use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
&usage if !&GetOptions(
'branch|b=s' => \( my $master_branch = 'master' ),
'skip-check' => \( my $skip_branch_check ),
'delete' => \( my $delete_local_branches ),
'help|h' => \( my $help_opt ),
&usage if $help_opt;
require 'packaging/git-status.pl';
check_git_state($master_branch, !$skip_branch_check, 1);
my %local_branch;
open PIPE, '-|', 'git branch -l' or die "Unable to fork: $!\n";
while (<PIPE>) {
if (m# patch/\Q$master_branch\E/(.*)#o) {
$local_branch{$1} = 1;
close PIPE;
if ($delete_local_branches) {
foreach my $name (sort keys %local_branch) {
my $branch = "patch/$master_branch/$name";
system 'git', 'branch', '-D', $branch and exit 1;
%local_branch = ( );
my @patch_list;
foreach (@ARGV) {
if (!-f $_) {
die "File not found: $_\n";
die "Filename is not a .diff file: $_\n" unless /\.diff$/;
push @patch_list, $_;
exit unless @patch_list;
my(%scanned, %created, %info);
foreach my $patch (@patch_list) {
my($where, $name) = $patch =~ m{^(.*?)([^/]+)\.diff$};
next if $scanned{$name}++;
open IN, '<', $patch or die "Unable to open $patch: $!\n";
my $info = '';
my $commit;
while (<IN>) {
if (m#^based-on: (\S+)#) {
$commit = $1;
last if m#^index .*\.\..* \d#;
last if m#^diff --git #;
last if m#^--- (old|a)/#;
$info .= $_;
close IN;
$info =~ s/\s+\Z/\n/;
my $parent = $master_branch;
my @patches = $info =~ m#patch -p1 <patches/(\S+)\.diff#g;
if (@patches) {
if ($patches[-1] eq $name) {
pop @patches;
} else {
warn "No identity patch line in $patch\n";
if (@patches) {
$parent = pop @patches;
if (!$scanned{$parent}) {
unless (-f "$where$parent.diff") {
die "Unknown parent of $patch: $parent\n";
# Add parent to @patch_list so that we will look for the
# parent's parent. Any duplicates will just be ignored.
push @patch_list, "$where$parent.diff";
} else {
warn "No patch lines found in $patch\n";
$info{$name} = [ $parent, $info, $commit ];
foreach my $patch (@patch_list) {
system 'git', 'checkout', $master_branch and exit 1;
sub create_branch
my($patch) = @_;
my($where, $name) = $patch =~ m{^(.*?)([^/]+)\.diff$};
return if $created{$name}++;
my $ref = $info{$name};
my($parent, $info, $commit) = @$ref;
my $parent_branch;
if ($parent eq $master_branch) {
$parent_branch = $master_branch;
$parent_branch = $commit if defined $commit;
} else {
$parent_branch = "patch/$master_branch/$parent";
my $branch = "patch/$master_branch/$name";
print "\n", '=' x 64, "\nProcessing $branch ($parent_branch)\n";
if ($local_branch{$name}) {
system 'git', 'branch', '-D', $branch and exit 1;
system 'git', 'checkout', '-b', $branch, $parent_branch and exit 1;
open OUT, '>', "PATCH.$name" or die $!;
print OUT $info;
close OUT;
system 'git', 'add', "PATCH.$name" and exit 1;
open IN, '<', $patch or die "Unable to open $patch: $!\n";
$_ = join('', <IN>);
close IN;
open PIPE, '|-', 'patch -p1' or die $!;
print PIPE $_;
close PIPE;
system 'rm -f *.orig */*.orig';
while (m#\nnew file mode (\d+)\s+--- /dev/null\s+\Q+++\E b/(.*)#g) {
chmod oct($1), $2;
system 'git', 'add', $2;
while (1) {
system 'git status';
print 'Press Enter to commit, Ctrl-C to abort, or type a wild-name to add a new file: ';
$_ = <STDIN>;
last if /^$/;
system "git add $_";
while (system 'git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', "Creating branch from $name.diff.") {
exit 1 if system '/bin/zsh';
sub usage
die <<EOT;
Usage branch-from-patch [OPTIONS] patches/DIFF...
-b, --branch=BRANCH Create branches relative to BRANCH if no "based-on"
header was found in the patch file.
--skip-check Skip the check that ensures starting with a clean branch.
--delete Delete all the local patch/BASE/* branches, not just the ones
that are being recreated.
-h, --help Output this help message.
FreeBSD-CVSweb <freebsd-cvsweb@FreeBSD.org>