# 2010 February 18 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # This file implements regression tests for SQLite library. # # This file implements tests to make sure SQLite does not crash or # segfault if it sees a corrupt database file. It specifcally # focuses on rowid order corruption. # # $Id: corruptE.test,v 2012/02/21 17:04:16 misho Exp $ set testdir [file dirname $argv0] source $testdir/tester.tcl # Do not use a codec for tests in this file, as the database file is # manipulated directly using tcl scripts (using the [hexio_write] command). # do_not_use_codec # Do not run the tests in this file if ENABLE_OVERSIZE_CELL_CHECK is on. # ifcapable oversize_cell_check { finish_test return } # Construct a compact, dense database for testing. # do_test corruptE-1.1 { execsql { PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 0; PRAGMA legacy_file_format=1; BEGIN; CREATE TABLE t1(x,y); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1,1); INSERT OR IGNORE INTO t1 SELECT x*2,y FROM t1; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO t1 SELECT x*3,y FROM t1; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO t1 SELECT x*5,y FROM t1; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO t1 SELECT x*7,y FROM t1; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO t1 SELECT x*11,y FROM t1; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO t1 SELECT x*13,y FROM t1; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO t1 SELECT x*17,y FROM t1; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO t1 SELECT x*19,y FROM t1; CREATE INDEX t1i1 ON t1(x); CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT x,2 as y FROM t1 WHERE rowid%5!=0; COMMIT; } } {} ifcapable {integrityck} { integrity_check corruptE-1.2 } # Setup for the tests. Make a backup copy of the good database in test.bu. # db close forcecopy test.db test.bu sqlite3 db test.db set fsize [file size test.db] do_test corruptE-2.1 { db close forcecopy test.bu test.db # insert corrupt byte(s) hexio_write test.db 2041 [format %02x 0x2e] sqlite3 db test.db set res [ catchsql {PRAGMA integrity_check} ] set ans [lindex $res 1] list [regexp {out of order.*previous was} $ans] \ [regexp {out of order.*max larger than parent max} $ans] } {1 1} do_test corruptE-2.2 { db close forcecopy test.bu test.db # insert corrupt byte(s) hexio_write test.db 2047 [format %02x 0x84] sqlite3 db test.db set res [ catchsql {PRAGMA integrity_check} ] set ans [lindex $res 1] list [regexp {out of order.*previous was} $ans] \ [regexp {out of order.*min less than parent min} $ans] } {1 1} do_test corruptE-2.3 { db close forcecopy test.bu test.db # insert corrupt byte(s) hexio_write test.db 7420 [format %02x 0xa8] hexio_write test.db 10459 [format %02x 0x8d] sqlite3 db test.db set res [ catchsql {PRAGMA integrity_check} ] set ans [lindex $res 1] list [regexp {out of order.*max larger than parent min} $ans] } {1} do_test corruptE-2.4 { db close forcecopy test.bu test.db # insert corrupt byte(s) hexio_write test.db 10233 [format %02x 0xd0] sqlite3 db test.db set res [ catchsql {PRAGMA integrity_check} ] set ans [lindex $res 1] list [regexp {out of order.*min less than parent max} $ans] } {1} set tests [list {10233 0xd0} \ {941 0x42} \ {1028 0x53} \ {2041 0xd0} \ {2042 0x1f} \ {2047 0xaa} \ {2263 0x29} \ {2274 0x75} \ {3267 0xf2} \ {4104 0x2c} \ {5113 0x36} \ {10233 0x84} \ {10234 0x74} \ {10239 0x41} \ {10453 0x11} \ {11273 0x28} \ {11455 0x11} \ {11461 0xe6} \ {12281 0x99} \ {12296 0x9e} \ {12297 0xd7} \ {13303 0x53} ] set tc 1 foreach test $tests { do_test corruptE-3.$tc { db close forcecopy test.bu test.db # insert corrupt byte(s) hexio_write test.db [lindex $test 0] [format %02x [lindex $test 1]] sqlite3 db test.db set res [ catchsql {PRAGMA integrity_check} ] set ans [lindex $res 1] list [regexp {out of order} $ans] } {1} incr tc 1 } finish_test