* Home page of code is: http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net
* Copyright (C) 2002-11 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
* Copyright (C) 2000 Michael Cornwell <cornwell@acm.org>
* Copyright (C) 2008 Oliver Bock <brevilo@users.sourceforge.net>
* Copyright (C) 2008-13 Christian Franke <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* (for example COPYING); If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This code was originally developed as a Senior Thesis by Michael Cornwell
* at the Concurrent Systems Laboratory (now part of the Storage Systems
* Research Center), Jack Baskin School of Engineering, University of
* California, Santa Cruz. http://ssrc.soe.ucsc.edu/
#include "config.h"
#include "int64.h"
// unconditionally included files
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h> // umask
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm> // std::replace()
// conditionally included files
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4761) // "conversion supplied"
typedef unsigned short mode_t;
typedef int pid_t;
#include <io.h> // umask()
#include <process.h> // getpid()
#endif // _WIN32
#ifdef __CYGWIN__
#include <io.h> // setmode()
#endif // __CYGWIN__
#include <cap-ng.h>
#endif // LIBCAP_NG
// locally included files
#include "atacmds.h"
#include "dev_interface.h"
#include "knowndrives.h"
#include "scsicmds.h"
#include "utility.h"
// This is for solaris, where signal() resets the handler to SIG_DFL
// after the first signal is caught.
#define SIGNALFN sigset
#define SIGNALFN signal
#ifdef _WIN32
// fork()/signal()/initd simulation for native Windows
#include "daemon_win32.h" // daemon_main/detach/signal()
#define SIGNALFN daemon_signal
#define strsignal daemon_strsignal
#define sleep daemon_sleep
// SIGQUIT does not exist, CONTROL-Break signals SIGBREAK.
#else // _WIN32
#endif // _WIN32
#if defined (__SVR4) && defined (__sun)
extern "C" int getdomainname(char *, int); // no declaration in header files!
const char * smartd_cpp_cvsid = "$Id: smartd.cpp,v 2013/10/14 07:54:04 misho Exp $"
// smartd exit codes
#define EXIT_BADCMD 1 // command line did not parse
#define EXIT_BADCONF 2 // syntax error in config file
#define EXIT_STARTUP 3 // problem forking daemon
#define EXIT_PID 4 // problem creating pid file
#define EXIT_NOCONF 5 // config file does not exist
#define EXIT_READCONF 6 // config file exists but cannot be read
#define EXIT_NOMEM 8 // out of memory
#define EXIT_BADCODE 10 // internal error - should NEVER happen
#define EXIT_BADDEV 16 // we can't monitor this device
#define EXIT_NODEV 17 // no devices to monitor
#define EXIT_SIGNAL 254 // abort on signal
// command-line: 1=debug mode, 2=print presets
static unsigned char debugmode = 0;
// command-line: how long to sleep between checks
#define CHECKTIME 1800
static int checktime=CHECKTIME;
// command-line: name of PID file (empty for no pid file)
static std::string pid_file;
// command-line: path prefix of persistent state file, empty if no persistence.
static std::string state_path_prefix
// command-line: path prefix of attribute log file, empty if no logs.
static std::string attrlog_path_prefix
// configuration file name
static const char * configfile;
// configuration file "name" if read from stdin
static const char * const configfile_stdin = "<stdin>";
// path of alternate configuration file
static std::string configfile_alt;
// warning script file
static std::string warning_script;
// command-line: when should we exit?
static int quit=0;
// command-line; this is the default syslog(3) log facility to use.
static int facility=LOG_DAEMON;
#ifndef _WIN32
// command-line: fork into background?
static bool do_fork=true;
// command-line: enable capabilities?
static bool enable_capabilities = false;
// TODO: This smartctl only variable is also used in os_win32.cpp
unsigned char failuretest_permissive = 0;
// set to one if we catch a USR1 (check devices now)
static volatile int caughtsigUSR1=0;
#ifdef _WIN32
// set to one if we catch a USR2 (toggle debug mode)
static volatile int caughtsigUSR2=0;
// set to one if we catch a HUP (reload config file). In debug mode,
// set to two, if we catch INT (also reload config file).
static volatile int caughtsigHUP=0;
// set to signal value if we catch INT, QUIT, or TERM
static volatile int caughtsigEXIT=0;
// This function prints either to stdout or to the syslog as needed.
static void PrintOut(int priority, const char *fmt, ...)
__attribute_format_printf(2, 3);
// Attribute monitoring flags.
// See monitor_attr_flags below.
enum {
// Array of flags for each attribute.
class attribute_flags
{ memset(m_flags, 0, sizeof(m_flags)); }
bool is_set(int id, unsigned char flag) const
{ return (0 < id && id < (int)sizeof(m_flags) && (m_flags[id] & flag)); }
void set(int id, unsigned char flags)
if (0 < id && id < (int)sizeof(m_flags))
m_flags[id] |= flags;
unsigned char m_flags[256];
/// Configuration data for a device. Read from smartd.conf.
/// Supports copy & assignment and is compatible with STL containers.
struct dev_config
int lineno; // Line number of entry in file
std::string name; // Device name (with optional extra info)
std::string dev_name; // Device name (plain, for SMARTD_DEVICE variable)
std::string dev_type; // Device type argument from -d directive, empty if none
std::string dev_idinfo; // Device identify info for warning emails
std::string state_file; // Path of the persistent state file, empty if none
std::string attrlog_file; // Path of the persistent attrlog file, empty if none
bool ignore; // Ignore this entry
bool smartcheck; // Check SMART status
bool usagefailed; // Check for failed Usage Attributes
bool prefail; // Track changes in Prefail Attributes
bool usage; // Track changes in Usage Attributes
bool selftest; // Monitor number of selftest errors
bool errorlog; // Monitor number of ATA errors
bool xerrorlog; // Monitor number of ATA errors (Extended Comprehensive error log)
bool offlinests; // Monitor changes in offline data collection status
bool offlinests_ns; // Disable auto standby if in progress
bool selfteststs; // Monitor changes in self-test execution status
bool selfteststs_ns; // Disable auto standby if in progress
bool permissive; // Ignore failed SMART commands
char autosave; // 1=disable, 2=enable Autosave Attributes
char autoofflinetest; // 1=disable, 2=enable Auto Offline Test
firmwarebug_defs firmwarebugs; // -F directives from drivedb or smartd.conf
bool ignorepresets; // Ignore database of -v options
bool showpresets; // Show database entry for this device
bool removable; // Device may disappear (not be present)
char powermode; // skip check, if disk in idle or standby mode
bool powerquiet; // skip powermode 'skipping checks' message
int powerskipmax; // how many times can be check skipped
unsigned char tempdiff; // Track Temperature changes >= this limit
unsigned char tempinfo, tempcrit; // Track Temperatures >= these limits as LOG_INFO, LOG_CRIT+mail
regular_expression test_regex; // Regex for scheduled testing
// Configuration of email warning messages
std::string emailcmdline; // script to execute, empty if no messages
std::string emailaddress; // email address, or empty
unsigned char emailfreq; // Emails once (1) daily (2) diminishing (3)
bool emailtest; // Send test email?
int dev_rpm; // rotation rate, 0 = unknown, 1 = SSD, >1 = HDD
int set_aam; // disable(-1), enable(1..255->0..254) Automatic Acoustic Management
int set_apm; // disable(-1), enable(2..255->1..254) Advanced Power Management
int set_lookahead; // disable(-1), enable(1) read look-ahead
int set_standby; // set(1..255->0..254) standby timer
bool set_security_freeze; // Freeze ATA security
int set_wcache; // disable(-1), enable(1) write cache
bool sct_erc_set; // set SCT ERC to:
unsigned short sct_erc_readtime; // ERC read time (deciseconds)
unsigned short sct_erc_writetime; // ERC write time (deciseconds)
unsigned char curr_pending_id; // ID of current pending sector count, 0 if none
unsigned char offl_pending_id; // ID of offline uncorrectable sector count, 0 if none
bool curr_pending_incr, offl_pending_incr; // True if current/offline pending values increase
bool curr_pending_set, offl_pending_set; // True if '-C', '-U' set in smartd.conf
attribute_flags monitor_attr_flags; // MONITOR_* flags for each attribute
ata_vendor_attr_defs attribute_defs; // -v options
: lineno(0),
offlinests(false), offlinests_ns(false),
selfteststs(false), selfteststs_ns(false),
tempinfo(0), tempcrit(0),
set_aam(0), set_apm(0),
sct_erc_readtime(0), sct_erc_writetime(0),
curr_pending_id(0), offl_pending_id(0),
curr_pending_incr(false), offl_pending_incr(false),
curr_pending_set(false), offl_pending_set(false)
// Number of allowed mail message types
static const int SMARTD_NMAIL = 13;
// Type for '-M test' mails (state not persistent)
static const int MAILTYPE_TEST = 0;
// TODO: Add const or enum for all mail types.
struct mailinfo {
int logged;// number of times an email has been sent
time_t firstsent;// time first email was sent, as defined by time(2)
time_t lastsent; // time last email was sent, as defined by time(2)
: logged(0), firstsent(0), lastsent(0) { }
/// Persistent state data for a device.
struct persistent_dev_state
unsigned char tempmin, tempmax; // Min/Max Temperatures
unsigned char selflogcount; // total number of self-test errors
unsigned short selfloghour; // lifetime hours of last self-test error
time_t scheduled_test_next_check; // Time of next check for scheduled self-tests
uint64_t selective_test_last_start; // Start LBA of last scheduled selective self-test
uint64_t selective_test_last_end; // End LBA of last scheduled selective self-test
mailinfo maillog[SMARTD_NMAIL]; // log info on when mail sent
int ataerrorcount; // Total number of ATA errors
// Persistent part of ata_smart_values:
struct ata_attribute {
unsigned char id;
unsigned char val;
unsigned char worst; // Byte needed for 'raw64' attribute only.
uint64_t raw;
unsigned char resvd;
ata_attribute() : id(0), val(0), worst(0), raw(0), resvd(0) { }
ata_attribute ata_attributes[NUMBER_ATA_SMART_ATTRIBUTES];
struct scsi_error_counter {
struct scsiErrorCounter errCounter;
unsigned char found;
scsi_error_counter() : found(0) { }
scsi_error_counter scsi_error_counters[3];
struct scsi_nonmedium_error {
struct scsiNonMediumError nme;
unsigned char found;
scsi_nonmedium_error() : found(0) { }
scsi_nonmedium_error scsi_nonmedium_error;
: tempmin(0), tempmax(0),
/// Non-persistent state data for a device.
struct temp_dev_state
bool must_write; // true if persistent part should be written
bool not_cap_offline; // true == not capable of offline testing
bool not_cap_conveyance;
bool not_cap_short;
bool not_cap_long;
bool not_cap_selective;
unsigned char temperature; // last recorded Temperature (in Celsius)
time_t tempmin_delay; // time where Min Temperature tracking will start
bool powermodefail; // true if power mode check failed
int powerskipcnt; // Number of checks skipped due to idle or standby mode
unsigned char SmartPageSupported; // has log sense IE page (0x2f)
unsigned char TempPageSupported; // has log sense temperature page (0xd)
unsigned char ReadECounterPageSupported;
unsigned char WriteECounterPageSupported;
unsigned char VerifyECounterPageSupported;
unsigned char NonMediumErrorPageSupported;
unsigned char SuppressReport; // minimize nuisance reports
unsigned char modese_len; // mode sense/select cmd len: 0 (don't
// know yet) 6 or 10
uint64_t num_sectors; // Number of sectors
ata_smart_values smartval; // SMART data
ata_smart_thresholds_pvt smartthres; // SMART thresholds
bool offline_started; // true if offline data collection was started
bool selftest_started; // true if self-test was started
: must_write(false),
memset(&smartval, 0, sizeof(smartval));
memset(&smartthres, 0, sizeof(smartthres));
/// Runtime state data for a device.
struct dev_state
: public persistent_dev_state,
public temp_dev_state
void update_persistent_state();
void update_temp_state();
/// Container for configuration info for each device.
typedef std::vector<dev_config> dev_config_vector;
/// Container for state info for each device.
typedef std::vector<dev_state> dev_state_vector;
// Copy ATA attributes to persistent state.
void dev_state::update_persistent_state()
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_ATA_SMART_ATTRIBUTES; i++) {
const ata_smart_attribute & ta = smartval.vendor_attributes[i];
ata_attribute & pa = ata_attributes[i];
pa.id = ta.id;
if (ta.id == 0) {
pa.val = pa.worst = 0; pa.raw = 0;
pa.val = ta.current;
pa.worst = ta.worst;
pa.raw = ta.raw[0]
| ( ta.raw[1] << 8)
| ( ta.raw[2] << 16)
| ((uint64_t)ta.raw[3] << 24)
| ((uint64_t)ta.raw[4] << 32)
| ((uint64_t)ta.raw[5] << 40);
pa.resvd = ta.reserv;
// Copy ATA from persistent to temp state.
void dev_state::update_temp_state()
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_ATA_SMART_ATTRIBUTES; i++) {
const ata_attribute & pa = ata_attributes[i];
ata_smart_attribute & ta = smartval.vendor_attributes[i];
ta.id = pa.id;
if (pa.id == 0) {
ta.current = ta.worst = 0;
memset(ta.raw, 0, sizeof(ta.raw));
ta.current = pa.val;
ta.worst = pa.worst;
ta.raw[0] = (unsigned char) pa.raw;
ta.raw[1] = (unsigned char)(pa.raw >> 8);
ta.raw[2] = (unsigned char)(pa.raw >> 16);
ta.raw[3] = (unsigned char)(pa.raw >> 24);
ta.raw[4] = (unsigned char)(pa.raw >> 32);
ta.raw[5] = (unsigned char)(pa.raw >> 40);
ta.reserv = pa.resvd;
// Parse a line from a state file.
static bool parse_dev_state_line(const char * line, persistent_dev_state & state)
static const regular_expression regex(
"^ *"
"((temperature-min)" // (1 (2)
"|(temperature-max)" // (3)
"|(self-test-errors)" // (4)
"|(self-test-last-err-hour)" // (5)
"|(scheduled-test-next-check)" // (6)
"|(selective-test-last-start)" // (7)
"|(selective-test-last-end)" // (8)
"|(ata-error-count)" // (9)
"|(mail\\.([0-9]+)\\." // (10 (11)
"((count)" // (12 (13)
"|(first-sent-time)" // (14)
"|(last-sent-time)" // (15)
")" // 12)
")" // 10)
"|(ata-smart-attribute\\.([0-9]+)\\." // (16 (17)
"((id)" // (18 (19)
"|(val)" // (20)
"|(worst)" // (21)
"|(raw)" // (22)
"|(resvd)" // (23)
")" // 18)
")" // 16)
")" // 1)
" *= *([0-9]+)[ \n]*$", // (24)
const int nmatch = 1+24;
regmatch_t match[nmatch];
if (!regex.execute(line, nmatch, match))
return false;
if (match[nmatch-1].rm_so < 0)
return false;
uint64_t val = strtoull(line + match[nmatch-1].rm_so, (char **)0, 10);
int m = 1;
if (match[++m].rm_so >= 0)
state.tempmin = (unsigned char)val;
else if (match[++m].rm_so >= 0)
state.tempmax = (unsigned char)val;
else if (match[++m].rm_so >= 0)
state.selflogcount = (unsigned char)val;
else if (match[++m].rm_so >= 0)
state.selfloghour = (unsigned short)val;
else if (match[++m].rm_so >= 0)
state.scheduled_test_next_check = (time_t)val;
else if (match[++m].rm_so >= 0)
state.selective_test_last_start = val;
else if (match[++m].rm_so >= 0)
state.selective_test_last_end = val;
else if (match[++m].rm_so >= 0)
state.ataerrorcount = (int)val;
else if (match[m+=2].rm_so >= 0) {
int i = atoi(line+match[m].rm_so);
if (!(0 <= i && i < SMARTD_NMAIL))
return false;
if (i == MAILTYPE_TEST) // Don't suppress test mails
return true;
if (match[m+=2].rm_so >= 0)
state.maillog[i].logged = (int)val;
else if (match[++m].rm_so >= 0)
state.maillog[i].firstsent = (time_t)val;
else if (match[++m].rm_so >= 0)
state.maillog[i].lastsent = (time_t)val;
return false;
else if (match[m+=5+1].rm_so >= 0) {
int i = atoi(line+match[m].rm_so);
if (!(0 <= i && i < NUMBER_ATA_SMART_ATTRIBUTES))
return false;
if (match[m+=2].rm_so >= 0)
state.ata_attributes[i].id = (unsigned char)val;
else if (match[++m].rm_so >= 0)
state.ata_attributes[i].val = (unsigned char)val;
else if (match[++m].rm_so >= 0)
state.ata_attributes[i].worst = (unsigned char)val;
else if (match[++m].rm_so >= 0)
state.ata_attributes[i].raw = val;
else if (match[++m].rm_so >= 0)
state.ata_attributes[i].resvd = (unsigned char)val;
return false;
return false;
return true;
// Read a state file.
static bool read_dev_state(const char * path, persistent_dev_state & state)
stdio_file f(path, "r");
if (!f) {
if (errno != ENOENT)
pout("Cannot read state file \"%s\"\n", path);
return false;
#ifdef __CYGWIN__
setmode(fileno(f), O_TEXT); // Allow files with \r\n
persistent_dev_state new_state;
int good = 0, bad = 0;
char line[256];
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) {
const char * s = line + strspn(line, " \t");
if (!*s || *s == '#')
if (!parse_dev_state_line(line, new_state))
if (bad) {
if (!good) {
pout("%s: format error\n", path);
return false;
pout("%s: %d invalid line(s) ignored\n", path, bad);
// This sets the values missing in the file to 0.
state = new_state;
return true;
static void write_dev_state_line(FILE * f, const char * name, uint64_t val)
if (val)
fprintf(f, "%s = %"PRIu64"\n", name, val);
static void write_dev_state_line(FILE * f, const char * name1, int id, const char * name2, uint64_t val)
if (val)
fprintf(f, "%s.%d.%s = %"PRIu64"\n", name1, id, name2, val);
// Write a state file
static bool write_dev_state(const char * path, const persistent_dev_state & state)
// Rename old "file" to "file~"
std::string pathbak = path; pathbak += '~';
rename(path, pathbak.c_str());
stdio_file f(path, "w");
if (!f) {
pout("Cannot create state file \"%s\"\n", path);
return false;
fprintf(f, "# smartd state file\n");
write_dev_state_line(f, "temperature-min", state.tempmin);
write_dev_state_line(f, "temperature-max", state.tempmax);
write_dev_state_line(f, "self-test-errors", state.selflogcount);
write_dev_state_line(f, "self-test-last-err-hour", state.selfloghour);
write_dev_state_line(f, "scheduled-test-next-check", state.scheduled_test_next_check);
write_dev_state_line(f, "selective-test-last-start", state.selective_test_last_start);
write_dev_state_line(f, "selective-test-last-end", state.selective_test_last_end);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < SMARTD_NMAIL; i++) {
if (i == MAILTYPE_TEST) // Don't suppress test mails
const mailinfo & mi = state.maillog[i];
if (!mi.logged)
write_dev_state_line(f, "mail", i, "count", mi.logged);
write_dev_state_line(f, "mail", i, "first-sent-time", mi.firstsent);
write_dev_state_line(f, "mail", i, "last-sent-time", mi.lastsent);
write_dev_state_line(f, "ata-error-count", state.ataerrorcount);
for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_ATA_SMART_ATTRIBUTES; i++) {
const persistent_dev_state::ata_attribute & pa = state.ata_attributes[i];
if (!pa.id)
write_dev_state_line(f, "ata-smart-attribute", i, "id", pa.id);
write_dev_state_line(f, "ata-smart-attribute", i, "val", pa.val);
write_dev_state_line(f, "ata-smart-attribute", i, "worst", pa.worst);
write_dev_state_line(f, "ata-smart-attribute", i, "raw", pa.raw);
write_dev_state_line(f, "ata-smart-attribute", i, "resvd", pa.resvd);
return true;
// Write to the attrlog file
static bool write_dev_attrlog(const char * path, const dev_state & state)
stdio_file f(path, "a");
if (!f) {
pout("Cannot create attribute log file \"%s\"\n", path);
return false;
time_t now = time(0);
struct tm * tms = gmtime(&now);
fprintf(f, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d;",
1900+tms->tm_year, 1+tms->tm_mon, tms->tm_mday,
tms->tm_hour, tms->tm_min, tms->tm_sec);
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_ATA_SMART_ATTRIBUTES; i++) {
const persistent_dev_state::ata_attribute & pa = state.ata_attributes[i];
if (!pa.id)
fprintf(f, "\t%d;%d;%"PRIu64";", pa.id, pa.val, pa.raw);
const struct scsiErrorCounter * ecp;
const char * pageNames[3] = {"read", "write", "verify"};
for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
if ( !state.scsi_error_counters[k].found ) continue;
ecp = &state.scsi_error_counters[k].errCounter;
fprintf(f, "\t%s-corr-by-ecc-fast;%"PRIu64";"
pageNames[k], ecp->counter[0],
pageNames[k], ecp->counter[1],
pageNames[k], ecp->counter[2],
pageNames[k], ecp->counter[3],
pageNames[k], ecp->counter[4],
pageNames[k], (ecp->counter[5] / 1000000000.0),
pageNames[k], ecp->counter[6]);
if(state.scsi_nonmedium_error.found && state.scsi_nonmedium_error.nme.gotPC0) {
fprintf(f, "\tnon-medium-errors;%"PRIu64";", state.scsi_nonmedium_error.nme.counterPC0);
// write SCSI current temperature if it is monitored
if(state.TempPageSupported && state.temperature)
fprintf(f, "\ttemperature;%d;", state.temperature);
// end of line
fprintf(f, "\n");
return true;
// Write all state files. If write_always is false, don't write
// unless must_write is set.
static void write_all_dev_states(const dev_config_vector & configs,
dev_state_vector & states,
bool write_always = true)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < states.size(); i++) {
const dev_config & cfg = configs.at(i);
if (cfg.state_file.empty())
dev_state & state = states[i];
if (!write_always && !state.must_write)
if (!write_dev_state(cfg.state_file.c_str(), state))
state.must_write = false;
if (write_always || debugmode)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, state written to %s\n",
cfg.name.c_str(), cfg.state_file.c_str());
// Write to all attrlog files
static void write_all_dev_attrlogs(const dev_config_vector & configs,
dev_state_vector & states)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < states.size(); i++) {
const dev_config & cfg = configs.at(i);
if (cfg.attrlog_file.empty())
dev_state & state = states[i];
write_dev_attrlog(cfg.attrlog_file.c_str(), state);
// remove the PID file
static void RemovePidFile()
if (!pid_file.empty()) {
if (unlink(pid_file.c_str()))
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"Can't unlink PID file %s (%s).\n",
pid_file.c_str(), strerror(errno));
extern "C" { // signal handlers require C-linkage
// Note if we catch a SIGUSR1
static void USR1handler(int sig)
if (SIGUSR1==sig)
#ifdef _WIN32
// Note if we catch a SIGUSR2
static void USR2handler(int sig)
if (SIGUSR2==sig)
// Note if we catch a HUP (or INT in debug mode)
static void HUPhandler(int sig)
if (sig==SIGHUP)
// signal handler for TERM, QUIT, and INT (if not in debug mode)
static void sighandler(int sig)
if (!caughtsigEXIT)
} // extern "C"
// Cleanup, print Goodbye message and remove pidfile
static int Goodbye(int status)
// delete PID file, if one was created
// if we are exiting because of a code bug, tell user
if (status==EXIT_BADCODE)
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Please inform " PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ", including output of smartd -V.\n");
// and this should be the final output from smartd before it exits
PrintOut(status?LOG_CRIT:LOG_INFO, "smartd is exiting (exit status %d)\n", status);
return status;
// a replacement for setenv() which is not available on all platforms.
// Note that the string passed to putenv must not be freed or made
// invalid, since a pointer to it is kept by putenv(). This means that
// it must either be a static buffer or allocated off the heap. The
// string can be freed if the environment variable is redefined via
// another call to putenv(). There is no portable way to unset a variable
// with putenv(). So we manage the buffer in a static object.
// Using setenv() if available is not considered because some
// implementations may produce memory leaks.
class env_buffer
: m_buf((char *)0) { }
void set(const char * name, const char * value);
char * m_buf;
env_buffer(const env_buffer &);
void operator=(const env_buffer &);
void env_buffer::set(const char * name, const char * value)
int size = strlen(name) + 1 + strlen(value) + 1;
char * newbuf = new char[size];
snprintf(newbuf, size, "%s=%s", name, value);
if (putenv(newbuf))
throw std::runtime_error("putenv() failed");
// This assumes that the same NAME is passed on each call
delete [] m_buf;
m_buf = newbuf;
#define EBUFLEN 1024
static void MailWarning(const dev_config & cfg, dev_state & state, int which, const char *fmt, ...)
__attribute_format_printf(4, 5);
// If either address or executable path is non-null then send and log
// a warning email, or execute executable
static void MailWarning(const dev_config & cfg, dev_state & state, int which, const char *fmt, ...)
static const char * const whichfail[] = {
"EmailTest", // 0
"Health", // 1
"Usage", // 2
"SelfTest", // 3
"ErrorCount", // 4
"FailedHealthCheck", // 5
"FailedReadSmartData", // 6
"FailedReadSmartErrorLog", // 7
"FailedReadSmartSelfTestLog", // 8
"FailedOpenDevice", // 9
"CurrentPendingSector", // 10
"OfflineUncorrectableSector", // 11
"Temperature" // 12
// See if user wants us to send mail
if (cfg.emailaddress.empty() && cfg.emailcmdline.empty())
std::string address = cfg.emailaddress;
const char * executable = cfg.emailcmdline.c_str();
// which type of mail are we sending?
mailinfo * mail=(state.maillog)+which;
// checks for sanity
if (cfg.emailfreq<1 || cfg.emailfreq>3) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"internal error in MailWarning(): cfg.mailwarn->emailfreq=%d\n",cfg.emailfreq);
if (which<0 || which>=SMARTD_NMAIL || sizeof(whichfail)!=SMARTD_NMAIL*sizeof(char *)) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"Contact " PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "; internal error in MailWarning(): which=%d, size=%d\n",
which, (int)sizeof(whichfail));
// Return if a single warning mail has been sent.
if ((cfg.emailfreq==1) && mail->logged)
// Return if this is an email test and one has already been sent.
if (which == 0 && mail->logged)
// To decide if to send mail, we need to know what time it is.
time_t epoch = time(0);
// Return if less than one day has gone by
const int day = 24*3600;
if (cfg.emailfreq==2 && mail->logged && epoch<(mail->lastsent+day))
// Return if less than 2^(logged-1) days have gone by
if (cfg.emailfreq==3 && mail->logged) {
int days = 0x01 << (mail->logged - 1);
if (epoch<(mail->lastsent+days))
if (enable_capabilities) {
PrintOut(LOG_ERR, "Sending a mail was supressed. "
"Mails can't be send when capabilites are enabled\n");
// record the time of this mail message, and the first mail message
if (!mail->logged)
// print warning string into message
char message[256];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsnprintf(message, sizeof(message), fmt, ap);
// replace commas by spaces to separate recipients
std::replace(address.begin(), address.end(), ',', ' ');
// Export information in environment variables that will be useful
// for user scripts
static env_buffer env[12];
env[0].set("SMARTD_MAILER", executable);
env[1].set("SMARTD_MESSAGE", message);
snprintf(dates, sizeof(dates), "%d", mail->logged);
env[2].set("SMARTD_PREVCNT", dates);
dateandtimezoneepoch(dates, mail->firstsent);
env[3].set("SMARTD_TFIRST", dates);
snprintf(dates, DATEANDEPOCHLEN,"%d", (int)mail->firstsent);
env[4].set("SMARTD_TFIRSTEPOCH", dates);
env[5].set("SMARTD_FAILTYPE", whichfail[which]);
env[6].set("SMARTD_ADDRESS", address.c_str());
env[7].set("SMARTD_DEVICESTRING", cfg.name.c_str());
// Allow 'smartctl ... -d $SMARTD_DEVICETYPE $SMARTD_DEVICE'
(!cfg.dev_type.empty() ? cfg.dev_type.c_str() : "auto"));
env[9].set("SMARTD_DEVICE", cfg.dev_name.c_str());
env[10].set("SMARTD_DEVICEINFO", cfg.dev_idinfo.c_str());
dates[0] = 0;
if (which) switch (cfg.emailfreq) {
case 2: dates[0] = '1'; dates[1] = 0; break;
case 3: snprintf(dates, sizeof(dates), "%d", (0x01)<<mail->logged);
env[11].set("SMARTD_NEXTDAYS", dates);
// now construct a command to send this as EMAIL
char command[2048];
if (!*executable)
executable = "<mail>";
const char * newadd = (!address.empty()? address.c_str() : "<nomailer>");
const char * newwarn = (which? "Warning via" : "Test of");
#ifndef _WIN32
snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s 2>&1", warning_script.c_str());
// tell SYSLOG what we are about to do...
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"%s %s to %s ...\n",
which?"Sending warning via":"Executing test of", executable, newadd);
// issue the command to send mail or to run the user's executable
FILE * pfp;
if (!(pfp=popen(command, "r")))
// failed to popen() mail process
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"%s %s to %s: failed (fork or pipe failed, or no memory) %s\n",
newwarn, executable, newadd, errno?strerror(errno):"");
else {
// pipe suceeded!
int len, status;
char buffer[EBUFLEN];
// if unexpected output on stdout/stderr, null terminate, print, and flush
if ((len=fread(buffer, 1, EBUFLEN, pfp))) {
int count=0;
int newlen = len<EBUFLEN ? len : EBUFLEN-1;
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"%s %s to %s produced unexpected output (%s%d bytes) to STDOUT/STDERR: \n%s\n",
newwarn, executable, newadd, len!=newlen?"here truncated to ":"", newlen, buffer);
// flush pipe if needed
while (fread(buffer, 1, EBUFLEN, pfp) && count<EBUFLEN)
// tell user that pipe was flushed, or that something is really wrong
if (count && count<EBUFLEN)
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"%s %s to %s: flushed remaining STDOUT/STDERR\n",
newwarn, executable, newadd);
else if (count)
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"%s %s to %s: more than 1 MB STDOUT/STDERR flushed, breaking pipe\n",
newwarn, executable, newadd);
// if something went wrong with mail process, print warning
if (-1==(status=pclose(pfp)))
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"%s %s to %s: pclose(3) failed %s\n", newwarn, executable, newadd,
else {
// mail process apparently succeeded. Check and report exit status
int status8;
if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
// exited 'normally' (but perhaps with nonzero status)
if (status8>128)
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"%s %s to %s: failed (32-bit/8-bit exit status: %d/%d) perhaps caught signal %d [%s]\n",
newwarn, executable, newadd, status, status8, status8-128, strsignal(status8-128));
else if (status8)
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"%s %s to %s: failed (32-bit/8-bit exit status: %d/%d)\n",
newwarn, executable, newadd, status, status8);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"%s %s to %s: successful\n", newwarn, executable, newadd);
if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"%s %s to %s: exited because of uncaught signal %d [%s]\n",
newwarn, executable, newadd, WTERMSIG(status), strsignal(WTERMSIG(status)));
// this branch is probably not possible. If subprocess is
// stopped then pclose() should not return.
if (WIFSTOPPED(status))
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"%s %s to %s: process STOPPED because it caught signal %d [%s]\n",
newwarn, executable, newadd, WSTOPSIG(status), strsignal(WSTOPSIG(status)));
#else // _WIN32
snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "cmd /c \"%s\"", warning_script.c_str());
char stdoutbuf[800]; // < buffer in syslog_win32::vsyslog()
int rc;
// run command
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"%s %s to %s ...\n",
(which?"Sending warning via":"Executing test of"), executable, newadd);
rc = daemon_spawn(command, "", 0, stdoutbuf, sizeof(stdoutbuf));
if (rc >= 0 && stdoutbuf[0])
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"%s %s to %s produced unexpected output (%d bytes) to STDOUT/STDERR:\n%s\n",
newwarn, executable, newadd, (int)strlen(stdoutbuf), stdoutbuf);
if (rc != 0)
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"%s %s to %s: failed, exit status %d\n",
newwarn, executable, newadd, rc);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"%s %s to %s: successful\n", newwarn, executable, newadd);
#endif // _WIN32
// increment mail sent counter
static void reset_warning_mail(const dev_config & cfg, dev_state & state, int which, const char *fmt, ...)
__attribute_format_printf(4, 5);
static void reset_warning_mail(const dev_config & cfg, dev_state & state, int which, const char *fmt, ...)
if (!(0 <= which && which < SMARTD_NMAIL))
// Return if no mail sent yet
mailinfo & mi = state.maillog[which];
if (!mi.logged)
// Format & print message
char msg[256];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), fmt, ap);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, %s, warning condition reset after %d email%s\n", cfg.name.c_str(),
msg, mi.logged, (mi.logged==1 ? "" : "s"));
// Clear mail counter and timestamps
mi = mailinfo();
state.must_write = true;
#ifndef _WIN32
// Output multiple lines via separate syslog(3) calls.
static void vsyslog_lines(int priority, const char * fmt, va_list ap)
char buf[512+EBUFLEN]; // enough space for exec cmd output in MailWarning()
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
for (char * p = buf, * q; p && *p; p = q) {
if ((q = strchr(p, '\n')))
*q++ = 0;
if (*p)
syslog(priority, "%s\n", p);
#else // _WIN32
// os_win32/syslog_win32.cpp supports multiple lines.
#define vsyslog_lines vsyslog
#endif // _WIN32
// Printing function for watching ataprint commands, or losing them
// [From GLIBC Manual: Since the prototype doesn't specify types for
// optional arguments, in a call to a variadic function the default
// argument promotions are performed on the optional argument
// values. This means the objects of type char or short int (whether
// signed or not) are promoted to either int or unsigned int, as
// appropriate.]
void pout(const char *fmt, ...){
va_list ap;
// get the correct time in syslog()
// initialize variable argument list
// in debugmode==1 mode we will print the output from the ataprint.o functions!
if (debugmode && debugmode != 2) {
FILE * f = stdout;
#ifdef _WIN32
if (facility == LOG_LOCAL1) // logging to stdout
f = stderr;
vfprintf(f, fmt, ap);
// in debugmode==2 mode we print output from knowndrives.o functions
else if (debugmode==2 || ata_debugmode || scsi_debugmode) {
openlog("smartd", LOG_PID, facility);
vsyslog_lines(LOG_INFO, fmt, ap);
// This function prints either to stdout or to the syslog as needed.
static void PrintOut(int priority, const char *fmt, ...){
va_list ap;
// get the correct time in syslog()
// initialize variable argument list
if (debugmode) {
FILE * f = stdout;
#ifdef _WIN32
if (facility == LOG_LOCAL1) // logging to stdout
f = stderr;
vfprintf(f, fmt, ap);
else {
openlog("smartd", LOG_PID, facility);
vsyslog_lines(priority, fmt, ap);
// Used to warn users about invalid checksums. Called from atacmds.cpp.
void checksumwarning(const char * string)
pout("Warning! %s error: invalid SMART checksum.\n", string);
#ifndef _WIN32
// Wait for the pid file to show up, this makes sure a calling program knows
// that the daemon is really up and running and has a pid to kill it
static bool WaitForPidFile()
int waited, max_wait = 10;
struct stat stat_buf;
if (pid_file.empty() || debugmode)
return true;
for(waited = 0; waited < max_wait; ++waited) {
if (!stat(pid_file.c_str(), &stat_buf)) {
return true;
} else
return false;
#endif // _WIN32
// Forks new process, closes ALL file descriptors, redirects stdin,
// stdout, and stderr. Not quite daemon(). See
// http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/2335
// for a good description of why we do things this way.
static void DaemonInit()
#ifndef _WIN32
pid_t pid;
int i;
// flush all buffered streams. Else we might get two copies of open
// streams since both parent and child get copies of the buffers.
if (do_fork) {
if ((pid=fork()) < 0) {
// unable to fork!
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"smartd unable to fork daemon process!\n");
else if (pid) {
// we are the parent process, wait for pid file, then exit cleanly
if(!WaitForPidFile()) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"PID file %s didn't show up!\n", pid_file.c_str());
} else
// from here on, we are the child process.
// Fork one more time to avoid any possibility of having terminals
if ((pid=fork()) < 0) {
// unable to fork!
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"smartd unable to fork daemon process!\n");
else if (pid)
// we are the parent process -- exit cleanly
// Now we are the child's child...
// close any open file descriptors
for (i=getdtablesize();i>=0;--i)
#define NO_warn_unused_result(cmd) { if (cmd) {} ; }
// redirect any IO attempts to /dev/null for stdin
if (i>=0) {
// stdout
// stderr
if (do_fork)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "smartd has fork()ed into background mode. New PID=%d.\n", (int)getpid());
#else // _WIN32
// No fork() on native Win32
// Detach this process from console
if (daemon_detach("smartd")) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"smartd unable to detach from console!\n");
// stdin/out/err now closed if not redirected
#endif // _WIN32
// create a PID file containing the current process id
static void WritePidFile()
if (!pid_file.empty()) {
pid_t pid = getpid();
mode_t old_umask;
#ifndef __CYGWIN__
old_umask = umask(0077); // rwx------
// Cygwin: smartd service runs on system account, ensure PID file can be read by admins
old_umask = umask(0033); // rwxr--r--
stdio_file f(pid_file.c_str(), "w");
if (!(f && fprintf(f, "%d\n", (int)pid) > 0 && f.close())) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "unable to write PID file %s - exiting.\n", pid_file.c_str());
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "file %s written containing PID %d\n", pid_file.c_str(), (int)pid);
// Prints header identifying version of code and home
static void PrintHead()
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "%s\n", format_version_info("smartd").c_str());
// prints help info for configuration file Directives
static void Directives()
"Configuration file (%s) Directives (after device name):\n"
" -d TYPE Set the device type: auto, ignore, removable,\n"
" %s\n"
" -T TYPE Set the tolerance to one of: normal, permissive\n"
" -o VAL Enable/disable automatic offline tests (on/off)\n"
" -S VAL Enable/disable attribute autosave (on/off)\n"
" -n MODE No check if: never, sleep[,N][,q], standby[,N][,q], idle[,N][,q]\n"
" -H Monitor SMART Health Status, report if failed\n"
" -s REG Do Self-Test at time(s) given by regular expression REG\n"
" -l TYPE Monitor SMART log or self-test status:\n"
" error, selftest, xerror, offlinests[,ns], selfteststs[,ns]\n"
" -l scterc,R,W Set SCT Error Recovery Control\n"
" -e Change device setting: aam,[N|off], apm,[N|off], lookahead,[on|off],\n"
" security-freeze, standby,[N|off], wcache,[on|off]\n"
" -f Monitor 'Usage' Attributes, report failures\n"
" -m ADD Send email warning to address ADD\n"
" -M TYPE Modify email warning behavior (see man page)\n"
" -p Report changes in 'Prefailure' Attributes\n"
" -u Report changes in 'Usage' Attributes\n"
" -t Equivalent to -p and -u Directives\n"
" -r ID Also report Raw values of Attribute ID with -p, -u or -t\n"
" -R ID Track changes in Attribute ID Raw value with -p, -u or -t\n"
" -i ID Ignore Attribute ID for -f Directive\n"
" -I ID Ignore Attribute ID for -p, -u or -t Directive\n"
" -C ID[+] Monitor [increases of] Current Pending Sectors in Attribute ID\n"
" -U ID[+] Monitor [increases of] Offline Uncorrectable Sectors in Attribute ID\n"
" -W D,I,C Monitor Temperature D)ifference, I)nformal limit, C)ritical limit\n"
" -v N,ST Modifies labeling of Attribute N (see man page) \n"
" -P TYPE Drive-specific presets: use, ignore, show, showall\n"
" -a Default: -H -f -t -l error -l selftest -l selfteststs -C 197 -U 198\n"
" -F TYPE Use firmware bug workaround:\n"
" %s\n"
" # Comment: text after a hash sign is ignored\n"
" \\ Line continuation character\n"
"Attribute ID is a decimal integer 1 <= ID <= 255\n"
"Use ID = 0 to turn off -C and/or -U Directives\n"
"Example: /dev/sda -a\n",
/* Returns a pointer to a static string containing a formatted list of the valid
arguments to the option opt or NULL on failure. */
static const char *GetValidArgList(char opt)
switch (opt) {
case 'A':
case 's':
return "<PATH_PREFIX>";
case 'c':
return "<FILE_NAME>, -";
case 'l':
return "daemon, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, local7";
case 'q':
return "nodev, errors, nodevstartup, never, onecheck, showtests";
case 'r':
return "ioctl[,N], ataioctl[,N], scsiioctl[,N]";
case 'B':
case 'p':
case 'w':
return "<FILE_NAME>";
case 'i':
return NULL;
/* prints help information for command syntax */
static void Usage()
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Usage: smartd [options]\n\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," -A PREFIX, --attributelog=PREFIX\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Log ATA attribute information to {PREFIX}MODEL-SERIAL.ata.csv\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," -B [+]FILE, --drivedb=[+]FILE\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Read and replace [add] drive database from FILE\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," [default is +%s", get_drivedb_path_add());
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," and then %s", get_drivedb_path_default());
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," -c NAME|-, --configfile=NAME|-\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Read configuration file NAME or stdin\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," [default is %s]\n\n", configfile);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," -C, --capabilities\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Use capabilities.\n"
" Warning: Mail notification does not work when used.\n\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," -d, --debug\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Start smartd in debug mode\n\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," -D, --showdirectives\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Print the configuration file Directives and exit\n\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," -h, --help, --usage\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Display this help and exit\n\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," -i N, --interval=N\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Set interval between disk checks to N seconds, where N >= 10\n\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," -l local[0-7], --logfacility=local[0-7]\n");
#ifndef _WIN32
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Use syslog facility local0 - local7 or daemon [default]\n\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Log to \"./smartd.log\", stdout, stderr [default is event log]\n\n");
#ifndef _WIN32
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," -n, --no-fork\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Do not fork into background\n\n");
#endif // _WIN32
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," -p NAME, --pidfile=NAME\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Write PID file NAME\n\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," -q WHEN, --quit=WHEN\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Quit on one of: %s\n\n", GetValidArgList('q'));
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," -r, --report=TYPE\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Report transactions for one of: %s\n\n", GetValidArgList('r'));
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," -s PREFIX, --savestates=PREFIX\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Save disk states to {PREFIX}MODEL-SERIAL.TYPE.state\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," -w NAME, --warnexec=NAME\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Run executable NAME on warnings\n");
#ifndef _WIN32
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," [default is "SMARTMONTOOLS_SYSCONFDIR"/smartd_warning.sh]\n\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," [default is %s/smartd_warning.cmd]\n\n", get_exe_dir().c_str());
#ifdef _WIN32
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," --service\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Running as windows service (see man page), install with:\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," smartd install [options]\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Remove service with:\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," smartd remove\n\n");
#endif // _WIN32
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," -V, --version, --license, --copyright\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO," Print License, Copyright, and version information\n");
static int CloseDevice(smart_device * device, const char * name)
if (!device->close()){
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, %s, close() failed\n", name, device->get_errmsg());
return 1;
// device sucessfully closed
return 0;
// return true if a char is not allowed in a state file name
static bool not_allowed_in_filename(char c)
return !( ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
|| ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z')
|| ('a' <= c && c <= 'z'));
// Read error count from Summary or Extended Comprehensive SMART error log
// Return -1 on error
static int read_ata_error_count(ata_device * device, const char * name,
firmwarebug_defs firmwarebugs, bool extended)
if (!extended) {
ata_smart_errorlog log;
if (ataReadErrorLog(device, &log, firmwarebugs)){
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, Read Summary SMART Error Log failed\n",name);
return -1;
return (log.error_log_pointer ? log.ata_error_count : 0);
else {
ata_smart_exterrlog logx;
if (!ataReadExtErrorLog(device, &logx, 1 /*first sector only*/, firmwarebugs)) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, Read Extended Comprehensive SMART Error Log failed\n",name);
return -1;
// Some disks use the reserved byte as index, see ataprint.cpp.
return (logx.error_log_index || logx.reserved1 ? logx.device_error_count : 0);
// returns <0 if problem. Otherwise, bottom 8 bits are the self test
// error count, and top bits are the power-on hours of the last error.
static int SelfTestErrorCount(ata_device * device, const char * name,
firmwarebug_defs firmwarebugs)
struct ata_smart_selftestlog log;
if (ataReadSelfTestLog(device, &log, firmwarebugs)){
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, Read SMART Self Test Log Failed\n",name);
return -1;
// return current number of self-test errors
return ataPrintSmartSelfTestlog(&log, false, firmwarebugs);
#define SELFTEST_ERRORCOUNT(x) (x & 0xff)
#define SELFTEST_ERRORHOURS(x) ((x >> 8) & 0xffff)
// Check offline data collection status
static inline bool is_offl_coll_in_progress(unsigned char status)
return ((status & 0x7f) == 0x03);
// Check self-test execution status
static inline bool is_self_test_in_progress(unsigned char status)
return ((status >> 4) == 0xf);
// Log offline data collection status
static void log_offline_data_coll_status(const char * name, unsigned char status)
const char * msg;
switch (status & 0x7f) {
case 0x00: msg = "was never started"; break;
case 0x02: msg = "was completed without error"; break;
case 0x03: msg = "is in progress"; break;
case 0x04: msg = "was suspended by an interrupting command from host"; break;
case 0x05: msg = "was aborted by an interrupting command from host"; break;
case 0x06: msg = "was aborted by the device with a fatal error"; break;
default: msg = 0;
if (msg)
PrintOut(((status & 0x7f) == 0x06 ? LOG_CRIT : LOG_INFO),
"Device: %s, offline data collection %s%s\n", name, msg,
((status & 0x80) ? " (auto:on)" : ""));
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, unknown offline data collection status 0x%02x\n",
name, status);
// Log self-test execution status
static void log_self_test_exec_status(const char * name, unsigned char status)
const char * msg;
switch (status >> 4) {
case 0x0: msg = "completed without error"; break;
case 0x1: msg = "was aborted by the host"; break;
case 0x2: msg = "was interrupted by the host with a reset"; break;
case 0x3: msg = "could not complete due to a fatal or unknown error"; break;
case 0x4: msg = "completed with error (unknown test element)"; break;
case 0x5: msg = "completed with error (electrical test element)"; break;
case 0x6: msg = "completed with error (servo/seek test element)"; break;
case 0x7: msg = "completed with error (read test element)"; break;
case 0x8: msg = "completed with error (handling damage?)"; break;
default: msg = 0;
if (msg)
PrintOut(((status >> 4) >= 0x4 ? LOG_CRIT : LOG_INFO),
"Device: %s, previous self-test %s\n", name, msg);
else if ((status >> 4) == 0xf)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, self-test in progress, %u0%% remaining\n",
name, status & 0x0f);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, unknown self-test status 0x%02x\n",
name, status);
// Check pending sector count id (-C, -U directives).
static bool check_pending_id(const dev_config & cfg, const dev_state & state,
unsigned char id, const char * msg)
// Check attribute index
int i = ata_find_attr_index(id, state.smartval);
if (i < 0) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, can't monitor %s count - no Attribute %d\n",
cfg.name.c_str(), msg, id);
return false;
// Check value
uint64_t rawval = ata_get_attr_raw_value(state.smartval.vendor_attributes[i],
if (rawval >= (state.num_sectors ? state.num_sectors : 0xffffffffULL)) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, ignoring %s count - bogus Attribute %d value %"PRIu64" (0x%"PRIx64")\n",
cfg.name.c_str(), msg, id, rawval, rawval);
return false;
return true;
// Called by ATA/SCSIDeviceScan() after successful device check
static void finish_device_scan(dev_config & cfg, dev_state & state)
// Set cfg.emailfreq if user hasn't set it
if ((!cfg.emailaddress.empty() || !cfg.emailcmdline.empty()) && !cfg.emailfreq) {
// Avoid that emails are suppressed forever due to state persistence
if (cfg.state_file.empty())
cfg.emailfreq = 1; // '-M once'
cfg.emailfreq = 2; // '-M daily'
// Start self-test regex check now if time was not read from state file
if (!cfg.test_regex.empty() && !state.scheduled_test_next_check)
state.scheduled_test_next_check = time(0);
// Common function to format result message for ATA setting
static void format_set_result_msg(std::string & msg, const char * name, bool ok,
int set_option = 0, bool has_value = false)
if (!msg.empty())
msg += ", ";
msg += name;
if (!ok)
msg += ":--";
else if (set_option < 0)
msg += ":off";
else if (has_value)
msg += strprintf(":%d", set_option-1);
else if (set_option > 0)
msg += ":on";
// TODO: Add '-F swapid' directive
const bool fix_swapped_id = false;
// scan to see what ata devices there are, and if they support SMART
static int ATADeviceScan(dev_config & cfg, dev_state & state, ata_device * atadev)
int supported=0;
struct ata_identify_device drive;
const char *name = cfg.name.c_str();
int retid;
// Device must be open
// Get drive identity structure
if ((retid = ata_read_identity(atadev, &drive, fix_swapped_id))) {
if (retid<0)
// Unable to read Identity structure
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, not ATA, no IDENTIFY DEVICE Structure\n",name);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, packet devices [this device %s] not SMART capable\n",
name, packetdevicetype(retid-1));
CloseDevice(atadev, name);
return 2;
// Get drive identity, size and rotation rate (HDD/SSD)
char model[40+1], serial[20+1], firmware[8+1];
ata_format_id_string(model, drive.model, sizeof(model)-1);
ata_format_id_string(serial, drive.serial_no, sizeof(serial)-1);
ata_format_id_string(firmware, drive.fw_rev, sizeof(firmware)-1);
ata_size_info sizes;
ata_get_size_info(&drive, sizes);
state.num_sectors = sizes.sectors;
cfg.dev_rpm = ata_get_rotation_rate(&drive);
char wwn[30]; wwn[0] = 0;
unsigned oui = 0; uint64_t unique_id = 0;
int naa = ata_get_wwn(&drive, oui, unique_id);
if (naa >= 0)
snprintf(wwn, sizeof(wwn), "WWN:%x-%06x-%09"PRIx64", ", naa, oui, unique_id);
// Format device id string for warning emails
char cap[32];
cfg.dev_idinfo = strprintf("%s, S/N:%s, %sFW:%s, %s", model, serial, wwn, firmware,
format_capacity(cap, sizeof(cap), sizes.capacity, "."));
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, %s\n", name, cfg.dev_idinfo.c_str());
// Show if device in database, and use preset vendor attribute
// options unless user has requested otherwise.
if (cfg.ignorepresets)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, smartd database not searched (Directive: -P ignore).\n", name);
else {
// Apply vendor specific presets, print warning if present
const drive_settings * dbentry = lookup_drive_apply_presets(
&drive, cfg.attribute_defs, cfg.firmwarebugs);
if (!dbentry)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, not found in smartd database.\n", name);
else {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, found in smartd database%s%s\n",
name, (*dbentry->modelfamily ? ": " : "."), (*dbentry->modelfamily ? dbentry->modelfamily : ""));
if (*dbentry->warningmsg)
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, WARNING: %s\n", name, dbentry->warningmsg);
// Set default '-C 197[+]' if no '-C ID' is specified.
if (!cfg.curr_pending_set)
cfg.curr_pending_id = get_unc_attr_id(false, cfg.attribute_defs, cfg.curr_pending_incr);
// Set default '-U 198[+]' if no '-U ID' is specified.
if (!cfg.offl_pending_set)
cfg.offl_pending_id = get_unc_attr_id(true, cfg.attribute_defs, cfg.offl_pending_incr);
// If requested, show which presets would be used for this drive
if (cfg.showpresets) {
int savedebugmode=debugmode;
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device %s: presets are:\n", name);
if (!debugmode)
// see if drive supports SMART
if (supported!=1) {
if (supported==0)
// drive does NOT support SMART
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, lacks SMART capability\n",name);
// can't tell if drive supports SMART
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, ATA IDENTIFY DEVICE words 82-83 don't specify if SMART capable.\n",name);
// should we proceed anyway?
if (cfg.permissive) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, proceeding since '-T permissive' Directive given.\n",name);
else {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, to proceed anyway, use '-T permissive' Directive.\n",name);
CloseDevice(atadev, name);
return 2;
if (ataEnableSmart(atadev)) {
// Enable SMART command has failed
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, could not enable SMART capability\n",name);
CloseDevice(atadev, name);
return 2;
// disable device attribute autosave...
if (cfg.autosave==1) {
if (ataDisableAutoSave(atadev))
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, could not disable SMART Attribute Autosave.\n",name);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, disabled SMART Attribute Autosave.\n",name);
// or enable device attribute autosave
if (cfg.autosave==2) {
if (ataEnableAutoSave(atadev))
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, could not enable SMART Attribute Autosave.\n",name);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, enabled SMART Attribute Autosave.\n",name);
// capability check: SMART status
if (cfg.smartcheck && ataSmartStatus2(atadev) == -1) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, not capable of SMART Health Status check\n",name);
cfg.smartcheck = false;
// capability check: Read smart values and thresholds. Note that
// smart values are ALSO needed even if we ONLY want to know if the
// device is self-test log or error-log capable! After ATA-5, this
// information was ALSO reproduced in the IDENTIFY DEVICE response,
// but sadly not for ATA-5. Sigh.
// do we need to get SMART data?
bool smart_val_ok = false;
if ( cfg.autoofflinetest || cfg.selftest
|| cfg.errorlog || cfg.xerrorlog
|| cfg.offlinests || cfg.selfteststs
|| cfg.usagefailed || cfg.prefail || cfg.usage
|| cfg.tempdiff || cfg.tempinfo || cfg.tempcrit
|| cfg.curr_pending_id || cfg.offl_pending_id ) {
if (ataReadSmartValues(atadev, &state.smartval)) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, Read SMART Values failed\n", name);
cfg.usagefailed = cfg.prefail = cfg.usage = false;
cfg.tempdiff = cfg.tempinfo = cfg.tempcrit = 0;
cfg.curr_pending_id = cfg.offl_pending_id = 0;
else {
smart_val_ok = true;
if (ataReadSmartThresholds(atadev, &state.smartthres)) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, Read SMART Thresholds failed%s\n",
name, (cfg.usagefailed ? ", ignoring -f Directive" : ""));
cfg.usagefailed = false;
// Let ata_get_attr_state() return ATTRSTATE_NO_THRESHOLD:
memset(&state.smartthres, 0, sizeof(state.smartthres));
// see if the necessary Attribute is there to monitor offline or
// current pending sectors or temperature
if ( cfg.curr_pending_id
&& !check_pending_id(cfg, state, cfg.curr_pending_id,
cfg.curr_pending_id = 0;
if ( cfg.offl_pending_id
&& !check_pending_id(cfg, state, cfg.offl_pending_id,
cfg.offl_pending_id = 0;
if ( (cfg.tempdiff || cfg.tempinfo || cfg.tempcrit)
&& !ata_return_temperature_value(&state.smartval, cfg.attribute_defs)) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, can't monitor Temperature, ignoring -W %d,%d,%d\n",
name, cfg.tempdiff, cfg.tempinfo, cfg.tempcrit);
cfg.tempdiff = cfg.tempinfo = cfg.tempcrit = 0;
// Report ignored '-r' or '-R' directives
for (int id = 1; id <= 255; id++) {
if (cfg.monitor_attr_flags.is_set(id, MONITOR_RAW_PRINT)) {
char opt = (!cfg.monitor_attr_flags.is_set(id, MONITOR_RAW) ? 'r' : 'R');
const char * excl = (cfg.monitor_attr_flags.is_set(id,
(opt == 'r' ? MONITOR_AS_CRIT : MONITOR_RAW_AS_CRIT)) ? "!" : "");
int idx = ata_find_attr_index(id, state.smartval);
if (idx < 0)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, no Attribute %d, ignoring -%c %d%s\n", name, id, opt, id, excl);
else {
bool prefail = !!ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_PREFAILURE(state.smartval.vendor_attributes[idx].flags);
if (!((prefail && cfg.prefail) || (!prefail && cfg.usage)))
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, not monitoring %s Attributes, ignoring -%c %d%s\n", name,
(prefail ? "Prefailure" : "Usage"), opt, id, excl);
// enable/disable automatic on-line testing
if (cfg.autoofflinetest) {
// is this an enable or disable request?
const char *what=(cfg.autoofflinetest==1)?"disable":"enable";
if (!smart_val_ok)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, could not %s SMART Automatic Offline Testing.\n",name, what);
else {
// if command appears unsupported, issue a warning...
if (!isSupportAutomaticTimer(&state.smartval))
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, SMART Automatic Offline Testing unsupported...\n",name);
// ... but then try anyway
if ((cfg.autoofflinetest==1)?ataDisableAutoOffline(atadev):ataEnableAutoOffline(atadev))
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, %s SMART Automatic Offline Testing failed.\n", name, what);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, %sd SMART Automatic Offline Testing.\n", name, what);
// Read log directories if required for capability check
ata_smart_log_directory smart_logdir, gp_logdir;
bool smart_logdir_ok = false, gp_logdir_ok = false;
if ( isGeneralPurposeLoggingCapable(&drive)
&& (cfg.errorlog || cfg.selftest)
&& !cfg.firmwarebugs.is_set(BUG_NOLOGDIR)) {
if (!ataReadLogDirectory(atadev, &smart_logdir, false))
smart_logdir_ok = true;
if (cfg.xerrorlog && !cfg.firmwarebugs.is_set(BUG_NOLOGDIR)) {
if (!ataReadLogDirectory(atadev, &gp_logdir, true))
gp_logdir_ok = true;
// capability check: self-test-log
state.selflogcount = 0; state.selfloghour = 0;
if (cfg.selftest) {
int retval;
if (!( cfg.permissive
|| ( smart_logdir_ok && smart_logdir.entry[0x06-1].numsectors)
|| (!smart_logdir_ok && smart_val_ok && isSmartTestLogCapable(&state.smartval, &drive)))) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, no SMART Self-test Log, ignoring -l selftest (override with -T permissive)\n", name);
cfg.selftest = false;
else if ((retval = SelfTestErrorCount(atadev, name, cfg.firmwarebugs)) < 0) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, no SMART Self-test Log, ignoring -l selftest\n", name);
cfg.selftest = false;
else {
state.selfloghour =SELFTEST_ERRORHOURS(retval);
// capability check: ATA error log
state.ataerrorcount = 0;
if (cfg.errorlog) {
int errcnt1;
if (!( cfg.permissive
|| ( smart_logdir_ok && smart_logdir.entry[0x01-1].numsectors)
|| (!smart_logdir_ok && smart_val_ok && isSmartErrorLogCapable(&state.smartval, &drive)))) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, no SMART Error Log, ignoring -l error (override with -T permissive)\n", name);
cfg.errorlog = false;
else if ((errcnt1 = read_ata_error_count(atadev, name, cfg.firmwarebugs, false)) < 0) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, no SMART Error Log, ignoring -l error\n", name);
cfg.errorlog = false;
state.ataerrorcount = errcnt1;
if (cfg.xerrorlog) {
int errcnt2;
if (!( cfg.permissive || cfg.firmwarebugs.is_set(BUG_NOLOGDIR)
|| (gp_logdir_ok && gp_logdir.entry[0x03-1].numsectors) )) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, no Extended Comprehensive SMART Error Log, ignoring -l xerror (override with -T permissive)\n",
cfg.xerrorlog = false;
else if ((errcnt2 = read_ata_error_count(atadev, name, cfg.firmwarebugs, true)) < 0) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, no Extended Comprehensive SMART Error Log, ignoring -l xerror\n", name);
cfg.xerrorlog = false;
else if (cfg.errorlog && state.ataerrorcount != errcnt2) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, SMART Error Logs report different error counts: %d != %d\n",
name, state.ataerrorcount, errcnt2);
// Record max error count
if (errcnt2 > state.ataerrorcount)
state.ataerrorcount = errcnt2;
state.ataerrorcount = errcnt2;
// capability check: self-test and offline data collection status
if (cfg.offlinests || cfg.selfteststs) {
if (!(cfg.permissive || (smart_val_ok && state.smartval.offline_data_collection_capability))) {
if (cfg.offlinests)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, no SMART Offline Data Collection capability, ignoring -l offlinests (override with -T permissive)\n", name);
if (cfg.selfteststs)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, no SMART Self-test capability, ignoring -l selfteststs (override with -T permissive)\n", name);
cfg.offlinests = cfg.selfteststs = false;
// capabilities check -- does it support powermode?
if (cfg.powermode) {
int powermode = ataCheckPowerMode(atadev);
if (-1 == powermode) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, no ATA CHECK POWER STATUS support, ignoring -n Directive\n", name);
else if (powermode!=0 && powermode!=0x80 && powermode!=0xff) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, CHECK POWER STATUS returned %d, not ATA compliant, ignoring -n Directive\n",
name, powermode);
// Apply ATA settings
std::string msg;
if (cfg.set_aam)
format_set_result_msg(msg, "AAM", (cfg.set_aam > 0 ?
ata_set_features(atadev, ATA_ENABLE_AAM, cfg.set_aam-1) :
ata_set_features(atadev, ATA_DISABLE_AAM)), cfg.set_aam, true);
if (cfg.set_apm)
format_set_result_msg(msg, "APM", (cfg.set_apm > 0 ?
ata_set_features(atadev, ATA_ENABLE_APM, cfg.set_apm-1) :
ata_set_features(atadev, ATA_DISABLE_APM)), cfg.set_apm, true);
if (cfg.set_lookahead)
format_set_result_msg(msg, "Rd-ahead", ata_set_features(atadev,
if (cfg.set_wcache)
format_set_result_msg(msg, "Wr-cache", ata_set_features(atadev,
(cfg.set_wcache > 0? ATA_ENABLE_WRITE_CACHE : ATA_DISABLE_WRITE_CACHE)), cfg.set_wcache);
if (cfg.set_security_freeze)
format_set_result_msg(msg, "Security freeze",
ata_nodata_command(atadev, ATA_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK));
if (cfg.set_standby)
format_set_result_msg(msg, "Standby",
ata_nodata_command(atadev, ATA_IDLE, cfg.set_standby-1), cfg.set_standby, true);
// Report as one log entry
if (!msg.empty())
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, ATA settings applied: %s\n", name, msg.c_str());
// set SCT Error Recovery Control if requested
if (cfg.sct_erc_set) {
if (!isSCTErrorRecoveryControlCapable(&drive))
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, no SCT Error Recovery Control support, ignoring -l scterc\n",
else if ( ataSetSCTErrorRecoveryControltime(atadev, 1, cfg.sct_erc_readtime )
|| ataSetSCTErrorRecoveryControltime(atadev, 2, cfg.sct_erc_writetime))
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, set of SCT Error Recovery Control failed\n", name);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, SCT Error Recovery Control set to: Read: %u, Write: %u\n",
name, cfg.sct_erc_readtime, cfg.sct_erc_writetime);
// If no tests available or selected, return
if (!( cfg.smartcheck || cfg.selftest
|| cfg.errorlog || cfg.xerrorlog
|| cfg.offlinests || cfg.selfteststs
|| cfg.usagefailed || cfg.prefail || cfg.usage
|| cfg.tempdiff || cfg.tempinfo || cfg.tempcrit)) {
CloseDevice(atadev, name);
return 3;
// tell user we are registering device
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, is SMART capable. Adding to \"monitor\" list.\n",name);
// close file descriptor
CloseDevice(atadev, name);
if (!state_path_prefix.empty() || !attrlog_path_prefix.empty()) {
// Build file name for state file
std::replace_if(model, model+strlen(model), not_allowed_in_filename, '_');
std::replace_if(serial, serial+strlen(serial), not_allowed_in_filename, '_');
if (!state_path_prefix.empty()) {
cfg.state_file = strprintf("%s%s-%s.ata.state", state_path_prefix.c_str(), model, serial);
// Read previous state
if (read_dev_state(cfg.state_file.c_str(), state)) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, state read from %s\n", name, cfg.state_file.c_str());
// Copy ATA attribute values to temp state
if (!attrlog_path_prefix.empty())
cfg.attrlog_file = strprintf("%s%s-%s.ata.csv", attrlog_path_prefix.c_str(), model, serial);
finish_device_scan(cfg, state);
return 0;
// on success, return 0. On failure, return >0. Never return <0,
// please.
static int SCSIDeviceScan(dev_config & cfg, dev_state & state, scsi_device * scsidev)
int k, err, req_len, avail_len, version, len;
const char *device = cfg.name.c_str();
struct scsi_iec_mode_page iec;
UINT8 tBuf[64];
UINT8 inqBuf[96];
UINT8 vpdBuf[252];
char lu_id[64], serial[256], vendor[40], model[40];
// Device must be open
memset(inqBuf, 0, 96);
req_len = 36;
if ((err = scsiStdInquiry(scsidev, inqBuf, req_len))) {
/* Marvell controllers fail on a 36 bytes StdInquiry, but 64 suffices */
req_len = 64;
if ((err = scsiStdInquiry(scsidev, inqBuf, req_len))) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, Both 36 and 64 byte INQUIRY failed; "
"skip device\n", device);
return 2;
version = (inqBuf[2] & 0x7f); /* Accept old ISO/IEC 9316:1995 variants */
avail_len = inqBuf[4] + 5;
len = (avail_len < req_len) ? avail_len : req_len;
if (len < 36) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, INQUIRY response less than 36 bytes; "
"skip device\n", device);
return 2;
int pdt = inqBuf[0] & 0x1f;
if (! ((0 == pdt) || (4 == pdt) || (5 == pdt) || (7 == pdt) ||
(0xe == pdt))) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, not a disk like device [PDT=0x%x], "
"skip\n", device, pdt);
return 2;
if (supported_vpd_pages_p) {
delete supported_vpd_pages_p;
supported_vpd_pages_p = NULL;
supported_vpd_pages_p = new supported_vpd_pages(scsidev);
lu_id[0] = '\0';
if ((version >= 0x3) && (version < 0x8)) {
/* SPC to SPC-5 */
if (0 == scsiInquiryVpd(scsidev, SCSI_VPD_DEVICE_IDENTIFICATION,
vpdBuf, sizeof(vpdBuf))) {
len = vpdBuf[3];
scsi_decode_lu_dev_id(vpdBuf + 4, len, lu_id, sizeof(lu_id), NULL);
serial[0] = '\0';
if (0 == scsiInquiryVpd(scsidev, SCSI_VPD_UNIT_SERIAL_NUMBER,
vpdBuf, sizeof(vpdBuf))) {
len = vpdBuf[3];
vpdBuf[4 + len] = '\0';
scsi_format_id_string(serial, (const unsigned char *)&vpdBuf[4], len);
unsigned int lb_size;
char si_str[64];
uint64_t capacity = scsiGetSize(scsidev, &lb_size, NULL);
if (capacity)
format_capacity(si_str, sizeof(si_str), capacity);
si_str[0] = '\0';
// Format device id string for warning emails
cfg.dev_idinfo = strprintf("[%.8s %.16s %.4s]%s%s%s%s%s%s",
(char *)&inqBuf[8], (char *)&inqBuf[16], (char *)&inqBuf[32],
(lu_id[0] ? ", lu id: " : ""), (lu_id[0] ? lu_id : ""),
(serial[0] ? ", S/N: " : ""), (serial[0] ? serial : ""),
(si_str[0] ? ", " : ""), (si_str[0] ? si_str : ""));
// format "model" string
scsi_format_id_string(vendor, (const unsigned char *)&inqBuf[8], 8);
scsi_format_id_string(model, (const unsigned char *)&inqBuf[16], 16);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, %s\n", device, cfg.dev_idinfo.c_str());
// check that device is ready for commands. IE stores its stuff on
// the media.
if ((err = scsiTestUnitReady(scsidev))) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, NOT READY (e.g. spun down); skip device\n", device);
else if (SIMPLE_ERR_NO_MEDIUM == err)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, NO MEDIUM present; skip device\n", device);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, BECOMING (but not yet) READY; skip device\n", device);
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, failed Test Unit Ready [err=%d]\n", device, err);
CloseDevice(scsidev, device);
return 2;
// Badly-conforming USB storage devices may fail this check.
// The response to the following IE mode page fetch (current and
// changeable values) is carefully examined. It has been found
// that various USB devices that malform the response will lock up
// if asked for a log page (e.g. temperature) so it is best to
// bail out now.
if (!(err = scsiFetchIECmpage(scsidev, &iec, state.modese_len)))
state.modese_len = iec.modese_len;
else if (SIMPLE_ERR_BAD_FIELD == err)
; /* continue since it is reasonable not to support IE mpage */
else { /* any other error (including malformed response) unreasonable */
"Device: %s, Bad IEC (SMART) mode page, err=%d, skip device\n",
device, err);
CloseDevice(scsidev, device);
return 3;
// N.B. The following is passive (i.e. it doesn't attempt to turn on
// smart if it is off). This may change to be the same as the ATA side.
if (!scsi_IsExceptionControlEnabled(&iec)) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, IE (SMART) not enabled, skip device\n"
"Try 'smartctl -s on %s' to turn on SMART features\n",
device, device);
CloseDevice(scsidev, device);
return 3;
// Flag that certain log pages are supported (information may be
// available from other sources).
if (0 == scsiLogSense(scsidev, SUPPORTED_LPAGES, 0, tBuf, sizeof(tBuf), 0)) {
for (k = 4; k < tBuf[3] + LOGPAGEHDRSIZE; ++k) {
switch (tBuf[k]) {
state.TempPageSupported = 1;
case IE_LPAGE:
state.SmartPageSupported = 1;
state.ReadECounterPageSupported = 1;
state.WriteECounterPageSupported = 1;
state.VerifyECounterPageSupported = 1;
state.NonMediumErrorPageSupported = 1;
// Check if scsiCheckIE() is going to work
UINT8 asc = 0;
UINT8 ascq = 0;
UINT8 currenttemp = 0;
UINT8 triptemp = 0;
if (scsiCheckIE(scsidev, state.SmartPageSupported, state.TempPageSupported,
&asc, &ascq, ¤ttemp, &triptemp)) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, unexpectedly failed to read SMART values\n", device);
state.SuppressReport = 1;
if (cfg.tempdiff || cfg.tempinfo || cfg.tempcrit) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, can't monitor Temperature, ignoring -W %d,%d,%d\n",
device, cfg.tempdiff, cfg.tempinfo, cfg.tempcrit);
cfg.tempdiff = cfg.tempinfo = cfg.tempcrit = 0;
// capability check: self-test-log
if (cfg.selftest){
int retval = scsiCountFailedSelfTests(scsidev, 0);
if (retval<0) {
// no self-test log, turn off monitoring
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, does not support SMART Self-Test Log.\n", device);
cfg.selftest = false;
state.selflogcount = 0;
state.selfloghour = 0;
else {
// register starting values to watch for changes
state.selfloghour =SELFTEST_ERRORHOURS(retval);
// disable autosave (set GLTSD bit)
if (cfg.autosave==1){
if (scsiSetControlGLTSD(scsidev, 1, state.modese_len))
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, could not disable autosave (set GLTSD bit).\n",device);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, disabled autosave (set GLTSD bit).\n",device);
// or enable autosave (clear GLTSD bit)
if (cfg.autosave==2){
if (scsiSetControlGLTSD(scsidev, 0, state.modese_len))
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, could not enable autosave (clear GLTSD bit).\n",device);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, enabled autosave (cleared GLTSD bit).\n",device);
// tell user we are registering device
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, is SMART capable. Adding to \"monitor\" list.\n", device);
// Make sure that init_standby_check() ignores SCSI devices
cfg.offlinests_ns = cfg.selfteststs_ns = false;
// close file descriptor
CloseDevice(scsidev, device);
if (!state_path_prefix.empty() || !attrlog_path_prefix.empty()) {
// Build file name for state file
std::replace_if(model, model+strlen(model), not_allowed_in_filename, '_');
std::replace_if(serial, serial+strlen(serial), not_allowed_in_filename, '_');
if (!state_path_prefix.empty()) {
cfg.state_file = strprintf("%s%s-%s-%s.scsi.state", state_path_prefix.c_str(), vendor, model, serial);
// Read previous state
if (read_dev_state(cfg.state_file.c_str(), state)) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, state read from %s\n", device, cfg.state_file.c_str());
// Copy ATA attribute values to temp state
if (!attrlog_path_prefix.empty())
cfg.attrlog_file = strprintf("%s%s-%s-%s.scsi.csv", attrlog_path_prefix.c_str(), vendor, model, serial);
finish_device_scan(cfg, state);
return 0;
// If the self-test log has got more self-test errors (or more recent
// self-test errors) recorded, then notify user.
static void CheckSelfTestLogs(const dev_config & cfg, dev_state & state, int newi)
const char * name = cfg.name.c_str();
if (newi<0)
// command failed
MailWarning(cfg, state, 8, "Device: %s, Read SMART Self-Test Log Failed", name);
else {
reset_warning_mail(cfg, state, 8, "Read SMART Self-Test Log worked again");
// old and new error counts
int oldc=state.selflogcount;
// old and new error timestamps in hours
int oldh=state.selfloghour;
if (oldc<newc) {
// increase in error count
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, Self-Test Log error count increased from %d to %d\n",
name, oldc, newc);
MailWarning(cfg, state, 3, "Device: %s, Self-Test Log error count increased from %d to %d",
name, oldc, newc);
state.must_write = true;
else if (newc > 0 && oldh != newh) {
// more recent error
// a 'more recent' error might actually be a smaller hour number,
// if the hour number has wrapped.
// There's still a bug here. You might just happen to run a new test
// exactly 32768 hours after the previous failure, and have run exactly
// 20 tests between the two, in which case smartd will miss the
// new failure.
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, new Self-Test Log error at hour timestamp %d\n",
name, newh);
MailWarning(cfg, state, 3, "Device: %s, new Self-Test Log error at hour timestamp %d",
name, newh);
state.must_write = true;
// Print info if error entries have disappeared
// or newer successful successful extended self-test exits
if (oldc > newc) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, Self-Test Log error count decreased from %d to %d\n",
name, oldc, newc);
if (newc == 0)
reset_warning_mail(cfg, state, 3, "Self-Test Log does no longer report errors");
// Needed since self-test error count may DECREASE. Hour might
// also have changed.
state.selflogcount= newc;
state.selfloghour = newh;
// Test types, ordered by priority.
static const char test_type_chars[] = "LncrSCO";
static const unsigned num_test_types = sizeof(test_type_chars)-1;
// returns test type if time to do test of type testtype,
// 0 if not time to do test.
static char next_scheduled_test(const dev_config & cfg, dev_state & state, bool scsi, time_t usetime = 0)
// check that self-testing has been requested
if (cfg.test_regex.empty())
return 0;
// Exit if drive not capable of any test
if ( state.not_cap_long && state.not_cap_short &&
(scsi || (state.not_cap_conveyance && state.not_cap_offline)))
return 0;
// since we are about to call localtime(), be sure glibc is informed
// of any timezone changes we make.
if (!usetime)
// Is it time for next check?
time_t now = (!usetime ? time(0) : usetime);
if (now < state.scheduled_test_next_check)
return 0;
// Limit time check interval to 90 days
if (state.scheduled_test_next_check + (3600L*24*90) < now)
state.scheduled_test_next_check = now - (3600L*24*90);
// Check interval [state.scheduled_test_next_check, now] for scheduled tests
char testtype = 0;
time_t testtime = 0; int testhour = 0;
int maxtest = num_test_types-1;
for (time_t t = state.scheduled_test_next_check; ; ) {
struct tm * tms = localtime(&t);
// tm_wday is 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). We use 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday).
int weekday = (tms->tm_wday ? tms->tm_wday : 7);
for (int i = 0; i <= maxtest; i++) {
// Skip if drive not capable of this test
switch (test_type_chars[i]) {
case 'L': if (state.not_cap_long) continue; break;
case 'S': if (state.not_cap_short) continue; break;
case 'C': if (scsi || state.not_cap_conveyance) continue; break;
case 'O': if (scsi || state.not_cap_offline) continue; break;
case 'c': case 'n':
case 'r': if (scsi || state.not_cap_selective) continue; break;
default: continue;
// Try match of "T/MM/DD/d/HH"
char pattern[16];
snprintf(pattern, sizeof(pattern), "%c/%02d/%02d/%1d/%02d",
test_type_chars[i], tms->tm_mon+1, tms->tm_mday, weekday, tms->tm_hour);
if (cfg.test_regex.full_match(pattern)) {
// Test found
testtype = pattern[0];
testtime = t; testhour = tms->tm_hour;
// Limit further matches to higher priority self-tests
maxtest = i-1;
// Exit if no tests left or current time reached
if (maxtest < 0)
if (t >= now)
// Check next hour
if ((t += 3600) > now)
t = now;
// Do next check not before next hour.
struct tm * tmnow = localtime(&now);
state.scheduled_test_next_check = now + (3600 - tmnow->tm_min*60 - tmnow->tm_sec);
if (testtype) {
state.must_write = true;
// Tell user if an old test was found.
if (!usetime && !(testhour == tmnow->tm_hour && testtime + 3600 > now)) {
char datebuf[DATEANDEPOCHLEN]; dateandtimezoneepoch(datebuf, testtime);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, old test of type %c not run at %s, starting now.\n",
cfg.name.c_str(), testtype, datebuf);
return testtype;
// Print a list of future tests.
static void PrintTestSchedule(const dev_config_vector & configs, dev_state_vector & states, const smart_device_list & devices)
unsigned numdev = configs.size();
if (!numdev)
std::vector<int> testcnts(numdev * num_test_types, 0);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "\nNext scheduled self tests (at most 5 of each type per device):\n");
// FixGlibcTimeZoneBug(); // done in PrintOut()
time_t now = time(0);
dateandtimezoneepoch(datenow, now);
long seconds;
for (seconds=checktime; seconds<3600L*24*90; seconds+=checktime) {
// Check for each device whether a test will be run
time_t testtime = now + seconds;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numdev; i++) {
const dev_config & cfg = configs.at(i);
dev_state & state = states.at(i);
const char * p;
char testtype = next_scheduled_test(cfg, state, devices.at(i)->is_scsi(), testtime);
if (testtype && (p = strchr(test_type_chars, testtype))) {
unsigned t = (p - test_type_chars);
// Report at most 5 tests of each type
if (++testcnts[i*num_test_types + t] <= 5) {
dateandtimezoneepoch(date, testtime);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, will do test %d of type %c at %s\n", cfg.name.c_str(),
testcnts[i*num_test_types + t], testtype, date);
// Report totals
dateandtimezoneepoch(date, now+seconds);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "\nTotals [%s - %s]:\n", datenow, date);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numdev; i++) {
const dev_config & cfg = configs.at(i);
bool scsi = devices.at(i)->is_scsi();
for (unsigned t = 0; t < num_test_types; t++) {
int cnt = testcnts[i*num_test_types + t];
if (cnt == 0 && !strchr((scsi ? "LS" : "LSCO"), test_type_chars[t]))
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, will do %3d test%s of type %c\n", cfg.name.c_str(),
cnt, (cnt==1?"":"s"), test_type_chars[t]);
// Return zero on success, nonzero on failure. Perform offline (background)
// short or long (extended) self test on given scsi device.
static int DoSCSISelfTest(const dev_config & cfg, dev_state & state, scsi_device * device, char testtype)
int retval = 0;
const char *testname = 0;
const char *name = cfg.name.c_str();
int inProgress;
if (scsiSelfTestInProgress(device, &inProgress)) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, does not support Self-Tests\n", name);
state.not_cap_short = state.not_cap_long = true;
return 1;
if (1 == inProgress) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, skip since Self-Test already in "
"progress.\n", name);
return 1;
switch (testtype) {
case 'S':
testname = "Short Self";
retval = scsiSmartShortSelfTest(device);
case 'L':
testname = "Long Self";
retval = scsiSmartExtendSelfTest(device);
// If we can't do the test, exit
if (NULL == testname) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, not capable of %c Self-Test\n", name,
return 1;
if (retval) {
if ((SIMPLE_ERR_BAD_OPCODE == retval) ||
(SIMPLE_ERR_BAD_FIELD == retval)) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, not capable of %s-Test\n", name,
if ('L'==testtype)
state.not_cap_long = true;
state.not_cap_short = true;
return 1;
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, execute %s-Test failed (err: %d)\n", name,
testname, retval);
return 1;
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, starting scheduled %s-Test.\n", name, testname);
return 0;
// Do an offline immediate or self-test. Return zero on success,
// nonzero on failure.
static int DoATASelfTest(const dev_config & cfg, dev_state & state, ata_device * device, char testtype)
const char *name = cfg.name.c_str();
// Read current smart data and check status/capability
struct ata_smart_values data;
if (ataReadSmartValues(device, &data) || !(data.offline_data_collection_capability)) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, not capable of Offline or Self-Testing.\n", name);
return 1;
// Check for capability to do the test
int dotest = -1, mode = 0;
const char *testname = 0;
switch (testtype) {
case 'O':
testname="Offline Immediate ";
if (isSupportExecuteOfflineImmediate(&data))
state.not_cap_offline = true;
case 'C':
testname="Conveyance Self-";
if (isSupportConveyanceSelfTest(&data))
state.not_cap_conveyance = true;
case 'S':
testname="Short Self-";
if (isSupportSelfTest(&data))
state.not_cap_short = true;
case 'L':
testname="Long Self-";
if (isSupportSelfTest(&data))
state.not_cap_long = true;
case 'c': case 'n': case 'r':
testname = "Selective Self-";
if (isSupportSelectiveSelfTest(&data)) {
switch (testtype) {
case 'c': mode = SEL_CONT; break;
case 'n': mode = SEL_NEXT; break;
case 'r': mode = SEL_REDO; break;
state.not_cap_selective = true;
// If we can't do the test, exit
if (dotest<0) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, not capable of %sTest\n", name, testname);
return 1;
// If currently running a self-test, do not interrupt it to start another.
if (15==(data.self_test_exec_status >> 4)) {
if (cfg.firmwarebugs.is_set(BUG_SAMSUNG3) && data.self_test_exec_status == 0xf0) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, will not skip scheduled %sTest "
"despite unclear Self-Test byte (SAMSUNG Firmware bug).\n", name, testname);
} else {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, skip scheduled %sTest; %1d0%% remaining of current Self-Test.\n",
name, testname, (int)(data.self_test_exec_status & 0x0f));
return 1;
if (dotest == SELECTIVE_SELF_TEST) {
// Set test span
ata_selective_selftest_args selargs, prev_args;
selargs.num_spans = 1;
selargs.span[0].mode = mode;
prev_args.num_spans = 1;
prev_args.span[0].start = state.selective_test_last_start;
prev_args.span[0].end = state.selective_test_last_end;
if (ataWriteSelectiveSelfTestLog(device, selargs, &data, state.num_sectors, &prev_args)) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, prepare %sTest failed\n", name, testname);
return 1;
uint64_t start = selargs.span[0].start, end = selargs.span[0].end;
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, %s test span at LBA %"PRIu64" - %"PRIu64" (%"PRIu64" sectors, %u%% - %u%% of disk).\n",
name, (selargs.span[0].mode == SEL_NEXT ? "next" : "redo"),
start, end, end - start + 1,
(unsigned)((100 * start + state.num_sectors/2) / state.num_sectors),
(unsigned)((100 * end + state.num_sectors/2) / state.num_sectors));
state.selective_test_last_start = start;
state.selective_test_last_end = end;
// execute the test, and return status
int retval = smartcommandhandler(device, IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE, dotest, NULL);
if (retval) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, execute %sTest failed.\n", name, testname);
return retval;
// Report recent test start to do_disable_standby_check()
// and force log of next test status
if (testtype == 'O')
state.offline_started = true;
state.selftest_started = true;
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, starting scheduled %sTest.\n", name, testname);
return 0;
// Check pending sector count attribute values (-C, -U directives).
static void check_pending(const dev_config & cfg, dev_state & state,
unsigned char id, bool increase_only,
const ata_smart_values & smartval,
int mailtype, const char * msg)
// Find attribute index
int i = ata_find_attr_index(id, smartval);
if (!(i >= 0 && ata_find_attr_index(id, state.smartval) == i))
// No report if no sectors pending.
uint64_t rawval = ata_get_attr_raw_value(smartval.vendor_attributes[i], cfg.attribute_defs);
if (rawval == 0) {
reset_warning_mail(cfg, state, mailtype, "No more %s", msg);
// If attribute is not reset, report only sector count increases.
uint64_t prev_rawval = ata_get_attr_raw_value(state.smartval.vendor_attributes[i], cfg.attribute_defs);
if (!(!increase_only || prev_rawval < rawval))
// Format message.
std::string s = strprintf("Device: %s, %"PRId64" %s", cfg.name.c_str(), rawval, msg);
if (prev_rawval > 0 && rawval != prev_rawval)
s += strprintf(" (changed %+"PRId64")", rawval - prev_rawval);
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "%s\n", s.c_str());
MailWarning(cfg, state, mailtype, "%s", s.c_str());
state.must_write = true;
// Format Temperature value
static const char * fmt_temp(unsigned char x, char (& buf)[20])
if (!x) // unset
return "??";
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", x);
return buf;
// Check Temperature limits
static void CheckTemperature(const dev_config & cfg, dev_state & state, unsigned char currtemp, unsigned char triptemp)
if (!(0 < currtemp && currtemp < 255)) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, failed to read Temperature\n", cfg.name.c_str());
// Update Max Temperature
const char * minchg = "", * maxchg = "";
if (currtemp > state.tempmax) {
if (state.tempmax)
maxchg = "!";
state.tempmax = currtemp;
state.must_write = true;
char buf[20];
if (!state.temperature) {
// First check
if (!state.tempmin || currtemp < state.tempmin)
// Delay Min Temperature update by ~ 30 minutes.
state.tempmin_delay = time(0) + CHECKTIME - 60;
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, initial Temperature is %d Celsius (Min/Max %s/%u%s)\n",
cfg.name.c_str(), (int)currtemp, fmt_temp(state.tempmin, buf), state.tempmax, maxchg);
if (triptemp)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, " [trip Temperature is %d Celsius]\n", (int)triptemp);
state.temperature = currtemp;
else {
if (state.tempmin_delay) {
// End Min Temperature update delay if ...
if ( (state.tempmin && currtemp > state.tempmin) // current temp exceeds recorded min,
|| (state.tempmin_delay <= time(0))) { // or delay time is over.
state.tempmin_delay = 0;
if (!state.tempmin)
state.tempmin = 255;
// Update Min Temperature
if (!state.tempmin_delay && currtemp < state.tempmin) {
state.tempmin = currtemp;
state.must_write = true;
if (currtemp != state.temperature)
minchg = "!";
// Track changes
if (cfg.tempdiff && (*minchg || *maxchg || abs((int)currtemp - (int)state.temperature) >= cfg.tempdiff)) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, Temperature changed %+d Celsius to %u Celsius (Min/Max %s%s/%u%s)\n",
cfg.name.c_str(), (int)currtemp-(int)state.temperature, currtemp, fmt_temp(state.tempmin, buf), minchg, state.tempmax, maxchg);
state.temperature = currtemp;
// Check limits
if (cfg.tempcrit && currtemp >= cfg.tempcrit) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, Temperature %u Celsius reached critical limit of %u Celsius (Min/Max %s%s/%u%s)\n",
cfg.name.c_str(), currtemp, cfg.tempcrit, fmt_temp(state.tempmin, buf), minchg, state.tempmax, maxchg);
MailWarning(cfg, state, 12, "Device: %s, Temperature %d Celsius reached critical limit of %u Celsius (Min/Max %s%s/%u%s)",
cfg.name.c_str(), currtemp, cfg.tempcrit, fmt_temp(state.tempmin, buf), minchg, state.tempmax, maxchg);
else if (cfg.tempinfo && currtemp >= cfg.tempinfo) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, Temperature %u Celsius reached limit of %u Celsius (Min/Max %s%s/%u%s)\n",
cfg.name.c_str(), currtemp, cfg.tempinfo, fmt_temp(state.tempmin, buf), minchg, state.tempmax, maxchg);
else if (cfg.tempcrit) {
unsigned char limit = (cfg.tempinfo ? cfg.tempinfo : cfg.tempcrit-5);
if (currtemp < limit)
reset_warning_mail(cfg, state, 12, "Temperature %u Celsius dropped below %u Celsius", currtemp, limit);
// Check normalized and raw attribute values.
static void check_attribute(const dev_config & cfg, dev_state & state,
const ata_smart_attribute & attr,
const ata_smart_attribute & prev,
int attridx,
const ata_smart_threshold_entry * thresholds)
// Check attribute and threshold
ata_attr_state attrstate = ata_get_attr_state(attr, attridx, thresholds, cfg.attribute_defs);
if (attrstate == ATTRSTATE_NON_EXISTING)
// If requested, check for usage attributes that have failed.
if ( cfg.usagefailed && attrstate == ATTRSTATE_FAILED_NOW
&& !cfg.monitor_attr_flags.is_set(attr.id, MONITOR_IGN_FAILUSE)) {
std::string attrname = ata_get_smart_attr_name(attr.id, cfg.attribute_defs, cfg.dev_rpm);
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, Failed SMART usage Attribute: %d %s.\n", cfg.name.c_str(), attr.id, attrname.c_str());
MailWarning(cfg, state, 2, "Device: %s, Failed SMART usage Attribute: %d %s.", cfg.name.c_str(), attr.id, attrname.c_str());
state.must_write = true;
// Return if we're not tracking this type of attribute
bool prefail = !!ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_PREFAILURE(attr.flags);
if (!( ( prefail && cfg.prefail)
|| (!prefail && cfg.usage )))
// Return if '-I ID' was specified
if (cfg.monitor_attr_flags.is_set(attr.id, MONITOR_IGNORE))
// Issue warning if they don't have the same ID in all structures.
if (attr.id != prev.id) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, same Attribute has different ID numbers: %d = %d\n",
cfg.name.c_str(), attr.id, prev.id);
// Compare normalized values if valid.
bool valchanged = false;
if (attrstate > ATTRSTATE_NO_NORMVAL) {
if (attr.current != prev.current)
valchanged = true;
// Compare raw values if requested.
bool rawchanged = false;
if (cfg.monitor_attr_flags.is_set(attr.id, MONITOR_RAW)) {
if ( ata_get_attr_raw_value(attr, cfg.attribute_defs)
!= ata_get_attr_raw_value(prev, cfg.attribute_defs))
rawchanged = true;
// Return if no change
if (!(valchanged || rawchanged))
// Format value strings
std::string currstr, prevstr;
if (attrstate == ATTRSTATE_NO_NORMVAL) {
// Print raw values only
currstr = strprintf("%s (Raw)",
ata_format_attr_raw_value(attr, cfg.attribute_defs).c_str());
prevstr = strprintf("%s (Raw)",
ata_format_attr_raw_value(prev, cfg.attribute_defs).c_str());
else if (cfg.monitor_attr_flags.is_set(attr.id, MONITOR_RAW_PRINT)) {
// Print normalized and raw values
currstr = strprintf("%d [Raw %s]", attr.current,
ata_format_attr_raw_value(attr, cfg.attribute_defs).c_str());
prevstr = strprintf("%d [Raw %s]", prev.current,
ata_format_attr_raw_value(prev, cfg.attribute_defs).c_str());
else {
// Print normalized values only
currstr = strprintf("%d", attr.current);
prevstr = strprintf("%d", prev.current);
// Format message
std::string msg = strprintf("Device: %s, SMART %s Attribute: %d %s changed from %s to %s",
cfg.name.c_str(), (prefail ? "Prefailure" : "Usage"), attr.id,
ata_get_smart_attr_name(attr.id, cfg.attribute_defs, cfg.dev_rpm).c_str(),
prevstr.c_str(), currstr.c_str());
// Report this change as critical ?
if ( (valchanged && cfg.monitor_attr_flags.is_set(attr.id, MONITOR_AS_CRIT))
|| (rawchanged && cfg.monitor_attr_flags.is_set(attr.id, MONITOR_RAW_AS_CRIT))) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "%s\n", msg.c_str());
MailWarning(cfg, state, 2, "%s", msg.c_str());
else {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "%s\n", msg.c_str());
state.must_write = true;
static int ATACheckDevice(const dev_config & cfg, dev_state & state, ata_device * atadev,
bool firstpass, bool allow_selftests)
const char * name = cfg.name.c_str();
// If user has asked, test the email warning system
if (cfg.emailtest)
MailWarning(cfg, state, 0, "TEST EMAIL from smartd for device: %s", name);
// if we can't open device, fail gracefully rather than hard --
// perhaps the next time around we'll be able to open it. ATAPI
// cd/dvd devices will hang awaiting media if O_NONBLOCK is not
// given (see linux cdrom driver).
if (!atadev->open()) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, open() failed: %s\n", name, atadev->get_errmsg());
MailWarning(cfg, state, 9, "Device: %s, unable to open device", name);
return 1;
if (debugmode)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, opened ATA device\n", name);
reset_warning_mail(cfg, state, 9, "open device worked again");
// user may have requested (with the -n Directive) to leave the disk
// alone if it is in idle or sleeping mode. In this case check the
// power mode and exit without check if needed
if (cfg.powermode && !state.powermodefail) {
int dontcheck=0, powermode=ataCheckPowerMode(atadev);
const char * mode = 0;
if (0 <= powermode && powermode < 0xff) {
// wait for possible spin up and check again
int powermode2;
powermode2 = ataCheckPowerMode(atadev);
if (powermode2 > powermode)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, CHECK POWER STATUS spins up disk (0x%02x -> 0x%02x)\n", name, powermode, powermode2);
powermode = powermode2;
switch (powermode){
case -1:
if (cfg.powermode>=1)
case 0:
if (cfg.powermode>=2)
case 0x80:
if (cfg.powermode>=3)
case 0xff:
mode="ACTIVE or IDLE";
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, CHECK POWER STATUS returned %d, not ATA compliant, ignoring -n Directive\n",
name, powermode);
state.powermodefail = true;
// if we are going to skip a check, return now
if (dontcheck){
// skip at most powerskipmax checks
if (!cfg.powerskipmax || state.powerskipcnt<cfg.powerskipmax) {
CloseDevice(atadev, name);
if (!state.powerskipcnt && !cfg.powerquiet) // report first only and avoid waking up system disk
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, is in %s mode, suspending checks\n", name, mode);
return 0;
else {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, %s mode ignored due to reached limit of skipped checks (%d check%s skipped)\n",
name, mode, state.powerskipcnt, (state.powerskipcnt==1?"":"s"));
state.powerskipcnt = 0;
state.tempmin_delay = time(0) + CHECKTIME - 60; // Delay Min Temperature update
else if (state.powerskipcnt) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, is back in %s mode, resuming checks (%d check%s skipped)\n",
name, mode, state.powerskipcnt, (state.powerskipcnt==1?"":"s"));
state.powerskipcnt = 0;
state.tempmin_delay = time(0) + CHECKTIME - 60; // Delay Min Temperature update
// check smart status
if (cfg.smartcheck) {
int status=ataSmartStatus2(atadev);
if (status==-1){
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, not capable of SMART self-check\n",name);
MailWarning(cfg, state, 5, "Device: %s, not capable of SMART self-check", name);
state.must_write = true;
else if (status==1){
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, FAILED SMART self-check. BACK UP DATA NOW!\n", name);
MailWarning(cfg, state, 1, "Device: %s, FAILED SMART self-check. BACK UP DATA NOW!", name);
state.must_write = true;
// Check everything that depends upon SMART Data (eg, Attribute values)
if ( cfg.usagefailed || cfg.prefail || cfg.usage
|| cfg.curr_pending_id || cfg.offl_pending_id
|| cfg.tempdiff || cfg.tempinfo || cfg.tempcrit
|| cfg.selftest || cfg.offlinests || cfg.selfteststs) {
// Read current attribute values.
ata_smart_values curval;
if (ataReadSmartValues(atadev, &curval)){
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, failed to read SMART Attribute Data\n", name);
MailWarning(cfg, state, 6, "Device: %s, failed to read SMART Attribute Data", name);
state.must_write = true;
else {
reset_warning_mail(cfg, state, 6, "read SMART Attribute Data worked again");
// look for current or offline pending sectors
if (cfg.curr_pending_id)
check_pending(cfg, state, cfg.curr_pending_id, cfg.curr_pending_incr, curval, 10,
(!cfg.curr_pending_incr ? "Currently unreadable (pending) sectors"
: "Total unreadable (pending) sectors" ));
if (cfg.offl_pending_id)
check_pending(cfg, state, cfg.offl_pending_id, cfg.offl_pending_incr, curval, 11,
(!cfg.offl_pending_incr ? "Offline uncorrectable sectors"
: "Total offline uncorrectable sectors"));
// check temperature limits
if (cfg.tempdiff || cfg.tempinfo || cfg.tempcrit)
CheckTemperature(cfg, state, ata_return_temperature_value(&curval, cfg.attribute_defs), 0);
// look for failed usage attributes, or track usage or prefail attributes
if (cfg.usagefailed || cfg.prefail || cfg.usage) {
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_ATA_SMART_ATTRIBUTES; i++) {
check_attribute(cfg, state,
i, state.smartthres.thres_entries);
// Log changes of offline data collection status
if (cfg.offlinests) {
if ( curval.offline_data_collection_status
!= state.smartval.offline_data_collection_status
|| state.offline_started // test was started in previous call
|| (firstpass && (debugmode || (curval.offline_data_collection_status & 0x7d))))
log_offline_data_coll_status(name, curval.offline_data_collection_status);
// Log changes of self-test execution status
if (cfg.selfteststs) {
if ( curval.self_test_exec_status != state.smartval.self_test_exec_status
|| state.selftest_started // test was started in previous call
|| (firstpass && (debugmode || curval.self_test_exec_status != 0x00)))
log_self_test_exec_status(name, curval.self_test_exec_status);
// Save the new values for the next time around
state.smartval = curval;
state.offline_started = state.selftest_started = false;
// check if number of selftest errors has increased (note: may also DECREASE)
if (cfg.selftest)
CheckSelfTestLogs(cfg, state, SelfTestErrorCount(atadev, name, cfg.firmwarebugs));
// check if number of ATA errors has increased
if (cfg.errorlog || cfg.xerrorlog) {
int errcnt1 = -1, errcnt2 = -1;
if (cfg.errorlog)
errcnt1 = read_ata_error_count(atadev, name, cfg.firmwarebugs, false);
if (cfg.xerrorlog)
errcnt2 = read_ata_error_count(atadev, name, cfg.firmwarebugs, true);
// new number of errors is max of both logs
int newc = (errcnt1 >= errcnt2 ? errcnt1 : errcnt2);
// did command fail?
if (newc<0)
// lack of PrintOut here is INTENTIONAL
MailWarning(cfg, state, 7, "Device: %s, Read SMART Error Log Failed", name);
// has error count increased?
int oldc = state.ataerrorcount;
if (newc>oldc){
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, ATA error count increased from %d to %d\n",
name, oldc, newc);
MailWarning(cfg, state, 4, "Device: %s, ATA error count increased from %d to %d",
name, oldc, newc);
state.must_write = true;
if (newc>=0)
// if the user has asked, and device is capable (or we're not yet
// sure) check whether a self test should be done now.
if (allow_selftests && !cfg.test_regex.empty()) {
char testtype = next_scheduled_test(cfg, state, false/*!scsi*/);
if (testtype)
DoATASelfTest(cfg, state, atadev, testtype);
// Don't leave device open -- the OS/user may want to access it
// before the next smartd cycle!
CloseDevice(atadev, name);
// Copy ATA attribute values to persistent state
return 0;
static int SCSICheckDevice(const dev_config & cfg, dev_state & state, scsi_device * scsidev, bool allow_selftests)
UINT8 asc, ascq;
UINT8 currenttemp;
UINT8 triptemp;
UINT8 tBuf[252];
const char * name = cfg.name.c_str();
const char *cp;
// If the user has asked for it, test the email warning system
if (cfg.emailtest)
MailWarning(cfg, state, 0, "TEST EMAIL from smartd for device: %s", name);
// if we can't open device, fail gracefully rather than hard --
// perhaps the next time around we'll be able to open it
if (!scsidev->open()) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, open() failed: %s\n", name, scsidev->get_errmsg());
MailWarning(cfg, state, 9, "Device: %s, unable to open device", name);
return 1;
} else if (debugmode)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, opened SCSI device\n", name);
reset_warning_mail(cfg, state, 9, "open device worked again");
currenttemp = 0;
asc = 0;
ascq = 0;
if (!state.SuppressReport) {
if (scsiCheckIE(scsidev, state.SmartPageSupported, state.TempPageSupported,
&asc, &ascq, ¤ttemp, &triptemp)) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, failed to read SMART values\n",
MailWarning(cfg, state, 6, "Device: %s, failed to read SMART values", name);
state.SuppressReport = 1;
if (asc > 0) {
cp = scsiGetIEString(asc, ascq);
if (cp) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Device: %s, SMART Failure: %s\n", name, cp);
MailWarning(cfg, state, 1,"Device: %s, SMART Failure: %s", name, cp);
} else if (asc == 4 && ascq == 9) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, self-test in progress\n", name);
} else if (debugmode)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, non-SMART asc,ascq: %d,%d\n",
name, (int)asc, (int)ascq);
} else if (debugmode)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, SMART health: passed\n", name);
// check temperature limits
if (cfg.tempdiff || cfg.tempinfo || cfg.tempcrit || !cfg.attrlog_file.empty())
CheckTemperature(cfg, state, currenttemp, triptemp);
// check if number of selftest errors has increased (note: may also DECREASE)
if (cfg.selftest)
CheckSelfTestLogs(cfg, state, scsiCountFailedSelfTests(scsidev, 0));
if (allow_selftests && !cfg.test_regex.empty()) {
char testtype = next_scheduled_test(cfg, state, true/*scsi*/);
if (testtype)
DoSCSISelfTest(cfg, state, scsidev, testtype);
if (!cfg.attrlog_file.empty()){
// saving error counters to state
if (state.ReadECounterPageSupported && (0 == scsiLogSense(scsidev,
READ_ERROR_COUNTER_LPAGE, 0, tBuf, sizeof(tBuf), 0))) {
scsiDecodeErrCounterPage(tBuf, &state.scsi_error_counters[0].errCounter);
if (state.WriteECounterPageSupported && (0 == scsiLogSense(scsidev,
WRITE_ERROR_COUNTER_LPAGE, 0, tBuf, sizeof(tBuf), 0))) {
scsiDecodeErrCounterPage(tBuf, &state.scsi_error_counters[1].errCounter);
if (state.VerifyECounterPageSupported && (0 == scsiLogSense(scsidev,
VERIFY_ERROR_COUNTER_LPAGE, 0, tBuf, sizeof(tBuf), 0))) {
scsiDecodeErrCounterPage(tBuf, &state.scsi_error_counters[2].errCounter);
if (state.NonMediumErrorPageSupported && (0 == scsiLogSense(scsidev,
NON_MEDIUM_ERROR_LPAGE, 0, tBuf, sizeof(tBuf), 0))) {
scsiDecodeNonMediumErrPage(tBuf, &state.scsi_nonmedium_error.nme);
CloseDevice(scsidev, name);
return 0;
// 0=not used, 1=not disabled, 2=disable rejected by OS, 3=disabled
static int standby_disable_state = 0;
static void init_disable_standby_check(dev_config_vector & configs)
// Check for '-l offlinests,ns' or '-l selfteststs,ns' directives
bool sts1 = false, sts2 = false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < configs.size() && !(sts1 || sts2); i++) {
const dev_config & cfg = configs.at(i);
if (cfg.offlinests_ns)
sts1 = true;
if (cfg.selfteststs_ns)
sts2 = true;
// Check for support of disable auto standby
// Reenable standby if smartd.conf was reread
if (sts1 || sts2 || standby_disable_state == 3) {
if (!smi()->disable_system_auto_standby(false)) {
if (standby_disable_state == 3)
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "System auto standby enable failed: %s\n", smi()->get_errmsg());
if (sts1 || sts2) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Disable auto standby not supported, ignoring ',ns' from %s%s%s\n",
(sts1 ? "-l offlinests,ns" : ""), (sts1 && sts2 ? " and " : ""), (sts2 ? "-l selfteststs,ns" : ""));
sts1 = sts2 = false;
standby_disable_state = (sts1 || sts2 ? 1 : 0);
static void do_disable_standby_check(const dev_config_vector & configs, const dev_state_vector & states)
if (!standby_disable_state)
// Check for just started or still running self-tests
bool running = false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < configs.size() && !running; i++) {
const dev_config & cfg = configs.at(i); const dev_state & state = states.at(i);
if ( ( cfg.offlinests_ns
&& (state.offline_started ||
|| ( cfg.selfteststs_ns
&& (state.selftest_started ||
is_self_test_in_progress(state.smartval.self_test_exec_status))) )
running = true;
// state.offline/selftest_started will be reset after next logging of test status
// Disable/enable auto standby and log state changes
if (!running) {
if (standby_disable_state != 1) {
if (!smi()->disable_system_auto_standby(false))
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Self-test(s) completed, system auto standby enable failed: %s\n",
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Self-test(s) completed, system auto standby enabled\n");
standby_disable_state = 1;
else if (!smi()->disable_system_auto_standby(true)) {
if (standby_disable_state != 2) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Self-test(s) in progress, system auto standby disable rejected: %s\n",
standby_disable_state = 2;
else {
if (standby_disable_state != 3) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Self-test(s) in progress, system auto standby disabled\n");
standby_disable_state = 3;
// Checks the SMART status of all ATA and SCSI devices
static void CheckDevicesOnce(const dev_config_vector & configs, dev_state_vector & states,
smart_device_list & devices, bool firstpass, bool allow_selftests)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < configs.size(); i++) {
const dev_config & cfg = configs.at(i);
dev_state & state = states.at(i);
smart_device * dev = devices.at(i);
if (dev->is_ata())
ATACheckDevice(cfg, state, dev->to_ata(), firstpass, allow_selftests);
else if (dev->is_scsi())
SCSICheckDevice(cfg, state, dev->to_scsi(), allow_selftests);
do_disable_standby_check(configs, states);
// Set if Initialize() was called
static bool is_initialized = false;
// Does initialization right after fork to daemon mode
static void Initialize(time_t *wakeuptime)
// Call Goodbye() on exit
is_initialized = true;
// write PID file
if (!debugmode)
// install signal handlers. On Solaris, can't use signal() because
// it resets the handler to SIG_DFL after each call. So use sigset()
// instead. So SIGNALFN()==signal() or SIGNALFN()==sigset().
// normal and abnormal exit
if (SIGNALFN(SIGTERM, sighandler)==SIG_IGN)
if (SIGNALFN(SIGQUIT, sighandler)==SIG_IGN)
// in debug mode, <CONTROL-C> ==> HUP
if (SIGNALFN(SIGINT, debugmode?HUPhandler:sighandler)==SIG_IGN)
// Catch HUP and USR1
#ifdef _WIN32
// initialize wakeup time to CURRENT time
#ifdef _WIN32
// Toggle debug mode implemented for native windows only
// (there is no easy way to reopen tty on *nix)
static void ToggleDebugMode()
if (!debugmode) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Signal USR2 - enabling debug mode\n");
if (!daemon_enable_console("smartd [Debug]")) {
debugmode = 1;
daemon_signal(SIGINT, HUPhandler);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"smartd debug mode enabled, PID=%d\n", getpid());
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"enable console failed\n");
else if (debugmode == 1) {
debugmode = 0;
daemon_signal(SIGINT, sighandler);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Signal USR2 - debug mode disabled\n");
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Signal USR2 - debug mode %d not changed\n", debugmode);
static time_t dosleep(time_t wakeuptime, bool & sigwakeup)
// If past wake-up-time, compute next wake-up-time
time_t timenow=time(NULL);
while (wakeuptime<=timenow){
int intervals=1+(timenow-wakeuptime)/checktime;
// sleep until we catch SIGUSR1 or have completed sleeping
int addtime = 0;
while (timenow < wakeuptime+addtime && !caughtsigUSR1 && !caughtsigHUP && !caughtsigEXIT) {
// protect user again system clock being adjusted backwards
if (wakeuptime>timenow+checktime){
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "System clock time adjusted to the past. Resetting next wakeup time.\n");
// Exit sleep when time interval has expired or a signal is received
#ifdef _WIN32
// toggle debug mode?
if (caughtsigUSR2) {
caughtsigUSR2 = 0;
// Actual sleep time too long?
if (!addtime && timenow > wakeuptime+60) {
if (debugmode)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Sleep time was %d seconds too long, assuming wakeup from standby mode.\n",
// Wait another 20 seconds to avoid I/O errors during disk spin-up
addtime = timenow-wakeuptime+20;
// Use next wake-up-time if close
int nextcheck = checktime - addtime % checktime;
if (nextcheck <= 20)
addtime += nextcheck;
// if we caught a SIGUSR1 then print message and clear signal
if (caughtsigUSR1){
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Signal USR1 - checking devices now rather than in %d seconds.\n",
sigwakeup = true;
// return adjusted wakeuptime
return wakeuptime;
// Print out a list of valid arguments for the Directive d
static void printoutvaliddirectiveargs(int priority, char d)
switch (d) {
case 'n':
PrintOut(priority, "never[,N][,q], sleep[,N][,q], standby[,N][,q], idle[,N][,q]");
case 's':
PrintOut(priority, "valid_regular_expression");
case 'd':
PrintOut(priority, "%s", smi()->get_valid_dev_types_str().c_str());
case 'T':
PrintOut(priority, "normal, permissive");
case 'o':
case 'S':
PrintOut(priority, "on, off");
case 'l':
PrintOut(priority, "error, selftest");
case 'M':
PrintOut(priority, "\"once\", \"daily\", \"diminishing\", \"test\", \"exec\"");
case 'v':
PrintOut(priority, "\n%s\n", create_vendor_attribute_arg_list().c_str());
case 'P':
PrintOut(priority, "use, ignore, show, showall");
case 'F':
PrintOut(priority, "%s", get_valid_firmwarebug_args());
case 'e':
PrintOut(priority, "aam,[N|off], apm,[N|off], lookahead,[on|off], "
"security-freeze, standby,[N|off], wcache,[on|off]");
// exits with an error message, or returns integer value of token
static int GetInteger(const char *arg, const char *name, const char *token, int lineno, const char *cfgfile,
int min, int max, char * suffix = 0)
// make sure argument is there
if (!arg) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"File %s line %d (drive %s): Directive: %s takes integer argument from %d to %d.\n",
cfgfile, lineno, name, token, min, max);
return -1;
// get argument value (base 10), check that it's integer, and in-range
char *endptr;
int val = strtol(arg,&endptr,10);
// optional suffix present?
if (suffix) {
if (!strcmp(endptr, suffix))
endptr += strlen(suffix);
*suffix = 0;
if (!(!*endptr && min <= val && val <= max)) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"File %s line %d (drive %s): Directive: %s has argument: %s; needs integer from %d to %d.\n",
cfgfile, lineno, name, token, arg, min, max);
return -1;
// all is well; return value
return val;
// Get 1-3 small integer(s) for '-W' directive
static int Get3Integers(const char *arg, const char *name, const char *token, int lineno, const char *cfgfile,
unsigned char *val1, unsigned char *val2, unsigned char *val3)
unsigned v1 = 0, v2 = 0, v3 = 0;
int n1 = -1, n2 = -1, n3 = -1, len;
if (!arg) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"File %s line %d (drive %s): Directive: %s takes 1-3 integer argument(s) from 0 to 255.\n",
cfgfile, lineno, name, token);
return -1;
len = strlen(arg);
if (!( sscanf(arg, "%u%n,%u%n,%u%n", &v1, &n1, &v2, &n2, &v3, &n3) >= 1
&& (n1 == len || n2 == len || n3 == len) && v1 <= 255 && v2 <= 255 && v3 <= 255)) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"File %s line %d (drive %s): Directive: %s has argument: %s; needs 1-3 integer(s) from 0 to 255.\n",
cfgfile, lineno, name, token, arg);
return -1;
*val1 = (unsigned char)v1; *val2 = (unsigned char)v2; *val3 = (unsigned char)v3;
return 0;
#ifdef _WIN32
// Concatenate strtok() results if quoted with "..."
static const char * strtok_dequote(const char * delimiters)
const char * t = strtok(0, delimiters);
if (!t || t[0] != '"')
return t;
static std::string token;
token = t+1;
for (;;) {
t = strtok(0, delimiters);
if (!t || !*t)
return "\"";
token += ' ';
int len = strlen(t);
if (t[len-1] == '"') {
token += std::string(t, len-1);
token += t;
return token.c_str();
#endif // _WIN32
// This function returns 1 if it has correctly parsed one token (and
// any arguments), else zero if no tokens remain. It returns -1 if an
// error was encountered.
static int ParseToken(char * token, dev_config & cfg)
char sym;
const char * name = cfg.name.c_str();
int lineno=cfg.lineno;
const char *delim = " \n\t";
int badarg = 0;
int missingarg = 0;
const char *arg = 0;
// is the rest of the line a comment
if (*token=='#')
return 1;
// is the token not recognized?
if (*token!='-' || strlen(token)!=2) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"File %s line %d (drive %s): unknown Directive: %s\n",
configfile, lineno, name, token);
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Run smartd -D to print a list of valid Directives.\n");
return -1;
// token we will be parsing:
// parse the token and swallow its argument
int val;
char plus[] = "+", excl[] = "!";
switch (sym) {
case 'C':
// monitor current pending sector count (default 197)
if ((val = GetInteger(arg=strtok(NULL,delim), name, token, lineno, configfile, 0, 255, plus)) < 0)
return -1;
cfg.curr_pending_id = (unsigned char)val;
cfg.curr_pending_incr = (*plus == '+');
cfg.curr_pending_set = true;
case 'U':
// monitor offline uncorrectable sectors (default 198)
if ((val = GetInteger(arg=strtok(NULL,delim), name, token, lineno, configfile, 0, 255, plus)) < 0)
return -1;
cfg.offl_pending_id = (unsigned char)val;
cfg.offl_pending_incr = (*plus == '+');
cfg.offl_pending_set = true;
case 'T':
// Set tolerance level for SMART command failures
if ((arg = strtok(NULL, delim)) == NULL) {
missingarg = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "normal")) {
// Normal mode: exit on failure of a mandatory S.M.A.R.T. command, but
// not on failure of an optional S.M.A.R.T. command.
// This is the default so we don't need to actually do anything here.
cfg.permissive = false;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "permissive")) {
// Permissive mode; ignore errors from Mandatory SMART commands
cfg.permissive = true;
} else {
badarg = 1;
case 'd':
// specify the device type
if ((arg = strtok(NULL, delim)) == NULL) {
missingarg = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "ignore")) {
cfg.ignore = true;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "removable")) {
cfg.removable = true;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "auto")) {
cfg.dev_type = "";
} else {
cfg.dev_type = arg;
case 'F':
// fix firmware bug
if (!(arg = strtok(0, delim)))
missingarg = 1;
else if (!parse_firmwarebug_def(arg, cfg.firmwarebugs))
badarg = 1;
case 'H':
// check SMART status
cfg.smartcheck = true;
case 'f':
// check for failure of usage attributes
cfg.usagefailed = true;
case 't':
// track changes in all vendor attributes
cfg.prefail = true;
cfg.usage = true;
case 'p':
// track changes in prefail vendor attributes
cfg.prefail = true;
case 'u':
// track changes in usage vendor attributes
cfg.usage = true;
case 'l':
// track changes in SMART logs
if ((arg = strtok(NULL, delim)) == NULL) {
missingarg = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "selftest")) {
// track changes in self-test log
cfg.selftest = true;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "error")) {
// track changes in ATA error log
cfg.errorlog = true;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "xerror")) {
// track changes in Extended Comprehensive SMART error log
cfg.xerrorlog = true;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "offlinests")) {
// track changes in offline data collection status
cfg.offlinests = true;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "offlinests,ns")) {
// track changes in offline data collection status, disable auto standby
cfg.offlinests = cfg.offlinests_ns = true;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "selfteststs")) {
// track changes in self-test execution status
cfg.selfteststs = true;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "selfteststs,ns")) {
// track changes in self-test execution status, disable auto standby
cfg.selfteststs = cfg.selfteststs_ns = true;
} else if (!strncmp(arg, "scterc,", sizeof("scterc,")-1)) {
// set SCT Error Recovery Control
unsigned rt = ~0, wt = ~0; int nc = -1;
sscanf(arg,"scterc,%u,%u%n", &rt, &wt, &nc);
if (nc == (int)strlen(arg) && rt <= 999 && wt <= 999) {
cfg.sct_erc_set = true;
cfg.sct_erc_readtime = rt;
cfg.sct_erc_writetime = wt;
badarg = 1;
} else {
badarg = 1;
case 'a':
// monitor everything
cfg.smartcheck = true;
cfg.prefail = true;
cfg.usagefailed = true;
cfg.usage = true;
cfg.selftest = true;
cfg.errorlog = true;
cfg.selfteststs = true;
case 'o':
// automatic offline testing enable/disable
if ((arg = strtok(NULL, delim)) == NULL) {
missingarg = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "on")) {
cfg.autoofflinetest = 2;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "off")) {
cfg.autoofflinetest = 1;
} else {
badarg = 1;
case 'n':
// skip disk check if in idle or standby mode
if (!(arg = strtok(NULL, delim)))
missingarg = 1;
else {
char *endptr = NULL;
char *next = strchr(const_cast<char*>(arg), ',');
cfg.powerquiet = false;
cfg.powerskipmax = 0;
if (next!=NULL) *next='\0';
if (!strcmp(arg, "never"))
cfg.powermode = 0;
else if (!strcmp(arg, "sleep"))
cfg.powermode = 1;
else if (!strcmp(arg, "standby"))
cfg.powermode = 2;
else if (!strcmp(arg, "idle"))
cfg.powermode = 3;
badarg = 1;
// if optional arguments are present
if (!badarg && next!=NULL) {
cfg.powerskipmax = strtol(next, &endptr, 10);
if (endptr == next)
cfg.powerskipmax = 0;
else {
next = endptr + (*endptr != '\0');
if (cfg.powerskipmax <= 0)
badarg = 1;
if (*next != '\0') {
if (!strcmp("q", next))
cfg.powerquiet = true;
else {
badarg = 1;
case 'S':
// automatic attribute autosave enable/disable
if ((arg = strtok(NULL, delim)) == NULL) {
missingarg = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "on")) {
cfg.autosave = 2;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "off")) {
cfg.autosave = 1;
} else {
badarg = 1;
case 's':
// warn user, and delete any previously given -s REGEXP Directives
if (!cfg.test_regex.empty()){
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "File %s line %d (drive %s): ignoring previous Test Directive -s %s\n",
configfile, lineno, name, cfg.test_regex.get_pattern());
cfg.test_regex = regular_expression();
// check for missing argument
if (!(arg = strtok(NULL, delim))) {
missingarg = 1;
// Compile regex
else {
if (!cfg.test_regex.compile(arg, REG_EXTENDED)) {
// not a valid regular expression!
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "File %s line %d (drive %s): -s argument \"%s\" is INVALID extended regular expression. %s.\n",
configfile, lineno, name, arg, cfg.test_regex.get_errmsg());
return -1;
// Do a bit of sanity checking and warn user if we think that
// their regexp is "strange". User probably confused about shell
// glob(3) syntax versus regular expression syntax regexp(7).
if (arg[(val = strspn(arg, "0123456789/.-+*|()?^$[]SLCOcnr"))])
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "File %s line %d (drive %s): warning, character %d (%c) looks odd in extended regular expression %s\n",
configfile, lineno, name, val+1, arg[val], arg);
case 'm':
// send email to address that follows
if (!(arg = strtok(NULL,delim)))
missingarg = 1;
else {
if (!cfg.emailaddress.empty())
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "File %s line %d (drive %s): ignoring previous Address Directive -m %s\n",
configfile, lineno, name, cfg.emailaddress.c_str());
#ifdef _WIN32
if ( !strcmp(arg, "msgbox") || !strcmp(arg, "sysmsgbox")
|| str_starts_with(arg, "msgbox,") || str_starts_with(arg, "sysmsgbox,")) {
cfg.emailaddress = "console";
const char * arg2 = strchr(arg, ',');
if (arg2)
cfg.emailaddress += arg2;
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "File %s line %d (drive %s): Deprecated -m %s changed to -m %s\n",
configfile, lineno, name, arg, cfg.emailaddress.c_str());
cfg.emailaddress = arg;
case 'M':
// email warning options
if (!(arg = strtok(NULL, delim)))
missingarg = 1;
else if (!strcmp(arg, "once"))
cfg.emailfreq = 1;
else if (!strcmp(arg, "daily"))
cfg.emailfreq = 2;
else if (!strcmp(arg, "diminishing"))
cfg.emailfreq = 3;
else if (!strcmp(arg, "test"))
cfg.emailtest = 1;
else if (!strcmp(arg, "exec")) {
// Get the next argument (the command line)
#ifdef _WIN32
// Allow "/path name/with spaces/..." on Windows
arg = strtok_dequote(delim);
if (arg && arg[0] == '"') {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "File %s line %d (drive %s): Directive %s 'exec' argument: missing closing quote\n",
configfile, lineno, name, token);
return -1;
arg = strtok(0, delim);
if (!arg) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "File %s line %d (drive %s): Directive %s 'exec' argument must be followed by executable path.\n",
configfile, lineno, name, token);
return -1;
// Free the last cmd line given if any, and copy new one
if (!cfg.emailcmdline.empty())
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "File %s line %d (drive %s): ignoring previous mail Directive -M exec %s\n",
configfile, lineno, name, cfg.emailcmdline.c_str());
cfg.emailcmdline = arg;
badarg = 1;
case 'i':
// ignore failure of usage attribute
if ((val=GetInteger(arg=strtok(NULL,delim), name, token, lineno, configfile, 1, 255))<0)
return -1;
cfg.monitor_attr_flags.set(val, MONITOR_IGN_FAILUSE);
case 'I':
// ignore attribute for tracking purposes
if ((val=GetInteger(arg=strtok(NULL,delim), name, token, lineno, configfile, 1, 255))<0)
return -1;
cfg.monitor_attr_flags.set(val, MONITOR_IGNORE);
case 'r':
// print raw value when tracking
if ((val = GetInteger(arg=strtok(NULL,delim), name, token, lineno, configfile, 1, 255, excl)) < 0)
return -1;
cfg.monitor_attr_flags.set(val, MONITOR_RAW_PRINT);
if (*excl == '!') // attribute change is critical
cfg.monitor_attr_flags.set(val, MONITOR_AS_CRIT);
case 'R':
// track changes in raw value (forces printing of raw value)
if ((val = GetInteger(arg=strtok(NULL,delim), name, token, lineno, configfile, 1, 255, excl)) < 0)
return -1;
cfg.monitor_attr_flags.set(val, MONITOR_RAW_PRINT|MONITOR_RAW);
if (*excl == '!') // raw value change is critical
cfg.monitor_attr_flags.set(val, MONITOR_RAW_AS_CRIT);
case 'W':
// track Temperature
if ((val=Get3Integers(arg=strtok(NULL,delim), name, token, lineno, configfile,
&cfg.tempdiff, &cfg.tempinfo, &cfg.tempcrit))<0)
return -1;
case 'v':
// non-default vendor-specific attribute meaning
if (!(arg=strtok(NULL,delim))) {
missingarg = 1;
} else if (!parse_attribute_def(arg, cfg.attribute_defs, PRIOR_USER)) {
badarg = 1;
case 'P':
// Define use of drive-specific presets.
if (!(arg = strtok(NULL, delim))) {
missingarg = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "use")) {
cfg.ignorepresets = false;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "ignore")) {
cfg.ignorepresets = true;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "show")) {
cfg.showpresets = true;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "showall")) {
} else {
badarg = 1;
case 'e':
// Various ATA settings
if (!(arg = strtok(NULL, delim))) {
missingarg = true;
else {
char arg2[16+1]; unsigned val;
int n1 = -1, n2 = -1, n3 = -1, len = strlen(arg);
if (sscanf(arg, "%16[^,=]%n%*[,=]%n%u%n", arg2, &n1, &n2, &val, &n3) >= 1
&& (n1 == len || n2 > 0)) {
bool on = (n2 > 0 && !strcmp(arg+n2, "on"));
bool off = (n2 > 0 && !strcmp(arg+n2, "off"));
if (n3 != len)
val = ~0U;
if (!strcmp(arg2, "aam")) {
if (off)
cfg.set_aam = -1;
else if (val <= 254)
cfg.set_aam = val + 1;
badarg = true;
else if (!strcmp(arg2, "apm")) {
if (off)
cfg.set_apm = -1;
else if (1 <= val && val <= 254)
cfg.set_apm = val + 1;
badarg = true;
else if (!strcmp(arg2, "lookahead")) {
if (off)
cfg.set_lookahead = -1;
else if (on)
cfg.set_lookahead = 1;
badarg = true;
else if (!strcmp(arg, "security-freeze")) {
cfg.set_security_freeze = true;
else if (!strcmp(arg2, "standby")) {
if (off)
cfg.set_standby = 0 + 1;
else if (val <= 255)
cfg.set_standby = val + 1;
badarg = true;
else if (!strcmp(arg2, "wcache")) {
if (off)
cfg.set_wcache = -1;
else if (on)
cfg.set_wcache = 1;
badarg = true;
badarg = true;
badarg = true;
// Directive not recognized
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"File %s line %d (drive %s): unknown Directive: %s\n",
configfile, lineno, name, token);
return -1;
if (missingarg) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "File %s line %d (drive %s): Missing argument to %s Directive\n",
configfile, lineno, name, token);
if (badarg) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "File %s line %d (drive %s): Invalid argument to %s Directive: %s\n",
configfile, lineno, name, token, arg);
if (missingarg || badarg) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Valid arguments to %s Directive are: ", token);
printoutvaliddirectiveargs(LOG_CRIT, sym);
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "\n");
return -1;
return 1;
// Scan directive for configuration file
// This is the routine that adds things to the conf_entries list.
// Return values are:
// 1: parsed a normal line
// 0: found DEFAULT setting or comment or blank line
// -1: found SCANDIRECTIVE line
// -2: found an error
// Note: this routine modifies *line from the caller!
static int ParseConfigLine(dev_config_vector & conf_entries, dev_config & default_conf, int lineno, /*const*/ char * line)
const char *delim = " \n\t";
// get first token: device name. If a comment, skip line
const char * name = strtok(line, delim);
if (!name || *name == '#')
return 0;
// Check device name for DEFAULT or DEVICESCAN
int retval;
if (!strcmp("DEFAULT", name)) {
retval = 0;
// Restart with empty defaults
default_conf = dev_config();
else {
retval = (!strcmp(SCANDIRECTIVE, name) ? -1 : 1);
// Init new entry with current defaults
dev_config & cfg = (retval ? conf_entries.back() : default_conf);
cfg.name = name; // Later replaced by dev->get_info().info_name
cfg.dev_name = name; // If DEVICESCAN later replaced by get->dev_info().dev_name
cfg.lineno = lineno;
// parse tokens one at a time from the file.
while (char * token = strtok(0, delim)) {
int rc = ParseToken(token, cfg);
if (rc < 0)
// error found on the line
return -2;
if (rc == 0)
// No tokens left
// PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Parsed token %s\n",token);
// Don't perform checks below for DEFAULT entries
if (retval == 0)
return retval;
// If NO monitoring directives are set, then set all of them.
if (!( cfg.smartcheck || cfg.selftest
|| cfg.errorlog || cfg.xerrorlog
|| cfg.offlinests || cfg.selfteststs
|| cfg.usagefailed || cfg.prefail || cfg.usage
|| cfg.tempdiff || cfg.tempinfo || cfg.tempcrit)) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Drive: %s, implied '-a' Directive on line %d of file %s\n",
cfg.name.c_str(), cfg.lineno, configfile);
cfg.smartcheck = true;
cfg.usagefailed = true;
cfg.prefail = true;
cfg.usage = true;
cfg.selftest = true;
cfg.errorlog = true;
cfg.selfteststs = true;
// additional sanity check. Has user set -M options without -m?
if (cfg.emailaddress.empty() && (!cfg.emailcmdline.empty() || cfg.emailfreq || cfg.emailtest)){
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"Drive: %s, -M Directive(s) on line %d of file %s need -m ADDRESS Directive\n",
cfg.name.c_str(), cfg.lineno, configfile);
return -2;
// has the user has set <nomailer>?
if (cfg.emailaddress == "<nomailer>") {
// check that -M exec is also set
if (cfg.emailcmdline.empty()){
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"Drive: %s, -m <nomailer> Directive on line %d of file %s needs -M exec Directive\n",
cfg.name.c_str(), cfg.lineno, configfile);
return -2;
// From here on the sign of <nomailer> is cfg.emailaddress.empty() and !cfg.emailcmdline.empty()
return retval;
// Parses a configuration file. Return values are:
// N=>0: found N entries
// -1: syntax error in config file
// -2: config file does not exist
// -3: config file exists but cannot be read
// In the case where the return value is 0, there are three
// possiblities:
// Empty configuration file ==> conf_entries.empty()
// No configuration file ==> conf_entries[0].lineno == 0
// SCANDIRECTIVE found ==> conf_entries.back().lineno != 0 (size >= 1)
static int ParseConfigFile(dev_config_vector & conf_entries)
// maximum line length in configuration file
const int MAXLINELEN = 256;
// maximum length of a continued line in configuration file
const int MAXCONTLINE = 1023;
stdio_file f;
// Open config file, if it exists and is not <stdin>
if (!(configfile == configfile_stdin)) { // pointer comparison ok here
if (!f.open(configfile,"r") && (errno!=ENOENT || !configfile_alt.empty())) {
// file exists but we can't read it or it should exist due to '-c' option
int ret = (errno!=ENOENT ? -3 : -2);
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"%s: Unable to open configuration file %s\n",
return ret;
else // read from stdin ('-c -' option)
// Start with empty defaults
dev_config default_conf;
// No configuration file found -- use fake one
int entry = 0;
if (!f) {
char fakeconfig[] = SCANDIRECTIVE" -a"; // TODO: Remove this hack, build cfg_entry.
if (ParseConfigLine(conf_entries, default_conf, 0, fakeconfig) != -1)
throw std::logic_error("Internal error parsing "SCANDIRECTIVE);
return 0;
#ifdef __CYGWIN__
setmode(fileno(f), O_TEXT); // Allow files with \r\n
// configuration file exists
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Opened configuration file %s\n",configfile);
// parse config file line by line
int lineno = 1, cont = 0, contlineno = 0;
char line[MAXLINELEN+2];
char fullline[MAXCONTLINE+1];
for (;;) {
int len=0,scandevice;
char *lastslash;
char *comment;
char *code;
// make debugging simpler
// get a line
code=fgets(line, MAXLINELEN+2, f);
// are we at the end of the file?
if (!code){
if (cont) {
scandevice = ParseConfigLine(conf_entries, default_conf, contlineno, fullline);
// See if we found a SCANDIRECTIVE directive
if (scandevice==-1)
return 0;
// did we find a syntax error
if (scandevice==-2)
return -1;
// the final line is part of a continuation line
// input file line number
// See if line is too long
if (len>MAXLINELEN){
const char *warn;
if (line[len-1]=='\n')
warn="(including newline!) ";
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"Error: line %d of file %s %sis more than MAXLINELEN=%d characters.\n",
return -1;
// Ignore anything after comment symbol
if ((comment=strchr(line,'#'))){
// is the total line (made of all continuation lines) too long?
if (cont+len>MAXCONTLINE){
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"Error: continued line %d (actual line %d) of file %s is more than MAXCONTLINE=%d characters.\n",
lineno, (int)contlineno, configfile, (int)MAXCONTLINE);
return -1;
// copy string so far into fullline, and increment length
snprintf(fullline+cont, sizeof(fullline)-cont, "%s" ,line);
// is this a continuation line. If so, replace \ by space and look at next line
if ( (lastslash=strrchr(line,'\\')) && !strtok(lastslash+1," \n\t")){
*(fullline+(cont-len)+(lastslash-line))=' ';
// Not a continuation line. Parse it
scandevice = ParseConfigLine(conf_entries, default_conf, contlineno, fullline);
// did we find a scandevice directive?
if (scandevice==-1)
return 0;
// did we find a syntax error
if (scandevice==-2)
return -1;
// note -- may be zero if syntax of file OK, but no valid entries!
return entry;
/* Prints the message "=======> VALID ARGUMENTS ARE: <LIST> <=======\n", where
<LIST> is the list of valid arguments for option opt. */
static void PrintValidArgs(char opt)
const char *s;
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "=======> VALID ARGUMENTS ARE: ");
if (!(s = GetValidArgList(opt)))
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Error constructing argument list for option %c", opt);
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "%s", (char *)s);
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, " <=======\n");
#ifndef _WIN32
// Report error and exit if specified path is not absolute.
static void check_abs_path(char option, const std::string & path)
if (path.empty() || path[0] == '/')
debugmode = 1;
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "=======> INVALID ARGUMENT TO -%c: %s <=======\n\n", option, path.c_str());
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Error: relative path names are not allowed\n\n");
#endif // !_WIN32
// Parses input line, prints usage message and
// version/license/copyright messages
static void ParseOpts(int argc, char **argv)
// Init default path names
#ifndef _WIN32
configfile = SMARTMONTOOLS_SYSCONFDIR"/smartd.conf";
warning_script = SMARTMONTOOLS_SYSCONFDIR"/smartd_warning.sh";
std::string exedir = get_exe_dir();
static std::string configfile_str = exedir + "/smartd.conf";
configfile = configfile_str.c_str();
warning_script = exedir + "/smartd_warning.cmd";
// Please update GetValidArgList() if you edit shortopts
static const char shortopts[] = "c:l:q:dDni:p:r:s:A:B:w:Vh?"
// Please update GetValidArgList() if you edit longopts
struct option longopts[] = {
{ "configfile", required_argument, 0, 'c' },
{ "logfacility", required_argument, 0, 'l' },
{ "quit", required_argument, 0, 'q' },
{ "debug", no_argument, 0, 'd' },
{ "showdirectives", no_argument, 0, 'D' },
{ "interval", required_argument, 0, 'i' },
#ifndef _WIN32
{ "no-fork", no_argument, 0, 'n' },
{ "service", no_argument, 0, 'n' },
{ "pidfile", required_argument, 0, 'p' },
{ "report", required_argument, 0, 'r' },
{ "savestates", required_argument, 0, 's' },
{ "attributelog", required_argument, 0, 'A' },
{ "drivedb", required_argument, 0, 'B' },
{ "warnexec", required_argument, 0, 'w' },
{ "version", no_argument, 0, 'V' },
{ "license", no_argument, 0, 'V' },
{ "copyright", no_argument, 0, 'V' },
{ "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' },
{ "usage", no_argument, 0, 'h' },
{ "capabilities", no_argument, 0, 'C' },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
bool badarg = false;
bool no_defaultdb = false; // set true on '-B FILE'
// Parse input options.
int optchar;
while ((optchar = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1) {
char *arg;
char *tailptr;
long lchecktime;
switch(optchar) {
case 'q':
// when to quit
if (!(strcmp(optarg,"nodev"))) {
} else if (!(strcmp(optarg,"nodevstartup"))) {
} else if (!(strcmp(optarg,"never"))) {
} else if (!(strcmp(optarg,"onecheck"))) {
} else if (!(strcmp(optarg,"showtests"))) {
} else if (!(strcmp(optarg,"errors"))) {
} else {
badarg = true;
case 'l':
// set the log facility level
if (!strcmp(optarg, "daemon"))
else if (!strcmp(optarg, "local0"))
else if (!strcmp(optarg, "local1"))
else if (!strcmp(optarg, "local2"))
else if (!strcmp(optarg, "local3"))
else if (!strcmp(optarg, "local4"))
else if (!strcmp(optarg, "local5"))
else if (!strcmp(optarg, "local6"))
else if (!strcmp(optarg, "local7"))
badarg = true;
case 'd':
// enable debug mode
debugmode = 1;
case 'n':
// don't fork()
#ifndef _WIN32 // On Windows, --service is already handled by daemon_main()
do_fork = false;
case 'D':
// print summary of all valid directives
debugmode = 1;
case 'i':
// Period (time interval) for checking
// strtol will set errno in the event of overflow, so we'll check it.
errno = 0;
lchecktime = strtol(optarg, &tailptr, 10);
if (*tailptr != '\0' || lchecktime < 10 || lchecktime > INT_MAX || errno) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "======> INVALID INTERVAL: %s <=======\n", optarg);
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "======> INTERVAL MUST BE INTEGER BETWEEN %d AND %d <=======\n", 10, INT_MAX);
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "\nUse smartd -h to get a usage summary\n\n");
checktime = (int)lchecktime;
case 'r':
// report IOCTL transactions
int i;
char *s;
// split_report_arg() may modify its first argument string, so use a
// copy of optarg in case we want optarg for an error message.
if (!(s = strdup(optarg))) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "No memory to process -r option - exiting\n");
if (split_report_arg(s, &i)) {
badarg = true;
} else if (i<1 || i>3) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "======> INVALID REPORT LEVEL: %s <=======\n", optarg);
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "======> LEVEL MUST BE INTEGER BETWEEN 1 AND 3<=======\n");
} else if (!strcmp(s,"ioctl")) {
ata_debugmode = scsi_debugmode = i;
} else if (!strcmp(s,"ataioctl")) {
ata_debugmode = i;
} else if (!strcmp(s,"scsiioctl")) {
scsi_debugmode = i;
} else {
badarg = true;
free(s); // TODO: use std::string
case 'c':
// alternate configuration file
if (strcmp(optarg,"-"))
configfile = (configfile_alt = optarg).c_str();
else // read from stdin
case 'p':
// output file with PID number
pid_file = optarg;
case 's':
// path prefix of persistent state file
state_path_prefix = optarg;
case 'A':
// path prefix of attribute log file
attrlog_path_prefix = optarg;
case 'B':
const char * path = optarg;
if (*path == '+' && path[1])
no_defaultdb = true;
unsigned char savedebug = debugmode; debugmode = 1;
if (!read_drive_database(path))
debugmode = savedebug;
case 'w':
warning_script = optarg;
case 'V':
// print version and CVS info
debugmode = 1;
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "%s", format_version_info("smartd", true /*full*/).c_str());
case 'C':
// enable capabilities
enable_capabilities = true;
case 'h':
// help: print summary of command-line options
case '?':
// unrecognized option
// Point arg to the argument in which this option was found.
arg = argv[optind-1];
// Check whether the option is a long option that doesn't map to -h.
if (arg[1] == '-' && optchar != 'h') {
// Iff optopt holds a valid option then argument must be missing.
if (optopt && (strchr(shortopts, optopt) != NULL)) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "=======> ARGUMENT REQUIRED FOR OPTION: %s <=======\n",arg+2);
} else {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "=======> UNRECOGNIZED OPTION: %s <=======\n\n",arg+2);
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "\nUse smartd --help to get a usage summary\n\n");
if (optopt) {
// Iff optopt holds a valid option then argument must be missing.
if (strchr(shortopts, optopt) != NULL){
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "=======> ARGUMENT REQUIRED FOR OPTION: %c <=======\n",optopt);
} else {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "=======> UNRECOGNIZED OPTION: %c <=======\n\n",optopt);
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "\nUse smartd -h to get a usage summary\n\n");
// Check to see if option had an unrecognized or incorrect argument.
if (badarg) {
// It would be nice to print the actual option name given by the user
// here, but we just print the short form. Please fix this if you know
// a clean way to do it.
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "=======> INVALID ARGUMENT TO -%c: %s <======= \n", optchar, optarg);
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "\nUse smartd -h to get a usage summary\n\n");
// non-option arguments are not allowed
if (argc > optind) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "=======> UNRECOGNIZED ARGUMENT: %s <=======\n\n", argv[optind]);
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "\nUse smartd -h to get a usage summary\n\n");
// no pidfile in debug mode
if (debugmode && !pid_file.empty()) {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "=======> INVALID CHOICE OF OPTIONS: -d and -p <======= \n\n");
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Error: pid file %s not written in debug (-d) mode\n\n", pid_file.c_str());
#ifndef _WIN32
if (!debugmode) {
// absolute path names are required due to chdir('/') after fork().
check_abs_path('p', pid_file);
check_abs_path('s', state_path_prefix);
check_abs_path('A', attrlog_path_prefix);
// Read or init drive database
if (!no_defaultdb) {
unsigned char savedebug = debugmode; debugmode = 1;
if (!read_default_drive_databases())
debugmode = savedebug;
// print header
// Function we call if no configuration file was found or if the
// SCANDIRECTIVE Directive was found. It makes entries for device
// names returned by scan_smart_devices() in os_OSNAME.cpp
static int MakeConfigEntries(const dev_config & base_cfg,
dev_config_vector & conf_entries, smart_device_list & scanned_devs, const char * type)
// make list of devices
smart_device_list devlist;
if (!smi()->scan_smart_devices(devlist, (*type ? type : 0)))
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"Problem creating device name scan list\n");
// if no devices, or error constructing list, return
if (devlist.size() <= 0)
return 0;
// add empty device slots for existing config entries
while (scanned_devs.size() < conf_entries.size())
scanned_devs.push_back((smart_device *)0);
// loop over entries to create
for (unsigned i = 0; i < devlist.size(); i++) {
// Move device pointer
smart_device * dev = devlist.release(i);
// Copy configuration, update device and type name
dev_config & cfg = conf_entries.back();
cfg.name = dev->get_info().info_name;
cfg.dev_name = dev->get_info().dev_name;
cfg.dev_type = type;
return devlist.size();
static void CanNotRegister(const char *name, const char *type, int line, bool scandirective)
if (!debugmode && scandirective)
if (line)
"Unable to register %s device %s at line %d of file %s\n",
type, name, line, configfile);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Unable to register %s device %s\n",
type, name);
// Returns negative value (see ParseConfigFile()) if config file
// had errors, else number of entries which may be zero or positive.
static int ReadOrMakeConfigEntries(dev_config_vector & conf_entries, smart_device_list & scanned_devs)
// parse configuration file configfile (normally /etc/smartd.conf)
int entries = ParseConfigFile(conf_entries);
if (entries < 0) {
// There was an error reading the configuration file.
if (entries == -1)
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Configuration file %s has fatal syntax errors.\n", configfile);
return entries;
// no error parsing config file.
if (entries) {
// we did not find a SCANDIRECTIVE and did find valid entries
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Configuration file %s parsed.\n", configfile);
else if (!conf_entries.empty()) {
// we found a SCANDIRECTIVE or there was no configuration file so
// scan. Configuration file's last entry contains all options
// that were set
dev_config first = conf_entries.back();
if (first.lineno)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Configuration file %s was parsed, found %s, scanning devices\n", configfile, SCANDIRECTIVE);
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"No configuration file %s found, scanning devices\n", configfile);
// make config list of devices to search for
MakeConfigEntries(first, conf_entries, scanned_devs, first.dev_type.c_str());
// warn user if scan table found no devices
if (conf_entries.empty())
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"In the system's table of devices NO devices found to scan\n");
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT,"Configuration file %s parsed but has no entries (like /dev/hda)\n",configfile);
return conf_entries.size();
// Return true if TYPE contains a RAID drive number
static bool is_raid_type(const char * type)
if (str_starts_with(type, "sat,"))
return false;
int i;
if (sscanf(type, "%*[^,],%d", &i) != 1)
return false;
return true;
// Return true if DEV is already in DEVICES[0..NUMDEVS) or IGNORED[*]
static bool is_duplicate_device(const smart_device * dev,
const smart_device_list & devices, unsigned numdevs,
const dev_config_vector & ignored)
const smart_device::device_info & info1 = dev->get_info();
bool is_raid1 = is_raid_type(info1.dev_type.c_str());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numdevs; i++) {
const smart_device::device_info & info2 = devices.at(i)->get_info();
// -d TYPE options must match if RAID drive number is specified
if ( info1.dev_name == info2.dev_name
&& ( info1.dev_type == info2.dev_type
|| !is_raid1 || !is_raid_type(info2.dev_type.c_str())))
return true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ignored.size(); i++) {
const dev_config & cfg2 = ignored.at(i);
if ( info1.dev_name == cfg2.dev_name
&& ( info1.dev_type == cfg2.dev_type
|| !is_raid1 || !is_raid_type(cfg2.dev_type.c_str())))
return true;
return false;
// This function tries devices from conf_entries. Each one that can be
// registered is moved onto the [ata|scsi]devices lists and removed
// from the conf_entries list.
static void RegisterDevices(const dev_config_vector & conf_entries, smart_device_list & scanned_devs,
dev_config_vector & configs, dev_state_vector & states, smart_device_list & devices)
// start by clearing lists/memory of ALL existing devices
// Register entries
dev_config_vector ignored_entries;
unsigned numnoscan = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < conf_entries.size(); i++){
dev_config cfg = conf_entries[i];
if (cfg.ignore) {
// Store for is_duplicate_device() check and ignore
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s%s%s%s, ignored\n", cfg.name.c_str(),
(!cfg.dev_type.empty() ? " [" : ""),
(!cfg.dev_type.empty() ? "]" : ""));
// get device of appropriate type
smart_device_auto_ptr dev;
bool scanning = false;
// Device may already be detected during devicescan
if (i < scanned_devs.size()) {
dev = scanned_devs.release(i);
if (dev) {
// Check for a preceding non-DEVICESCAN entry for the same device
if ( (numnoscan || !ignored_entries.empty())
&& is_duplicate_device(dev.get(), devices, numnoscan, ignored_entries)) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, duplicate, ignored\n", dev->get_info_name());
scanning = true;
if (!dev) {
dev = smi()->get_smart_device(cfg.name.c_str(), cfg.dev_type.c_str());
if (!dev) {
if (cfg.dev_type.empty())
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, unable to autodetect device type\n", cfg.name.c_str());
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, unsupported device type '%s'\n", cfg.name.c_str(), cfg.dev_type.c_str());
// Save old info
smart_device::device_info oldinfo = dev->get_info();
// Open with autodetect support, may return 'better' device
dev.replace( dev->autodetect_open() );
// Report if type has changed
if (oldinfo.dev_type != dev->get_dev_type())
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Device: %s, type changed from '%s' to '%s'\n",
cfg.name.c_str(), oldinfo.dev_type.c_str(), dev->get_dev_type());
if (!dev->is_open()) {
// For linux+devfs, a nonexistent device gives a strange error
// message. This makes the error message a bit more sensible.
// If no debug and scanning - don't print errors
if (debugmode || !scanning)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, open() failed: %s\n", dev->get_info_name(), dev->get_errmsg());
// Update informal name
cfg.name = dev->get_info().info_name;
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, opened\n", cfg.name.c_str());
// Prepare initial state
dev_state state;
// register ATA devices
if (dev->is_ata()){
if (ATADeviceScan(cfg, state, dev->to_ata())) {
CanNotRegister(cfg.name.c_str(), "ATA", cfg.lineno, scanning);
// or register SCSI devices
else if (dev->is_scsi()){
if (SCSIDeviceScan(cfg, state, dev->to_scsi())) {
CanNotRegister(cfg.name.c_str(), "SCSI", cfg.lineno, scanning);
else {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device: %s, neither ATA nor SCSI device\n", cfg.name.c_str());
if (dev) {
// move onto the list of devices
if (!scanning)
numnoscan = devices.size();
// if device is explictly listed and we can't register it, then
// exit unless the user has specified that the device is removable
else if (!scanning) {
if (cfg.removable || quit==2)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO, "Device %s not available\n", cfg.name.c_str());
else {
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Unable to register device %s (no Directive -d removable). Exiting.\n", cfg.name.c_str());
// Main program without exception handling
static int main_worker(int argc, char **argv)
// Initialize interface
if (!smi())
return 1;
// is it our first pass through?
bool firstpass = true;
// next time to wake up
time_t wakeuptime = 0;
// parse input and print header and usage info if needed
// Configuration for each device
dev_config_vector configs;
// Device states
dev_state_vector states;
// Devices to monitor
smart_device_list devices;
bool write_states_always = true;
// Drop capabilities
if (enable_capabilities) {
capng_updatev(CAPNG_ADD, (capng_type_t)(CAPNG_EFFECTIVE|CAPNG_PERMITTED),
// the main loop of the code
for (;;) {
// are we exiting from a signal?
if (caughtsigEXIT) {
// are we exiting with SIGTERM?
int isterm=(caughtsigEXIT==SIGTERM);
int isquit=(caughtsigEXIT==SIGQUIT);
int isok=debugmode?isterm || isquit:isterm;
PrintOut(isok?LOG_INFO:LOG_CRIT, "smartd received signal %d: %s\n",
caughtsigEXIT, strsignal(caughtsigEXIT));
if (!isok)
// Write state files
if (!state_path_prefix.empty())
write_all_dev_states(configs, states);
return 0;
// Should we (re)read the config file?
if (firstpass || caughtsigHUP){
if (!firstpass) {
// Write state files
if (!state_path_prefix.empty())
write_all_dev_states(configs, states);
"Signal HUP - rereading configuration file %s\n":
"\a\nSignal INT - rereading configuration file %s ("SIGQUIT_KEYNAME" quits)\n\n",
dev_config_vector conf_entries; // Entries read from smartd.conf
smart_device_list scanned_devs; // Devices found during scan
// (re)reads config file, makes >=0 entries
int entries = ReadOrMakeConfigEntries(conf_entries, scanned_devs);
if (entries>=0) {
// checks devices, then moves onto ata/scsi list or deallocates.
RegisterDevices(conf_entries, scanned_devs, configs, states, devices);
if (!(configs.size() == devices.size() && configs.size() == states.size()))
throw std::logic_error("Invalid result from RegisterDevices");
else if (quit==2 || ((quit==0 || quit==1) && !firstpass)) {
// user has asked to continue on error in configuration file
if (!firstpass)
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Reusing previous configuration\n");
else {
// exit with configuration file error status
return (entries==-3 ? EXIT_READCONF : entries==-2 ? EXIT_NOCONF : EXIT_BADCONF);
// Log number of devices we are monitoring...
if (devices.size() > 0 || quit==2 || (quit==1 && !firstpass)) {
int numata = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < devices.size(); i++) {
if (devices.at(i)->is_ata())
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Monitoring %d ATA and %d SCSI devices\n",
numata, devices.size() - numata);
else {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Unable to monitor any SMART enabled devices. Try debug (-d) option. Exiting...\n");
return EXIT_NODEV;
if (quit==4) {
// user has asked to print test schedule
PrintTestSchedule(configs, states, devices);
return 0;
if (enable_capabilities) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < configs.size(); i++) {
if (!configs[i].emailaddress.empty() || !configs[i].emailcmdline.empty()) {
PrintOut(LOG_WARNING, "Mail can't be enabled together with --capabilities. All mail will be suppressed.\n");
// reset signal
// Always write state files after (re)configuration
write_states_always = true;
// check all devices once,
// self tests are not started in first pass unless '-q onecheck' is specified
CheckDevicesOnce(configs, states, devices, firstpass, (!firstpass || quit==3));
// Write state files
if (!state_path_prefix.empty())
write_all_dev_states(configs, states, write_states_always);
write_states_always = false;
// Write attribute logs
if (!attrlog_path_prefix.empty())
write_all_dev_attrlogs(configs, states);
// user has asked us to exit after first check
if (quit==3) {
PrintOut(LOG_INFO,"Started with '-q onecheck' option. All devices sucessfully checked once.\n"
"smartd is exiting (exit status 0)\n");
return 0;
// fork into background if needed
if (firstpass && !debugmode) {
// set exit and signal handlers, write PID file, set wake-up time
if (firstpass){
firstpass = false;
// sleep until next check time, or a signal arrives
wakeuptime = dosleep(wakeuptime, write_states_always);
#ifndef _WIN32
// Main program
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Windows: internal main function started direct or by service control manager
static int smartd_main(int argc, char **argv)
int status;
try {
// Do the real work ...
status = main_worker(argc, argv);
catch (int ex) {
// EXIT(status) arrives here
status = ex;
catch (const std::bad_alloc & /*ex*/) {
// Memory allocation failed (also thrown by std::operator new)
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Smartd: Out of memory\n");
status = EXIT_NOMEM;
catch (const std::exception & ex) {
// Other fatal errors
PrintOut(LOG_CRIT, "Smartd: Exception: %s\n", ex.what());
status = EXIT_BADCODE;
if (is_initialized)
status = Goodbye(status);
#ifdef _WIN32
daemon_winsvc_exitcode = status;
return status;
#ifdef _WIN32
// Main function for Windows
int main(int argc, char **argv){
// Options for smartd windows service
static const daemon_winsvc_options svc_opts = {
"--service", // cmd_opt
"smartd", "SmartD Service", // servicename, displayname
// description
"Controls and monitors storage devices using the Self-Monitoring, "
"Analysis and Reporting Technology System (S.M.A.R.T.) "
"built into ATA and SCSI Hard Drives. "
// daemon_main() handles daemon and service specific commands
// and starts smartd_main() direct, from a new process,
// or via service control manager
return daemon_main("smartd", &svc_opts , smartd_main, argc, argv);
FreeBSD-CVSweb <freebsd-cvsweb@FreeBSD.org>