Annotation of embedaddon/sqlite3/src/test_vfstrace.c, revision

1.1       misho       1: /*
                      2: ** 2011 March 16
                      3: **
                      4: ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
                      5: ** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
                      6: **
                      7: **    May you do good and not evil.
                      8: **    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
                      9: **    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
                     10: **
                     11: ******************************************************************************
                     12: **
                     13: ** This file contains code implements a VFS shim that writes diagnostic
                     14: ** output for each VFS call, similar to "strace".
                     15: **
                     16: ** USAGE:
                     17: **
                     18: ** This source file exports a single symbol which is the name of a
                     19: ** function:
                     20: **
                     21: **   int vfstrace_register(
                     22: **     const char *zTraceName,         // Name of the newly constructed VFS
                     23: **     const char *zOldVfsName,        // Name of the underlying VFS
                     24: **     int (*xOut)(const char*,void*), // Output routine.  ex: fputs
                     25: **     void *pOutArg,                  // 2nd argument to xOut.  ex: stderr
                     26: **     int makeDefault                 // Make the new VFS the default
                     27: **   );
                     28: **
                     29: ** Applications that want to trace their VFS usage must provide a callback
                     30: ** function with this prototype:
                     31: **
                     32: **   int traceOutput(const char *zMessage, void *pAppData);
                     33: **
                     34: ** This function will "output" the trace messages, where "output" can
                     35: ** mean different things to different applications.  The traceOutput function
                     36: ** for the command-line shell (see shell.c) is "fputs" from the standard
                     37: ** library, which means that all trace output is written on the stream
                     38: ** specified by the second argument.  In the case of the command-line shell
                     39: ** the second argument is stderr.  Other applications might choose to output
                     40: ** trace information to a file, over a socket, or write it into a buffer.
                     41: **
                     42: ** The vfstrace_register() function creates a new "shim" VFS named by
                     43: ** the zTraceName parameter.  A "shim" VFS is an SQLite backend that does
                     44: ** not really perform the duties of a true backend, but simply filters or
                     45: ** interprets VFS calls before passing them off to another VFS which does
                     46: ** the actual work.  In this case the other VFS - the one that does the
                     47: ** real work - is identified by the second parameter, zOldVfsName.  If
                     48: ** the the 2nd parameter is NULL then the default VFS is used.  The common
                     49: ** case is for the 2nd parameter to be NULL.
                     50: **
                     51: ** The third and fourth parameters are the pointer to the output function
                     52: ** and the second argument to the output function.  For the SQLite
                     53: ** command-line shell, when the -vfstrace option is used, these parameters
                     54: ** are fputs and stderr, respectively.
                     55: **
                     56: ** The fifth argument is true (non-zero) to cause the newly created VFS
                     57: ** to become the default VFS.  The common case is for the fifth parameter
                     58: ** to be true.
                     59: **
                     60: ** The call to vfstrace_register() simply creates the shim VFS that does
                     61: ** tracing.  The application must also arrange to use the new VFS for
                     62: ** all database connections that are created and for which tracing is 
                     63: ** desired.  This can be done by specifying the trace VFS using URI filename
                     64: ** notation, or by specifying the trace VFS as the 4th parameter to
                     65: ** sqlite3_open_v2() or by making the trace VFS be the default (by setting
                     66: ** the 5th parameter of vfstrace_register() to 1).
                     67: **
                     68: **
                     70: **
                     71: ** The SQLite command line shell implemented by the shell.c source file
                     72: ** can be used with this module.  To compile in -vfstrace support, first
                     73: ** gather this file (test_vfstrace.c), the shell source file (shell.c),
                     74: ** and the SQLite amalgamation source files (sqlite3.c, sqlite3.h) into
                     75: ** the working directory.  Then compile using a command like the following:
                     76: **
                     77: **    gcc -o sqlite3 -Os -I. -DSQLITE_ENABLE_VFSTRACE \
                     79: **        -DHAVE_READLINE -DHAVE_USLEEP=1 \
                     80: **        shell.c test_vfstrace.c sqlite3.c -ldl -lreadline -lncurses
                     81: **
                     82: ** The gcc command above works on Linux and provides (in addition to the
                     83: ** -vfstrace option) support for FTS3 and FTS4, RTREE, and command-line
                     84: ** editing using the readline library.  The command-line shell does not
                     85: ** use threads so we added -DSQLITE_THREADSAFE=0 just to make the code
                     86: ** run a little faster.   For compiling on a Mac, you'll probably need
                     87: ** to omit the -DHAVE_READLINE, the -lreadline, and the -lncurses options.
                     88: ** The compilation could be simplified to just this:
                     89: **
                     90: **    gcc -DSQLITE_ENABLE_VFSTRACE \
                     91: **         shell.c test_vfstrace.c sqlite3.c -ldl -lpthread
                     92: **
                     93: ** In this second example, all unnecessary options have been removed
                     94: ** Note that since the code is now threadsafe, we had to add the -lpthread
                     95: ** option to pull in the pthreads library.
                     96: **
                     97: ** To cross-compile for windows using MinGW, a command like this might
                     98: ** work:
                     99: **
                    100: **    /opt/mingw/bin/i386-mingw32msvc-gcc -o sqlite3.exe -Os -I \
                    101: **         -DSQLITE_THREADSAFE=0 -DSQLITE_ENABLE_VFSTRACE \
                    102: **         shell.c test_vfstrace.c sqlite3.c
                    103: **
                    104: ** Similar compiler commands will work on different systems.  The key
                    105: ** invariants are (1) you must have -DSQLITE_ENABLE_VFSTRACE so that
                    106: ** the shell.c source file will know to include the -vfstrace command-line
                    107: ** option and (2) you must compile and link the three source files
                    108: ** shell,c, test_vfstrace.c, and sqlite3.c.  
                    109: */
                    110: #include <stdlib.h>
                    111: #include <string.h>
                    112: #include "sqlite3.h"
                    114: /*
                    115: ** An instance of this structure is attached to the each trace VFS to
                    116: ** provide auxiliary information.
                    117: */
                    118: typedef struct vfstrace_info vfstrace_info;
                    119: struct vfstrace_info {
                    120:   sqlite3_vfs *pRootVfs;              /* The underlying real VFS */
                    121:   int (*xOut)(const char*, void*);    /* Send output here */
                    122:   void *pOutArg;                      /* First argument to xOut */
                    123:   const char *zVfsName;               /* Name of this trace-VFS */
                    124:   sqlite3_vfs *pTraceVfs;             /* Pointer back to the trace VFS */
                    125: };
                    127: /*
                    128: ** The sqlite3_file object for the trace VFS
                    129: */
                    130: typedef struct vfstrace_file vfstrace_file;
                    131: struct vfstrace_file {
                    132:   sqlite3_file base;        /* Base class.  Must be first */
                    133:   vfstrace_info *pInfo;     /* The trace-VFS to which this file belongs */
                    134:   const char *zFName;       /* Base name of the file */
                    135:   sqlite3_file *pReal;      /* The real underlying file */
                    136: };
                    138: /*
                    139: ** Method declarations for vfstrace_file.
                    140: */
                    141: static int vfstraceClose(sqlite3_file*);
                    142: static int vfstraceRead(sqlite3_file*, void*, int iAmt, sqlite3_int64 iOfst);
                    143: static int vfstraceWrite(sqlite3_file*,const void*,int iAmt, sqlite3_int64);
                    144: static int vfstraceTruncate(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 size);
                    145: static int vfstraceSync(sqlite3_file*, int flags);
                    146: static int vfstraceFileSize(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 *pSize);
                    147: static int vfstraceLock(sqlite3_file*, int);
                    148: static int vfstraceUnlock(sqlite3_file*, int);
                    149: static int vfstraceCheckReservedLock(sqlite3_file*, int *);
                    150: static int vfstraceFileControl(sqlite3_file*, int op, void *pArg);
                    151: static int vfstraceSectorSize(sqlite3_file*);
                    152: static int vfstraceDeviceCharacteristics(sqlite3_file*);
                    153: static int vfstraceShmLock(sqlite3_file*,int,int,int);
                    154: static int vfstraceShmMap(sqlite3_file*,int,int,int, void volatile **);
                    155: static void vfstraceShmBarrier(sqlite3_file*);
                    156: static int vfstraceShmUnmap(sqlite3_file*,int);
                    158: /*
                    159: ** Method declarations for vfstrace_vfs.
                    160: */
                    161: static int vfstraceOpen(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *, sqlite3_file*, int , int *);
                    162: static int vfstraceDelete(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int syncDir);
                    163: static int vfstraceAccess(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int flags, int *);
                    164: static int vfstraceFullPathname(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int, char *);
                    165: static void *vfstraceDlOpen(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zFilename);
                    166: static void vfstraceDlError(sqlite3_vfs*, int nByte, char *zErrMsg);
                    167: static void (*vfstraceDlSym(sqlite3_vfs*,void*, const char *zSymbol))(void);
                    168: static void vfstraceDlClose(sqlite3_vfs*, void*);
                    169: static int vfstraceRandomness(sqlite3_vfs*, int nByte, char *zOut);
                    170: static int vfstraceSleep(sqlite3_vfs*, int microseconds);
                    171: static int vfstraceCurrentTime(sqlite3_vfs*, double*);
                    172: static int vfstraceGetLastError(sqlite3_vfs*, int, char*);
                    173: static int vfstraceCurrentTimeInt64(sqlite3_vfs*, sqlite3_int64*);
                    174: static int vfstraceSetSystemCall(sqlite3_vfs*,const char*, sqlite3_syscall_ptr);
                    175: static sqlite3_syscall_ptr vfstraceGetSystemCall(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *);
                    176: static const char *vfstraceNextSystemCall(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName);
                    178: /*
                    179: ** Return a pointer to the tail of the pathname.  Examples:
                    180: **
                    181: **     /home/drh/xyzzy.txt -> xyzzy.txt
                    182: **     xyzzy.txt           -> xyzzy.txt
                    183: */
                    184: static const char *fileTail(const char *z){
                    185:   int i;
                    186:   if( z==0 ) return 0;
                    187:   i = strlen(z)-1;
                    188:   while( i>0 && z[i-1]!='/' ){ i--; }
                    189:   return &z[i];
                    190: }
                    192: /*
                    193: ** Send trace output defined by zFormat and subsequent arguments.
                    194: */
                    195: static void vfstrace_printf(
                    196:   vfstrace_info *pInfo,
                    197:   const char *zFormat,
                    198:   ...
                    199: ){
                    200:   va_list ap;
                    201:   char *zMsg;
                    202:   va_start(ap, zFormat);
                    203:   zMsg = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFormat, ap);
                    204:   va_end(ap);
                    205:   pInfo->xOut(zMsg, pInfo->pOutArg);
                    206:   sqlite3_free(zMsg);
                    207: }
                    209: /*
                    210: ** Convert value rc into a string and print it using zFormat.  zFormat
                    211: ** should have exactly one %s
                    212: */
                    213: static void vfstrace_print_errcode(
                    214:   vfstrace_info *pInfo,
                    215:   const char *zFormat,
                    216:   int rc
                    217: ){
                    218:   char zBuf[50];
                    219:   char *zVal;
                    220:   switch( rc ){
                    221:     case SQLITE_OK:         zVal = "SQLITE_OK";          break;
                    222:     case SQLITE_ERROR:      zVal = "SQLITE_ERROR";       break;
                    223:     case SQLITE_PERM:       zVal = "SQLITE_PERM";        break;
                    224:     case SQLITE_ABORT:      zVal = "SQLITE_ABORT";       break;
                    225:     case SQLITE_BUSY:       zVal = "SQLITE_BUSY";        break;
                    226:     case SQLITE_NOMEM:      zVal = "SQLITE_NOMEM";       break;
                    227:     case SQLITE_READONLY:   zVal = "SQLITE_READONLY";    break;
                    228:     case SQLITE_INTERRUPT:  zVal = "SQLITE_INTERRUPT";   break;
                    229:     case SQLITE_IOERR:      zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR";       break;
                    230:     case SQLITE_CORRUPT:    zVal = "SQLITE_CORRUPT";     break;
                    231:     case SQLITE_FULL:       zVal = "SQLITE_FULL";        break;
                    232:     case SQLITE_CANTOPEN:   zVal = "SQLITE_CANTOPEN";    break;
                    233:     case SQLITE_PROTOCOL:   zVal = "SQLITE_PROTOCOL";    break;
                    234:     case SQLITE_EMPTY:      zVal = "SQLITE_EMPTY";       break;
                    235:     case SQLITE_SCHEMA:     zVal = "SQLITE_SCHEMA";      break;
                    236:     case SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: zVal = "SQLITE_CONSTRAINT";  break;
                    237:     case SQLITE_MISMATCH:   zVal = "SQLITE_MISMATCH";    break;
                    238:     case SQLITE_MISUSE:     zVal = "SQLITE_MISUSE";      break;
                    239:     case SQLITE_NOLFS:      zVal = "SQLITE_NOLFS";       break;
                    240:     case SQLITE_IOERR_READ:         zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_READ";         break;
                    241:     case SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ:   zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ";   break;
                    242:     case SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE:        zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE";        break;
                    243:     case SQLITE_IOERR_FSYNC:        zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_FSYNC";        break;
                    244:     case SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_FSYNC:    zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_FSYNC";    break;
                    245:     case SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE:     zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE";     break;
                    246:     case SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT:        zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT";        break;
                    247:     case SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK:       zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK";       break;
                    248:     case SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK:       zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK";       break;
                    249:     case SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE:       zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE";       break;
                    250:     case SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED:      zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED";      break;
                    251:     case SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM:        zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM";        break;
                    252:     case SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS:       zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS";       break;
                    253:     case SQLITE_IOERR_CHECKRESERVEDLOCK:
                    254:                                zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_CHECKRESERVEDLOCK"; break;
                    255:     case SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK:         zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK";         break;
                    256:     case SQLITE_IOERR_CLOSE:        zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_CLOSE";        break;
                    257:     case SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_CLOSE:    zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_CLOSE";    break;
                    258:     case SQLITE_IOERR_SHMOPEN:      zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_SHMOPEN";      break;
                    259:     case SQLITE_IOERR_SHMSIZE:      zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_SHMSIZE";      break;
                    260:     case SQLITE_IOERR_SHMLOCK:      zVal = "SQLITE_IOERR_SHMLOCK";      break;
                    261:     case SQLITE_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE: zVal = "SQLITE_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE"; break;
                    262:     case SQLITE_BUSY_RECOVERY:      zVal = "SQLITE_BUSY_RECOVERY";      break;
                    263:     case SQLITE_CANTOPEN_NOTEMPDIR: zVal = "SQLITE_CANTOPEN_NOTEMPDIR"; break;
                    264:     default: {
                    265:        sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "%d", rc);
                    266:        zVal = zBuf;
                    267:        break;
                    268:     }
                    269:   }
                    270:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, zFormat, zVal);
                    271: }
                    273: /*
                    274: ** Append to a buffer.
                    275: */
                    276: static void strappend(char *z, int *pI, const char *zAppend){
                    277:   int i = *pI;
                    278:   while( zAppend[0] ){ z[i++] = *(zAppend++); }
                    279:   z[i] = 0;
                    280:   *pI = i;
                    281: }
                    283: /*
                    284: ** Close an vfstrace-file.
                    285: */
                    286: static int vfstraceClose(sqlite3_file *pFile){
                    287:   vfstrace_file *p = (vfstrace_file *)pFile;
                    288:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = p->pInfo;
                    289:   int rc;
                    290:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xClose(%s)", pInfo->zVfsName, p->zFName);
                    291:   rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xClose(p->pReal);
                    292:   vfstrace_print_errcode(pInfo, " -> %s\n", rc);
                    293:   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
                    294:     sqlite3_free((void*)p->base.pMethods);
                    295:     p->base.pMethods = 0;
                    296:   }
                    297:   return rc;
                    298: }
                    300: /*
                    301: ** Read data from an vfstrace-file.
                    302: */
                    303: static int vfstraceRead(
                    304:   sqlite3_file *pFile, 
                    305:   void *zBuf, 
                    306:   int iAmt, 
                    307:   sqlite_int64 iOfst
                    308: ){
                    309:   vfstrace_file *p = (vfstrace_file *)pFile;
                    310:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = p->pInfo;
                    311:   int rc;
                    312:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xRead(%s,n=%d,ofst=%lld)",
                    313:                   pInfo->zVfsName, p->zFName, iAmt, iOfst);
                    314:   rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xRead(p->pReal, zBuf, iAmt, iOfst);
                    315:   vfstrace_print_errcode(pInfo, " -> %s\n", rc);
                    316:   return rc;
                    317: }
                    319: /*
                    320: ** Write data to an vfstrace-file.
                    321: */
                    322: static int vfstraceWrite(
                    323:   sqlite3_file *pFile, 
                    324:   const void *zBuf, 
                    325:   int iAmt, 
                    326:   sqlite_int64 iOfst
                    327: ){
                    328:   vfstrace_file *p = (vfstrace_file *)pFile;
                    329:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = p->pInfo;
                    330:   int rc;
                    331:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xWrite(%s,n=%d,ofst=%lld)",
                    332:                   pInfo->zVfsName, p->zFName, iAmt, iOfst);
                    333:   rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xWrite(p->pReal, zBuf, iAmt, iOfst);
                    334:   vfstrace_print_errcode(pInfo, " -> %s\n", rc);
                    335:   return rc;
                    336: }
                    338: /*
                    339: ** Truncate an vfstrace-file.
                    340: */
                    341: static int vfstraceTruncate(sqlite3_file *pFile, sqlite_int64 size){
                    342:   vfstrace_file *p = (vfstrace_file *)pFile;
                    343:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = p->pInfo;
                    344:   int rc;
                    345:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xTruncate(%s,%lld)", pInfo->zVfsName, p->zFName,
                    346:                   size);
                    347:   rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xTruncate(p->pReal, size);
                    348:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, " -> %d\n", rc);
                    349:   return rc;
                    350: }
                    352: /*
                    353: ** Sync an vfstrace-file.
                    354: */
                    355: static int vfstraceSync(sqlite3_file *pFile, int flags){
                    356:   vfstrace_file *p = (vfstrace_file *)pFile;
                    357:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = p->pInfo;
                    358:   int rc;
                    359:   int i;
                    360:   char zBuf[100];
                    361:   memcpy(zBuf, "|0", 3);
                    362:   i = 0;
                    363:   if( flags & SQLITE_SYNC_FULL )        strappend(zBuf, &i, "|FULL");
                    364:   else if( flags & SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL ) strappend(zBuf, &i, "|NORMAL");
                    365:   if( flags & SQLITE_SYNC_DATAONLY )    strappend(zBuf, &i, "|DATAONLY");
                    366:   if( flags & ~(SQLITE_SYNC_FULL|SQLITE_SYNC_DATAONLY) ){
                    367:     sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf)-i, &zBuf[i], "|0x%x", flags);
                    368:   }
                    369:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xSync(%s,%s)", pInfo->zVfsName, p->zFName,
                    370:                   &zBuf[1]);
                    371:   rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xSync(p->pReal, flags);
                    372:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, " -> %d\n", rc);
                    373:   return rc;
                    374: }
                    376: /*
                    377: ** Return the current file-size of an vfstrace-file.
                    378: */
                    379: static int vfstraceFileSize(sqlite3_file *pFile, sqlite_int64 *pSize){
                    380:   vfstrace_file *p = (vfstrace_file *)pFile;
                    381:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = p->pInfo;
                    382:   int rc;
                    383:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xFileSize(%s)", pInfo->zVfsName, p->zFName);
                    384:   rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xFileSize(p->pReal, pSize);
                    385:   vfstrace_print_errcode(pInfo, " -> %s,", rc);
                    386:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, " size=%lld\n", *pSize);
                    387:   return rc;
                    388: }
                    390: /*
                    391: ** Return the name of a lock.
                    392: */
                    393: static const char *lockName(int eLock){
                    394:   const char *azLockNames[] = {
                    395:      "NONE", "SHARED", "RESERVED", "PENDING", "EXCLUSIVE"
                    396:   };
                    397:   if( eLock<0 || eLock>=sizeof(azLockNames)/sizeof(azLockNames[0]) ){
                    398:     return "???";
                    399:   }else{
                    400:     return azLockNames[eLock];
                    401:   }
                    402: }
                    404: /*
                    405: ** Lock an vfstrace-file.
                    406: */
                    407: static int vfstraceLock(sqlite3_file *pFile, int eLock){
                    408:   vfstrace_file *p = (vfstrace_file *)pFile;
                    409:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = p->pInfo;
                    410:   int rc;
                    411:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xLock(%s,%s)", pInfo->zVfsName, p->zFName,
                    412:                   lockName(eLock));
                    413:   rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xLock(p->pReal, eLock);
                    414:   vfstrace_print_errcode(pInfo, " -> %s\n", rc);
                    415:   return rc;
                    416: }
                    418: /*
                    419: ** Unlock an vfstrace-file.
                    420: */
                    421: static int vfstraceUnlock(sqlite3_file *pFile, int eLock){
                    422:   vfstrace_file *p = (vfstrace_file *)pFile;
                    423:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = p->pInfo;
                    424:   int rc;
                    425:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xUnlock(%s,%s)", pInfo->zVfsName, p->zFName,
                    426:                   lockName(eLock));
                    427:   rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xUnlock(p->pReal, eLock);
                    428:   vfstrace_print_errcode(pInfo, " -> %s\n", rc);
                    429:   return rc;
                    430: }
                    432: /*
                    433: ** Check if another file-handle holds a RESERVED lock on an vfstrace-file.
                    434: */
                    435: static int vfstraceCheckReservedLock(sqlite3_file *pFile, int *pResOut){
                    436:   vfstrace_file *p = (vfstrace_file *)pFile;
                    437:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = p->pInfo;
                    438:   int rc;
                    439:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xCheckReservedLock(%s,%d)", 
                    440:                   pInfo->zVfsName, p->zFName);
                    441:   rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xCheckReservedLock(p->pReal, pResOut);
                    442:   vfstrace_print_errcode(pInfo, " -> %s", rc);
                    443:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, ", out=%d\n", *pResOut);
                    444:   return rc;
                    445: }
                    447: /*
                    448: ** File control method. For custom operations on an vfstrace-file.
                    449: */
                    450: static int vfstraceFileControl(sqlite3_file *pFile, int op, void *pArg){
                    451:   vfstrace_file *p = (vfstrace_file *)pFile;
                    452:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = p->pInfo;
                    453:   int rc;
                    454:   char zBuf[100];
                    455:   char *zOp;
                    456:   switch( op ){
                    457:     case SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCKSTATE:    zOp = "LOCKSTATE";          break;
                    458:     case SQLITE_GET_LOCKPROXYFILE:  zOp = "GET_LOCKPROXYFILE";  break;
                    459:     case SQLITE_SET_LOCKPROXYFILE:  zOp = "SET_LOCKPROXYFILE";  break;
                    460:     case SQLITE_LAST_ERRNO:         zOp = "LAST_ERRNO";         break;
                    461:     case SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_HINT: {
                    462:       sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "SIZE_HINT,%lld",
                    463:                        *(sqlite3_int64*)pArg);
                    464:       zOp = zBuf;
                    465:       break;
                    466:     }
                    467:     case SQLITE_FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE: {
                    468:       sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "CHUNK_SIZE,%d", *(int*)pArg);
                    469:       zOp = zBuf;
                    470:       break;
                    471:     }
                    472:     case SQLITE_FCNTL_FILE_POINTER: zOp = "FILE_POINTER";       break;
                    473:     case SQLITE_FCNTL_SYNC_OMITTED: zOp = "SYNC_OMITTED";       break;
                    474:     case SQLITE_FCNTL_WIN32_AV_RETRY: zOp = "WIN32_AV_RETRY";   break;
                    475:     case SQLITE_FCNTL_PERSIST_WAL:  zOp = "PERSIST_WAL";        break;
                    476:     case SQLITE_FCNTL_OVERWRITE:    zOp = "OVERWRITE";          break;
                    477:     case SQLITE_FCNTL_VFSNAME:      zOp = "VFSNAME";            break;
                    478:     case 0xca093fa0:                zOp = "DB_UNCHANGED";       break;
                    479:     default: {
                    480:       sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof zBuf, zBuf, "%d", op);
                    481:       zOp = zBuf;
                    482:       break;
                    483:     }
                    484:   }
                    485:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xFileControl(%s,%s)",
                    486:                   pInfo->zVfsName, p->zFName, zOp);
                    487:   rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xFileControl(p->pReal, op, pArg);
                    488:   vfstrace_print_errcode(pInfo, " -> %s\n", rc);
                    489:   if( op==SQLITE_FCNTL_VFSNAME && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
                    490:     *(char**)pArg = sqlite3_mprintf("vfstrace.%s/%z",
                    491:                                     pInfo->zVfsName, *(char**)pArg);
                    492:   }
                    493:   return rc;
                    494: }
                    496: /*
                    497: ** Return the sector-size in bytes for an vfstrace-file.
                    498: */
                    499: static int vfstraceSectorSize(sqlite3_file *pFile){
                    500:   vfstrace_file *p = (vfstrace_file *)pFile;
                    501:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = p->pInfo;
                    502:   int rc;
                    503:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xSectorSize(%s)", pInfo->zVfsName, p->zFName);
                    504:   rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xSectorSize(p->pReal);
                    505:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, " -> %d\n", rc);
                    506:   return rc;
                    507: }
                    509: /*
                    510: ** Return the device characteristic flags supported by an vfstrace-file.
                    511: */
                    512: static int vfstraceDeviceCharacteristics(sqlite3_file *pFile){
                    513:   vfstrace_file *p = (vfstrace_file *)pFile;
                    514:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = p->pInfo;
                    515:   int rc;
                    516:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xDeviceCharacteristics(%s)",
                    517:                   pInfo->zVfsName, p->zFName);
                    518:   rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xDeviceCharacteristics(p->pReal);
                    519:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, " -> 0x%08x\n", rc);
                    520:   return rc;
                    521: }
                    523: /*
                    524: ** Shared-memory operations.
                    525: */
                    526: static int vfstraceShmLock(sqlite3_file *pFile, int ofst, int n, int flags){
                    527:   vfstrace_file *p = (vfstrace_file *)pFile;
                    528:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = p->pInfo;
                    529:   int rc;
                    530:   char zLck[100];
                    531:   int i = 0;
                    532:   memcpy(zLck, "|0", 3);
                    533:   if( flags & SQLITE_SHM_UNLOCK )    strappend(zLck, &i, "|UNLOCK");
                    534:   if( flags & SQLITE_SHM_LOCK )      strappend(zLck, &i, "|LOCK");
                    535:   if( flags & SQLITE_SHM_SHARED )    strappend(zLck, &i, "|SHARED");
                    536:   if( flags & SQLITE_SHM_EXCLUSIVE ) strappend(zLck, &i, "|EXCLUSIVE");
                    537:   if( flags & ~(0xf) ){
                    538:      sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zLck)-i, &zLck[i], "|0x%x", flags);
                    539:   }
                    540:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xShmLock(%s,ofst=%d,n=%d,%s)",
                    541:                   pInfo->zVfsName, p->zFName, ofst, n, &zLck[1]);
                    542:   rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xShmLock(p->pReal, ofst, n, flags);
                    543:   vfstrace_print_errcode(pInfo, " -> %s\n", rc);
                    544:   return rc;
                    545: }
                    546: static int vfstraceShmMap(
                    547:   sqlite3_file *pFile, 
                    548:   int iRegion, 
                    549:   int szRegion, 
                    550:   int isWrite, 
                    551:   void volatile **pp
                    552: ){
                    553:   vfstrace_file *p = (vfstrace_file *)pFile;
                    554:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = p->pInfo;
                    555:   int rc;
                    556:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xShmMap(%s,iRegion=%d,szRegion=%d,isWrite=%d,*)",
                    557:                   pInfo->zVfsName, p->zFName, iRegion, szRegion, isWrite);
                    558:   rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xShmMap(p->pReal, iRegion, szRegion, isWrite, pp);
                    559:   vfstrace_print_errcode(pInfo, " -> %s\n", rc);
                    560:   return rc;
                    561: }
                    562: static void vfstraceShmBarrier(sqlite3_file *pFile){
                    563:   vfstrace_file *p = (vfstrace_file *)pFile;
                    564:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = p->pInfo;
                    565:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xShmBarrier(%s)\n", pInfo->zVfsName, p->zFName);
                    566:   p->pReal->pMethods->xShmBarrier(p->pReal);
                    567: }
                    568: static int vfstraceShmUnmap(sqlite3_file *pFile, int delFlag){
                    569:   vfstrace_file *p = (vfstrace_file *)pFile;
                    570:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = p->pInfo;
                    571:   int rc;
                    572:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xShmUnmap(%s,delFlag=%d)",
                    573:                   pInfo->zVfsName, p->zFName, delFlag);
                    574:   rc = p->pReal->pMethods->xShmUnmap(p->pReal, delFlag);
                    575:   vfstrace_print_errcode(pInfo, " -> %s\n", rc);
                    576:   return rc;
                    577: }
                    581: /*
                    582: ** Open an vfstrace file handle.
                    583: */
                    584: static int vfstraceOpen(
                    585:   sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,
                    586:   const char *zName,
                    587:   sqlite3_file *pFile,
                    588:   int flags,
                    589:   int *pOutFlags
                    590: ){
                    591:   int rc;
                    592:   vfstrace_file *p = (vfstrace_file *)pFile;
                    593:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = (vfstrace_info*)pVfs->pAppData;
                    594:   sqlite3_vfs *pRoot = pInfo->pRootVfs;
                    595:   p->pInfo = pInfo;
                    596:   p->zFName = zName ? fileTail(zName) : "<temp>";
                    597:   p->pReal = (sqlite3_file *)&p[1];
                    598:   rc = pRoot->xOpen(pRoot, zName, p->pReal, flags, pOutFlags);
                    599:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xOpen(%s,flags=0x%x)",
                    600:                   pInfo->zVfsName, p->zFName, flags);
                    601:   if( p->pReal->pMethods ){
                    602:     sqlite3_io_methods *pNew = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pNew) );
                    603:     const sqlite3_io_methods *pSub = p->pReal->pMethods;
                    604:     memset(pNew, 0, sizeof(*pNew));
                    605:     pNew->iVersion = pSub->iVersion;
                    606:     pNew->xClose = vfstraceClose;
                    607:     pNew->xRead = vfstraceRead;
                    608:     pNew->xWrite = vfstraceWrite;
                    609:     pNew->xTruncate = vfstraceTruncate;
                    610:     pNew->xSync = vfstraceSync;
                    611:     pNew->xFileSize = vfstraceFileSize;
                    612:     pNew->xLock = vfstraceLock;
                    613:     pNew->xUnlock = vfstraceUnlock;
                    614:     pNew->xCheckReservedLock = vfstraceCheckReservedLock;
                    615:     pNew->xFileControl = vfstraceFileControl;
                    616:     pNew->xSectorSize = vfstraceSectorSize;
                    617:     pNew->xDeviceCharacteristics = vfstraceDeviceCharacteristics;
                    618:     if( pNew->iVersion>=2 ){
                    619:       pNew->xShmMap = pSub->xShmMap ? vfstraceShmMap : 0;
                    620:       pNew->xShmLock = pSub->xShmLock ? vfstraceShmLock : 0;
                    621:       pNew->xShmBarrier = pSub->xShmBarrier ? vfstraceShmBarrier : 0;
                    622:       pNew->xShmUnmap = pSub->xShmUnmap ? vfstraceShmUnmap : 0;
                    623:     }
                    624:     pFile->pMethods = pNew;
                    625:   }
                    626:   vfstrace_print_errcode(pInfo, " -> %s", rc);
                    627:   if( pOutFlags ){
                    628:     vfstrace_printf(pInfo, ", outFlags=0x%x\n", *pOutFlags);
                    629:   }else{
                    630:     vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "\n");
                    631:   }
                    632:   return rc;
                    633: }
                    635: /*
                    636: ** Delete the file located at zPath. If the dirSync argument is true,
                    637: ** ensure the file-system modifications are synced to disk before
                    638: ** returning.
                    639: */
                    640: static int vfstraceDelete(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, const char *zPath, int dirSync){
                    641:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = (vfstrace_info*)pVfs->pAppData;
                    642:   sqlite3_vfs *pRoot = pInfo->pRootVfs;
                    643:   int rc;
                    644:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xDelete(\"%s\",%d)",
                    645:                   pInfo->zVfsName, zPath, dirSync);
                    646:   rc = pRoot->xDelete(pRoot, zPath, dirSync);
                    647:   vfstrace_print_errcode(pInfo, " -> %s\n", rc);
                    648:   return rc;
                    649: }
                    651: /*
                    652: ** Test for access permissions. Return true if the requested permission
                    653: ** is available, or false otherwise.
                    654: */
                    655: static int vfstraceAccess(
                    656:   sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, 
                    657:   const char *zPath, 
                    658:   int flags, 
                    659:   int *pResOut
                    660: ){
                    661:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = (vfstrace_info*)pVfs->pAppData;
                    662:   sqlite3_vfs *pRoot = pInfo->pRootVfs;
                    663:   int rc;
                    664:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xDelete(\"%s\",%d)",
                    665:                   pInfo->zVfsName, zPath, flags);
                    666:   rc = pRoot->xAccess(pRoot, zPath, flags, pResOut);
                    667:   vfstrace_print_errcode(pInfo, " -> %s", rc);
                    668:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, ", out=%d\n", *pResOut);
                    669:   return rc;
                    670: }
                    672: /*
                    673: ** Populate buffer zOut with the full canonical pathname corresponding
                    674: ** to the pathname in zPath. zOut is guaranteed to point to a buffer
                    675: ** of at least (DEVSYM_MAX_PATHNAME+1) bytes.
                    676: */
                    677: static int vfstraceFullPathname(
                    678:   sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, 
                    679:   const char *zPath, 
                    680:   int nOut, 
                    681:   char *zOut
                    682: ){
                    683:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = (vfstrace_info*)pVfs->pAppData;
                    684:   sqlite3_vfs *pRoot = pInfo->pRootVfs;
                    685:   int rc;
                    686:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xFullPathname(\"%s\")",
                    687:                   pInfo->zVfsName, zPath);
                    688:   rc = pRoot->xFullPathname(pRoot, zPath, nOut, zOut);
                    689:   vfstrace_print_errcode(pInfo, " -> %s", rc);
                    690:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, ", out=\"%.*s\"\n", nOut, zOut);
                    691:   return rc;
                    692: }
                    694: /*
                    695: ** Open the dynamic library located at zPath and return a handle.
                    696: */
                    697: static void *vfstraceDlOpen(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, const char *zPath){
                    698:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = (vfstrace_info*)pVfs->pAppData;
                    699:   sqlite3_vfs *pRoot = pInfo->pRootVfs;
                    700:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xDlOpen(\"%s\")\n", pInfo->zVfsName, zPath);
                    701:   return pRoot->xDlOpen(pRoot, zPath);
                    702: }
                    704: /*
                    705: ** Populate the buffer zErrMsg (size nByte bytes) with a human readable
                    706: ** utf-8 string describing the most recent error encountered associated 
                    707: ** with dynamic libraries.
                    708: */
                    709: static void vfstraceDlError(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nByte, char *zErrMsg){
                    710:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = (vfstrace_info*)pVfs->pAppData;
                    711:   sqlite3_vfs *pRoot = pInfo->pRootVfs;
                    712:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xDlError(%d)", pInfo->zVfsName, nByte);
                    713:   pRoot->xDlError(pRoot, nByte, zErrMsg);
                    714:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, " -> \"%s\"", zErrMsg);
                    715: }
                    717: /*
                    718: ** Return a pointer to the symbol zSymbol in the dynamic library pHandle.
                    719: */
                    720: static void (*vfstraceDlSym(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,void *p,const char *zSym))(void){
                    721:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = (vfstrace_info*)pVfs->pAppData;
                    722:   sqlite3_vfs *pRoot = pInfo->pRootVfs;
                    723:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xDlSym(\"%s\")\n", pInfo->zVfsName, zSym);
                    724:   return pRoot->xDlSym(pRoot, p, zSym);
                    725: }
                    727: /*
                    728: ** Close the dynamic library handle pHandle.
                    729: */
                    730: static void vfstraceDlClose(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, void *pHandle){
                    731:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = (vfstrace_info*)pVfs->pAppData;
                    732:   sqlite3_vfs *pRoot = pInfo->pRootVfs;
                    733:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xDlOpen()\n", pInfo->zVfsName);
                    734:   pRoot->xDlClose(pRoot, pHandle);
                    735: }
                    737: /*
                    738: ** Populate the buffer pointed to by zBufOut with nByte bytes of 
                    739: ** random data.
                    740: */
                    741: static int vfstraceRandomness(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nByte, char *zBufOut){
                    742:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = (vfstrace_info*)pVfs->pAppData;
                    743:   sqlite3_vfs *pRoot = pInfo->pRootVfs;
                    744:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.xRandomness(%d)\n", pInfo->zVfsName, nByte);
                    745:   return pRoot->xRandomness(pRoot, nByte, zBufOut);
                    746: }
                    748: /*
                    749: ** Sleep for nMicro microseconds. Return the number of microseconds 
                    750: ** actually slept.
                    751: */
                    752: static int vfstraceSleep(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nMicro){
                    753:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = (vfstrace_info*)pVfs->pAppData;
                    754:   sqlite3_vfs *pRoot = pInfo->pRootVfs;
                    755:   return pRoot->xSleep(pRoot, nMicro);
                    756: }
                    758: /*
                    759: ** Return the current time as a Julian Day number in *pTimeOut.
                    760: */
                    761: static int vfstraceCurrentTime(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, double *pTimeOut){
                    762:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = (vfstrace_info*)pVfs->pAppData;
                    763:   sqlite3_vfs *pRoot = pInfo->pRootVfs;
                    764:   return pRoot->xCurrentTime(pRoot, pTimeOut);
                    765: }
                    766: static int vfstraceCurrentTimeInt64(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, sqlite3_int64 *pTimeOut){
                    767:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = (vfstrace_info*)pVfs->pAppData;
                    768:   sqlite3_vfs *pRoot = pInfo->pRootVfs;
                    769:   return pRoot->xCurrentTimeInt64(pRoot, pTimeOut);
                    770: }
                    772: /*
                    773: ** Return th3 emost recent error code and message
                    774: */
                    775: static int vfstraceGetLastError(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int iErr, char *zErr){
                    776:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = (vfstrace_info*)pVfs->pAppData;
                    777:   sqlite3_vfs *pRoot = pInfo->pRootVfs;
                    778:   return pRoot->xGetLastError(pRoot, iErr, zErr);
                    779: }
                    781: /*
                    782: ** Override system calls.
                    783: */
                    784: static int vfstraceSetSystemCall(
                    785:   sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,
                    786:   const char *zName,
                    787:   sqlite3_syscall_ptr pFunc
                    788: ){
                    789:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = (vfstrace_info*)pVfs->pAppData;
                    790:   sqlite3_vfs *pRoot = pInfo->pRootVfs;
                    791:   return pRoot->xSetSystemCall(pRoot, zName, pFunc);
                    792: }
                    793: static sqlite3_syscall_ptr vfstraceGetSystemCall(
                    794:   sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,
                    795:   const char *zName
                    796: ){
                    797:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = (vfstrace_info*)pVfs->pAppData;
                    798:   sqlite3_vfs *pRoot = pInfo->pRootVfs;
                    799:   return pRoot->xGetSystemCall(pRoot, zName);
                    800: }
                    801: static const char *vfstraceNextSystemCall(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, const char *zName){
                    802:   vfstrace_info *pInfo = (vfstrace_info*)pVfs->pAppData;
                    803:   sqlite3_vfs *pRoot = pInfo->pRootVfs;
                    804:   return pRoot->xNextSystemCall(pRoot, zName);
                    805: }
                    808: /*
                    809: ** Clients invoke this routine to construct a new trace-vfs shim.
                    810: **
                    811: ** Return SQLITE_OK on success.  
                    812: **
                    813: ** SQLITE_NOMEM is returned in the case of a memory allocation error.
                    814: ** SQLITE_NOTFOUND is returned if zOldVfsName does not exist.
                    815: */
                    816: int vfstrace_register(
                    817:    const char *zTraceName,           /* Name of the newly constructed VFS */
                    818:    const char *zOldVfsName,          /* Name of the underlying VFS */
                    819:    int (*xOut)(const char*,void*),   /* Output routine.  ex: fputs */
                    820:    void *pOutArg,                    /* 2nd argument to xOut.  ex: stderr */
                    821:    int makeDefault                   /* True to make the new VFS the default */
                    822: ){
                    823:   sqlite3_vfs *pNew;
                    824:   sqlite3_vfs *pRoot;
                    825:   vfstrace_info *pInfo;
                    826:   int nName;
                    827:   int nByte;
                    829:   pRoot = sqlite3_vfs_find(zOldVfsName);
                    830:   if( pRoot==0 ) return SQLITE_NOTFOUND;
                    831:   nName = strlen(zTraceName);
                    832:   nByte = sizeof(*pNew) + sizeof(*pInfo) + nName + 1;
                    833:   pNew = sqlite3_malloc( nByte );
                    834:   if( pNew==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
                    835:   memset(pNew, 0, nByte);
                    836:   pInfo = (vfstrace_info*)&pNew[1];
                    837:   pNew->iVersion = pRoot->iVersion;
                    838:   pNew->szOsFile = pRoot->szOsFile + sizeof(vfstrace_file);
                    839:   pNew->mxPathname = pRoot->mxPathname;
                    840:   pNew->zName = (char*)&pInfo[1];
                    841:   memcpy((char*)&pInfo[1], zTraceName, nName+1);
                    842:   pNew->pAppData = pInfo;
                    843:   pNew->xOpen = vfstraceOpen;
                    844:   pNew->xDelete = vfstraceDelete;
                    845:   pNew->xAccess = vfstraceAccess;
                    846:   pNew->xFullPathname = vfstraceFullPathname;
                    847:   pNew->xDlOpen = pRoot->xDlOpen==0 ? 0 : vfstraceDlOpen;
                    848:   pNew->xDlError = pRoot->xDlError==0 ? 0 : vfstraceDlError;
                    849:   pNew->xDlSym = pRoot->xDlSym==0 ? 0 : vfstraceDlSym;
                    850:   pNew->xDlClose = pRoot->xDlClose==0 ? 0 : vfstraceDlClose;
                    851:   pNew->xRandomness = vfstraceRandomness;
                    852:   pNew->xSleep = vfstraceSleep;
                    853:   pNew->xCurrentTime = vfstraceCurrentTime;
                    854:   pNew->xGetLastError = pRoot->xGetLastError==0 ? 0 : vfstraceGetLastError;
                    855:   if( pNew->iVersion>=2 ){
                    856:     pNew->xCurrentTimeInt64 = pRoot->xCurrentTimeInt64==0 ? 0 :
                    857:                                    vfstraceCurrentTimeInt64;
                    858:     if( pNew->iVersion>=3 ){
                    859:       pNew->xSetSystemCall = pRoot->xSetSystemCall==0 ? 0 : 
                    860:                                    vfstraceSetSystemCall;
                    861:       pNew->xGetSystemCall = pRoot->xGetSystemCall==0 ? 0 : 
                    862:                                    vfstraceGetSystemCall;
                    863:       pNew->xNextSystemCall = pRoot->xNextSystemCall==0 ? 0 : 
                    864:                                    vfstraceNextSystemCall;
                    865:     }
                    866:   }
                    867:   pInfo->pRootVfs = pRoot;
                    868:   pInfo->xOut = xOut;
                    869:   pInfo->pOutArg = pOutArg;
                    870:   pInfo->zVfsName = pNew->zName;
                    871:   pInfo->pTraceVfs = pNew;
                    872:   vfstrace_printf(pInfo, "%s.enabled_for(\"%s\")\n",
                    873:        pInfo->zVfsName, pRoot->zName);
                    874:   return sqlite3_vfs_register(pNew, makeDefault);
                    875: }

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