#! /bin/sh
# Copyright (C) 2002 by Martin Pool
# Call directly into unsafe_symlink and test its handling of various filenames
. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
test_unsafe() {
# $1 is the target of a symlink
# $2 is the directory we're copying
# $3 is the expected outcome: "safe" if the link lies within $2,
# or "unsafe" otherwise
result=`"$TOOLDIR/t_unsafe" "$1" "$2"` || test_fail "Failed to check $1 $2"
if [ "$result" != "$3" ]
test_fail "t_unsafe $1 $2 returned \"$result\", expected \"$3\""
test_unsafe file from safe
test_unsafe dir/file from safe
test_unsafe dir/./file from safe
test_unsafe dir/. from safe
test_unsafe dir/ from safe
test_unsafe /etc/passwd from unsafe
test_unsafe //../etc/passwd from unsafe
test_unsafe //./etc/passwd from unsafe
test_unsafe ./foo from safe
test_unsafe ../foo from unsafe
test_unsafe ./../foo from unsafe
test_unsafe .//../foo from unsafe
test_unsafe ./../foo from/.. unsafe
test_unsafe ../dest from/dir safe
test_unsafe ../../dest from//dir unsafe
test_unsafe ..//../dest from/dir unsafe
test_unsafe .. from/file safe
test_unsafe ../.. from/file unsafe
test_unsafe ..//.. from//file unsafe
test_unsafe dir/.. from safe
test_unsafe dir/../.. from unsafe
test_unsafe dir/..//.. from unsafe
test_unsafe '' from unsafe
# Based on tests from unsafe-links by VladimĂr Michl
test_unsafe ../../unsafe/unsafefile from/safe unsafe
test_unsafe ..//../unsafe/unsafefile from/safe unsafe
test_unsafe ../files/file1 from/safe safe
test_unsafe ../../unsafe/unsafefile safe unsafe
test_unsafe ../files/file1 safe unsafe
test_unsafe ../../unsafe/unsafefile `pwd`/from/safe safe
test_unsafe ../files/file1 `pwd`/from/safe safe
FreeBSD-CVSweb <freebsd-cvsweb@FreeBSD.org>