#! /bin/sh # Copyright (C) 2005 by Wayne Davison # This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see # COPYING). # Test the output of various copy commands to ensure itemized output # and double-verbose output is correct. . "$suitedir/rsync.fns" to2dir="$tmpdir/to2" chkfile="$scratchdir/rsync.chk" outfile="$scratchdir/rsync.out" makepath "$fromdir/foo" makepath "$fromdir/bar/baz" cp -p "$srcdir/configure.ac" "$fromdir/foo/config1" cp -p "$srcdir/config.h.in" "$fromdir/foo/config2" cp -p "$srcdir/rsync.h" "$fromdir/bar/baz/rsync" chmod 600 "$fromdir"/foo/config? "$fromdir/bar/baz/rsync" umask 0 ln -s ../bar/baz/rsync "$fromdir/foo/sym" umask 022 ln "$fromdir/foo/config1" "$fromdir/foo/extra" rm -f "$to2dir" # Check if rsync is set to hard-link symlinks. if egrep '^#define CAN_HARDLINK_SYMLINK 1' config.h >/dev/null; then L=hL else L=cL fi # Check if rsync can preserve time on symlinks case "$RSYNC" in *protocol=2*) T=.T ;; *) if $RSYNC --version | grep ", symtimes" >/dev/null; then T=.t else T=.T fi ;; esac $RSYNC -iplr "$fromdir/" "$todir/" \ | tee "$outfile" cat <"$chkfile" cd$all_plus ./ cd$all_plus bar/ cd$all_plus bar/baz/ >f$all_plus bar/baz/rsync cd$all_plus foo/ >f$all_plus foo/config1 >f$all_plus foo/config2 >f$all_plus foo/extra cL$all_plus foo/sym -> ../bar/baz/rsync EOT diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 1 failed" # Ensure there are no accidental directory-time problems. $RSYNC -a -f '-! */' "$fromdir/" "$todir" cp -p "$srcdir/configure.ac" "$fromdir/foo/config2" chmod 601 "$fromdir/foo/config2" $RSYNC -iplrH "$fromdir/" "$todir/" \ | tee "$outfile" cat <"$chkfile" >f..T.$dots bar/baz/rsync >f..T.$dots foo/config1 >f.sTp$dots foo/config2 hf..T.$dots foo/extra => foo/config1 EOT diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 2 failed" $RSYNC -a -f '-! */' "$fromdir/" "$todir" sleep 1 # For directory mod below to ensure time difference rm "$todir/foo/sym" umask 0 ln -s ../bar/baz "$todir/foo/sym" umask 022 cp -p "$srcdir/config.h.in" "$fromdir/foo/config2" chmod 600 "$fromdir/foo/config2" chmod 777 "$todir/bar/baz/rsync" $RSYNC -iplrtc "$fromdir/" "$todir/" \ | tee "$outfile" cat <"$chkfile" .f..tp$dots bar/baz/rsync .d..t.$dots foo/ .f..t.$dots foo/config1 >fcstp$dots foo/config2 cLc$T.$dots foo/sym -> ../bar/baz/rsync EOT diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 3 failed" cp -p "$srcdir/configure.ac" "$fromdir/foo/config2" chmod 600 "$fromdir/foo/config2" # Lack of -t is for unchanged hard-link stress-test! $RSYNC -vvplrH "$fromdir/" "$todir/" \ | tee "$outfile" filter_outfile cat <"$chkfile" bar/baz/rsync is uptodate foo/config1 is uptodate foo/config2 foo/extra is uptodate foo/sym is uptodate EOT diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 4 failed" chmod 747 "$todir/bar/baz/rsync" $RSYNC -a -f '-! */' "$fromdir/" "$todir" $RSYNC -ivvplrtH "$fromdir/" "$todir/" \ | tee "$outfile" filter_outfile cat <"$chkfile" .d$allspace ./ .d$allspace bar/ .d$allspace bar/baz/ .f...p$dots bar/baz/rsync .d$allspace foo/ .f$allspace foo/config1 >f..t.$dots foo/config2 hf$allspace foo/extra .L$allspace foo/sym -> ../bar/baz/rsync EOT diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 5 failed" chmod 757 "$todir/foo/config1" touch "$todir/foo/config2" $RSYNC -vplrtH "$fromdir/" "$todir/" \ | tee "$outfile" filter_outfile cat <"$chkfile" foo/config2 EOT diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 6 failed" chmod 757 "$todir/foo/config1" touch "$todir/foo/config2" $RSYNC -iplrtH "$fromdir/" "$todir/" \ | tee "$outfile" cat <"$chkfile" .f...p$dots foo/config1 >f..t.$dots foo/config2 EOT diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 7 failed" $RSYNC -ivvplrtH --copy-dest=../to "$fromdir/" "$to2dir/" \ | tee "$outfile" filter_outfile case `tail -1 "$outfile"` in cLc.t*) sym_dots="c.t.$dots" L_sym_dots="cL$sym_dots" is_uptodate='-> ../bar/baz/rsync' echo "cL$sym_dots foo/sym $is_uptodate" >"$chkfile.extra" L=cL ;; *) sym_dots="$allspace" L_sym_dots=".L$allspace" is_uptodate='is uptodate' touch "$chkfile.extra" ;; esac cat <"$chkfile" cd$allspace ./ cd$allspace bar/ cd$allspace bar/baz/ cf$allspace bar/baz/rsync cd$allspace foo/ cf$allspace foo/config1 cf$allspace foo/config2 hf$allspace foo/extra => foo/config1 cL$sym_dots foo/sym -> ../bar/baz/rsync EOT diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 8 failed" rm -rf "$to2dir" $RSYNC -iplrtH --copy-dest=../to "$fromdir/" "$to2dir/" \ | tee "$outfile" cat - "$chkfile.extra" <"$chkfile" hf$allspace foo/extra => foo/config1 EOT diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 9 failed" rm -rf "$to2dir" $RSYNC -vvplrtH --copy-dest="$todir" "$fromdir/" "$to2dir/" \ | tee "$outfile" filter_outfile cat <"$chkfile" ./ is uptodate bar/ is uptodate bar/baz/ is uptodate bar/baz/rsync is uptodate foo/ is uptodate foo/config1 is uptodate foo/config2 is uptodate foo/extra => foo/config1 foo/sym $is_uptodate EOT diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 10 failed" rm -rf "$to2dir" $RSYNC -ivvplrtH --link-dest="$todir" "$fromdir/" "$to2dir/" \ | tee "$outfile" filter_outfile cat <"$chkfile" cd$allspace ./ cd$allspace bar/ cd$allspace bar/baz/ hf$allspace bar/baz/rsync cd$allspace foo/ hf$allspace foo/config1 hf$allspace foo/config2 hf$allspace foo/extra => foo/config1 $L$sym_dots foo/sym -> ../bar/baz/rsync EOT diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 11 failed" rm -rf "$to2dir" $RSYNC -iplrtH --dry-run --link-dest=../to "$fromdir/" "$to2dir/" \ | tee "$outfile" cat - "$chkfile.extra" <"$chkfile" EOT diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 12 failed" rm -rf "$to2dir" $RSYNC -iplrtH --link-dest=../to "$fromdir/" "$to2dir/" \ | tee "$outfile" cat - "$chkfile.extra" <"$chkfile" EOT diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 13 failed" rm -rf "$to2dir" $RSYNC -vvplrtH --link-dest="$todir" "$fromdir/" "$to2dir/" \ | tee "$outfile" filter_outfile cat <"$chkfile" ./ is uptodate bar/ is uptodate bar/baz/ is uptodate bar/baz/rsync is uptodate foo/ is uptodate foo/config1 is uptodate foo/config2 is uptodate foo/extra is uptodate foo/sym $is_uptodate EOT diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 14 failed" rm -rf "$to2dir" $RSYNC -ivvplrtH --compare-dest="$todir" "$fromdir/" "$to2dir/" \ | tee "$outfile" filter_outfile cat <"$chkfile" cd$allspace ./ cd$allspace bar/ cd$allspace bar/baz/ .f$allspace bar/baz/rsync cd$allspace foo/ .f$allspace foo/config1 .f$allspace foo/config2 .f$allspace foo/extra $L_sym_dots foo/sym -> ../bar/baz/rsync EOT diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 15 failed" rm -rf "$to2dir" $RSYNC -iplrtH --compare-dest="$todir" "$fromdir/" "$to2dir/" \ | tee "$outfile" cat - "$chkfile.extra" <"$chkfile" EOT diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 16 failed" rm -rf "$to2dir" $RSYNC -vvplrtH --compare-dest="$todir" "$fromdir/" "$to2dir/" \ | tee "$outfile" filter_outfile cat <"$chkfile" ./ is uptodate bar/ is uptodate bar/baz/ is uptodate bar/baz/rsync is uptodate foo/ is uptodate foo/config1 is uptodate foo/config2 is uptodate foo/extra is uptodate foo/sym $is_uptodate EOT diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 17 failed" # The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won. exit 0