Annotation of embedaddon/sqlite3/test/crash3.test, revision

1.1       misho       1: # 2007 August 23
                      2: #
                      3: # The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
                      4: # a legal notice, here is a blessing:
                      5: #
                      6: #    May you do good and not evil.
                      7: #    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
                      8: #    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
                      9: #
                     10: #***********************************************************************
                     11: #
                     12: # This file contains tests that verify that SQLite can correctly rollback
                     13: # databases after crashes when using the special IO modes triggered 
                     14: # by device IOCAP flags.
                     15: #
                     16: # $Id: crash3.test,v 1.4 2008/07/12 14:52:20 drh Exp $
                     18: set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
                     19: source $testdir/tester.tcl
                     21: ifcapable !crashtest {
                     22:   finish_test
                     23:   return
                     24: }
                     26: proc do_test2 {name tcl res1 res2} {
                     27:   set script [subst -nocommands {
                     28:     do_test $name {
                     29:       set res1 {$res1}
                     30:       set res2 {$res2}
                     31:       set res [eval {$tcl}]
                     32:       if {[set res] eq [set res1] || [set res] eq [set res2]} {
                     33:         set res "{[set res1]} or {[set res2]}"
                     34:       }
                     35:       set res
                     36:     } {{$res1} or {$res2}}
                     37:   }]
                     38:   uplevel $script
                     39: }
                     41: # This block tests crash-recovery when the IOCAP_ATOMIC flags is set.
                     42: #
                     43: # Each iteration of the following loop sets up the database to contain
                     44: # the following schema and data:
                     45: #
                     46: #    CREATE TABLE abc(a, b, c);
                     47: #    INSERT INTO abc VALUES(1, 2, 3);
                     48: #
                     49: # Then execute the SQL statement, scheduling a crash for part-way through
                     50: # the first sync() of either the database file or the journal file (often
                     51: # the journal file is not required - meaning no crash occurs).
                     52: #
                     53: # After the crash (or absence of a crash), open the database and 
                     54: # verify that:
                     55: #
                     56: #   * The integrity check passes, and
                     57: #   * The contents of table abc is either {1 2 3} or the value specified
                     58: #     to the right of the SQL statement below.
                     59: #
                     60: # The procedure is repeated 10 times for each SQL statement. Five times
                     61: # with the crash scheduled for midway through the first journal sync (if 
                     62: # any), and five times with the crash midway through the database sync.
                     63: #
                     64: set tn 1
                     65: foreach {sql res2} [list \
                     66:   {INSERT INTO abc VALUES(4, 5, 6)}                    {1 2 3 4 5 6} \
                     67:   {DELETE FROM abc}                                    {}    \
                     68:   {INSERT INTO abc SELECT * FROM abc}                  {1 2 3 1 2 3} \
                     69:   {UPDATE abc SET a = 2}                               {2 2 3}       \
                     70:   {INSERT INTO abc VALUES(4, 5, randstr(1000,1000))}   {n/a} \
                     71:   {CREATE TABLE def(d, e, f)}                          {n/a} \
                     72: ] {
                     73:   for {set ii 0} {$ii < 10} {incr ii} {
                     75:     db close
                     76:     forcedelete test.db test.db-journal
                     77:     sqlite3 db test.db
                     78:     do_test crash3-1.$tn.1 {
                     79:       execsql {
                     80:         PRAGMA page_size = 1024;
                     81:         BEGIN;
                     82:         CREATE TABLE abc(a, b, c);
                     83:         INSERT INTO abc VALUES(1, 2, 3);
                     84:         COMMIT;
                     85:       }
                     86:     } {}
                     87:     db close
                     89:     set crashfile test.db
                     90:     if {($ii%2)==0} { append crashfile -journal }
                     91:     set rand "SELECT randstr($tn,$tn);"
                     92:     do_test crash3-1.$tn.2 [subst {
                     93:       crashsql -file $crashfile -char atomic {$rand $sql}
                     94:       sqlite3 db test.db
                     95:       execsql { PRAGMA integrity_check; }
                     96:     }] {ok}
                     98:     do_test2 crash3-1.$tn.3 {
                     99:       execsql { SELECT * FROM abc }
                    100:     } {1 2 3} $res2
                    102:     incr tn
                    103:   }
                    104: }
                    106: # This block tests both the IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL and IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND flags.
                    107: #
                    108: db close
                    109: forcedelete test.db test.db-journal
                    110: sqlite3 db test.db
                    111: do_test crash3-2.0 {
                    112:   execsql {
                    113:     BEGIN;
                    114:     CREATE TABLE abc(a PRIMARY KEY, b, c);
                    115:     CREATE TABLE def(d PRIMARY KEY, e, f);
                    116:     PRAGMA default_cache_size = 10;
                    117:     INSERT INTO abc VALUES(randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000));
                    118:     INSERT INTO abc 
                    119:       SELECT randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000) FROM abc;
                    120:     INSERT INTO abc 
                    121:       SELECT randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000) FROM abc;
                    122:     INSERT INTO abc 
                    123:       SELECT randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000) FROM abc;
                    124:     INSERT INTO abc 
                    125:       SELECT randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000) FROM abc;
                    126:     INSERT INTO abc 
                    127:       SELECT randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000) FROM abc;
                    128:     INSERT INTO abc 
                    129:       SELECT randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000) FROM abc;
                    130:     COMMIT;
                    131:   }
                    132: } {}
                    134: set tn 1
                    135: foreach {::crashfile ::delay ::char} {
                    136:   test.db         1 sequential
                    137:   test.db         1 safe_append
                    138:   test.db-journal 1 sequential
                    139:   test.db-journal 1 safe_append
                    140:   test.db-journal 2 safe_append
                    141:   test.db-journal 2 sequential
                    142:   test.db-journal 3 sequential
                    143:   test.db-journal 3 safe_append
                    144: } {
                    145:   for {set ii 0} {$ii < 100} {incr ii} {
                    146:     set ::SQL [subst {
                    147:       SELECT randstr($ii,$ii+10);
                    148:       BEGIN;
                    149:       DELETE FROM abc WHERE random()%5;
                    150:       INSERT INTO abc 
                    151:         SELECT randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000) 
                    152:         FROM abc
                    153:         WHERE (random()%5)==0;
                    154:       DELETE FROM def WHERE random()%5;
                    155:       INSERT INTO def 
                    156:         SELECT randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000),randstr(10,1000) 
                    157:         FROM def
                    158:         WHERE (random()%5)==0;
                    159:       COMMIT;
                    160:     }]
                    162:     do_test crash3-2.$tn.$ii {
                    163:       crashsql -file $::crashfile -delay $::delay -char $::char $::SQL
                    164:       db close
                    165:       sqlite3 db test.db
                    166:       execsql {PRAGMA integrity_check}
                    167:     } {ok}
                    168:   }
                    169:   incr tn
                    170: }
                    172: # The following block tests an interaction between IOCAP_ATOMIC and
                    173: # IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL. At one point, if both flags were set, small
                    174: # journal files that contained only a single page, but were required 
                    175: # for some other reason (i.e. nTrunk) were not being written to
                    176: # disk.
                    177: #
                    178: for {set ii 0} {$ii < 10} {incr ii} {
                    179:   db close
                    180:   forcedelete test.db test.db-journal
                    181:   crashsql -file test.db -char {sequential atomic} {
                    182:     CREATE TABLE abc(a, b, c);
                    183:   }
                    184:   sqlite3 db test.db
                    185:   do_test crash3-3.$ii {
                    186:     execsql {PRAGMA integrity_check}
                    187:   } {ok}
                    188: }
                    190: finish_test

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