# 2009 January 3 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # # $Id: savepoint6.test,v 2012/02/21 17:04:16 misho Exp $ set testdir [file dirname $argv0] source $testdir/tester.tcl proc sql {zSql} { uplevel db eval [list $zSql] #puts stderr "$zSql ;" } set DATABASE_SCHEMA { PRAGMA auto_vacuum = incremental; CREATE TABLE t1(x, y); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i1 ON t1(x); CREATE INDEX i2 ON t1(y); } if {0==[info exists ::G(savepoint6_iterations)]} { set ::G(savepoint6_iterations) 1000 } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # In memory database state. # # ::lSavepoint is a list containing one entry for each active savepoint. The # first entry in the list corresponds to the most recently opened savepoint. # Each entry consists of two elements: # # 1. The savepoint name. # # 2. A serialized Tcl array representing the contents of table t1 at the # start of the savepoint. The keys of the array are the x values. The # values are the y values. # # Array ::aEntry contains the contents of database table t1. Array keys are # x values, the array data values are y values. # set lSavepoint [list] array set aEntry [list] proc x_to_y {x} { set nChar [expr int(rand()*250) + 250] set str " $nChar [string repeat $x. $nChar]" string range $str 1 $nChar } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Procs to operate on database: # # savepoint NAME # rollback NAME # release NAME # # insert_rows XVALUES # delete_rows XVALUES # proc savepoint {zName} { catch { sql "SAVEPOINT $zName" } lappend ::lSavepoint [list $zName [array get ::aEntry]] } proc rollback {zName} { catch { sql "ROLLBACK TO $zName" } for {set i [expr {[llength $::lSavepoint]-1}]} {$i>=0} {incr i -1} { set zSavepoint [lindex $::lSavepoint $i 0] if {$zSavepoint eq $zName} { unset -nocomplain ::aEntry array set ::aEntry [lindex $::lSavepoint $i 1] if {$i+1 < [llength $::lSavepoint]} { set ::lSavepoint [lreplace $::lSavepoint [expr $i+1] end] } break } } } proc release {zName} { catch { sql "RELEASE $zName" } for {set i [expr {[llength $::lSavepoint]-1}]} {$i>=0} {incr i -1} { set zSavepoint [lindex $::lSavepoint $i 0] if {$zSavepoint eq $zName} { set ::lSavepoint [lreplace $::lSavepoint $i end] break } } if {[llength $::lSavepoint] == 0} { #puts stderr "-- End of transaction!!!!!!!!!!!!!" } } proc insert_rows {lX} { foreach x $lX { set y [x_to_y $x] # Update database [db] sql "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO t1 VALUES($x, '$y')" # Update the Tcl database. set ::aEntry($x) $y } } proc delete_rows {lX} { foreach x $lX { # Update database [db] sql "DELETE FROM t1 WHERE x = $x" # Update the Tcl database. unset -nocomplain ::aEntry($x) } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Proc to compare database content with the in-memory representation. # # checkdb # proc checkdb {} { set nEntry [db one {SELECT count(*) FROM t1}] set nEntry2 [array size ::aEntry] if {$nEntry != $nEntry2} { error "$nEntry entries in database, $nEntry2 entries in array" } db eval {SELECT x, y FROM t1} { if {![info exists ::aEntry($x)]} { error "Entry $x exists in database, but not in array" } if {$::aEntry($x) ne $y} { error "Entry $x is set to {$y} in database, {$::aEntry($x)} in array" } } db eval { PRAGMA integrity_check } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Proc to return random set of x values. # # random_integers # proc random_integers {nRes nRange} { set ret [list] for {set i 0} {$i<$nRes} {incr i} { lappend ret [expr int(rand()*$nRange)] } return $ret } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc database_op {} { set i [expr int(rand()*2)] if {$i==0} { insert_rows [random_integers 100 1000] } if {$i==1} { delete_rows [random_integers 100 1000] set i [expr int(rand()*3)] if {$i==0} { sql {PRAGMA incremental_vacuum} } } } proc savepoint_op {} { set names {one two three four five} set cmds {savepoint savepoint savepoint savepoint release rollback} set C [lindex $cmds [expr int(rand()*6)]] set N [lindex $names [expr int(rand()*5)]] #puts stderr " $C $N ; " #flush stderr $C $N return ok } expr srand(0) ############################################################################ ############################################################################ # Start of test cases. do_test savepoint6-1.1 { sql $DATABASE_SCHEMA } {} do_test savepoint6-1.2 { insert_rows { 497 166 230 355 779 588 394 317 290 475 362 193 805 851 564 763 44 930 389 819 765 760 966 280 538 414 500 18 25 287 320 30 382 751 87 283 981 429 630 974 421 270 810 405 } savepoint one insert_rows 858 delete_rows 930 savepoint two execsql {PRAGMA incremental_vacuum} savepoint three insert_rows 144 rollback three rollback two release one execsql {SELECT count(*) FROM t1} } {44} foreach zSetup [list { set testname normal sqlite3 db test.db } { if {[wal_is_wal_mode]} continue set testname tempdb sqlite3 db "" } { if {[permutation] eq "journaltest"} { continue } set testname nosync sqlite3 db test.db sql { PRAGMA synchronous = off } } { set testname smallcache sqlite3 db test.db sql { PRAGMA cache_size = 10 } }] { unset -nocomplain ::lSavepoint unset -nocomplain ::aEntry catch { db close } forcedelete test.db test.db-wal test.db-journal eval $zSetup sql $DATABASE_SCHEMA wal_set_journal_mode do_test savepoint6-$testname.setup { savepoint one insert_rows [random_integers 100 1000] release one checkdb } {ok} for {set i 0} {$i < $::G(savepoint6_iterations)} {incr i} { do_test savepoint6-$testname.$i.1 { savepoint_op checkdb } {ok} do_test savepoint6-$testname.$i.2 { database_op database_op checkdb } {ok} } wal_check_journal_mode savepoint6-$testname.walok } unset -nocomplain ::lSavepoint unset -nocomplain ::aEntry finish_test