Annotation of embedaddon/strongswan/src/libcharon/sa/ike_sa_manager.h, revision

1.1       misho       1: /* ! misho       2:  * Copyright (C) 2008-2021 Tobias Brunner
1.1       misho       3:  * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Martin Willi
                      4:  * Copyright (C) 2005 Jan Hutter
                      5:  * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
                      6:  *
                      7:  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
                      8:  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
                      9:  * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
                     10:  * option) any later version.  See <>.
                     11:  *
                     12:  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
                     13:  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
                     14:  * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
                     15:  * for more details.
                     16:  */
                     18: /**
                     19:  * @defgroup ike_sa_manager ike_sa_manager
                     20:  * @{ @ingroup sa
                     21:  */
                     23: #ifndef IKE_SA_MANAGER_H_
                     24: #define IKE_SA_MANAGER_H_
                     26: typedef struct ike_sa_manager_t ike_sa_manager_t;
                     28: #include <library.h>
                     29: #include <sa/ike_sa.h>
                     30: #include <encoding/message.h>
                     31: #include <config/peer_cfg.h>
                     33: /**
                     34:  * Callback called to generate an IKE SPI.
                     35:  *
                     36:  * This may be called from multiple threads concurrently.
                     37:  *
                     38:  * @param data         data supplied during registration of the callback
                     39:  * @return                     allocated SPI, 0 on failure
                     40:  */
                     41: typedef uint64_t (*spi_cb_t)(void *data);
                     43: /**
                     44:  * Manages and synchronizes access to all IKE_SAs.
                     45:  *
                     46:  * To synchronize access to thread-unsave IKE_SAs, they are checked out for
                     47:  * use and checked in afterwards. A checked out SA is exclusively accessible
                     48:  * by the owning thread.
                     49:  */
                     50: struct ike_sa_manager_t {
                     52:        /** ! misho      53:         * Create a new IKE_SA.
        !            54:         *
        !            55:         * @param version                       IKE version of this SA
        !            56:         * @param initiator                     TRUE for initiator, FALSE otherwise
        !            57:         * @returns                             created IKE_SA (not registered/checked out)
        !            58:         */
        !            59:        ike_sa_t *(*create_new)(ike_sa_manager_t* this, ike_version_t version,
        !            60:                                                        bool initiator);
        !            61: 
        !            62:        /**
        !            63:         * Register/checkout an IKE_SA created with create_new().
        !            64:         *
        !            65:         * This may be used shortly before calling checkin() for unregistered SAs
        !            66:         * created via create_new() to avoid race conditions so e.g. jobs may
        !            67:         * find the SA and block on it until checkin() is called.
        !            68:         *
        !            69:         * @note There is no check that verifies that the IKE_SA is not yet
        !            70:         * registered.
        !            71:         *
        !            72:         * @note The IKE_SA on the bus is not changed by this method.
        !            73:         *
        !            74:         * @param ike_sa                        IKE_SA to register
        !            75:         */
        !            76:        void (*checkout_new)(ike_sa_manager_t* this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa);
        !            77: 
        !            78:        /**
1.1       misho      79:         * Checkout an existing IKE_SA.
                     80:         *
                     81:         * @param ike_sa_id                     the SA identifier, will be updated
                     82:         * @returns
                     83:         *                                                      - checked out IKE_SA if found
                     84:         *                                                      - NULL, if specified IKE_SA is not found.
                     85:         */
                     86:        ike_sa_t* (*checkout) (ike_sa_manager_t* this, ike_sa_id_t *sa_id);
                     88:        /**
                     89:         * Checkout an IKE_SA by a message.
                     90:         *
                     91:         * In some situations, it is necessary that the manager knows the
                     92:         * message to use for the checkout. This has the following reasons:
                     93:         *
                     94:         * 1. If the targeted IKE_SA is already processing a message, we do not
                     95:         *    check it out if the message ID is the same.
                     96:         * 2. If it is an IKE_SA_INIT request, we have to check if it is a
                     97:         *    retransmission. If so, we have to drop the message, we would
                     98:         *    create another unneeded IKE_SA for each retransmitted packet.
                     99:         *
                    100:         * A call to checkout_by_message() returns a (maybe new created) IKE_SA.
                    101:         * If processing the message does not make sense (for the reasons above),
                    102:         * NULL is returned.
                    103:         *
                    104:         * @param ike_sa_id                     the SA identifier, will be updated
                    105:         * @returns
                    106:         *                                                      - checked out/created IKE_SA
                    107:         *                                                      - NULL to not process message further
                    108:         */
                    109:        ike_sa_t* (*checkout_by_message) (ike_sa_manager_t* this, message_t *message);
                    111:        /**
                    112:         * Checkout an IKE_SA for initiation by a peer_config.
                    113:         *
                    114:         * To initiate, a CHILD_SA may be established within an existing IKE_SA.
                    115:         * This call checks for an existing IKE_SA by comparing the configuration.
                    116:         * If the CHILD_SA can be created in an existing IKE_SA, the matching SA
                    117:         * is returned. ! misho     118:         * If no IKE_SA is found, a new one is created and registered in the
        !           119:         * manager. This is also the case when the found IKE_SA is in an unusable
        !           120:         * state (e.g. DELETING).
        !           121:         *
        !           122:         * @note The peer_config is always set on the returned IKE_SA.
1.1       misho     123:         *
                    124:         * @param peer_cfg                      configuration used to find an existing IKE_SA
                    125:         * @return                                      checked out/created IKE_SA
                    126:         */ ! misho     127:        ike_sa_t *(*checkout_by_config)(ike_sa_manager_t* this, peer_cfg_t *peer_cfg);
1.1       misho     128: 
                    129:        /**
                    130:         * Reset initiator SPI.
                    131:         *
                    132:         * Allocate a new initiator SPI for the given IKE_SA in state IKE_CONNECTING
                    133:         * and update internal data.
                    134:         *
                    135:         * @param ike_sa                        IKE_SA to update
                    136:         * @return                                      TRUE if SPI successfully changed
                    137:         */
                    138:        bool (*new_initiator_spi)(ike_sa_manager_t* this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa);
                    140:        /**
                    141:         * Check for duplicates of the given IKE_SA.
                    142:         *
                    143:         * Measures are taken according to the uniqueness policy of the IKE_SA.
                    144:         * The return value indicates whether duplicates have been found and if
                    145:         * further measures should be taken (e.g. cancelling an IKE_AUTH exchange).
                    146:         * check_uniqueness() must be called before the IKE_SA is complete,
                    147:         * deadlocks occur otherwise.
                    148:         *
                    149:         * @param ike_sa                        ike_sa to check
                    150:         * @param force_replace         replace existing SAs, regardless of unique policy
                    151:         * @return                                      TRUE, if the given IKE_SA has duplicates and
                    152:         *                                                      should be deleted
                    153:         */
                    154:        bool (*check_uniqueness)(ike_sa_manager_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa,
                    155:                                                         bool force_replace);
                    157:        /**
                    158:         * Check if we already have a connected IKE_SA between two identities.
                    159:         *
                    160:         * @param me                            own identity
                    161:         * @param other                         remote identity
                    162:         * @param family                        address family to include in uniqueness check
                    163:         * @return                                      TRUE if we have a connected IKE_SA
                    164:         */
                    165:        bool (*has_contact)(ike_sa_manager_t *this, identification_t *me,
                    166:                                                identification_t *other, int family);
                    168:        /**
                    169:         * Check out an IKE_SA a unique ID.
                    170:         *
                    171:         * Every IKE_SA is uniquely identified by a numerical ID. This checkout
                    172:         * function uses the unique ID of the IKE_SA to check it out.
                    173:         *
                    174:         * @param id                            unique ID of the object
                    175:         * @return
                    176:         *                                                      - checked out IKE_SA, if found
                    177:         *                                                      - NULL, if not found
                    178:         */
                    179:        ike_sa_t* (*checkout_by_id) (ike_sa_manager_t* this, uint32_t id);
                    181:        /**
                    182:         * Check out an IKE_SA by the policy/connection name.
                    183:         *
                    184:         * Check out the IKE_SA by the configuration name, either from the IKE- or
                    185:         * one of its CHILD_SAs.
                    186:         *
                    187:         * @param name                          name of the connection/policy
                    188:         * @param child                         TRUE to use policy name, FALSE to use conn name
                    189:         * @return
                    190:         *                                                      - checked out IKE_SA, if found
                    191:         *                                                      - NULL, if not found
                    192:         */
                    193:        ike_sa_t* (*checkout_by_name) (ike_sa_manager_t* this, char *name,
                    194:                                                                   bool child);
                    196:        /**
                    197:         * Create an enumerator over all stored IKE_SAs.
                    198:         *
                    199:         * While enumerating an IKE_SA, it is temporarily checked out and
                    200:         * automatically checked in after the current enumeration step.
                    201:         *
                    202:         * @param wait                          TRUE to wait for checked out SAs, FALSE to skip
                    203:         * @return                                      enumerator over all IKE_SAs.
                    204:         */
                    205:        enumerator_t *(*create_enumerator) (ike_sa_manager_t* this, bool wait);
                    207:        /**
                    208:         * Create an enumerator over ike_sa_id_t*, matching peer identities.
                    209:         *
                    210:         * The remote peer is identified by its XAuth or EAP identity, if available.
                    211:         *
                    212:         * @param me                            local peer identity to match
                    213:         * @param other                         remote peer identity to match
                    214:         * @param family                        address family to match, 0 for any
                    215:         * @return                                      enumerator over ike_sa_id_t*
                    216:         */
                    217:        enumerator_t* (*create_id_enumerator)(ike_sa_manager_t *this,
                    218:                                                                identification_t *me, identification_t *other,
                    219:                                                                int family);
                    221:        /**
                    222:         * Checkin the SA after usage.
                    223:         *
                    224:         * If the IKE_SA is not registered in the manager, a new entry is created.
                    225:         *
                    226:         * @param ike_sa_id                     the SA identifier, will be updated
                    227:         * @param ike_sa                        checked out SA
                    228:         */
                    229:        void (*checkin) (ike_sa_manager_t* this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa);
                    231:        /**
                    232:         * Destroy a checked out SA.
                    233:         *
                    234:         * The IKE SA is destroyed without notification of the remote peer.
                    235:         * Use this only if the other peer doesn't respond or behaves not
                    236:         * as predicted.
                    237:         * Checking in and destruction is an atomic operation (for the IKE_SA),
                    238:         * so this can be called if the SA is in a "unclean" state, without the
                    239:         * risk that another thread can get the SA.
                    240:         *
                    241:         * @param ike_sa                        SA to delete
                    242:         */
                    243:        void (*checkin_and_destroy) (ike_sa_manager_t* this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa);
                    245:        /**
                    246:         * Get the number of IKE_SAs currently registered.
                    247:         *
                    248:         * @return                                      number of registered IKE_SAs
                    249:         */
                    250:        u_int (*get_count)(ike_sa_manager_t *this);
                    252:        /**
                    253:         * Get the number of IKE_SAs which are in the connecting state.
                    254:         *
                    255:         * To prevent the server from resource exhaustion, cookies and other
                    256:         * mechanisms are used. The number of half open IKE_SAs is a good
                    257:         * indicator to see if a peer is flooding the server.
                    258:         * If a host is supplied, only the number of half open IKE_SAs with this IP
                    259:         * are counted.
                    260:         *
                    261:         * @param ip                            NULL for all, IP for half open IKE_SAs with IP
                    262:         * @param responder_only        TRUE to return only the number of responding SAs
                    263:         * @return                                      number of half open IKE_SAs
                    264:         */
                    265:        u_int (*get_half_open_count)(ike_sa_manager_t *this, host_t *ip,
                    266:                                                                 bool responder_only);
                    268:        /**
                    269:         * Set the callback to generate IKE SPIs
                    270:         *
                    271:         * @param callback              callback to register
                    272:         * @param data                  data provided to callback
                    273:         */
                    274:        void (*set_spi_cb)(ike_sa_manager_t *this, spi_cb_t callback,
                    275:                                           void *data);
                    277:        /**
                    278:         * Delete all existing IKE_SAs and destroy them immediately.
                    279:         *
                    280:         * Threads will be driven out, so all SAs can be deleted cleanly.
                    281:         * To a flush(), an immediate call to destroy() is mandatory; no other
                    282:         * method may be used.
                    283:         */
                    284:        void (*flush)(ike_sa_manager_t *this);
                    286:        /**
                    287:         * Destroys the manager with all associated SAs.
                    288:         *
                    289:         * A call to flush() is required before calling destroy.
                    290:         */
                    291:        void (*destroy) (ike_sa_manager_t *this);
                    292: };
                    294: /**
                    295:  * Create the IKE_SA manager.
                    296:  *
                    297:  * @returns    ike_sa_manager_t object, NULL if initialization fails
                    298:  */
                    299: ike_sa_manager_t *ike_sa_manager_create(void);
                    301: #endif /** IKE_SA_MANAGER_H_ @}*/

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