Annotation of embedaddon/rsync/packaging/nightly-rsync, revision 1.1
1.1 ! misho 1: #!/usr/bin/perl
! 2: use strict;
! 3:
! 4: # This script expects the directory ~/samba-rsync-ftp to exist and to be a
! 5: # copy of the /home/ftp/pub/rsync dir on It also requires a
! 6: # git checkout of rsync (feel free to use your normal rsync build dir as
! 7: # long as it doesn't have any uncommitted changes).
! 8: #
! 9: # If this is run with -ctu, it will make an updated "nightly" tar file in
! 10: # the nightly dir. It will also remove any old tar files, regenerate the
! 11: # HTML man pages in the nightly dir, and then rsync the changes to the
! 12: # server.
! 13:
! 14: use Getopt::Long;
! 15: use Date::Format;
! 16:
! 17: # Where the local copy of /home/ftp/pub/rsync/dev/nightly should be updated.
! 18: our $dest = $ENV{HOME} . '/samba-rsync-ftp/dev/nightly';
! 19: our $nightly_symlink = "$dest/rsync-HEAD.tar.gz";
! 20:
! 21: our($make_tar, $upload, $help_opt);
! 22: &Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling');
! 23: &usage if !&GetOptions(
! 24: 'make-tar|t' => \$make_tar,
! 25: 'upload|u' => \$upload,
! 26: 'help|h' => \$help_opt,
! 27: ) || $help_opt;
! 28:
! 29: our $name = time2str('rsync-HEAD-%Y%m%d-%H%M%Z', time, 'GMT');
! 30: our $ztoday = time2str('%d %b %Y', time);
! 31: our $today = $ztoday;
! 32: our $gen_target = $upload ? 'gensend' : 'gen';
! 33:
! 34: die "$dest does not exist\n" unless -d $dest;
! 35: die "There is no .git dir in the current directory.\n" unless -d '.git';
! 36: die "There is no rsync checkout in the current directory.\n" unless -f 'rsyncd.conf.yo';
! 37:
! 38: if ($make_tar) {
! 39: open(IN, '-|', 'git status') or die $!;
! 40: my $status = join('', <IN>);
! 41: close IN;
! 42: die "The checkout is not clean:\n", $status unless $status =~ /\nnothing to commit \(working directory clean\)/;
! 43: die "The checkout is not on the master branch.\n" unless $status =~ /^# On branch master\n/;
! 44: system "make $gen_target" and die "make $gen_target failed!\n";
! 45:
! 46: my @extra_files;
! 47: open(IN, '<', '') or die "Couldn't open $!\n";
! 48: while (<IN>) {
! 49: if (s/^GENFILES=//) {
! 50: while (s/\\$//) {
! 51: $_ .= <IN>;
! 52: }
! 53: @extra_files = split(' ', $_);
! 54: last;
! 55: }
! 56: }
! 57: close IN;
! 58:
! 59: my $confversion;
! 60: open(IN, '<', '') or die "Unable to open $!\n";
! 61: while (<IN>) {
! 62: if (/^RSYNC_VERSION=(.*)/) {
! 63: $confversion = $1;
! 64: last;
! 65: }
! 66: }
! 67: close IN;
! 68: die "Unable to find RSYNC_VERSION in\n" unless defined $confversion;
! 69:
! 70: open(IN, '<', 'OLDNEWS') or die "Unable to open OLDNEWS: $!\n";
! 71: $_ = <IN>;
! 72: my($lastversion) = /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/;
! 73: my $last_protocol_version;
! 74: while (<IN>) {
! 75: if (my($ver,$pdate,$pver) = /^\s+\S\S\s\S\S\S\s\d\d\d\d\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+(\d\d \w\w\w \d\d\d\d\s+)?(\d+)$/) {
! 76: $last_protocol_version = $pver if $ver eq $lastversion;
! 77: }
! 78: }
! 79: close IN;
! 80: die "Unable to determine protocol_version for $lastversion.\n" unless defined $last_protocol_version;
! 81:
! 82: my($protocol_version,$subprotocol_version);
! 83: open(IN, '<', 'rsync.h') or die "Unable to open rsync.h: $!\n";
! 84: while (<IN>) {
! 85: if (/^#define\s+PROTOCOL_VERSION\s+(\d+)/) {
! 86: $protocol_version = $1;
! 87: } elsif (/^#define\s+SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION\s+(\d+)/) {
! 88: $subprotocol_version = $1;
! 89: }
! 90: }
! 91: close IN;
! 92: die "Unable to determine the current PROTOCOL_VERSION.\n" unless defined $protocol_version;
! 93: die "Unable to determine the current SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION.\n" unless defined $subprotocol_version;
! 94:
! 95: if ($confversion =~ /dev|pre/) {
! 96: if ($last_protocol_version ne $protocol_version) {
! 97: if ($subprotocol_version == 0) {
! 98: die "SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION must not be 0 for a non-final release with a changed PROTOCOL_VERSION.\n";
! 99: }
! 100: } else {
! 101: if ($subprotocol_version != 0) {
! 102: die "SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION must be 0 when the PROTOCOL_VERSION hasn't changed from the last release.\n";
! 103: }
! 104: }
! 105: } else {
! 106: if ($subprotocol_version != 0) {
! 107: die "SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION must be 0 for a final release.\n";
! 108: }
! 109: }
! 110:
! 111: print "Creating $name.tar.gz\n";
! 112: system "rsync -a @extra_files $name/";
! 113: system "git archive --format=tar --prefix=$name/ HEAD | tar xf -";
! 114: system "support/git-set-file-times --prefix=$name/";
! 115: system "fakeroot tar czf $dest/$name.tar.gz $name; rm -rf $name";
! 116:
! 117: unlink($nightly_symlink);
! 118: symlink("$name.tar.gz", $nightly_symlink);
! 119: }
! 120:
! 121: foreach my $fn (qw( rsync.yo rsyncd.conf.yo )) {
! 122: my $yo_tmp = "$dest/$fn";
! 123: (my $html_fn = "$dest/$fn") =~ s/\.yo/.html/;
! 124:
! 125: open(IN, '<', $fn) or die $!;
! 126: undef $/; $_ = <IN>; $/ = "\n";
! 127: close IN;
! 128:
! 129: s/^(manpage\([^)]+\)\(\d+\)\()[^)]+(\).*)/$1$today$2/m;
! 130: #s/^(This man ?page is current for version) \S+ (of rsync)/$1 $version $2/m;
! 131:
! 132: open(OUT, '>', $yo_tmp) or die $!;
! 133: print OUT $_;
! 134: close OUT;
! 135:
! 136: system 'yodl2html', '-o', $html_fn, $yo_tmp;
! 137:
! 138: unlink($yo_tmp);
! 139: }
! 140:
! 141: chdir($dest) or die $!;
! 142:
! 143: my $cnt = 0;
! 144: open(PIPE, '-|', 'ls -1t rsync-HEAD-*') or die $!;
! 145: while (<PIPE>) {
! 146: chomp;
! 147: next if $cnt++ < 10;
! 148: unlink($_);
! 149: }
! 150: close PIPE;
! 151:
! 152: system 'ls -ltr';
! 153:
! 154: if ($upload) {
! 155: my $opt = '';
! 156: if (defined $ENV{RSYNC_PARTIAL_DIR}) {
! 157: $opt = " -f 'R $ENV{RSYNC_PARTIAL_DIR}'";
! 158: }
! 159: system "rsync$opt -aviHP --delete-after .";
! 160: }
! 161:
! 162: exit;
! 163:
! 164: sub usage
! 165: {
! 166: die <<EOT;
! 167: Usage: nightly-rsync [OPTIONS]
! 168:
! 169: -t, --make-tar create a new tar file in $dest
! 170: -u, --upload upload the revised nightly dir to
! 171: -h, --help display this help
! 172: EOT
! 173: }
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