* Copyright (C) 2010 Martin Willi
* Copyright (C) 2010 revosec AG
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. See <http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.txt>.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "hook.h"
#include <encoding/payloads/unknown_payload.h>
typedef struct private_set_critical_t private_set_critical_t;
* Private data of an set_critical_t object.
struct private_set_critical_t {
* Implements the hook_t interface.
hook_t hook;
* Alter requests or responses?
bool req;
* ID of message to alter.
int id;
* Payload types, space separated
char *payloads;
METHOD(listener_t, message, bool,
private_set_critical_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa, message_t *message,
bool incoming, bool plain)
if (!incoming && plain &&
message->get_request(message) == this->req &&
message->get_message_id(message) == this->id)
enumerator_t *msg, *types;
payload_t *payload;
payload_type_t type;
bool *critical;
char *name;
types = enumerator_create_token(this->payloads, " ", "");
while (types->enumerate(types, &name))
type = atoi(name);
if (!type)
if (!enum_from_name(payload_type_short_names, name, &type))
DBG1(DBG_CFG, "invalid payload name '%s'", name);
msg = message->create_payload_enumerator(message);
while (msg->enumerate(msg, &payload))
if (type == payload->get_type(payload))
critical = payload_get_field(payload, FLAG, 0);
if (critical)
*critical = TRUE;
return TRUE;
METHOD(hook_t, destroy, void,
private_set_critical_t *this)
* Create the IKE_AUTH fill hook
hook_t *set_critical_hook_create(char *name)
private_set_critical_t *this;
.hook = {
.listener = {
.message = _message,
.destroy = _destroy,
.req = conftest->test->get_bool(conftest->test,
"hooks.%s.request", TRUE, name),
.id = conftest->test->get_int(conftest->test,
"hooks.%s.id", 0, name),
.payloads = conftest->test->get_str(conftest->test,
"hooks.%s.payloads", "", name),
return &this->hook;
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