Annotation of embedaddon/strongswan/src/libstrongswan/asn1/asn1.h, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: /*
        !             2:  * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Tobias Brunner
        !             3:  * Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Will
        !             4:  * Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Andreas Steffen
        !             5:  * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
        !             6:  *
        !             7:  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
        !             8:  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
        !             9:  * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
        !            10:  * option) any later version.  See <>.
        !            11:  *
        !            12:  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
        !            13:  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
        !            14:  * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
        !            15:  * for more details.
        !            16:  */
        !            17: 
        !            18: /**
        !            19:  * @defgroup asn1i asn1
        !            20:  * @{ @ingroup asn1
        !            21:  */
        !            22: 
        !            23: #ifndef ASN1_H_
        !            24: #define ASN1_H_
        !            25: 
        !            26: #include <stdarg.h>
        !            27: 
        !            28: #include <library.h>
        !            29: #include <asn1/asn1.h>
        !            30: 
        !            31: /**
        !            32:  * Definition of some primitive ASN1 types
        !            33:  */
        !            34: typedef enum {
        !            35:        ASN1_EOC =                              0x00,
        !            36:        ASN1_BOOLEAN =                  0x01,
        !            37:        ASN1_INTEGER =                  0x02,
        !            38:        ASN1_BIT_STRING =               0x03,
        !            39:        ASN1_OCTET_STRING =             0x04,
        !            40:        ASN1_NULL =                             0x05,
        !            41:        ASN1_OID =                              0x06,
        !            42:        ASN1_ENUMERATED =               0x0A,
        !            43:        ASN1_UTF8STRING =               0x0C,
        !            44:        ASN1_NUMERICSTRING =    0x12,
        !            45:        ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING =  0x13,
        !            46:        ASN1_T61STRING =                0x14,
        !            47:        ASN1_VIDEOTEXSTRING =   0x15,
        !            48:        ASN1_IA5STRING =                0x16,
        !            49:        ASN1_UTCTIME =                  0x17,
        !            50:        ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME =  0x18,
        !            51:        ASN1_GRAPHICSTRING =    0x19,
        !            52:        ASN1_VISIBLESTRING =    0x1A,
        !            53:        ASN1_GENERALSTRING =    0x1B,
        !            54:        ASN1_UNIVERSALSTRING =  0x1C,
        !            55:        ASN1_BMPSTRING =                0x1E,
        !            56: 
        !            57:        ASN1_CONSTRUCTED =              0x20,
        !            58: 
        !            59:        ASN1_SEQUENCE =                 0x30,
        !            60:        ASN1_SET =                              0x31,
        !            61: 
        !            62:        ASN1_CONTEXT_S_0 =              0x80,
        !            63:        ASN1_CONTEXT_S_1 =              0x81,
        !            64:        ASN1_CONTEXT_S_2 =              0x82,
        !            65:        ASN1_CONTEXT_S_3 =              0x83,
        !            66:        ASN1_CONTEXT_S_4 =              0x84,
        !            67:        ASN1_CONTEXT_S_5 =              0x85,
        !            68:        ASN1_CONTEXT_S_6 =              0x86,
        !            69:        ASN1_CONTEXT_S_7 =              0x87,
        !            70:        ASN1_CONTEXT_S_8 =              0x88,
        !            71: 
        !            72:        ASN1_CONTEXT_C_0 =              0xA0,
        !            73:        ASN1_CONTEXT_C_1 =              0xA1,
        !            74:        ASN1_CONTEXT_C_2 =              0xA2,
        !            75:        ASN1_CONTEXT_C_3 =              0xA3,
        !            76:        ASN1_CONTEXT_C_4 =              0xA4,
        !            77:        ASN1_CONTEXT_C_5 =              0xA5,
        !            78: 
        !            79:        ASN1_INVALID =                  0x100,
        !            80: } asn1_t;
        !            81: 
        !            82: #define ASN1_INVALID_LENGTH    0xffffffff
        !            83: 
        !            84: /**
        !            85:  * Some common prefabricated ASN.1 constants
        !            86:  */
        !            87: extern const chunk_t ASN1_INTEGER_0;
        !            88: extern const chunk_t ASN1_INTEGER_1;
        !            89: extern const chunk_t ASN1_INTEGER_2;
        !            90: 
        !            91: 
        !            92: /** Some ASN.1 analysis functions */
        !            93: 
        !            94: /**
        !            95:  * Build an algorithmIdentifier from a known OID with empty parameters.
        !            96:  *
        !            97:  * @param oid          known OID index
        !            98:  * @return                     body of the corresponding ASN.1 structure, allocated
        !            99:  */
        !           100: chunk_t asn1_algorithmIdentifier(int oid);
        !           101: 
        !           102: /**
        !           103:  * Build an algorithmIdentifier from a known OID and the given parameters.
        !           104:  *
        !           105:  * @param oid          known OID index
        !           106:  * @param params       parameters to encode in the algorithmIdentifier (adopted)
        !           107:  * @return                     body of the corresponding ASN.1 structure, allocated
        !           108:  */
        !           109: chunk_t asn1_algorithmIdentifier_params(int oid, chunk_t params);
        !           110: 
        !           111: /**
        !           112:  * Converts an ASN.1 OID into a known OID index
        !           113:  *
        !           114:  * @param object       body of an OID
        !           115:  * @return                     index into the oid_names[] table or OID_UNKNOWN
        !           116:  */
        !           117: int asn1_known_oid(chunk_t object);
        !           118: 
        !           119: /**
        !           120:  * Converts a known OID index to an ASN.1 OID
        !           121:  *
        !           122:  * @param n                    index into the oid_names[] table
        !           123:  * @return                     allocated OID chunk, chunk_empty if index out of range
        !           124:  */
        !           125: chunk_t asn1_build_known_oid(int n);
        !           126: 
        !           127: /**
        !           128:  * Convert human readable OID to ASN.1 DER encoding, without OID header.
        !           129:  *
        !           130:  * @param str          OID string (e.g. 1.2.345.67.8)
        !           131:  * @return                     allocated ASN.1 encoded OID, chunk_empty on error
        !           132:  */
        !           133: chunk_t asn1_oid_from_string(char *str);
        !           134: 
        !           135: /**
        !           136:  * Convert a DER encoded ASN.1 OID to a human readable string.
        !           137:  *
        !           138:  * @param oid          DER encoded OID, without header
        !           139:  * @return                     human readable OID string, allocated, NULL on error
        !           140:  */
        !           141: char* asn1_oid_to_string(chunk_t oid);
        !           142: 
        !           143: /**
        !           144:  * Returns the length of an ASN.1 object
        !           145:  * The blob pointer is advanced past the tag length fields
        !           146:  *
        !           147:  * @param blob         pointer to an ASN.1 coded blob
        !           148:  * @return                     length of ASN.1 object
        !           149:  */
        !           150: size_t asn1_length(chunk_t *blob);
        !           151: 
        !           152: /**
        !           153:  * Unwrap the inner content of an ASN.1 type/length wrapped object.
        !           154:  *
        !           155:  * @param blob         blob to parse header from, moved behind parsed content
        !           156:  * @param content      inner content
        !           157:  * @return                     parsed type, ASN1_INVALID if length parsing failed
        !           158:  */
        !           159: int asn1_unwrap(chunk_t *blob, chunk_t *content);
        !           160: 
        !           161: /**
        !           162:  * Parses an ASN.1 algorithmIdentifier object
        !           163:  *
        !           164:  * @param blob         ASN.1 coded blob
        !           165:  * @param level0       top-most level offset
        !           166:  * @param params       returns optional [ASN.1 coded] parameters
        !           167:  * @return                     known OID index or OID_UNKNOWN
        !           168:  */
        !           169: int asn1_parse_algorithmIdentifier(chunk_t blob, int level0, chunk_t *params);
        !           170: 
        !           171: /**
        !           172:  * Parse the top-most level of an ASN.1 object
        !           173:  *
        !           174:  * @param object       ASN.1 coded object
        !           175:  * @param type         Expected ASN.1 type
        !           176:  * @param level0       top-most level offset
        !           177:  * @param name         descriptive name of object
        !           178:  * @return                     TRUE if parsing successful
        !           179:  */
        !           180: bool asn1_parse_simple_object(chunk_t *object, asn1_t type, u_int level0,
        !           181:                                                          const char* name);
        !           182: 
        !           183: /**
        !           184:  * Converts an ASN.1 INTEGER object to an uint64_t. If the INTEGER is longer
        !           185:  * than 8 bytes only the 8 LSBs are returned.
        !           186:  *
        !           187:  * @param blob         body of an ASN.1 coded integer object
        !           188:  * @return                     converted integer
        !           189:  */
        !           190: uint64_t asn1_parse_integer_uint64(chunk_t blob);
        !           191: 
        !           192: /**
        !           193:  * Converts an uint64_t to an ASN.1 INTEGER object.
        !           194:  *
        !           195:  * @param val          integer to convert
        !           196:  * @return                     body of an ASN.1 coded integer object
        !           197:  */
        !           198: chunk_t asn1_integer_from_uint64(uint64_t val);
        !           199: 
        !           200: /**
        !           201:  * Print the value of an ASN.1 simple object
        !           202:  *
        !           203:  * @param object       ASN.1 object to be printed
        !           204:  * @param type         asn1_t type
        !           205:  * @param private      ASN.1 data is confidential (use debug level 4)
        !           206:  */
        !           207: void asn1_debug_simple_object(chunk_t object, asn1_t type, bool private);
        !           208: 
        !           209: /**
        !           210:  * Converts an ASN.1 UTCTIME or GENERALIZEDTIME string to time_t
        !           211:  *
        !           212:  * On systems where sizeof(time_t) == 4 there will be an overflow
        !           213:  * for dates
        !           214:  *   > Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 UTC (0x7fffffff)
        !           215:  * and
        !           216:  *   < Fri, 13 Dec 1901 20:45:52 UTC (0x80000000)
        !           217:  * in both cases TIME_32_BIT_SIGNED_MAX is returned.
        !           218:  *
        !           219:  * @param utctime      body of an ASN.1 coded time object
        !           220:  * @param type         ASN1_UTCTIME or ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME
        !           221:  * @return                     time_t in UTC
        !           222:  */
        !           223: time_t asn1_to_time(const chunk_t *utctime, asn1_t type);
        !           224: 
        !           225: /**
        !           226:  * Converts time_t to an ASN.1 UTCTIME or GENERALIZEDTIME string
        !           227:  *
        !           228:  * @note The type is automatically changed to GENERALIZEDTIME if needed
        !           229:  *
        !           230:  * @param time         time_t in UTC
        !           231:  * @param type         ASN1_UTCTIME or ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME
        !           232:  * @return                     body of an ASN.1 code time object
        !           233:  */
        !           234: chunk_t asn1_from_time(const time_t *time, asn1_t type);
        !           235: 
        !           236: /**
        !           237:  * Parse an ASN.1 UTCTIME or GENERALIZEDTIME object
        !           238:  *
        !           239:  * @param blob         ASN.1 coded time object
        !           240:  * @param level0       top-most level offset
        !           241:  * @return                     time_t in UTC
        !           242:  */
        !           243: time_t asn1_parse_time(chunk_t blob, int level0);
        !           244: 
        !           245: /**
        !           246:  * Determines if a binary blob is ASN.1 coded
        !           247:  *
        !           248:  * @param blob         blob to be tested
        !           249:  * @return                     TRUE if blob is ASN.1 coded (SEQUENCE or SET)
        !           250:  */
        !           251: bool is_asn1(chunk_t blob);
        !           252: 
        !           253: /**
        !           254:  * Determines if a character string can be coded as PRINTABLESTRING
        !           255:  *
        !           256:  * @param str          character string to be tested
        !           257:  * @return                     TRUE if no special characters are contained
        !           258:  */
        !           259: bool asn1_is_printablestring(chunk_t str);
        !           260: 
        !           261: 
        !           262: /** some ASN.1 synthesis functions */
        !           263: 
        !           264: /**
        !           265:  * Build an empty ASN.1 object with tag and length fields already filled in
        !           266:  *
        !           267:  * @param object       returned object - memory is allocated by function
        !           268:  * @param type         ASN.1 type to be created
        !           269:  * @param datalen      size of the body to be created
        !           270:  * @return                     points to the first position in the body
        !           271:  */
        !           272: u_char* asn1_build_object(chunk_t *object, asn1_t type, size_t datalen);
        !           273: 
        !           274: /**
        !           275:  * Build a simple ASN.1 object
        !           276:  *
        !           277:  * @param tag          ASN.1 type to be created
        !           278:  * @param content      content of the ASN.1 object
        !           279:  * @return                     chunk containing the ASN.1 coded object
        !           280:  */
        !           281: chunk_t asn1_simple_object(asn1_t tag, chunk_t content);
        !           282: 
        !           283: /**
        !           284:  * Build an ASN.1 BITSTRING object
        !           285:  *
        !           286:  * @param mode         'c' for copy or 'm' for move
        !           287:  * @param content      content of the BITSTRING
        !           288:  * @return                     chunk containing the ASN.1 coded BITSTRING
        !           289:  */
        !           290: chunk_t asn1_bitstring(const char *mode, chunk_t content);
        !           291: 
        !           292: /**
        !           293:  * Build an ASN.1 INTEGER object
        !           294:  *
        !           295:  * @param mode         'c' for copy or 'm' for move
        !           296:  * @param content      content of the INTEGER
        !           297:  * @return                     chunk containing the ASN.1 coded INTEGER
        !           298:  */
        !           299: chunk_t asn1_integer(const char *mode, chunk_t content);
        !           300: 
        !           301: /**
        !           302:  * Build an ASN.1 object from a variable number of individual chunks
        !           303:  *
        !           304:  * The mode string specifies the number of chunks, and how to handle each of
        !           305:  * them with a single character: 'c' for copy (allocate new chunk), 'm' for move
        !           306:  * (free given chunk) or 's' for sensitive-copy (clear given chunk, then free).
        !           307:  *
        !           308:  * @param type         ASN.1 type to be created
        !           309:  * @param mode         for each list member: 'c', 'm' or 's'
        !           310:  * @return                     chunk containing the ASN.1 coded object
        !           311:  */
        !           312: chunk_t asn1_wrap(asn1_t type, const char *mode, ...);
        !           313: 
        !           314: #endif /** ASN1_H_ @}*/

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