Annotation of embedaddon/sqlite3/test/e_uri.test, revision

1.1       misho       1: # 2011 May 06
                      2: #
                      3: # The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
                      4: # a legal notice, here is a blessing:
                      5: #
                      6: #    May you do good and not evil.
                      7: #    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
                      8: #    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
                      9: #
                     10: #***********************************************************************
                     11: #
                     13: set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
                     14: source $testdir/tester.tcl
                     15: set testprefix e_uri
                     17: db close
                     19: proc parse_uri {uri} {
                     20:   testvfs tvfs2
                     21:   testvfs tvfs 
                     22:   tvfs filter xOpen
                     23:   tvfs script parse_uri_open_cb
                     25:   set ::uri_open [list]
                     26:   set DB [sqlite3_open_v2 $uri {
                     28:   } tvfs]
                     29:   sqlite3_close $DB
                     30:   tvfs delete
                     31:   tvfs2 delete
                     33:   set ::uri_open
                     34: }
                     35: proc parse_uri_open_cb {method file arglist} {
                     36:   set ::uri_open [list $file $arglist]
                     37: }
                     39: proc open_uri_error {uri} {
                     41:   set DB [sqlite3_open_v2 $uri $flags ""]
                     42:   set e [sqlite3_errmsg $DB]
                     43:   sqlite3_close $DB
                     44:   set e
                     45: }
                     47: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-35840-33204 If URI filename interpretation is enabled,
                     48: # and the filename argument begins with "file:", then the filename is
                     49: # interpreted as a URI.
                     50: #
                     51: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-24124-56960 URI filename interpretation is enabled if
                     52: # the SQLITE_OPEN_URI flag is set in the fourth argument to
                     53: # sqlite3_open_v2(), or if it has been enabled globally using the
                     54: # SQLITE_CONFIG_URI option with the sqlite3_config() method or by the
                     55: # SQLITE_USE_URI compile-time option.
                     56: #
                     57: if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
                     58:   set flags [list SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE]
                     60:   # Tests with SQLITE_CONFIG_URI configured to false. URI intepretation is
                     61:   # only enabled if the SQLITE_OPEN_URI flag is specified.
                     62:   sqlite3_shutdown
                     63:   sqlite3_config_uri 0
                     64:   do_test 1.1 {
                     65:     forcedelete file:test.db test.db
                     66:     set DB [sqlite3_open_v2 file:test.db [concat $flags SQLITE_OPEN_URI] ""]
                     67:     list [file exists file:test.db] [file exists test.db]
                     68:   } {0 1}
                     69:   do_test 1.2 {
                     70:     forcedelete file:test.db2 test.db2
                     71:     set STMT [sqlite3_prepare $DB "ATTACH 'file:test.db2' AS aux" -1 dummy]
                     72:     sqlite3_step $STMT
                     73:     sqlite3_finalize $STMT
                     74:     list [file exists file:test.db2] [file exists test.db2]
                     75:   } {0 1}
                     76:   sqlite3_close $DB
                     77:   do_test 1.3 {
                     78:     forcedelete file:test.db test.db
                     79:     set DB [sqlite3_open_v2 file:test.db [concat $flags] ""]
                     80:     list [file exists file:test.db] [file exists test.db]
                     81:   } {1 0}
                     82:   do_test 1.4 {
                     83:     forcedelete file:test.db2 test.db2
                     84:     set STMT [sqlite3_prepare $DB "ATTACH 'file:test.db2' AS aux" -1 dummy]
                     85:     sqlite3_step $STMT
                     86:     sqlite3_finalize $STMT
                     87:     list [file exists file:test.db2] [file exists test.db2]
                     88:   } {1 0}
                     89:   sqlite3_close $DB
                     91:   # Tests with SQLITE_CONFIG_URI configured to true. URI intepretation is
                     92:   # enabled with or without SQLITE_OPEN_URI.
                     93:   #
                     94:   sqlite3_shutdown
                     95:   sqlite3_config_uri 1
                     96:   do_test 1.5 {
                     97:     forcedelete file:test.db test.db
                     98:     set DB [sqlite3_open_v2 file:test.db [concat $flags SQLITE_OPEN_URI] ""]
                     99:     list [file exists file:test.db] [file exists test.db]
                    100:   } {0 1}
                    101:   do_test 1.6 {
                    102:     forcedelete file:test.db2 test.db2
                    103:     set STMT [sqlite3_prepare $DB "ATTACH 'file:test.db2' AS aux" -1 dummy]
                    104:     sqlite3_step $STMT
                    105:     sqlite3_finalize $STMT
                    106:     list [file exists file:test.db2] [file exists test.db2]
                    107:   } {0 1}
                    108:   sqlite3_close $DB
                    109:   do_test 1.7 {
                    110:     forcedelete file:test.db test.db
                    111:     set DB [sqlite3_open_v2 file:test.db [concat $flags] ""]
                    112:     list [file exists file:test.db] [file exists test.db]
                    113:   } {0 1}
                    114:   do_test 1.8 {
                    115:     forcedelete file:test.db2 test.db2
                    116:     set STMT [sqlite3_prepare $DB "ATTACH 'file:test.db2' AS aux" -1 dummy]
                    117:     sqlite3_step $STMT
                    118:     sqlite3_finalize $STMT
                    119:     list [file exists file:test.db2] [file exists test.db2]
                    120:   } {0 1}
                    121:   sqlite3_close $DB
                    122: }
                    124: # ensure uri processing enabled for the rest of the tests
                    125: sqlite3_shutdown
                    126: sqlite3_config_uri 1
                    128: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-17482-00398 If the authority is not an empty string or
                    129: # "localhost", an error is returned to the caller.
                    130: #
                    131: if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
                    132:   set flags [list SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE SQLITE_OPEN_URI]
                    133:   foreach {tn uri error} "
                    134:     1    {file://localhost[pwd]/test.db}     {not an error}
                    135:     2    {file://[pwd]/test.db}              {not an error}
                    136:     3    {file://x[pwd]/test.db}             {invalid uri authority: x}
                    137:     4    {file://invalid[pwd]/test.db}       {invalid uri authority: invalid}
                    138:   " {
                    139:     do_test 2.$tn {
                    140:       set DB [sqlite3_open_v2 $uri $flags ""]
                    141:       set e [sqlite3_errmsg $DB]
                    142:       sqlite3_close $DB
                    143:       set e
                    144:     } $error
                    145:   }
                    146: }
                    148: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-45981-25528 The fragment component of a URI, if
                    149: # present, is ignored.
                    150: #
                    151: #   It is difficult to test that something is ignored correctly. So these tests
                    152: #   just show that adding a fragment does not interfere with the pathname or
                    153: #   parameters passed through to the VFS xOpen() methods.
                    154: #
                    155: foreach {tn uri parse} "
                    156:   1    {file:test.db#abc}     {[pwd]/test.db {}}
                    157:   2    {file:test.db?a=b#abc} {[pwd]/test.db {a b}}
                    158:   3    {file:test.db?a=b#?c=d} {[pwd]/test.db {a b}}
                    159: " {
                    160:   do_filepath_test 3.$tn { parse_uri $uri } $parse
                    161: }
                    163: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-62557-09390 SQLite uses the path component of the URI
                    164: # as the name of the disk file which contains the database.
                    165: #
                    166: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-28659-11035 If the path begins with a '/' character,
                    167: # then it is interpreted as an absolute path.
                    168: #
                    169: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-46234-61323 If the path does not begin with a '/'
                    170: # (meaning that the authority section is omitted from the URI) then the
                    171: # path is interpreted as a relative path.
                    172: #
                    173: foreach {tn uri parse} "
                    174:   1    {file:test.db}             {[pwd]/test.db {}}
                    175:   2    {file:/test.db}            {/test.db {}}
                    176:   3    {file:///test.db}          {/test.db {}}
                    177:   4    {file://localhost/test.db} {/test.db {}}
                    178:   5    {file:/a/b/c/test.db}      {/a/b/c/test.db {}}
                    179: " {
                    180:   do_filepath_test 4.$tn { parse_uri $uri } $parse
                    181: }
                    183: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-01612-30877 The "vfs" parameter may be used to specify
                    184: # the name of a VFS object that provides the operating system interface
                    185: # that should be used to access the database file on disk.
                    186: #
                    187: #   The above is tested by cases 1.* below.
                    188: #
                    189: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-52293-58497 If this option is set to an empty string
                    190: # the default VFS object is used.
                    191: #
                    192: #   The above is tested by cases 2.* below.
                    193: #
                    194: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-31855-18665 If sqlite3_open_v2() is used and the vfs
                    195: # option is present, then the VFS specified by the option takes
                    196: # precedence over the value passed as the fourth parameter to
                    197: # sqlite3_open_v2().
                    198: #
                    199: #   The above is tested by cases 3.* below.
                    200: #
                    201: proc vfs_open_cb {name args} {
                    202:   set ::vfs $name
                    203: }
                    204: foreach {name default} {vfs1 0 vfs2 0 vfs3 1} {
                    205:   testvfs $name -default $default
                    206:   $name filter xOpen
                    207:   $name script [list vfs_open_cb $name]
                    208: }
                    209: foreach {tn uri defvfs vfs} {
                    210:   1.1    "file:test.db?vfs=vfs1"    ""    vfs1
                    211:   1.2    "file:test.db?vfs=vfs2"    ""    vfs2
                    213:   2.1    "file:test.db"             vfs1  vfs1
                    214:   2.2    "file:test.db?vfs="        vfs1  vfs3
                    216:   3.1    "file:test.db?vfs=vfs1"    vfs2  vfs1
                    217:   3.2    "file:test.db?vfs=vfs2"    vfs1  vfs2
                    218:   3.3    "file:test.db?xvfs=vfs1"   vfs2  vfs2
                    219:   3.4    "file:test.db?xvfs=vfs2"   vfs1  vfs1
                    220: } {
                    221:   do_test 5.$tn {
                    222:     set flags [list SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE SQLITE_OPEN_URI]
                    223:     sqlite3_close [
                    224:       sqlite3_open_v2 $uri $flags $defvfs
                    225:     ]
                    226:     set ::vfs
                    227:   } $vfs
                    228: }
                    229: vfs1 delete
                    230: vfs2 delete
                    231: vfs3 delete
                    233: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-48365-36308 Specifying an unknown VFS is an error.
                    234: #
                    235: set flags [list SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE SQLITE_OPEN_URI]
                    236: do_test 6.1 {
                    237:   set DB [sqlite3_open_v2 file:test.db?vfs=nosuchvfs $flags ""]
                    238:   set errmsg [sqlite3_errmsg $DB]
                    239:   sqlite3_close $DB
                    240:   set errmsg
                    241: } {no such vfs: nosuchvfs}
                    244: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-60479-64270 The mode parameter may be set to either
                    245: # "ro", "rw" or "rwc". Attempting to set it to any other value is an
                    246: # error
                    247: #
                    248: sqlite3 db test.db
                    249: db close
                    250: foreach {tn uri error} "
                    251:   1    {file:test.db?mode=ro}    {not an error}
                    252:   2    {file:test.db?mode=rw}    {not an error}
                    253:   3    {file:test.db?mode=rwc}   {not an error}
                    254:   4    {file:test.db?mode=Ro}    {no such access mode: Ro}
                    255:   5    {file:test.db?mode=Rw}    {no such access mode: Rw}
                    256:   6    {file:test.db?mode=Rwc}   {no such access mode: Rwc}
                    257: " {
                    258:   do_test 7.$tn { open_uri_error $uri } $error
                    259: }
                    262: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-09651-31805 If "ro" is specified, then the database is
                    263: # opened for read-only access, just as if the SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY flag
                    264: # had been set in the third argument to sqlite3_prepare_v2().
                    265: #
                    266: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-40137-26050 If the mode option is set to "rw", then the
                    267: # database is opened for read-write (but not create) access, as if
                    268: # SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE (but not SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE) had been set.
                    269: #
                    270: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-26845-32976 Value "rwc" is equivalent to setting both
                    271: # SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE and SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE.
                    272: #
                    273: foreach {tn uri read write create} {
                    274:   1    {file:test.db?mode=ro}     1 0 0
                    275:   2    {file:test.db?mode=rw}     1 1 0
                    276:   3    {file:test.db?mode=rwc}    1 1 1
                    277: } {
                    278:   set RES(c,0) {1 {unable to open database file}}
                    279:   set RES(c,1) {0 {}}
                    280:   set RES(w,0) {1 {attempt to write a readonly database}}
                    281:   set RES(w,1) {0 {}}
                    282:   set RES(r,0) {1 {this never happens}}
                    283:   set RES(r,1) {0 {a b}}
                    285:   # Test CREATE access:
                    286:   forcedelete test.db
                    287:   do_test 8.$tn.c { list [catch { sqlite3 db $uri } msg] $msg } $RES(c,$create)
                    288:   catch { db close }
                    290:   sqlite3 db test.db
                    291:   db eval { CREATE TABLE t1(a, b) ; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('a', 'b') ;}
                    292:   db close
                    294:   # Test READ access:
                    295:   do_test 8.$tn.r { 
                    296:     sqlite3 db $uri
                    297:     catchsql { SELECT * FROM t1 }
                    298:   } $RES(r,$read)
                    300:   # Test WRITE access:
                    301:   do_test 8.$tn.w { 
                    302:     sqlite3 db $uri
                    303:     catchsql { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, 2) }
                    304:   } $RES(w,$write)
                    306:   catch {db close}
                    307: }
                    309: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-56032-32287 If sqlite3_open_v2() is used, it is an
                    310: # error to specify a value for the mode parameter that is less
                    311: # restrictive than that specified by the flags passed as the third
                    312: # parameter.
                    313: #
                    314: forcedelete test.db
                    315: sqlite3 db test.db
                    316: db close
                    317: foreach {tn uri flags error} {
                    318:   1   {file:test.db?mode=ro}   ro    {not an error}
                    319:   2   {file:test.db?mode=ro}   rw    {not an error}
                    320:   3   {file:test.db?mode=ro}   rwc   {not an error}
                    322:   4   {file:test.db?mode=rw}   ro    {access mode not allowed: rw}
                    323:   5   {file:test.db?mode=rw}   rw    {not an error}
                    324:   6   {file:test.db?mode=rw}   rwc   {not an error}
                    326:   7   {file:test.db?mode=rwc}  ro    {access mode not allowed: rwc}
                    327:   8   {file:test.db?mode=rwc}  rw    {access mode not allowed: rwc}
                    328:   9   {file:test.db?mode=rwc}  rwc   {not an error}
                    329: } {
                    330:   set f(ro)  [list SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY SQLITE_OPEN_URI]
                    331:   set f(rw)  [list SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE SQLITE_OPEN_URI]
                    332:   set f(rwc) [list SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE SQLITE_OPEN_URI]
                    334:   set DB [sqlite3_open_v2 $uri $f($flags) ""]
                    335:   set e [sqlite3_errmsg $DB]
                    336:   sqlite3_close $DB
                    338:   do_test 9.$tn { set e } $error
                    339: }
                    341: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-23182-54295 The cache parameter may be set to either
                    342: # "shared" or "private".
                    343: sqlite3 db test.db
                    344: db close
                    345: foreach {tn uri error} "
                    346:   1    {file:test.db?cache=private}    {not an error}
                    347:   2    {file:test.db?cache=shared}     {not an error}
                    348:   3    {file:test.db?cache=yes}        {no such cache mode: yes}
                    349:   4    {file:test.db?cache=}           {no such cache mode: }
                    350: " {
                    351:   do_test 10.$tn { open_uri_error $uri } $error
                    352: }
                    354: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-23027-03515 Setting it to "shared" is equivalent to
                    355: # setting the SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE bit in the flags argument passed
                    356: # to sqlite3_open_v2().
                    357: #
                    358: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-49793-28525 Setting the cache parameter to "private" is
                    359: # equivalent to setting the SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE bit.
                    360: #
                    361: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-19510-48080 If sqlite3_open_v2() is used and the
                    362: # "cache" parameter is present in a URI filename, its value overrides
                    363: # any behaviour requested by setting SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE or
                    364: # SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE flag.
                    365: #
                    366: set orig [sqlite3_enable_shared_cache]
                    367: foreach {tn uri flags shared_default isshared} {
                    368:   1.1   "file:test.db"                  ""         0    0
                    369:   1.2   "file:test.db"                  ""         1    1
                    370:   1.3   "file:test.db"                  private    0    0
                    371:   1.4   "file:test.db"                  private    1    0
                    372:   1.5   "file:test.db"                  shared     0    1
                    373:   1.6   "file:test.db"                  shared     1    1
                    375:   2.1   "file:test.db?cache=private"    ""         0    0
                    376:   2.2   "file:test.db?cache=private"    ""         1    0
                    377:   2.3   "file:test.db?cache=private"    private    0    0
                    378:   2.4   "file:test.db?cache=private"    private    1    0
                    379:   2.5   "file:test.db?cache=private"    shared     0    0
                    380:   2.6   "file:test.db?cache=private"    shared     1    0
                    382:   3.1   "file:test.db?cache=shared"     ""         0    1
                    383:   3.2   "file:test.db?cache=shared"     ""         1    1
                    384:   3.3   "file:test.db?cache=shared"     private    0    1
                    385:   3.4   "file:test.db?cache=shared"     private    1    1
                    386:   3.5   "file:test.db?cache=shared"     shared     0    1
                    387:   3.6   "file:test.db?cache=shared"     shared     1    1
                    388: } {
                    389:   forcedelete test.db
                    390:   sqlite3_enable_shared_cache 1
                    391:   sqlite3 db test.db
                    392:   sqlite3_enable_shared_cache 0
                    394:   db eval {
                    395:     CREATE TABLE t1(x);
                    396:     INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('ok');
                    397:   }
                    399:   unset -nocomplain f
                    400:   set f()        {SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE SQLITE_OPEN_URI}
                    401:   set f(shared)  [concat $f() SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE]
                    402:   set f(private) [concat $f() SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE]
                    404:   sqlite3_enable_shared_cache $shared_default
                    405:   set DB [sqlite3_open_v2 $uri $f($flags) ""]
                    407:   set STMT [sqlite3_prepare $DB "SELECT * FROM t1" -1 dummy]
                    409:   db eval {
                    410:     BEGIN;
                    411:       INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('ko');
                    412:   }
                    414:   sqlite3_step $STMT
                    415:   sqlite3_finalize $STMT
                    417:   set RES(0) {not an error}
                    418:   set RES(1) {database table is locked: t1}
                    420:   do_test 11.$tn { sqlite3_errmsg $DB } $RES($isshared)
                    422:   sqlite3_close $DB
                    423:   db close
                    424: }
                    425: sqlite3_enable_shared_cache $orig
                    427: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-63472-46769 Specifying an unknown parameter in the
                    428: # query component of a URI is not an error.
                    429: #
                    430: do_filepath_test 12.1 {
                    431:   parse_uri file://localhost/test.db?an=unknown&parameter=is&ok=
                    432: } {/test.db {an unknown parameter is ok {}}}
                    433: do_filepath_test 12.2 {
                    434:   parse_uri file://localhost/test.db?an&unknown&parameter&is&ok
                    435: } {/test.db {an {} unknown {} parameter {} is {} ok {}}}
                    437: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-27458-04043 URI hexadecimal escape sequences (%HH) are
                    438: # supported within the path and query components of a URI.
                    439: #
                    440: # EVIDENCE-OF: R-52765-50368 Before the path or query components of a
                    441: # URI filename are interpreted, they are encoded using UTF-8 and all
                    442: # hexadecimal escape sequences replaced by a single byte containing the
                    443: # corresponding octet.
                    444: #
                    445: #   The second of the two statements above is tested by creating a
                    446: #   multi-byte utf-8 character using a sequence of %HH escapes.
                    447: #
                    448: foreach {tn uri parse} "
                    449:   1  {file:/test.%64%62}                             {/test.db {}}
                    450:   2  {file:/test.db?%68%65%6c%6c%6f=%77%6f%72%6c%64} {/test.db {hello world}}
                    451:   3  {file:/%C3%BF.db}                               {/\xFF.db {}}
                    452: " {
                    453:   do_filepath_test 13.$tn { parse_uri $uri } $parse
                    454: }
                    456: finish_test

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