# 2003 September 6 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # This file implements regression tests for SQLite library. The # focus of this script testing the sqlite_bind API. # # $Id: bind.test,v 2012/02/21 17:04:16 misho Exp $ # set testdir [file dirname $argv0] source $testdir/tester.tcl proc sqlite_step {stmt N VALS COLS} { upvar VALS vals upvar COLS cols set vals [list] set cols [list] set rc [sqlite3_step $stmt] for {set i 0} {$i < [sqlite3_column_count $stmt]} {incr i} { lappend cols [sqlite3_column_name $stmt $i] } for {set i 0} {$i < [sqlite3_data_count $stmt]} {incr i} { lappend vals [sqlite3_column_text $stmt $i] } return $rc } do_test bind-1.1 { set DB [sqlite3_connection_pointer db] execsql {CREATE TABLE t1(a,b,c);} set VM [sqlite3_prepare $DB {INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(:1,?,:abc)} -1 TAIL] set TAIL } {} do_test bind-1.1.1 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_count $VM } 3 do_test bind-1.1.2 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_name $VM 1 } {:1} do_test bind-1.1.3 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_name $VM 2 } {} do_test bind-1.1.4 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_name $VM 3 } {:abc} do_test bind-1.2 { sqlite_step $VM N VALUES COLNAMES } {SQLITE_DONE} do_test bind-1.3 { execsql {SELECT rowid, * FROM t1} } {1 {} {} {}} do_test bind-1.4 { sqlite3_reset $VM sqlite_bind $VM 1 {test value 1} normal sqlite_step $VM N VALUES COLNAMES } SQLITE_DONE do_test bind-1.5 { execsql {SELECT rowid, * FROM t1} } {1 {} {} {} 2 {test value 1} {} {}} do_test bind-1.6 { sqlite3_reset $VM sqlite_bind $VM 3 {'test value 2'} normal sqlite_step $VM N VALUES COLNAMES } SQLITE_DONE do_test bind-1.7 { execsql {SELECT rowid, * FROM t1} } {1 {} {} {} 2 {test value 1} {} {} 3 {test value 1} {} {'test value 2'}} do_test bind-1.8 { sqlite3_reset $VM set sqlite_static_bind_value 123 sqlite_bind $VM 1 {} static sqlite_bind $VM 2 {abcdefg} normal sqlite_bind $VM 3 {} null execsql {DELETE FROM t1} sqlite_step $VM N VALUES COLNAMES execsql {SELECT rowid, * FROM t1} } {1 123 abcdefg {}} do_test bind-1.9 { sqlite3_reset $VM sqlite_bind $VM 1 {456} normal sqlite_step $VM N VALUES COLNAMES execsql {SELECT rowid, * FROM t1} } {1 123 abcdefg {} 2 456 abcdefg {}} do_test bind-1.10 { set rc [catch { sqlite3_prepare db {INSERT INTO t1 VALUES($abc:123,?,:abc)} -1 TAIL } msg] lappend rc $msg } {1 {(1) near ":123": syntax error}} do_test bind-1.11 { set rc [catch { sqlite3_prepare db {INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(@abc:xyz,?,:abc)} -1 TAIL } msg] lappend rc $msg } {1 {(1) near ":xyz": syntax error}} do_test bind-1.99 { sqlite3_finalize $VM } SQLITE_OK # Prepare the statement in different ways depending on whether or not # the $var processing is compiled into the library. # ifcapable {tclvar} { do_test bind-2.1 { execsql { DELETE FROM t1; } set VM [sqlite3_prepare $DB {INSERT INTO t1 VALUES($one,$::two,$x(-z-))}\ -1 TX] set TX } {} set v1 {$one} set v2 {$::two} set v3 {$x(-z-)} } ifcapable {!tclvar} { do_test bind-2.1 { execsql { DELETE FROM t1; } set VM [sqlite3_prepare $DB {INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(:one,:two,:_)} -1 TX] set TX } {} set v1 {:one} set v2 {:two} set v3 {:_} } do_test bind-2.1.1 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_count $VM } 3 do_test bind-2.1.2 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_name $VM 1 } $v1 do_test bind-2.1.3 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_name $VM 2 } $v2 do_test bind-2.1.4 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_name $VM 3 } $v3 do_test bind-2.1.5 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_index $VM $v1 } 1 do_test bind-2.1.6 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_index $VM $v2 } 2 do_test bind-2.1.7 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_index $VM $v3 } 3 do_test bind-2.1.8 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_index $VM {:hi} } 0 # 32 bit Integers do_test bind-2.2 { sqlite3_bind_int $VM 1 123 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 2 456 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 3 789 sqlite_step $VM N VALUES COLNAMES sqlite3_reset $VM execsql {SELECT rowid, * FROM t1} } {1 123 456 789} do_test bind-2.3 { sqlite3_bind_int $VM 2 -2000000000 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 3 2000000000 sqlite_step $VM N VALUES COLNAMES sqlite3_reset $VM execsql {SELECT rowid, * FROM t1} } {1 123 456 789 2 123 -2000000000 2000000000} do_test bind-2.4 { execsql {SELECT typeof(a), typeof(b), typeof(c) FROM t1} } {integer integer integer integer integer integer} do_test bind-2.5 { execsql { DELETE FROM t1; } } {} # 64 bit Integers do_test bind-3.1 { sqlite3_bind_int64 $VM 1 32 sqlite3_bind_int64 $VM 2 -2000000000000 sqlite3_bind_int64 $VM 3 2000000000000 sqlite_step $VM N VALUES COLNAMES sqlite3_reset $VM execsql {SELECT rowid, * FROM t1} } {1 32 -2000000000000 2000000000000} do_test bind-3.2 { execsql {SELECT typeof(a), typeof(b), typeof(c) FROM t1} } {integer integer integer} do_test bind-3.3 { execsql { DELETE FROM t1; } } {} # Doubles do_test bind-4.1 { sqlite3_bind_double $VM 1 1234.1234 sqlite3_bind_double $VM 2 0.00001 sqlite3_bind_double $VM 3 123456789 sqlite_step $VM N VALUES COLNAMES sqlite3_reset $VM set x [execsql {SELECT rowid, * FROM t1}] regsub {1e-005} $x {1e-05} y set y } {1 1234.1234 1e-05 123456789.0} do_test bind-4.2 { execsql {SELECT typeof(a), typeof(b), typeof(c) FROM t1} } {real real real} do_test bind-4.3 { execsql { DELETE FROM t1; } } {} do_test bind-4.4 { sqlite3_bind_double $VM 1 NaN sqlite3_bind_double $VM 2 1e300 sqlite3_bind_double $VM 3 -1e-300 sqlite_step $VM N VALUES COLNAMES sqlite3_reset $VM set x [execsql {SELECT rowid, * FROM t1}] regsub {1e-005} $x {1e-05} y set y } {1 {} 1e+300 -1e-300} do_test bind-4.5 { execsql {SELECT typeof(a), typeof(b), typeof(c) FROM t1} } {null real real} do_test bind-4.6 { execsql { DELETE FROM t1; } } {} # NULL do_test bind-5.1 { sqlite3_bind_null $VM 1 sqlite3_bind_null $VM 2 sqlite3_bind_null $VM 3 sqlite_step $VM N VALUES COLNAMES sqlite3_reset $VM execsql {SELECT rowid, * FROM t1} } {1 {} {} {}} do_test bind-5.2 { execsql {SELECT typeof(a), typeof(b), typeof(c) FROM t1} } {null null null} do_test bind-5.3 { execsql { DELETE FROM t1; } } {} # UTF-8 text do_test bind-6.1 { sqlite3_bind_text $VM 1 hellothere 5 sqlite3_bind_text $VM 2 ".." 1 sqlite3_bind_text $VM 3 world\000 -1 sqlite_step $VM N VALUES COLNAMES sqlite3_reset $VM execsql {SELECT rowid, * FROM t1} } {1 hello . world} do_test bind-6.2 { execsql {SELECT typeof(a), typeof(b), typeof(c) FROM t1} } {text text text} do_test bind-6.3 { execsql { DELETE FROM t1; } } {} # Make sure zeros in a string work. # do_test bind-6.4 { db eval {DELETE FROM t1} sqlite3_bind_text $VM 1 hello\000there\000 12 sqlite3_bind_text $VM 2 hello\000there\000 11 sqlite3_bind_text $VM 3 hello\000there\000 -1 sqlite_step $VM N VALUES COLNAMES sqlite3_reset $VM execsql {SELECT * FROM t1} } {hello hello hello} set enc [db eval {PRAGMA encoding}] if {$enc=="UTF-8" || $enc==""} { do_test bind-6.5 { execsql {SELECT hex(a), hex(b), hex(c) FROM t1} } {68656C6C6F00746865726500 68656C6C6F007468657265 68656C6C6F} } elseif {$enc=="UTF-16le"} { do_test bind-6.5 { execsql {SELECT hex(a), hex(b), hex(c) FROM t1} } {680065006C006C006F000000740068006500720065000000 680065006C006C006F00000074006800650072006500 680065006C006C006F00} } elseif {$enc=="UTF-16be"} { do_test bind-6.5 { execsql {SELECT hex(a), hex(b), hex(c) FROM t1} } {00680065006C006C006F0000007400680065007200650000 00680065006C006C006F000000740068006500720065 00680065006C006C006F} } else { do_test bind-6.5 { set "Unknown database encoding: $::enc" } {} } do_test bind-6.6 { execsql {SELECT typeof(a), typeof(b), typeof(c) FROM t1} } {text text text} do_test bind-6.7 { execsql { DELETE FROM t1; } } {} # UTF-16 text ifcapable {utf16} { do_test bind-7.1 { sqlite3_bind_text16 $VM 1 [encoding convertto unicode hellothere] 10 sqlite3_bind_text16 $VM 2 [encoding convertto unicode ""] 0 sqlite3_bind_text16 $VM 3 [encoding convertto unicode world] 10 sqlite_step $VM N VALUES COLNAMES sqlite3_reset $VM execsql {SELECT rowid, * FROM t1} } {1 hello {} world} do_test bind-7.2 { execsql {SELECT typeof(a), typeof(b), typeof(c) FROM t1} } {text text text} do_test bind-7.3 { db eval {DELETE FROM t1} sqlite3_bind_text16 $VM 1 [encoding convertto unicode hi\000yall\000] 16 sqlite3_bind_text16 $VM 2 [encoding convertto unicode hi\000yall\000] 14 sqlite3_bind_text16 $VM 3 [encoding convertto unicode hi\000yall\000] -1 sqlite_step $VM N VALUES COLNAMES sqlite3_reset $VM execsql {SELECT * FROM t1} } {hi hi hi} if {$enc=="UTF-8"} { do_test bind-7.4 { execsql {SELECT hex(a), hex(b), hex(c) FROM t1} } {68690079616C6C00 68690079616C6C 6869} } elseif {$enc=="UTF-16le"} { do_test bind-7.4 { execsql {SELECT hex(a), hex(b), hex(c) FROM t1} } {680069000000790061006C006C000000 680069000000790061006C006C00 68006900} } elseif {$enc=="UTF-16be"} { do_test bind-7.4 { execsql {SELECT hex(a), hex(b), hex(c) FROM t1} } {00680069000000790061006C006C0000 00680069000000790061006C006C 00680069} } do_test bind-7.5 { execsql {SELECT typeof(a), typeof(b), typeof(c) FROM t1} } {text text text} } do_test bind-7.99 { execsql {DELETE FROM t1;} } {} # Test that the 'out of range' error works. do_test bind-8.1 { catch { sqlite3_bind_null $VM 0 } } {1} do_test bind-8.2 { sqlite3_errmsg $DB } {bind or column index out of range} ifcapable {utf16} { do_test bind-8.3 { encoding convertfrom unicode [sqlite3_errmsg16 $DB] } {bind or column index out of range} } do_test bind-8.4 { sqlite3_bind_null $VM 1 sqlite3_errmsg $DB } {not an error} do_test bind-8.5 { catch { sqlite3_bind_null $VM 4 } } {1} do_test bind-8.6 { sqlite3_errmsg $DB } {bind or column index out of range} ifcapable {utf16} { do_test bind-8.7 { encoding convertfrom unicode [sqlite3_errmsg16 $DB] } {bind or column index out of range} } do_test bind-8.8 { catch { sqlite3_bind_blob $VM 0 "abc" 3 } } {1} do_test bind-8.9 { catch { sqlite3_bind_blob $VM 4 "abc" 3 } } {1} do_test bind-8.10 { catch { sqlite3_bind_text $VM 0 "abc" 3 } } {1} ifcapable {utf16} { do_test bind-8.11 { catch { sqlite3_bind_text16 $VM 4 "abc" 2 } } {1} } do_test bind-8.12 { catch { sqlite3_bind_int $VM 0 5 } } {1} do_test bind-8.13 { catch { sqlite3_bind_int $VM 4 5 } } {1} do_test bind-8.14 { catch { sqlite3_bind_double $VM 0 5.0 } } {1} do_test bind-8.15 { catch { sqlite3_bind_double $VM 4 6.0 } } {1} do_test bind-8.99 { sqlite3_finalize $VM } SQLITE_OK set iMaxVar $SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER set zError "(1) variable number must be between ?1 and ?$iMaxVar" do_test bind-9.1 { execsql { CREATE TABLE t2(a,b,c,d,e,f); } set rc [catch { sqlite3_prepare $DB { INSERT INTO t2(a) VALUES(?0) } -1 TAIL } msg] lappend rc $msg } [list 1 $zError] do_test bind-9.2 { set rc [catch { sqlite3_prepare $DB "INSERT INTO t2(a) VALUES(?[expr $iMaxVar+1])" -1 TAIL } msg] lappend rc $msg } [list 1 $zError] do_test bind-9.3.1 { set VM [ sqlite3_prepare $DB " INSERT INTO t2(a,b) VALUES(?1,?$iMaxVar) " -1 TAIL ] sqlite3_bind_parameter_count $VM } $iMaxVar catch {sqlite3_finalize $VM} do_test bind-9.3.2 { set VM [ sqlite3_prepare $DB " INSERT INTO t2(a,b) VALUES(?2,?[expr $iMaxVar - 1]) " -1 TAIL ] sqlite3_bind_parameter_count $VM } [expr {$iMaxVar - 1}] catch {sqlite3_finalize $VM} do_test bind-9.4 { set VM [ sqlite3_prepare $DB " INSERT INTO t2(a,b,c,d) VALUES(?1,?[expr $iMaxVar - 2],?,?) " -1 TAIL ] sqlite3_bind_parameter_count $VM } $iMaxVar do_test bind-9.5 { sqlite3_bind_int $VM 1 1 sqlite3_bind_int $VM [expr $iMaxVar - 2] 999 sqlite3_bind_int $VM [expr $iMaxVar - 1] 1000 sqlite3_bind_int $VM $iMaxVar 1001 sqlite3_step $VM } SQLITE_DONE do_test bind-9.6 { sqlite3_finalize $VM } SQLITE_OK do_test bind-9.7 { execsql {SELECT * FROM t2} } {1 999 1000 1001 {} {}} ifcapable {tclvar} { do_test bind-10.1 { set VM [ sqlite3_prepare $DB { INSERT INTO t2(a,b,c,d,e,f) VALUES(:abc,$abc,:abc,$ab,$abc,:abc) } -1 TAIL ] sqlite3_bind_parameter_count $VM } 3 set v1 {$abc} set v2 {$ab} } ifcapable {!tclvar} { do_test bind-10.1 { set VM [ sqlite3_prepare $DB { INSERT INTO t2(a,b,c,d,e,f) VALUES(:abc,:xyz,:abc,:xy,:xyz,:abc) } -1 TAIL ] sqlite3_bind_parameter_count $VM } 3 set v1 {:xyz} set v2 {:xy} } do_test bind-10.2 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_index $VM :abc } 1 do_test bind-10.3 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_index $VM $v1 } 2 do_test bind-10.4 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_index $VM $v2 } 3 do_test bind-10.5 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_name $VM 1 } :abc do_test bind-10.6 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_name $VM 2 } $v1 do_test bind-10.7 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_name $VM 3 } $v2 do_test bind-10.7.1 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_name 0 1 ;# Ignore if VM is NULL } {} do_test bind-10.7.2 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_name $VM 0 ;# Ignore if index too small } {} do_test bind-10.7.3 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_name $VM 4 ;# Ignore if index is too big } {} do_test bind-10.8 { sqlite3_bind_int $VM 1 1 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 2 2 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 3 3 sqlite3_step $VM } SQLITE_DONE do_test bind-10.8.1 { # Binding attempts after program start should fail set rc [catch { sqlite3_bind_int $VM 1 1 } msg] lappend rc $msg } {1 {}} do_test bind-10.9 { sqlite3_finalize $VM } SQLITE_OK do_test bind-10.10 { execsql {SELECT * FROM t2} } {1 999 1000 1001 {} {} 1 2 1 3 2 1} # Ticket #918 # do_test bind-10.11 { # catch {sqlite3_finalize $VM} set VM [ sqlite3_prepare $DB { INSERT INTO t2(a,b,c,d,e,f) VALUES(:abc,?,?4,:pqr,:abc,?4) } -1 TAIL ] sqlite3_bind_parameter_count $VM } 5 do_test bind-10.11.1 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_index 0 :xyz ;# ignore NULL VM arguments } 0 do_test bind-10.12 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_index $VM :xyz } 0 do_test bind-10.13 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_index $VM {} } 0 do_test bind-10.14 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_index $VM :pqr } 5 do_test bind-10.15 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_index $VM ?4 } 4 do_test bind-10.16 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_name $VM 1 } :abc do_test bind-10.17 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_name $VM 2 } {} do_test bind-10.18 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_name $VM 3 } {} do_test bind-10.19 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_name $VM 4 } {?4} do_test bind-10.20 { sqlite3_bind_parameter_name $VM 5 } :pqr catch {sqlite3_finalize $VM} # Make sure we catch an unterminated "(" in a Tcl-style variable name # ifcapable tclvar { do_test bind-11.1 { catchsql {SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE name=$abc(123 and sql NOT NULL;} } {1 {unrecognized token: "$abc(123"}} } if {[execsql {pragma encoding}]=="UTF-8"} { # Test the ability to bind text that contains embedded '\000' characters. # Make sure we can recover the entire input string. # do_test bind-12.1 { execsql { CREATE TABLE t3(x BLOB); } set VM [sqlite3_prepare $DB {INSERT INTO t3 VALUES(?)} -1 TAIL] sqlite_bind $VM 1 not-used blob10 sqlite3_step $VM sqlite3_finalize $VM execsql { SELECT typeof(x), length(x), quote(x), length(cast(x AS BLOB)), quote(cast(x AS BLOB)) FROM t3 } } {text 3 'abc' 10 X'6162630078797A007071'} do_test bind-12.2 { sqlite3_create_function $DB execsql { SELECT quote(cast(x_coalesce(x) AS blob)) FROM t3 } } {X'6162630078797A007071'} } # Test the operation of sqlite3_clear_bindings # do_test bind-13.1 { set VM [sqlite3_prepare $DB {SELECT ?,?,?} -1 TAIL] sqlite3_step $VM list [sqlite3_column_type $VM 0] [sqlite3_column_type $VM 1] \ [sqlite3_column_type $VM 2] } {NULL NULL NULL} do_test bind-13.2 { sqlite3_reset $VM sqlite3_bind_int $VM 1 1 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 2 2 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 3 3 sqlite3_step $VM list [sqlite3_column_type $VM 0] [sqlite3_column_type $VM 1] \ [sqlite3_column_type $VM 2] } {INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER} do_test bind-13.3 { sqlite3_reset $VM sqlite3_step $VM list [sqlite3_column_type $VM 0] [sqlite3_column_type $VM 1] \ [sqlite3_column_type $VM 2] } {INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER} do_test bind-13.4 { sqlite3_reset $VM sqlite3_clear_bindings $VM sqlite3_step $VM list [sqlite3_column_type $VM 0] [sqlite3_column_type $VM 1] \ [sqlite3_column_type $VM 2] } {NULL NULL NULL} sqlite3_finalize $VM #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # These tests attempt to reproduce bug #3463. # proc param_names {db zSql} { set ret [list] set VM [sqlite3_prepare db $zSql -1 TAIL] for {set ii 1} {$ii <= [sqlite3_bind_parameter_count $VM]} {incr ii} { lappend ret [sqlite3_bind_parameter_name $VM $ii] } sqlite3_finalize $VM set ret } do_test bind-14.1 { param_names db { SELECT @a, @b } } {@a @b} do_test bind-14.2 { param_names db { SELECT NULL FROM (SELECT NULL) WHERE @a = @b } } {@a @b} do_test bind-14.3 { param_names db { SELECT @a FROM (SELECT NULL) WHERE 1 = @b } } {@a @b} do_test bind-14.4 { param_names db { SELECT @a, @b FROM (SELECT NULL) } } {@a @b} #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests of the OP_Variable opcode where P3>1 # do_test bind-15.1 { db eval {CREATE TABLE t4(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h);} set VM [sqlite3_prepare db { INSERT INTO t4(a,b,c,d,f,g,h,e) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) } -1 TAIL] sqlite3_bind_int $VM 1 1 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 2 2 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 3 3 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 4 4 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 5 5 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 6 6 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 7 7 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 8 8 sqlite3_step $VM sqlite3_finalize $VM db eval {SELECT * FROM t4} } {1 2 3 4 8 5 6 7} do_test bind-15.2 { db eval {DELETE FROM t4} set VM [sqlite3_prepare db { INSERT INTO t4(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) } -1 TAIL] sqlite3_bind_int $VM 1 1 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 2 2 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 3 3 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 4 4 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 5 5 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 6 6 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 7 7 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 8 8 sqlite3_step $VM sqlite3_finalize $VM db eval {SELECT * FROM t4} } {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} do_test bind-15.3 { db eval {DELETE FROM t4} set VM [sqlite3_prepare db { INSERT INTO t4(h,g,f,e,d,c,b,a) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) } -1 TAIL] sqlite3_bind_int $VM 1 1 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 2 2 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 3 3 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 4 4 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 5 5 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 6 6 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 7 7 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 8 8 sqlite3_step $VM sqlite3_finalize $VM db eval {SELECT * FROM t4} } {8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1} do_test bind-15.4 { db eval {DELETE FROM t4} set VM [sqlite3_prepare db { INSERT INTO t4(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) VALUES(?,?,?,?4,?,?6,?,?) } -1 TAIL] sqlite3_bind_int $VM 1 1 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 2 2 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 3 3 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 4 4 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 5 5 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 6 6 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 7 7 sqlite3_bind_int $VM 8 8 sqlite3_step $VM sqlite3_finalize $VM db eval {SELECT * FROM t4} } {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} finish_test