#!/usr/bin/env -S python3 -B # This script expects the directory ~/samba-rsync-ftp to exist and to be a # copy of the /home/ftp/pub/rsync dir on samba.org. When the script is done, # the git repository in the current directory will be updated, and the local # ~/samba-rsync-ftp dir will be ready to be rsynced to samba.org. import os, sys, re, argparse, glob, shutil, signal from datetime import datetime from getpass import getpass sys.path = ['packaging'] + sys.path from pkglib import * os.environ['LESS'] = 'mqeiXR'; # Make sure that -F is turned off and -R is turned on. dest = os.environ['HOME'] + '/samba-rsync-ftp' ORIGINAL_PATH = os.environ['PATH'] def main(): now = datetime.now() cl_today = now.strftime('* %a %b %d %Y') year = now.strftime('%Y') ztoday = now.strftime('%d %b %Y') today = ztoday.lstrip('0') mandate_gensend_hook() curdir = os.getcwd() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) if cmd_txt_chk(['packaging/prep-auto-dir']) == '': die('You must setup an auto-build-save dir to use this script.'); auto_dir, gen_files = get_gen_files(True) gen_pathnames = [ os.path.join(auto_dir, fn) for fn in gen_files ] dash_line = '=' * 74 print(f"""\ {dash_line} == This will release a new version of rsync onto an unsuspecting world. == {dash_line} """) if not os.path.isdir(dest): die(dest, "dest does not exist") if not os.path.isdir('.git'): die("There is no .git dir in the current directory.") if os.path.lexists('a'): die('"a" must not exist in the current directory.') if os.path.lexists('b'): die('"b" must not exist in the current directory.') if os.path.lexists('patches.gen'): die('"patches.gen" must not exist in the current directory.') check_git_state(args.master_branch, True, 'patches') curversion = get_rsync_version() # All version values are strings! lastversion, last_protocol_version, pdate = get_NEWS_version_info() protocol_version, subprotocol_version = get_protocol_versions() version = curversion m = re.search(r'pre(\d+)', version) if m: version = re.sub(r'pre\d+', 'pre' + str(int(m[1]) + 1), version) else: version = version.replace('dev', 'pre1') ans = input(f"Please enter the version number of this release: [{version}] ") if ans == '.': version = re.sub(r'pre\d+', '', version) elif ans != '': version = ans if not re.match(r'^[\d.]+(pre\d+)?$', version): die(f'Invalid version: "{version}"') v_ver = 'v' + version rsync_ver = 'rsync-' + version if os.path.lexists(rsync_ver): die(f'"{rsync_ver}" must not exist in the current directory.') out = cmd_txt_chk(['git', 'tag', '-l', v_ver]) if out != '': print(f"Tag {v_ver} already exists.") ans = input("\nDelete tag or quit? [Q/del] ") if not re.match(r'^del', ans, flags=re.I): die("Aborted") cmd_chk(['git', 'tag', '-d', v_ver]) version = re.sub(r'[-.]*pre[-.]*', 'pre', version) if 'pre' in version and not curversion.endswith('dev'): lastversion = curversion ans = input(f"Enter the previous version to produce a patch against: [{lastversion}] ") if ans != '': lastversion = ans lastversion = re.sub(r'[-.]*pre[-.]*', 'pre', lastversion) rsync_lastver = 'rsync-' + lastversion if os.path.lexists(rsync_lastver): die(f'"{rsync_lastver}" must not exist in the current directory.') m = re.search(r'(pre\d+)', version) pre = m[1] if m else '' release = '0.1' if pre else '1' ans = input(f"Please enter the RPM release number of this release: [{release}] ") if ans != '': release = ans if pre: release += '.' + pre finalversion = re.sub(r'pre\d+', '', version) proto_changed = protocol_version != last_protocol_version if proto_changed: if finalversion in pdate: proto_change_date = pdate[finalversion] else: while True: ans = input("On what date did the protocol change to {protocol_version} get checked in? (dd Mmm yyyy) ") if re.match(r'^\d\d \w\w\w \d\d\d\d$', ans): break proto_change_date = ans else: proto_change_date = ' ' * 11 if 'pre' in lastversion: if not pre: die("You should not diff a release version against a pre-release version.") srcdir = srcdiffdir = lastsrcdir = 'src-previews' skipping = ' ** SKIPPING **' elif pre: srcdir = srcdiffdir = 'src-previews' lastsrcdir = 'src' skipping = ' ** SKIPPING **' else: srcdir = lastsrcdir = 'src' srcdiffdir = 'src-diffs' skipping = '' print(f""" {dash_line} version is "{version}" lastversion is "{lastversion}" dest is "{dest}" curdir is "{curdir}" srcdir is "{srcdir}" srcdiffdir is "{srcdiffdir}" lastsrcdir is "{lastsrcdir}" release is "{release}" About to: - tweak SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION in rsync.h, if needed - tweak the version in version.h and the spec files - tweak NEWS.md to ensure header values are correct - generate configure.sh, config.h.in, and proto.h - page through the differences """) ans = input(" ") specvars = { 'Version:': finalversion, 'Release:': release, '%define fullversion': f'%{{version}}{pre}', 'Released': version + '.', '%define srcdir': srcdir, } tweak_files = 'version.h rsync.h NEWS.md'.split() tweak_files += glob.glob('packaging/*.spec') tweak_files += glob.glob('packaging/*/*.spec') for fn in tweak_files: with open(fn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh: old_txt = txt = fh.read() if fn == 'version.h': txt = f'#define RSYNC_VERSION "{version}"\n' elif '.spec' in fn: for var, val in specvars.items(): x_re = re.compile(r'^%s .*' % re.escape(var), re.M) txt = replace_or_die(x_re, var + ' ' + val, txt, f"Unable to update {var} in {fn}") x_re = re.compile(r'^\* \w\w\w \w\w\w \d\d \d\d\d\d (.*)', re.M) txt = replace_or_die(x_re, r'%s \1' % cl_today, txt, f"Unable to update ChangeLog header in {fn}") elif fn == 'rsync.h': x_re = re.compile('(#define\s+SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION)\s+(\d+)') repl = lambda m: m[1] + ' ' + ('0' if not pre or not proto_changed else '1' if m[2] == '0' else m[2]) txt = replace_or_die(x_re, repl, txt, f"Unable to find SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION define in {fn}") elif fn == 'NEWS.md': efv = re.escape(finalversion) x_re = re.compile(r'^<.+>\s+# NEWS for rsync %s \(UNRELEASED\)\s+## Changes in this version:\n' % efv + r'(\n### PROTOCOL NUMBER:\s+- The protocol number was changed to \d+\.\n)?') rel_day = 'UNRELEASED' if pre else today repl = (f'\n\n# NEWS for rsync {finalversion} ({rel_day})\n\n' + '## Changes in this version:\n') if proto_changed: repl += f'\n### PROTOCOL NUMBER:\n\n - The protocol number was changed to {protocol_version}.\n' good_top = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '(UNRELEASED)', repl, 1) msg = f"The top lines of {fn} are not in the right format. It should be:\n" + good_top txt = replace_or_die(x_re, repl, txt, msg) x_re = re.compile(r'^(\| )(\S{2} \S{3} \d{4})(\s+\|\s+%s\s+\| ).{11}(\s+\| )\S{2}(\s+\|+)$' % efv, re.M) repl = lambda m: m[1] + (m[2] if pre else ztoday) + m[3] + proto_change_date + m[4] + protocol_version + m[5] txt = replace_or_die(x_re, repl, txt, f'Unable to find "| ?? ??? {year} | {finalversion} | ... |" line in {fn}') else: die(f"Unrecognized file in tweak_files: {fn}") if txt != old_txt: print(f"Updating {fn}") with open(fn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fh: fh.write(txt) cmd_chk(['packaging/year-tweak']) print(dash_line) cmd_run("git diff --color | less -p '^diff .*'") srctar_name = f"{rsync_ver}.tar.gz" pattar_name = f"rsync-patches-{version}.tar.gz" diff_name = f"{rsync_lastver}-{version}.diffs.gz" srctar_file = os.path.join(dest, srcdir, srctar_name) pattar_file = os.path.join(dest, srcdir, pattar_name) diff_file = os.path.join(dest, srcdiffdir, diff_name) lasttar_file = os.path.join(dest, lastsrcdir, rsync_lastver + '.tar.gz') print(f"""\ {dash_line} About to: - git commit all changes - generate the manpages - merge the {args.master_branch} branch into the patch/{args.master_branch}/* branches - update the files in the "patches" dir and OPTIONALLY (if you type 'y') to run patch-update with the --make option (which opens a shell on error) """) ans = input(" ") s = cmd_run(['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', f'Preparing for release of {version}']) if s.returncode: die('Aborting') cmd_chk('make gen') print(f'Creating any missing patch branches.') s = cmd_run(f'packaging/branch-from-patch --branch={args.master_branch} --add-missing') if s.returncode: die('Aborting') print('Updating files in "patches" dir ...') s = cmd_run(f'packaging/patch-update --branch={args.master_branch}') if s.returncode: die('Aborting') if re.match(r'^y', ans, re.I): print(f'\nRunning smart-make on all "patch/{args.master_branch}/*" branches ...') cmd_run(f"packaging/patch-update --branch={args.master_branch} --skip-check --make") if os.path.isdir('patches/.git'): s = cmd_run(f"cd patches && git commit -a -m 'The patches for {version}.'") if s.returncode: die('Aborting') print(f"""\ {dash_line} About to: - create signed tag for this release: {v_ver} - create release diffs, "{diff_name}" - create release tar, "{srctar_name}" - generate {rsync_ver}/patches/* files - create patches tar, "{pattar_name}" - update top-level README.md, NEWS.md, TODO, and ChangeLog - update top-level rsync*.html manpages - gpg-sign the release files - update hard-linked top-level release files{skipping} """) ans = input(" ") # TODO: is there a better way to ensure that our passphrase is in the agent? cmd_run("touch TeMp; gpg --sign TeMp; rm TeMp*") out = cmd_txt(f"git tag -s -m 'Version {version}.' {v_ver}", capture='combined') print(out, end='') if 'bad passphrase' in out or 'failed' in out: die('Aborting') if os.path.isdir('patches/.git'): out = cmd_txt(f"cd patches && git tag -s -m 'Version {version}.' {v_ver}", capture='combined') print(out, end='') if 'bad passphrase' in out or 'failed' in out: die('Aborting') os.environ['PATH'] = ORIGINAL_PATH # Extract the generated files from the old tar. tweaked_gen_files = [ os.path.join(rsync_lastver, fn) for fn in gen_files ] cmd_run(['tar', 'xzf', lasttar_file, *tweaked_gen_files]) os.rename(rsync_lastver, 'a') print(f"Creating {diff_file} ...") cmd_chk(['rsync', '-a', *gen_pathnames, 'b/']) sed_script = r's:^((---|\+\+\+) [ab]/[^\t]+)\t.*:\1:' # CAUTION: must not contain any single quotes! cmd_chk(f"(git diff v{lastversion} {v_ver} -- ':!.github'; diff -upN a b | sed -r '{sed_script}') | gzip -9 >{diff_file}") shutil.rmtree('a') os.rename('b', rsync_ver) print(f"Creating {srctar_file} ...") cmd_chk(f"git archive --format=tar --prefix={rsync_ver}/ {v_ver} | tar xf -") cmd_chk(f"support/git-set-file-times --quiet --prefix={rsync_ver}/") cmd_chk(['fakeroot', 'tar', 'czf', srctar_file, '--exclude=.github', rsync_ver]) shutil.rmtree(rsync_ver) print(f'Updating files in "{rsync_ver}/patches" dir ...') os.mkdir(rsync_ver, 0o755) os.mkdir(f"{rsync_ver}/patches", 0o755) cmd_chk(f"packaging/patch-update --skip-check --branch={args.master_branch} --gen={rsync_ver}/patches".split()) print(f"Creating {pattar_file} ...") cmd_chk(['fakeroot', 'tar', 'chzf', pattar_file, rsync_ver + '/patches']) shutil.rmtree(rsync_ver) print(f"Updating the other files in {dest} ...") md_files = 'README.md NEWS.md INSTALL.md'.split() html_files = [ fn for fn in gen_pathnames if fn.endswith('.html') ] cmd_chk(['rsync', '-a', *md_files, *html_files, dest]) cmd_chk(["packaging/md2html"] + [ dest +'/'+ fn for fn in md_files ]) cmd_chk(f"git log --name-status | gzip -9 >{dest}/ChangeLog.gz") for fn in (srctar_file, pattar_file, diff_file): asc_fn = fn + '.asc' if os.path.lexists(asc_fn): os.unlink(asc_fn) res = cmd_run(['gpg', '--batch', '-ba', fn]) if res.returncode != 0 and res.returncode != 2: die("gpg signing failed") if not pre: for find in f'{dest}/rsync-*.gz {dest}/rsync-*.asc {dest}/src-previews/rsync-*diffs.gz*'.split(): for fn in glob.glob(find): os.unlink(fn) top_link = [ srctar_file, f"{srctar_file}.asc", pattar_file, f"{pattar_file}.asc", diff_file, f"{diff_file}.asc", ] for fn in top_link: os.link(fn, re.sub(r'/src(-\w+)?/', '/', fn)) print(f"""\ {dash_line} Local changes are done. When you're satisfied, push the git repository and rsync the release files. Remember to announce the release on *BOTH* rsync-announce@lists.samba.org and rsync@lists.samba.org (and the web)! """) def replace_or_die(regex, repl, txt, die_msg): m = regex.search(txt) if not m: die(die_msg) return regex.sub(repl, txt, 1) def signal_handler(sig, frame): die("\nAborting due to SIGINT.") if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Prepare a new release of rsync in the git repo & ftp dir.", add_help=False) parser.add_argument('--branch', '-b', dest='master_branch', default='master', help="The branch to release. Default: master.") parser.add_argument("--help", "-h", action="help", help="Output this help message and exit.") args = parser.parse_args() main() # vim: sw=4 et ft=python