Annotation of embedaddon/strongswan/conf/options/charon.opt, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: charon {}
        !             2:        Options for the charon IKE daemon.
        !             3: 
        !             4:        Options for the charon IKE daemon.
        !             5: 
        !             6:        **Note**: Many of the options in this section also apply to **charon-cmd**
        !             7:        and other **charon** derivatives.  Just use their respective name (e.g.
        !             8:        **charon-cmd** instead of **charon**). For many options defaults can be
        !             9:        defined in the **libstrongswan** section.
        !            10: 
        !            11: charon.accept_private_algs = no
        !            12:        Deliberately violate the IKE standard's requirement and allow the use of
        !            13:        private algorithm identifiers, even if the peer implementation is unknown.
        !            14: 
        !            15: charon.accept_unencrypted_mainmode_messages = no
        !            16:        Accept unencrypted ID and HASH payloads in IKEv1 Main Mode.
        !            17: 
        !            18:        Accept unencrypted ID and HASH payloads in IKEv1 Main Mode.
        !            19: 
        !            20:        Some implementations send the third Main Mode message unencrypted, probably
        !            21:        to find the PSKs for the specified ID for authentication. This is very
        !            22:        similar to Aggressive Mode, and has the same security implications: A
        !            23:        passive attacker can sniff the negotiated Identity, and start brute forcing
        !            24:        the PSK using the HASH payload.
        !            25: 
        !            26:        It is recommended to keep this option to no, unless you know exactly
        !            27:        what the implications are and require compatibility to such devices (for
        !            28:        example, some SonicWall boxes).
        !            29: 
        !            30: charon.block_threshold = 5
        !            31:        Maximum number of half-open IKE_SAs for a single peer IP.
        !            32: 
        !            33: charon.cert_cache = yes
        !            34:        Whether relations in validated certificate chains should be cached in
        !            35:        memory.
        !            36: 
        !            37: charon.cache_crls = no
        !            38:        Whether Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) fetched via HTTP or LDAP should
        !            39:        be saved under a unique file name derived from the public key of the
        !            40:        Certification Authority (CA) to **/etc/ipsec.d/crls** (stroke) or
        !            41:        **/etc/swanctl/x509crl** (vici), respectively.
        !            42: 
        !            43: charon.cisco_unity = no
        !            44:        Send Cisco Unity vendor ID payload (IKEv1 only).
        !            45: 
        !            46: charon.close_ike_on_child_failure = no
        !            47:        Close the IKE_SA if setup of the CHILD_SA along with IKE_AUTH failed.
        !            48: 
        !            49: charon.cookie_threshold = 10
        !            50:        Number of half-open IKE_SAs that activate the cookie mechanism.
        !            51: 
        !            52: charon.crypto_test.bench = no
        !            53:        Benchmark crypto algorithms and order them by efficiency.
        !            54: 
        !            55: charon.crypto_test.bench_size = 1024
        !            56:        Buffer size used for crypto benchmark.
        !            57: 
        !            58: charon.crypto_test.bench_time = 50
        !            59:        Time in ms during which crypto algorithm performance is measured.
        !            60: 
        !            61: charon.crypto_test.on_add = no
        !            62:        Test crypto algorithms during registration (requires test vectors provided
        !            63:        by the _test-vectors_ plugin).
        !            64: 
        !            65: charon.crypto_test.on_create = no
        !            66:        Test crypto algorithms on each crypto primitive instantiation.
        !            67: 
        !            68: charon.crypto_test.required = no
        !            69:        Strictly require at least one test vector to enable an algorithm.
        !            70: 
        !            71: charon.crypto_test.rng_true = no
        !            72:        Whether to test RNG with TRUE quality; requires a lot of entropy.
        !            73: 
        !            74: charon.delete_rekeyed = no
        !            75:        Delete CHILD_SAs right after they got successfully rekeyed (IKEv1 only).
        !            76: 
        !            77:        Delete CHILD_SAs right after they got successfully rekeyed (IKEv1 only).
        !            78:        Reduces the number of stale CHILD_SAs in scenarios with a lot of rekeyings.
        !            79:        However, this might cause problems with implementations that continue to
        !            80:        use rekeyed SAs until they expire.
        !            81: 
        !            82: charon.delete_rekeyed_delay = 5
        !            83:        Delay in seconds until inbound IPsec SAs are deleted after rekeyings (IKEv2
        !            84:        only).
        !            85: 
        !            86:        Delay in seconds until inbound IPsec SAs are deleted after rekeyings (IKEv2
        !            87:        only). To process delayed packets the inbound part of a CHILD_SA is kept
        !            88:        installed up to the configured number of seconds after it got replaced
        !            89:        during a rekeying. If set to 0 the CHILD_SA will be kept installed until it
        !            90:        expires (if no lifetime is set it will be destroyed immediately).
        !            91: 
        !            92: charon.dh_exponent_ansi_x9_42 = yes
        !            93:        Use ANSI X9.42 DH exponent size or optimum size matched to cryptographic
        !            94:        strength.
        !            95: 
        !            96: charon.dlopen_use_rtld_now = no
        !            97:        Use RTLD_NOW with dlopen when loading plugins and IMV/IMCs to reveal missing
        !            98:        symbols immediately.
        !            99: 
        !           100: charon.dns1
        !           101:        DNS server assigned to peer via configuration payload (CP).
        !           102: 
        !           103: charon.dns2
        !           104:        DNS server assigned to peer via configuration payload (CP).
        !           105: 
        !           106: charon.dos_protection = yes
        !           107:        Enable Denial of Service protection using cookies and aggressiveness checks.
        !           108: 
        !           109: charon.ecp_x_coordinate_only = yes
        !           110:        Compliance with the errata for RFC 4753.
        !           111: 
        !           112: charon.flush_auth_cfg = no
        !           113:        Free objects during authentication (might conflict with plugins).
        !           114: 
        !           115:        If enabled objects used during authentication (certificates, identities
        !           116:        etc.) are released to free memory once an IKE_SA is established. Enabling
        !           117:        this might conflict with plugins that later need access to e.g. the used
        !           118:        certificates.
        !           119: 
        !           120: charon.follow_redirects = yes
        !           121:        Whether to follow IKEv2 redirects (RFC 5685).
        !           122: 
        !           123: charon.fragment_size = 1280
        !           124:        Maximum size (complete IP datagram size in bytes) of a sent IKE fragment
        !           125:        when using proprietary IKEv1 or standardized IKEv2 fragmentation, defaults
        !           126:        to 1280 (use 0 for address family specific default values, which uses a
        !           127:        lower value for IPv4).  If specified this limit is used for both IPv4 and
        !           128:        IPv6.
        !           129: 
        !           130:
        !           131:        Name of the group the daemon changes to after startup.
        !           132: 
        !           133: charon.half_open_timeout = 30
        !           134:        Timeout in seconds for connecting IKE_SAs (also see IKE_SA_INIT DROPPING).
        !           135: 
        !           136: charon.hash_and_url = no
        !           137:        Enable hash and URL support.
        !           138: 
        !           139: charon.host_resolver.max_threads = 3
        !           140:        Maximum number of concurrent resolver threads (they are terminated if
        !           141:        unused).
        !           142: 
        !           143: charon.host_resolver.min_threads = 0
        !           144:        Minimum number of resolver threads to keep around.
        !           145: 
        !           146: charon.i_dont_care_about_security_and_use_aggressive_mode_psk = no
        !           147:        Allow IKEv1 Aggressive Mode with pre-shared keys as responder.
        !           148: 
        !           149:        If enabled responders are allowed to use IKEv1 Aggressive Mode with
        !           150:        pre-shared keys, which is discouraged due to security concerns (offline
        !           151:        attacks on the openly transmitted hash of the PSK).
        !           152: 
        !           153: charon.ignore_routing_tables
        !           154:        A space-separated list of routing tables to be excluded from route lookups.
        !           155: 
        !           156: charon.ignore_acquire_ts = no
        !           157:        Whether to ignore the traffic selectors from the kernel's acquire events for
        !           158:        IKEv2 connections (they are not used for IKEv1).
        !           159: 
        !           160:        If this is disabled the traffic selectors from the kernel's acquire events,
        !           161:        which are derived from the triggering packet, are prepended to the traffic
        !           162:        selectors from the configuration for IKEv2 connection. By enabling this,
        !           163:        such specific traffic selectors will be ignored and only the ones in the
        !           164:        config will     be sent. This always happens for IKEv1 connections as the
        !           165:        protocol only supports one set of traffic selectors per CHILD_SA.
        !           166: 
        !           167: charon.ikesa_limit = 0
        !           168:        Maximum number of IKE_SAs that can be established at the same time before
        !           169:        new connection attempts are blocked.
        !           170: 
        !           171: charon.ikesa_table_segments = 1
        !           172:        Number of exclusively locked segments in the hash table.
        !           173: 
        !           174: charon.ikesa_table_size = 1
        !           175:        Size of the IKE_SA hash table.
        !           176: 
        !           177: charon.inactivity_close_ike = no
        !           178:        Whether to close IKE_SA if the only CHILD_SA closed due to inactivity.
        !           179: 
        !           180: charon.init_limit_half_open = 0
        !           181:        Limit new connections based on the current number of half open IKE_SAs, see
        !           182:        IKE_SA_INIT DROPPING in **strongswan.conf**(5).
        !           183: 
        !           184: charon.init_limit_job_load = 0
        !           185:        Limit new connections based on the number of queued jobs.
        !           186: 
        !           187:        Limit new connections based on the number of jobs currently queued for
        !           188:        processing (see IKE_SA_INIT DROPPING).
        !           189: 
        !           190: charon.initiator_only = no
        !           191:        Causes charon daemon to ignore IKE initiation requests.
        !           192: 
        !           193: charon.install_routes = yes
        !           194:        Install routes into a separate routing table for established IPsec tunnels.
        !           195: 
        !           196: charon.install_virtual_ip = yes
        !           197:        Install virtual IP addresses.
        !           198: 
        !           199: charon.install_virtual_ip_on
        !           200:        The name of the interface on which virtual IP addresses should be installed.
        !           201: 
        !           202:        The name of the interface on which virtual IP addresses should be installed.
        !           203:        If not specified the addresses will be installed on the outbound interface.
        !           204: 
        !           205: charon.integrity_test = no
        !           206:        Check daemon, libstrongswan and plugin integrity at startup.
        !           207: 
        !           208: charon.interfaces_ignore
        !           209:        A comma-separated list of network interfaces that should be ignored, if
        !           210:        **interfaces_use** is specified this option has no effect.
        !           211: 
        !           212: charon.interfaces_use
        !           213:        A comma-separated list of network interfaces that should be used by charon.
        !           214:        All other interfaces are ignored.
        !           215: 
        !           216: charon.keep_alive = 20s
        !           217:        NAT keep alive interval.
        !           218: 
        !           219: charon.leak_detective.detailed = yes
        !           220:        Includes source file names and line numbers in leak detective output.
        !           221: 
        !           222: charon.leak_detective.usage_threshold = 10240
        !           223:        Threshold in bytes for leaks to be reported (0 to report all).
        !           224: 
        !           225: charon.leak_detective.usage_threshold_count = 0
        !           226:        Threshold in number of allocations for leaks to be reported (0 to report
        !           227:        all).
        !           228: 
        !           229: charon.load
        !           230:        Plugins to load in the IKE daemon charon.
        !           231: 
        !           232: charon.load_modular = no
        !           233:        Determine plugins to load via each plugin's load option.
        !           234: 
        !           235:        If enabled, the list of plugins to load is determined via the value of the
        !           236:        _charon.plugins.<name>.load_ options.  In addition to a simple boolean flag
        !           237:        that option may take an integer value indicating the priority of a plugin,
        !           238:        which would influence the order of a plugin in the plugin list (the default
        !           239:        is 1). If two plugins have the same priority their order in the default
        !           240:        plugin list is preserved. Enabled plugins not found in that list are ordered
        !           241:        alphabetically before other plugins with the same priority.
        !           242: 
        !           243: charon.max_ikev1_exchanges = 3
        !           244:        Maximum number of IKEv1 phase 2 exchanges per IKE_SA to keep state about and
        !           245:        track concurrently.
        !           246: 
        !           247: charon.max_packet = 10000
        !           248:        Maximum packet size accepted by charon.
        !           249: 
        !           250: charon.make_before_break = no
        !           251:        Initiate IKEv2 reauthentication with a make-before-break scheme.
        !           252: 
        !           253:        Initiate IKEv2 reauthentication with a make-before-break instead of a
        !           254:        break-before-make scheme. Make-before-break uses overlapping IKE and
        !           255:        CHILD_SA during reauthentication by first recreating all new SAs before
        !           256:        deleting the old ones. This behavior can be beneficial to avoid connectivity
        !           257:        gaps during reauthentication, but requires support for overlapping SAs by
        !           258:        the peer. strongSwan can handle such overlapping SAs since version 5.3.0.
        !           259: 
        !           260: charon.multiple_authentication = yes
        !           261:        Enable multiple authentication exchanges (RFC 4739).
        !           262: 
        !           263: charon.nbns1
        !           264:        WINS servers assigned to peer via configuration payload (CP).
        !           265: 
        !           266: charon.nbns2
        !           267:        WINS servers assigned to peer via configuration payload (CP).
        !           268: 
        !           269: charon.port = 500
        !           270:        UDP port used locally. If set to 0 a random port will be allocated.
        !           271: 
        !           272: charon.port_nat_t = 4500
        !           273:        UDP port used locally in case of NAT-T. If set to 0 a random port will be
        !           274:        allocated.  Has to be different from **charon.port**, otherwise a random
        !           275:        port will be allocated.
        !           276: 
        !           277: charon.prefer_best_path = no
        !           278:        Whether to prefer updating SAs to the path with the best route.
        !           279: 
        !           280:        By default, charon keeps SAs on the routing path with addresses it
        !           281:        previously used if that path is still usable. By setting this option to
        !           282:        yes, it tries more aggressively to update SAs with MOBIKE on routing
        !           283:        priority changes using the cheapest path. This adds more noise, but allows
        !           284:        to dynamically adapt SAs to routing priority changes. This option has no
        !           285:        effect if MOBIKE is not supported or disabled.
        !           286: 
        !           287: charon.prefer_configured_proposals = yes
        !           288:        Prefer locally configured proposals for IKE/IPsec over supplied ones as
        !           289:        responder (disabling this can avoid keying retries due to INVALID_KE_PAYLOAD
        !           290:        notifies).
        !           291: 
        !           292: charon.prefer_temporary_addrs = no
        !           293:        Controls whether permanent or temporary IPv6 addresses are used as source,
        !           294:        or announced as additional addresses if MOBIKE is used.
        !           295: 
        !           296:        By default, permanent IPv6 source addresses are preferred over temporary
        !           297:        ones (RFC 4941), to make connections more stable. Enable this option to
        !           298:        reverse this.
        !           299: 
        !           300:        It also affects which IPv6 addresses are announced as additional addresses
        !           301:        if MOBIKE is used.  If the option is disabled, only permanent addresses are
        !           302:        sent, and only temporary ones if it is enabled.
        !           303: 
        !           304: charon.process_route = yes
        !           305:        Process RTM_NEWROUTE and RTM_DELROUTE events.
        !           306: 
        !           307: charon.processor.priority_threads {}
        !           308:        Section to configure the number of reserved threads per priority class
        !           309:        see JOB PRIORITY MANAGEMENT in **strongswan.conf**(5).
        !           310: 
        !           311: charon.rdn_matching = strict
        !           312:        How RDNs in subject DNs of certificates are matched against configured
        !           313:        identities (_strict_, _reordered_, or _relaxed_).
        !           314: 
        !           315:        How RDNs in subject DNs of certificates are matched against configured
        !           316:        identities. Possible values are _strict_ (the default), _reordered_, and
        !           317:        _relaxed_. With _strict_ the number, type and order of all RDNs has to
        !           318:        match, wildcards (*) for the values of RDNs are allowed (that's the case
        !           319:        for all three variants). Using _reordered_ also matches DNs if the RDNs
        !           320:        appear in a different order, the number and type still has to match.
        !           321:        Finally, _relaxed_ also allows matches of DNs that contain more RDNs than
        !           322:        the configured identity (missing RDNs are treated like a wildcard match).
        !           323: 
        !           324:        Note that _reordered_ and _relaxed_ impose a considerable overhead on memory
        !           325:        usage and runtime, in particular, for mismatches, compared to _strict_.
        !           326: 
        !           327: charon.receive_delay = 0
        !           328:        Delay in ms for receiving packets, to simulate larger RTT.
        !           329: 
        !           330: charon.receive_delay_response = yes
        !           331:        Delay response messages.
        !           332: 
        !           333: charon.receive_delay_request = yes
        !           334:        Delay request messages.
        !           335: 
        !           336: charon.receive_delay_type = 0
        !           337:        Specific IKEv2 message type to delay, 0 for any.
        !           338: 
        !           339: charon.replay_window = 32
        !           340:        Size of the AH/ESP replay window, in packets.
        !           341: 
        !           342: charon.retransmit_base = 1.8
        !           343:        Base to use for calculating exponential back off, see IKEv2 RETRANSMISSION
        !           344:        in **strongswan.conf**(5).
        !           345: 
        !           346: charon.retransmit_timeout = 4.0
        !           347:        Timeout in seconds before sending first retransmit.
        !           348: 
        !           349: charon.retransmit_tries = 5
        !           350:        Number of times to retransmit a packet before giving up.
        !           351: 
        !           352: charon.retransmit_jitter = 0
        !           353:        Maximum jitter in percent to apply randomly to calculated retransmission
        !           354:        timeout (0 to disable).
        !           355: 
        !           356: charon.retransmit_limit = 0
        !           357:        Upper limit in seconds for calculated retransmission timeout (0 to disable).
        !           358: 
        !           359: charon.retry_initiate_interval = 0
        !           360:        Interval in seconds to use when retrying to initiate an IKE_SA (e.g. if DNS
        !           361:        resolution failed), 0 to disable retries.
        !           362: 
        !           363: charon.reuse_ikesa = yes
        !           364:        Initiate CHILD_SA within existing IKE_SAs (always enabled for IKEv1).
        !           365: 
        !           366: charon.routing_table
        !           367:        Numerical routing table to install routes to.
        !           368: 
        !           369: charon.routing_table_prio
        !           370:        Priority of the routing table.
        !           371: 
        !           372: charon.rsa_pss = no
        !           373:        Whether to use RSA with PSS padding instead of PKCS#1 padding by default.
        !           374: 
        !           375: charon.send_delay = 0
        !           376:        Delay in ms for sending packets, to simulate larger RTT.
        !           377: 
        !           378: charon.send_delay_response = yes
        !           379:        Delay response messages.
        !           380: 
        !           381: charon.send_delay_request = yes
        !           382:        Delay request messages.
        !           383: 
        !           384: charon.send_delay_type = 0
        !           385:        Specific IKEv2 message type to delay, 0 for any.
        !           386: 
        !           387: charon.send_vendor_id = no
        !           388:        Send strongSwan vendor ID payload
        !           389: 
        !           390: charon.signature_authentication = yes
        !           391:        Whether to enable Signature Authentication as per RFC 7427.
        !           392: 
        !           393: charon.signature_authentication_constraints = yes
        !           394:        Whether to enable constraints against IKEv2 signature schemes.
        !           395: 
        !           396:        If enabled, signature schemes configured in _rightauth_, in addition to
        !           397:        getting used as constraints against signature schemes employed in the
        !           398:        certificate chain, are also used as constraints against the signature scheme
        !           399:        used by peers during IKEv2.
        !           400: 
        !           401: charon.spi_label = 0x0000000000000000
        !           402:        Value mixed into the local IKE SPIs after applying _spi_mask_.
        !           403: 
        !           404: charon.spi_mask = 0x0000000000000000
        !           405:        Mask applied to local IKE SPIs before mixing in _spi_label_ (bits set will
        !           406:        be replaced with _spi_label_).
        !           407: 
        !           408: charon.spi_min = 0xc0000000
        !           409:        The lower limit for SPIs requested from the kernel for IPsec SAs.
        !           410: 
        !           411:        The lower limit for SPIs requested from the kernel for IPsec SAs. Should not
        !           412:        be set lower than 0x00000100 (256), as SPIs between 1 and 255 are reserved
        !           413:        by IANA.
        !           414: 
        !           415: charon.spi_max = 0xcfffffff
        !           416:        The upper limit for SPIs requested from the kernel for IPsec SAs.
        !           417: 
        !           418: charon.start-scripts {}
        !           419:        Section containing a list of scripts (name = path) that are executed when
        !           420:        the daemon is started.
        !           421: 
        !           422: charon.stop-scripts {}
        !           423:        Section containing a list of scripts (name = path) that are executed when
        !           424:        the daemon is terminated.
        !           425: 
        !           426: charon.threads = 16
        !           427:        Number of worker threads in charon.
        !           428: 
        !           429:        Number of worker threads in charon. Several of these are reserved for long
        !           430:        running tasks in internal modules and plugins. Therefore, make sure you
        !           431:        don't set this value too low. The number of idle worker threads listed in
        !           432:        _ipsec statusall_ might be used as indicator on the number of reserved
        !           433:        threads.
        !           434: 
        !           435: charon.tls.cipher
        !           436:        List of TLS encryption ciphers.
        !           437: 
        !           438: charon.tls.key_exchange
        !           439:        List of TLS key exchange methods.
        !           440: 
        !           441: charon.tls.mac
        !           442:        List of TLS MAC algorithms.
        !           443: 
        !           444: charon.tls.suites
        !           445:        List of TLS cipher suites.
        !           446: 
        !           447: charon.user
        !           448:        Name of the user the daemon changes to after startup.
        !           449: 
        !           450: charon.x509.enforce_critical = yes
        !           451:        Discard certificates with unsupported or unknown critical extensions.

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