  An
                    353: --      active peer is a router from which a valid RIP
                    354: --      updated has been heard in the last 180 seconds.
                    356:     rip2PeerTable OBJECT-TYPE
                    357:         SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF Rip2PeerEntry
                    358:         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
                    359:         STATUS   current
                    360:         DESCRIPTION
                    361:            "A list of RIP Peers."
                    362:        ::= { rip2 4 }
                    364:    rip2PeerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                    365:        SYNTAX   Rip2PeerEntry
                    366:        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
                    367:        STATUS   current
                    368:        DESCRIPTION
                    369:           "Information regarding a single routing peer."
                    370:       INDEX { rip2PeerAddress, rip2PeerDomain }
                    371:       ::= { rip2PeerTable 1 }
                    373:     Rip2PeerEntry ::=
                    374:         SEQUENCE {
                    375:             rip2PeerAddress
                    376:                 IpAddress,
                    377:             rip2PeerDomain
                    378:                 RouteTag,
                    379:             rip2PeerLastUpdate
                    380:                 TimeTicks,
                    381:             rip2PeerVersion
                    382:                 INTEGER,
                    383:             rip2PeerRcvBadPackets
                    384:                 Counter32,
                    385:             rip2PeerRcvBadRoutes
                    386:                 Counter32
                    387:             }
                    389:     rip2PeerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
                    390:         SYNTAX   IpAddress
                    391:         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
                    392:         STATUS   current
                    393:         DESCRIPTION
                    394:            "The IP Address that the peer is using as its source
                    395:             address.  Note that on an unnumbered link, this may
                    396:             not be a member of any subnet on the system."
                    397:        ::= { rip2PeerEntry 1 }
                    399:     rip2PeerDomain OBJECT-TYPE
                    400:         SYNTAX   RouteTag
                    401:         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
                    402:         STATUS   current
                    403:         DESCRIPTION
                    404:            "The value in the Routing Domain field  in  RIP
                    405:            packets received from the peer.  As domain suuport
                    406:            is deprecated, this must be zero."
                    407:        ::= { rip2PeerEntry 2 }
                    409:     rip2PeerLastUpdate OBJECT-TYPE
                    410:         SYNTAX   TimeTicks
                    411:         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
                    412:         STATUS   current
                    413:         DESCRIPTION
                    414:            "The value of sysUpTime when the most recent
                    415:            RIP update was received from this system."
                    416:        ::= { rip2PeerEntry 3 }
                    418:     rip2PeerVersion OBJECT-TYPE
                    419:         SYNTAX   INTEGER ( 0..255 )
                    420:         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
                    421:         STATUS   current
                    422:         DESCRIPTION
                    423:            "The RIP version number in the header of the
                    424:            last RIP packet received."
                    425:        ::= { rip2PeerEntry 4 }
                    427:     rip2PeerRcvBadPackets OBJECT-TYPE
                    428:         SYNTAX   Counter32
                    429:         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
                    430:         STATUS   current
                    431:         DESCRIPTION
                    432:            "The number of RIP response packets from this
                    433:            peer discarded as invalid."
                    434:        ::= { rip2PeerEntry 5 }
                    437:     rip2PeerRcvBadRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
                    438:         SYNTAX   Counter32
                    439:         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
                    440:         STATUS   current
                    441:         DESCRIPTION
                    442:            "The number of routes from this peer that were
                    443:            ignored because the entry format was invalid."
                    444:        ::= { rip2PeerEntry 6 }
                    446: -- conformance information
                    448: rip2Conformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rip2 5 }
                    450: rip2Groups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rip2Conformance 1 }
                    451: rip2Compliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rip2Conformance 2 }
                    453: -- compliance statements
                    454: rip2Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
                    455:     STATUS  current
                    456:     DESCRIPTION
                    457:        "The compliance statement "
                    458:     MODULE  -- this module
                    459:     MANDATORY-GROUPS {
                    460:                  rip2GlobalGroup,
                    461:                  rip2IfStatGroup,
                    462:                  rip2IfConfGroup,
                    463:                  rip2PeerGroup
                    464:         }
                    465:     GROUP       rip2GlobalGroup
                    466:     DESCRIPTION
                    467:        "This group defines global controls for RIP-II systems."
                    468:     GROUP       rip2IfStatGroup
                    469:     DESCRIPTION
                    470:        "This group defines interface statistics for RIP-II systems."
                    471:     GROUP       rip2IfConfGroup
                    472:     DESCRIPTION
                    473:        "This group defines interface configuration for RIP-II systems."
                    474:     GROUP       rip2PeerGroup
                    475:     DESCRIPTION
                    476:        "This group defines peer information for RIP-II systems."
                    477:     ::= { rip2Compliances 1 }
                    479: -- units of conformance
                    481: rip2GlobalGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
                    482:     OBJECTS {
                    483:                 rip2GlobalRouteChanges,
                    484:                 rip2GlobalQueries
                    485:     }
                    486:     STATUS  current
                    487:     DESCRIPTION
                    488:        "This group defines global controls for RIP-II systems."
                    489:     ::= { rip2Groups 1 }
                    490: rip2IfStatGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
                    491:     OBJECTS {
                    492:             rip2IfStatAddress,
                    493:             rip2IfStatRcvBadPackets,
                    494:             rip2IfStatRcvBadRoutes,
                    495:             rip2IfStatSentUpdates,
                    496:             rip2IfStatStatus
                    497:     }
                    498:     STATUS  current
                    499:     DESCRIPTION
                    500:        "This group defines interface statistics for RIP-II systems."
                    501:     ::= { rip2Groups 2 }
                    502: rip2IfConfGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
                    503:     OBJECTS {
                    504:             rip2IfConfAddress,
                    505:             rip2IfConfAuthType,
                    506:             rip2IfConfAuthKey,
                    507:             rip2IfConfSend,
                    508:             rip2IfConfReceive,
                    509:             rip2IfConfDefaultMetric,
                    510:             rip2IfConfStatus,
                    511:             rip2IfConfSrcAddress
                    512:     }
                    513:     STATUS  current
                    514:     DESCRIPTION
                    515:        "This group defines interface configuration for RIP-II systems."
                    516:     ::= { rip2Groups 3 }
                    517: rip2PeerGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
                    518:     OBJECTS {
                    519:             rip2PeerAddress,
                    520:             rip2PeerDomain,
                    521:             rip2PeerLastUpdate,
                    522:             rip2PeerVersion,
                    523:             rip2PeerRcvBadPackets,
                    524:             rip2PeerRcvBadRoutes
                    525:     }
                    526:     STATUS  current
                    527:     DESCRIPTION
                    528:        "This group defines peer information for RIP-II systems."
                    529:     ::= { rip2Groups 4 }
                    530: END

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