Annotation of embedaddon/strongswan/src/ipsec/_ipsec.8, revision

1.1       misho       1: .TH IPSEC 8 "2013-10-29" "5.7.2dr1" "strongSwan"
                      2: .
                      3: .SH NAME
                      4: .
                      5: ipsec \- invoke IPsec utilities
                      6: .
                      7: .SH SYNOPSIS
                      8: .
                      9: .SY ipsec
                     10: .I command
                     11: .RI [ arguments ]
                     12: .RI [ options ]
                     13: .YS
                     14: .
                     15: .SH DESCRIPTION
                     16: .
                     17: The
                     18: .B ipsec
                     19: utility invokes any of several utilities involved in controlling and monitoring
                     20: the IPsec encryption/authentication system, running the specified \fIcommand\fP
                     21: with the specified \fIarguments\fP and \fIoptions\fP as if it had been invoked
                     22: directly. This largely eliminates possible name collisions with other software,
                     23: and also permits some centralized services.
                     24: .P
                     25: All the commands described in this manual page are built-in and are used to
                     26: control and monitor IPsec connections as well as the IKE daemon.
                     27: .P
                     28: For other commands
                     29: .I ipsec
                     30: supplies the invoked
                     31: .I command
                     32: with a suitable PATH environment variable,
                     33: and also provides the environment variables listed under
                     34: .IR ENVIRONMENT .
                     35: .
                     36: .SS CONTROL COMMANDS
                     37: .
                     38: .TP
                     39: .BI "start [" "starter options" ]
                     40: calls
                     41: .B "starter"
                     42: which in turn parses \fIipsec.conf\fR and starts the IKE daemon \fIcharon\fR.
                     43: .
                     44: .TP
                     45: .B "update"
                     46: sends a \fIHUP\fR signal to
                     47: .BR "starter"
                     48: which in turn determines any changes in \fIipsec.conf\fR
                     49: and updates the configuration on the running IKE daemon \fIcharon\fR.
                     50: .
                     51: .TP
                     52: .B "reload"
                     53: sends a \fIUSR1\fR signal to
                     54: .BR "starter"
                     55: which in turn reloads the whole configuration of the running IKE daemon
                     56: \fIcharon\fR based on the actual \fIipsec.conf\fR.
                     57: .
                     58: .TP
                     59: .B "restart"
                     60: is equivalent to
                     61: .B "stop"
                     62: followed by
                     63: .B "start"
                     64: after a guard of 2 seconds.
                     65: .
                     66: .TP
                     67: .B "stop"
                     68: terminates all IPsec connections and stops the IKE daemon \fIcharon\fR
                     69: by sending a \fITERM\fR signal to
                     70: .BR "starter".
                     71: .
                     72: .TP
                     73: .BI "up " name
                     74: tells the IKE daemon to start up connection \fIname\fP.
                     75: .
                     76: .TP
                     77: .BI "down " name
                     78: tells the IKE daemon to terminate connection \fIname\fP.
                     79: .
                     80: .TP
                     81: .BI "down " name{n}
                     82: terminates IKEv1 Quick Mode and IKEv2 CHILD SA instance \fIn\fP of
                     83: connection \fIname\fP.
                     84: .
                     85: .TP
                     86: .BI "down " name{*}
                     87: terminates all IKEv1 Quick Mode and  IKEv2 CHILD SA instances of connection
                     88: \fIname\fP.
                     89: .
                     90: .TP
                     91: .BI "down " name[n]
                     92: terminates IKE SA instance \fIn\fP of connection \fIname\fP.
                     93: .
                     94: .TP
                     95: .BI "down " name[*]
                     96: terminates all IKE SA instances of connection \fIname\fP.
                     97: .
                     98: .TP
                     99: .BI "down-srcip <" start "> [<" end ">]"
                    100: terminates all IKE SA instances with clients having virtual IPs in the range
                    101: .IR start - end .
                    102: .
                    103: .TP
                    104: .BI "route " name
                    105: tells the IKE daemon to insert an IPsec policy in the kernel
                    106: for connection \fIname\fP. The first payload packet matching the IPsec policy
                    107: will automatically trigger an IKE connection setup.
                    108: .
                    109: .TP
                    110: .BI "unroute " name
                    111: remove the IPsec policy in the kernel for connection \fIname\fP.
                    112: .
                    113: .TP
                    114: .BI "status [" name ]
                    115: returns concise status information either on connection
                    116: \fIname\fP or if the argument is lacking, on all connections.
                    117: .
                    118: .TP
                    119: .BI "statusall [" name ]
                    120: returns detailed status information either on connection
                    121: \fIname\fP or if the argument is lacking, on all connections.
                    122: .
                    123: .SS LIST COMMANDS
                    124: .
                    125: .TP
                    126: .BI "leases [<" poolname "> [<" address ">]]"
                    127: returns the status of all or the selected IP address pool (or even a single
                    128: virtual IP address).
                    129: .
                    130: .TP
                    131: .B "listalgs"
                    132: returns a list supported cryptographic algorithms usable for IKE, and their
                    133: corresponding plugin.
                    134: .
                    135: .TP
                    136: .BI "listpubkeys [" --utc ]
                    137: returns a list of RSA public keys that were either loaded in raw key format
                    138: or extracted from X.509 and|or OpenPGP certificates.
                    139: .
                    140: .TP
                    141: .BI "listcerts [" --utc ]
                    142: returns a list of X.509 and|or OpenPGP certificates that were either loaded
                    143: locally by the IKE daemon or received via the IKE protocol.
                    144: .
                    145: .TP
                    146: .BI "listcacerts [" --utc ]
                    147: returns a list of X.509 Certification Authority (CA) certificates that were
                    148: loaded locally by the IKE daemon from the \fI/etc/ipsec.d/cacerts/\fP
                    149: directory or received via the IKE protocol.
                    150: .
                    151: .TP
                    152: .BI "listaacerts [" --utc ]
                    153: returns a list of X.509 Authorization Authority (AA) certificates that were
                    154: loaded locally by the IKE daemon from the \fI/etc/ipsec.d/aacerts/\fP
                    155: directory.
                    156: .
                    157: .TP
                    158: .BI "listocspcerts [" --utc ]
                    159: returns a list of X.509 OCSP Signer certificates that were either loaded
                    160: locally by the IKE daemon from the \fI/etc/ipsec.d/ocspcerts/\fP
                    161: directory or were sent by an OCSP server.
                    162: .
                    163: .TP
                    164: .BI "listacerts [" --utc ]
                    165: returns a list of X.509 Attribute certificates that were loaded locally by
                    166: the IKE daemon from the \fI/etc/ipsec.d/acerts/\fP directory.
                    167: .
                    168: .TP
                    169: .BI "listgroups [" --utc ]
                    170: returns a list of groups that are used to define user authorization profiles.
                    171: .
                    172: .TP
                    173: .BI "listcainfos [" --utc ]
                    174: returns certification authority information (CRL distribution points, OCSP URIs,
                    175: LDAP servers) that were defined by
                    176: .BR ca
                    177: sections in \fIipsec.conf\fP.
                    178: .
                    179: .TP
                    180: .BI "listcrls [" --utc ]
                    181: returns a list of Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) that were either loaded
                    182: by the IKE daemon from the \fI/etc/ipsec.d/crls\fP directory or fetched from
                    183: an HTTP- or LDAP-based CRL distribution point.
                    184: .
                    185: .TP
                    186: .BI "listocsp [" --utc ]
                    187: returns revocation information fetched from OCSP servers.
                    188: .
                    189: .TP
                    190: .BI "listplugins"
                    191: returns a list of all loaded plugin features.
                    192: .
                    193: .TP
                    194: .BI "listcounters [" name ]
                    195: returns a list of global or connection specific IKE counter values
                    196: collected since daemon startup.
                    197: .
                    198: .TP
                    199: .BI "listall [" --utc ]
                    200: returns all information generated by the list commands above. Each list command
                    201: can be called with the
                    202: \fB\-\-utc\fP
                    203: option which displays all dates in UTC instead of local time.
                    204: .
                    205: .SS REREAD COMMANDS
                    206: .
                    207: .TP
                    208: .B "rereadsecrets"
                    209: flushes and rereads all secrets defined in \fIipsec.secrets\fP.
                    210: .
                    211: .TP
                    212: .B "rereadcacerts"
                    213: removes previously loaded CA certificates, reads all certificate files
                    214: contained in the \fI/etc/ipsec.d/cacerts\fP directory and adds them to the list
                    215: of Certification Authority (CA) certificates. This does not affect certificates
                    216: explicitly defined in a
                    217: .BR ipsec.conf (5)
                    218: ca section, which may be separately updated using the \fBupdate\fP command.
                    219: .
                    220: .TP
                    221: .B "rereadaacerts"
                    222: removes previously loaded AA certificates, reads all certificate files
                    223: contained in the \fI/etc/ipsec.d/aacerts\fP directory and adds them to the list
                    224: of Authorization Authority (AA) certificates.
                    225: .
                    226: .TP
                    227: .B "rereadocspcerts"
                    228: reads all certificate files contained in the \fI/etc/ipsec.d/ocspcerts/\fP
                    229: directory and adds them to the list of OCSP signer certificates.
                    230: .
                    231: .TP
                    232: .B "rereadacerts"
                    233: reads all certificate files contained in the  \fI/etc/ipsec.d/acerts/\fP
                    234: directory and adds them to the list of attribute certificates.
                    235: .
                    236: .TP
                    237: .B "rereadcrls"
                    238: reads  all Certificate  Revocation Lists (CRLs) contained in the
                    239: \fI/etc/ipsec.d/crls/\fP directory and adds them to the list of CRLs.
                    240: .
                    241: .TP
                    242: .B "rereadall"
                    243: executes all reread commands listed above.
                    244: .
                    245: .SS RESET COMMANDS
                    246: .
                    247: .TP
                    248: .BI "resetcounters [" name ]
                    249: resets global or connection specific counters.
                    250: .
                    251: .SS PURGE COMMANDS
                    252: .
                    253: .TP
                    254: .B "purgecerts"
                    255: purges all cached certificates.
                    256: .
                    257: .TP
                    258: .B "purgecrls"
                    259: purges all cached CRLs.
                    260: .
                    261: .TP
                    262: .B "purgeike"
                    263: purges IKE SAs that don't have a Quick Mode or CHILD SA.
                    264: .
                    265: .TP
                    266: .B "purgeocsp"
                    267: purges all cached OCSP information records.
                    268: .
                    269: .SS INFO COMMANDS
                    270: .
                    271: .TP
                    272: .B "\-\-help"
                    273: returns the usage information for the
                    274: .B ipsec
                    275: command.
                    276: .
                    277: .TP
                    278: .B "\-\-version"
                    279: returns the version in the form of
                    280: .B Linux strongSwan U<strongSwan userland version>/K<Linux kernel version>
                    281: if strongSwan uses the native NETKEY IPsec stack of the Linux kernel it is
                    282: running on.
                    283: .
                    284: .TP
                    285: .B "\-\-versioncode"
                    286: returns the version number in the form of
                    287: .B U<strongSwan userland version>/K<Linux kernel version>
                    288: if strongSwan uses the native NETKEY IPsec stack of the Linux kernel it is
                    289: running on.
                    290: .
                    291: .TP
                    292: .B "\-\-copyright"
                    293: returns the copyright information.
                    294: .
                    295: .TP
                    296: .B "\-\-directory"
                    297: returns the \fILIBEXECDIR\fP directory as defined by the configure options.
                    298: .
                    299: .TP
                    300: .B "\-\-confdir"
                    301: returns the \fISYSCONFDIR\fP directory as defined by the configure options.
                    302: .
                    303: .TP
                    304: .B "\-\-piddir"
                    305: returns the \fIPIDDIR\fP directory as defined by the configure options.
                    306: .
                    307: .SH FILES
                    308: .
                    309: /usr/libexec/ipsec             utilities directory
                    310: .
                    311: .SH ENVIRONMENT
                    312: .
                    313: When calling other commands the
                    314: .B ipsec
                    315: command supplies the following environment variables.
                    316: .nf
                    317: .na
                    319: IPSEC_DIR               directory containing ipsec programs and utilities
                    320: IPSEC_BINDIR            directory containing \fBpki\fP command
                    321: IPSEC_SBINDIR           directory containing \fBipsec\fP command
                    322: IPSEC_CONFDIR           directory containing configuration files
                    323: IPSEC_PIDDIR            directory containing PID/socket files
                    324: IPSEC_SCRIPT            name of the ipsec script
                    325: IPSEC_NAME              name of ipsec distribution
                    326: IPSEC_VERSION           version number of ipsec userland and kernel
                    327: IPSEC_STARTER_PID       PID file for ipsec starter
                    328: IPSEC_CHARON_PID        PID file for IKE keying daemon
                    329: .ad
                    330: .fi
                    331: .
                    332: .SH SEE ALSO
                    333: .
                    334: .BR ipsec.conf (5),
                    335: .BR ipsec.secrets (5)
                    336: .
                    337: .SH HISTORY
                    338: Originally written for the FreeS/WAN project by Henry Spencer.
                    339: Updated and extended for the strongSwan project <> by
                    340: Tobias Brunner and Andreas Steffen.

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