* atacmds.h
* Home page of code is: http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net
* Copyright (C) 2002-11 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
* Copyright (C) 2008-12 Christian Franke <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Michael Cornwell <cornwell@acm.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* (for example COPYING); If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This code was originally developed as a Senior Thesis by Michael Cornwell
* at the Concurrent Systems Laboratory (now part of the Storage Systems
* Research Center), Jack Baskin School of Engineering, University of
* California, Santa Cruz. http://ssrc.soe.ucsc.edu/
#ifndef ATACMDS_H_
#define ATACMDS_H_
#define ATACMDS_H_CVSID "$Id: atacmds.h,v 2013/10/14 07:54:03 misho Exp $"
#include "dev_interface.h" // ata_device
// Macro to check expected size of struct at compile time using a
// dummy typedef. On size mismatch, compiler reports a negative array
// size. If you see an error message of this form, it means that the
// #pragma pack(1) pragma below is not having the desired effect on
// your compiler.
#define ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(s, n) \
typedef char assert_sizeof_struct_##s[(sizeof(struct s) == (n)) ? 1 : -1]
// Add __attribute__((packed)) if compiler supports it
// because some gcc versions (at least ARM) lack support of #pragma pack()
#define ATTR_PACKED __attribute__((packed))
typedef enum {
// returns no data, just succeeds or fails
STATUS, // just says if SMART is working or not
STATUS_CHECK, // says if disk's SMART status is healthy, or failing
// return 512 bytes of data:
// returns 1 byte of data
// writes 512 bytes of data:
} smart_command_set;
// ATA Specification Command Register Values (Commands)
#define ATA_IDLE 0xe3
#define ATA_SMART_CMD 0xb0
#define ATA_SET_FEATURES 0xef
// SET_FEATURES subcommands
#define ATA_DISABLE_AAM 0xc2
#define ATA_DISABLE_APM 0x85
#define ATA_ENABLE_AAM 0x42
#define ATA_ENABLE_APM 0x05
// 48-bit commands
#define ATA_READ_LOG_EXT 0x2F
// ATA Specification Feature Register Values (SMART Subcommands).
// Note that some are obsolete as of ATA-7.
#define ATA_SMART_SAVE 0xd3
#define ATA_SMART_ENABLE 0xd8
#define ATA_SMART_DISABLE 0xd9
#define ATA_SMART_STATUS 0xda
// SFF 8035i Revision 2 Specification Feature Register Value (SMART
// Subcommand)
// Sector Number values for ATA_SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE Subcommand
#define ABORT_SELF_TEST 127
#define CAPTIVE_MASK (0x01<<7)
// Maximum allowed number of SMART Attributes
// Needed parts of the ATA DRIVE IDENTIFY Structure. Those labeled
// word* are NOT used.
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_identify_device {
unsigned short words000_009[10];
unsigned char serial_no[20];
unsigned short words020_022[3];
unsigned char fw_rev[8];
unsigned char model[40];
unsigned short words047_079[33];
unsigned short major_rev_num;
unsigned short minor_rev_num;
unsigned short command_set_1;
unsigned short command_set_2;
unsigned short command_set_extension;
unsigned short cfs_enable_1;
unsigned short word086;
unsigned short csf_default;
unsigned short words088_255[168];
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_identify_device, 512);
/* ata_smart_attribute is the vendor specific in SFF-8035 spec */
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_attribute {
unsigned char id;
// meaning of flag bits: see MACROS just below
unsigned short flags;
unsigned char current;
unsigned char worst;
unsigned char raw[6];
unsigned char reserv;
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_attribute, 12);
// MACROS to interpret the flags bits in the previous structure.
// These have not been implemented using bitflags and a union, to make
// it portable across bit/little endian and different platforms.
// 0: Prefailure bit
// From SFF 8035i Revision 2 page 19: Bit 0 (pre-failure/advisory bit)
// - If the value of this bit equals zero, an attribute value less
// than or equal to its corresponding attribute threshold indicates an
// advisory condition where the usage or age of the device has
// exceeded its intended design life period. If the value of this bit
// equals one, an attribute value less than or equal to its
// corresponding attribute threshold indicates a prefailure condition
// where imminent loss of data is being predicted.
#define ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_PREFAILURE(x) (x & 0x01)
// 1: Online bit
// From SFF 8035i Revision 2 page 19: Bit 1 (on-line data collection
// bit) - If the value of this bit equals zero, then the attribute
// value is updated only during off-line data collection
// activities. If the value of this bit equals one, then the attribute
// value is updated during normal operation of the device or during
// both normal operation and off-line testing.
#define ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_ONLINE(x) (x & 0x02)
// The following are (probably) IBM's, Maxtors and Quantum's definitions for the
// vendor-specific bits:
// 2: Performance type bit
// 3: Errorrate type bit
#define ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_ERRORRATE(x) (x & 0x08)
// 4: Eventcount bit
#define ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_EVENTCOUNT(x) (x & 0x10)
// 5: Selfpereserving bit
// 6-15: Reserved for future use
#define ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_OTHER(x) ((x) & 0xffc0)
// Format of data returned by SMART READ DATA
// Table 62 of T13/1699-D (ATA8-ACS) Revision 6a, September 2008
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_values {
unsigned short int revnumber;
struct ata_smart_attribute vendor_attributes [NUMBER_ATA_SMART_ATTRIBUTES];
unsigned char offline_data_collection_status;
unsigned char self_test_exec_status; //IBM # segments for offline collection
unsigned short int total_time_to_complete_off_line; // IBM different
unsigned char vendor_specific_366; // Maxtor & IBM curent segment pointer
unsigned char offline_data_collection_capability;
unsigned short int smart_capability;
unsigned char errorlog_capability;
unsigned char vendor_specific_371; // Maxtor, IBM: self-test failure checkpoint see below!
unsigned char short_test_completion_time;
unsigned char extend_test_completion_time_b; // If 0xff, use 16-bit value below
unsigned char conveyance_test_completion_time;
unsigned short extend_test_completion_time_w; // e04130r2, added to T13/1699-D Revision 1c, April 2005
unsigned char reserved_377_385[9];
unsigned char vendor_specific_386_510[125]; // Maxtor bytes 508-509 Attribute/Threshold Revision #
unsigned char chksum;
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_values, 512);
/* Maxtor, IBM: self-test failure checkpoint byte meaning:
00 - write test
01 - servo basic
02 - servo random
03 - G-list scan
04 - Handling damage
05 - Read scan
/* Vendor attribute of SMART Threshold (compare to ata_smart_attribute above) */
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_threshold_entry {
unsigned char id;
unsigned char threshold;
unsigned char reserved[10];
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_threshold_entry, 12);
/* Format of Read SMART THreshold Command */
/* Compare to ata_smart_values above */
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_thresholds_pvt {
unsigned short int revnumber;
struct ata_smart_threshold_entry thres_entries[NUMBER_ATA_SMART_ATTRIBUTES];
unsigned char reserved[149];
unsigned char chksum;
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_thresholds_pvt, 512);
// Table 42 of T13/1321D Rev 1 spec (Error Data Structure)
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_errorlog_error_struct {
unsigned char reserved;
unsigned char error_register;
unsigned char sector_count;
unsigned char sector_number;
unsigned char cylinder_low;
unsigned char cylinder_high;
unsigned char drive_head;
unsigned char status;
unsigned char extended_error[19];
unsigned char state;
unsigned short timestamp;
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_errorlog_error_struct, 30);
// Table 41 of T13/1321D Rev 1 spec (Command Data Structure)
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_errorlog_command_struct {
unsigned char devicecontrolreg;
unsigned char featuresreg;
unsigned char sector_count;
unsigned char sector_number;
unsigned char cylinder_low;
unsigned char cylinder_high;
unsigned char drive_head;
unsigned char commandreg;
unsigned int timestamp;
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_errorlog_command_struct, 12);
// Table 40 of T13/1321D Rev 1 spec (Error log data structure)
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_errorlog_struct {
struct ata_smart_errorlog_command_struct commands[5];
struct ata_smart_errorlog_error_struct error_struct;
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_errorlog_struct, 90);
// Table 39 of T13/1321D Rev 1 spec (SMART error log sector)
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_errorlog {
unsigned char revnumber;
unsigned char error_log_pointer;
struct ata_smart_errorlog_struct errorlog_struct[5];
unsigned short int ata_error_count;
unsigned char reserved[57];
unsigned char checksum;
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_errorlog, 512);
// Extended Comprehensive SMART Error Log data structures
// See Section A.7 of
// AT Attachment 8 - ATA/ATAPI Command Set (ATA8-ACS)
// T13/1699-D Revision 6a (Working Draft), September 6, 2008.
// Command data structure
// Table A.9 of T13/1699-D Revision 6a
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_exterrlog_command
unsigned char device_control_register;
unsigned char features_register;
unsigned char features_register_hi;
unsigned char count_register;
unsigned char count_register_hi;
unsigned char lba_low_register;
unsigned char lba_low_register_hi;
unsigned char lba_mid_register;
unsigned char lba_mid_register_hi;
unsigned char lba_high_register;
unsigned char lba_high_register_hi;
unsigned char device_register;
unsigned char command_register;
unsigned char reserved;
unsigned int timestamp;
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_exterrlog_command, 18);
// Error data structure
// Table A.10 T13/1699-D Revision 6a
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_exterrlog_error
unsigned char device_control_register;
unsigned char error_register;
unsigned char count_register;
unsigned char count_register_hi;
unsigned char lba_low_register;
unsigned char lba_low_register_hi;
unsigned char lba_mid_register;
unsigned char lba_mid_register_hi;
unsigned char lba_high_register;
unsigned char lba_high_register_hi;
unsigned char device_register;
unsigned char status_register;
unsigned char extended_error[19];
unsigned char state;
unsigned short timestamp;
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_exterrlog_error, 34);
// Error log data structure
// Table A.8 of T13/1699-D Revision 6a
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_exterrlog_error_log
ata_smart_exterrlog_command commands[5];
ata_smart_exterrlog_error error;
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_exterrlog_error_log, 124);
// Ext. Comprehensive SMART error log
// Table A.7 of T13/1699-D Revision 6a
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_exterrlog
unsigned char version;
unsigned char reserved1;
unsigned short error_log_index;
ata_smart_exterrlog_error_log error_logs[4];
unsigned short device_error_count;
unsigned char reserved2[9];
unsigned char checksum;
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_exterrlog, 512);
// Table 45 of T13/1321D Rev 1 spec (Self-test log descriptor entry)
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_selftestlog_struct {
unsigned char selftestnumber; // Sector number register
unsigned char selfteststatus;
unsigned short int timestamp;
unsigned char selftestfailurecheckpoint;
unsigned int lbafirstfailure;
unsigned char vendorspecific[15];
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_selftestlog_struct, 24);
// Table 44 of T13/1321D Rev 1 spec (Self-test log data structure)
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_selftestlog {
unsigned short int revnumber;
struct ata_smart_selftestlog_struct selftest_struct[21];
unsigned char vendorspecific[2];
unsigned char mostrecenttest;
unsigned char reserved[2];
unsigned char chksum;
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_selftestlog, 512);
// Extended SMART Self-test log data structures
// See Section A.8 of
// AT Attachment 8 - ATA/ATAPI Command Set (ATA8-ACS)
// T13/1699-D Revision 6a (Working Draft), September 6, 2008.
// Extended Self-test log descriptor entry
// Table A.13 of T13/1699-D Revision 6a
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_extselftestlog_desc
unsigned char self_test_type;
unsigned char self_test_status;
unsigned short timestamp;
unsigned char checkpoint;
unsigned char failing_lba[6];
unsigned char vendorspecific[15];
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_extselftestlog_desc, 26);
// Extended Self-test log data structure
// Table A.12 of T13/1699-D Revision 6a
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_extselftestlog
unsigned char version;
unsigned char reserved1;
unsigned short log_desc_index;
struct ata_smart_extselftestlog_desc log_descs[19];
unsigned char vendor_specifc[2];
unsigned char reserved2[11];
unsigned char chksum;
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_extselftestlog, 512);
// SMART LOG DIRECTORY Table 52 of T13/1532D Vol 1 Rev 1a
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_log_entry {
unsigned char numsectors;
unsigned char reserved;
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_log_entry, 2);
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_smart_log_directory {
unsigned short int logversion;
struct ata_smart_log_entry entry[255];
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_smart_log_directory, 512);
// SMART SELECTIVE SELF-TEST LOG Table 61 of T13/1532D Volume 1
// Revision 3
#pragma pack(1)
struct test_span {
uint64_t start;
uint64_t end;
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(test_span, 16);
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_selective_self_test_log {
unsigned short logversion;
struct test_span span[5];
unsigned char reserved1[337-82+1];
unsigned char vendor_specific1[491-338+1];
uint64_t currentlba;
unsigned short currentspan;
unsigned short flags;
unsigned char vendor_specific2[507-504+1];
unsigned short pendingtime;
unsigned char reserved2;
unsigned char checksum;
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_selective_self_test_log, 512);
#define SELECTIVE_FLAG_DOSCAN (0x0002)
#define SELECTIVE_FLAG_ACTIVE (0x0010)
// SCT (SMART Command Transport) data structures
// See Sections 8.2 and 8.3 of:
// AT Attachment 8 - ATA/ATAPI Command Set (ATA8-ACS)
// T13/1699-D Revision 3f (Working Draft), December 11, 2006.
// SCT Status response (read with SMART_READ_LOG page 0xe0)
// Table 60 of T13/1699-D Revision 3f
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_sct_status_response
unsigned short format_version; // 0-1: Status response format version number (2, 3)
unsigned short sct_version; // 2-3: Vendor specific version number
unsigned short sct_spec; // 4-5: SCT level supported (1)
unsigned int status_flags; // 6-9: Status flags (Bit 0: Segment initialized, Bits 1-31: reserved)
unsigned char device_state; // 10: Device State (0-5)
unsigned char bytes011_013[3]; // 11-13: reserved
unsigned short ext_status_code; // 14-15: Status of last SCT command (0xffff if executing)
unsigned short action_code; // 16-17: Action code of last SCT command
unsigned short function_code; // 18-19: Function code of last SCT command
unsigned char bytes020_039[20]; // 20-39: reserved
uint64_t lba_current; // 40-47: LBA of SCT command executing in background
unsigned char bytes048_199[152]; // 48-199: reserved
signed char hda_temp; // 200: Current temperature in Celsius (0x80 = invalid)
signed char min_temp; // 201: Minimum temperature this power cycle
signed char max_temp; // 202: Maximum temperature this power cycle
signed char life_min_temp; // 203: Minimum lifetime temperature
signed char life_max_temp; // 204: Maximum lifetime temperature
unsigned char byte205; // 205: reserved (T13/e06152r0-2: Average lifetime temperature)
unsigned int over_limit_count; // 206-209: # intervals since last reset with temperature > Max Op Limit
unsigned int under_limit_count; // 210-213: # intervals since last reset with temperature < Min Op Limit
unsigned char bytes214_479[266]; // 214-479: reserved
unsigned char vendor_specific[32];// 480-511: vendor specific
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_sct_status_response, 512);
// SCT Error Recovery Control command (send with SMART_WRITE_LOG page 0xe0)
// Table 88 of T13/1699-D Revision 6a
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_sct_error_recovery_control_command
unsigned short action_code; // 3 = Error Recovery Control
unsigned short function_code; // 1 = Set, 2 = Return
unsigned short selection_code; // 1 = Read Timer, 2 = Write Timer
unsigned short time_limit; // If set: Recovery time limit in 100ms units
unsigned short words004_255[252]; // reserved
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_sct_error_recovery_control_command, 512);
// SCT Feature Control command (send with SMART_WRITE_LOG page 0xe0)
// Table 72 of T13/1699-D Revision 3f
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_sct_feature_control_command
unsigned short action_code; // 4 = Feature Control
unsigned short function_code; // 1 = Set, 2 = Return, 3 = Return options
unsigned short feature_code; // 3 = Temperature logging interval
unsigned short state; // Interval
unsigned short option_flags; // Bit 0: persistent, Bits 1-15: reserved
unsigned short words005_255[251]; // reserved
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_sct_feature_control_command, 512);
// SCT Data Table command (send with SMART_WRITE_LOG page 0xe0)
// Table 73 of T13/1699-D Revision 3f
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_sct_data_table_command
unsigned short action_code; // 5 = Data Table
unsigned short function_code; // 1 = Read Table
unsigned short table_id; // 2 = Temperature History
unsigned short words003_255[253]; // reserved
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_sct_data_table_command, 512);
// SCT Temperature History Table (read with SMART_READ_LOG page 0xe1)
// Table 75 of T13/1699-D Revision 3f
#pragma pack(1)
struct ata_sct_temperature_history_table
unsigned short format_version; // 0-1: Data table format version number (2)
unsigned short sampling_period; // 2-3: Temperature sampling period in minutes
unsigned short interval; // 4-5: Timer interval between history entries
signed char max_op_limit; // 6: Maximum recommended continuous operating temperature
signed char over_limit; // 7: Maximum temperature limit
signed char min_op_limit; // 8: Minimum recommended continuous operating limit
signed char under_limit; // 9: Minimum temperature limit
unsigned char bytes010_029[20]; // 10-29: reserved
unsigned short cb_size; // 30-31: Number of history entries (range 128-478)
unsigned short cb_index; // 32-33: Index of last updated entry (zero-based)
signed char cb[478]; // 34-(34+cb_size-1): Circular buffer of temperature values
#pragma pack()
ASSERT_SIZEOF_STRUCT(ata_sct_temperature_history_table, 512);
// Possible values for span_args.mode
enum {
SEL_REDO, // redo this
SEL_NEXT, // do next range
SEL_CONT // redo or next depending of last test status
// Arguments for selective self-test
struct ata_selective_selftest_args
// Arguments for each span
struct span_args
uint64_t start; // First block
uint64_t end; // Last block
int mode; // SEL_*, see above
: start(0), end(0), mode(SEL_RANGE) { }
span_args span[5]; // Range and mode for 5 spans
int num_spans; // Number of spans
int pending_time; // One plus time in minutes to wait after powerup before restarting
// interrupted offline scan after selective self-test.
int scan_after_select; // Run offline scan after selective self-test:
// 0: don't change,
// 1: turn off scan after selective self-test,
// 2: turn on scan after selective self-test.
: num_spans(0), pending_time(0), scan_after_select(0) { }
// Priority for vendor attribute defs
enum ata_vendor_def_prior
// Raw attribute value print formats
enum ata_attr_raw_format
// Attribute flags
enum {
ATTRFLAG_INCREASING = 0x01, // Value not reset (for reallocated/pending counts)
ATTRFLAG_NO_NORMVAL = 0x02, // Normalized value not valid
ATTRFLAG_NO_WORSTVAL = 0x04 // Worst value not valid
// Vendor attribute display defs for all attribute ids
class ata_vendor_attr_defs
struct entry
std::string name; // Attribute name, empty for default
ata_attr_raw_format raw_format; // Raw value print format
ata_vendor_def_prior priority; // Setting priority
unsigned flags; // ATTRFLAG_*
char byteorder[8+1]; // String [012345rvwz] to define byte order
: raw_format(RAWFMT_DEFAULT),
{ byteorder[0] = 0; }
entry & operator[](unsigned char id)
{ return m_defs[id]; }
const entry & operator[](unsigned char id) const
{ return m_defs[id]; }
entry m_defs[256];
// Possible values for firmwarebugs
enum firmwarebug_t {
// Set of firmware bugs
class firmwarebug_defs
: m_bugs(0) { }
bool is_set(firmwarebug_t bug) const
{ return !!(m_bugs & (1 << bug)); }
void set(firmwarebug_t bug)
{ m_bugs |= (1 << bug); }
void set(firmwarebug_defs bugs)
{ m_bugs |= bugs.m_bugs; }
unsigned m_bugs;
// Print ATA debug messages?
extern unsigned char ata_debugmode;
// Suppress serial number?
extern bool dont_print_serial_number;
// Get information from drive
int ata_read_identity(ata_device * device, ata_identify_device * buf, bool fix_swapped_id,
unsigned char * raw_buf = 0);
int ataCheckPowerMode(ata_device * device);
// Issue a no-data ATA command with optional sector count register value
bool ata_nodata_command(ata_device * device, unsigned char command, int sector_count = -1);
// Issue SET FEATURES command with optional sector count register value
bool ata_set_features(ata_device * device, unsigned char features, int sector_count = -1);
/* Read S.M.A.R.T information from drive */
int ataReadSmartValues(ata_device * device,struct ata_smart_values *);
int ataReadSmartThresholds(ata_device * device, struct ata_smart_thresholds_pvt *);
int ataReadErrorLog (ata_device * device, ata_smart_errorlog *data,
firmwarebug_defs firmwarebugs);
int ataReadSelfTestLog(ata_device * device, ata_smart_selftestlog * data,
firmwarebug_defs firmwarebugs);
int ataReadSelectiveSelfTestLog(ata_device * device, struct ata_selective_self_test_log *data);
int ataReadLogDirectory(ata_device * device, ata_smart_log_directory *, bool gpl);
// Read GP Log page(s)
bool ataReadLogExt(ata_device * device, unsigned char logaddr,
unsigned char features, unsigned page,
void * data, unsigned nsectors);
// Read SMART Log page(s)
bool ataReadSmartLog(ata_device * device, unsigned char logaddr,
void * data, unsigned nsectors);
// Read SMART Extended Comprehensive Error Log
bool ataReadExtErrorLog(ata_device * device, ata_smart_exterrlog * log,
unsigned nsectors, firmwarebug_defs firwarebugs);
// Read SMART Extended Self-test Log
bool ataReadExtSelfTestLog(ata_device * device, ata_smart_extselftestlog * log,
unsigned nsectors);
// Read SCT information
int ataReadSCTStatus(ata_device * device, ata_sct_status_response * sts);
int ataReadSCTTempHist(ata_device * device, ata_sct_temperature_history_table * tmh,
ata_sct_status_response * sts);
// Set SCT temperature logging interval
int ataSetSCTTempInterval(ata_device * device, unsigned interval, bool persistent);
// Get/Set SCT Error Recovery Control
int ataGetSCTErrorRecoveryControltime(ata_device * device, unsigned type, unsigned short & time_limit);
int ataSetSCTErrorRecoveryControltime(ata_device * device, unsigned type, unsigned short time_limit);
/* Enable/Disable SMART on device */
int ataEnableSmart (ata_device * device);
int ataDisableSmart (ata_device * device);
int ataEnableAutoSave(ata_device * device);
int ataDisableAutoSave(ata_device * device);
/* Automatic Offline Testing */
int ataEnableAutoOffline (ata_device * device);
int ataDisableAutoOffline (ata_device * device);
/* S.M.A.R.T. test commands */
int ataSmartTest(ata_device * device, int testtype, bool force,
const ata_selective_selftest_args & args,
const ata_smart_values * sv, uint64_t num_sectors);
int ataWriteSelectiveSelfTestLog(ata_device * device, ata_selective_selftest_args & args,
const ata_smart_values * sv, uint64_t num_sectors,
const ata_selective_selftest_args * prev_spans = 0);
// Get World Wide Name (WWN) fields.
// Return NAA field or -1 if WWN is unsupported.
int ata_get_wwn(const ata_identify_device * id, unsigned & oui, uint64_t & unique_id);
// Get nominal media rotation rate.
// Returns: 0 = not reported, 1 = SSD, >1 = HDD rpm, < 0 = -(Unknown value)
int ata_get_rotation_rate(const ata_identify_device * id);
// If SMART supported, this is guaranteed to return 1 if SMART is enabled, else 0.
int ataDoesSmartWork(ata_device * device);
// returns 1 if SMART supported, 0 if not supported or can't tell
int ataSmartSupport(const ata_identify_device * drive);
// Return values:
// 1: Write Cache Reordering enabled
// 2: Write Cache Reordering disabled
// -1: error
int ataGetSetSCTWriteCacheReordering(ata_device * device, bool enable, bool persistent, bool set);
// Return values:
// 1: SMART enabled
// 0: SMART disabled
// -1: can't tell if SMART is enabled -- try issuing ataDoesSmartWork command to see
int ataIsSmartEnabled(const ata_identify_device * drive);
int ataSmartStatus2(ata_device * device);
int isSmartErrorLogCapable(const ata_smart_values * data, const ata_identify_device * identity);
int isSmartTestLogCapable(const ata_smart_values * data, const ata_identify_device * identity);
int isGeneralPurposeLoggingCapable(const ata_identify_device * identity);
int isSupportExecuteOfflineImmediate(const ata_smart_values * data);
int isSupportAutomaticTimer(const ata_smart_values * data);
int isSupportOfflineAbort(const ata_smart_values * data);
int isSupportOfflineSurfaceScan(const ata_smart_values * data);
int isSupportSelfTest(const ata_smart_values * data);
int isSupportConveyanceSelfTest(const ata_smart_values * data);
int isSupportSelectiveSelfTest(const ata_smart_values * data);
inline bool isSCTCapable(const ata_identify_device *drive)
{ return !!(drive->words088_255[206-88] & 0x01); } // 0x01 = SCT support
inline bool isSCTErrorRecoveryControlCapable(const ata_identify_device *drive)
{ return ((drive->words088_255[206-88] & 0x09) == 0x09); } // 0x08 = SCT Error Recovery Control support
inline bool isSCTFeatureControlCapable(const ata_identify_device *drive)
{ return ((drive->words088_255[206-88] & 0x11) == 0x11); } // 0x10 = SCT Feature Control support
inline bool isSCTDataTableCapable(const ata_identify_device *drive)
{ return ((drive->words088_255[206-88] & 0x21) == 0x21); } // 0x20 = SCT Data Table support
int TestTime(const ata_smart_values * data, int testtype);
// Attribute state
enum ata_attr_state
ATTRSTATE_NON_EXISTING, // No such Attribute
ATTRSTATE_NO_NORMVAL, // Normalized value not valid
ATTRSTATE_NO_THRESHOLD, // Unknown or no threshold
ATTRSTATE_OK, // Never failed
ATTRSTATE_FAILED_PAST, // Failed in the past
// Get attribute state
ata_attr_state ata_get_attr_state(const ata_smart_attribute & attr,
int attridx,
const ata_smart_threshold_entry * thresholds,
const ata_vendor_attr_defs & defs,
unsigned char * threshval = 0);
// Get attribute raw value.
uint64_t ata_get_attr_raw_value(const ata_smart_attribute & attr,
const ata_vendor_attr_defs & defs);
// Format attribute raw value.
std::string ata_format_attr_raw_value(const ata_smart_attribute & attr,
const ata_vendor_attr_defs & defs);
// Get attribute name
std::string ata_get_smart_attr_name(unsigned char id,
const ata_vendor_attr_defs & defs,
int rpm = 0);
// External handler function, for when a checksum is not correct. Can
// simply return if no action is desired, or can print error messages
// as needed, or exit. Is passed a string with the name of the Data
// Structure with the incorrect checksum.
void checksumwarning(const char *string);
// Find attribute index for attribute id, -1 if not found.
int ata_find_attr_index(unsigned char id, const ata_smart_values & smartval);
// Return Temperature Attribute raw value selected according to possible
// non-default interpretations. If the Attribute does not exist, return 0
unsigned char ata_return_temperature_value(const ata_smart_values * data, const ata_vendor_attr_defs & defs);
// Parse vendor attribute display def (-v option).
// Return false on error.
bool parse_attribute_def(const char * opt, ata_vendor_attr_defs & defs,
ata_vendor_def_prior priority);
// Get ID and increase flag of current pending or offline
// uncorrectable attribute.
unsigned char get_unc_attr_id(bool offline, const ata_vendor_attr_defs & defs,
bool & increase);
// Return a multiline string containing a list of valid arguments for
// parse_attribute_def().
std::string create_vendor_attribute_arg_list();
// Parse firmwarebug def (-F option).
// Return false on error.
bool parse_firmwarebug_def(const char * opt, firmwarebug_defs & firmwarebugs);
// Return a string of valid argument words for parse_firmwarebug_def()
const char * get_valid_firmwarebug_args();
// These are two of the functions that are defined in os_*.c and need
// to be ported to get smartmontools onto another OS.
// Moved to C++ interface
//int ata_command_interface(int device, smart_command_set command, int select, char *data);
//int escalade_command_interface(int fd, int escalade_port, int escalade_type, smart_command_set command, int select, char *data);
//int marvell_command_interface(int device, smart_command_set command, int select, char *data);
//int highpoint_command_interface(int device, smart_command_set command, int select, char *data);
//int areca_command_interface(int fd, int disknum, smart_command_set command, int select, char *data);
// This function is exported to give low-level capability
int smartcommandhandler(ata_device * device, smart_command_set command, int select, char *data);
// Print one self-test log entry.
// Returns:
// -1: failed self-test
// 1: extended self-test completed without error
// 0: otherwise
int ataPrintSmartSelfTestEntry(unsigned testnum, unsigned char test_type,
unsigned char test_status,
unsigned short timestamp,
uint64_t failing_lba,
bool print_error_only, bool & print_header);
// Print Smart self-test log, used by smartctl and smartd.
int ataPrintSmartSelfTestlog(const ata_smart_selftestlog * data, bool allentries,
firmwarebug_defs firmwarebugs);
// Get capacity and sector sizes from IDENTIFY data
struct ata_size_info
uint64_t sectors;
uint64_t capacity;
unsigned log_sector_size;
unsigned phy_sector_size;
unsigned log_sector_offset;
void ata_get_size_info(const ata_identify_device * id, ata_size_info & sizes);
// Convenience function for formatting strings from ata_identify_device.
void ata_format_id_string(char * out, const unsigned char * in, int n);
// Utility routines.
unsigned char checksum(const void * data);
void swap2(char *location);
void swap4(char *location);
void swap8(char *location);
// Typesafe variants using overloading
inline void swapx(unsigned short * p)
{ swap2((char*)p); }
inline void swapx(unsigned int * p)
{ swap4((char*)p); }
inline void swapx(uint64_t * p)
{ swap8((char*)p); }
// Return pseudo-device to parse "smartctl -r ataioctl,2 ..." output
// and simulate an ATA device with same behaviour
ata_device * get_parsed_ata_device(smart_interface * intf, const char * dev_name);
#endif /* ATACMDS_H_ */
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