/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Tobias Brunner * Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Willi * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "test_suite.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 /* when running on AppVeyor the wait functions seem to frequently trigger a bit * early, allow this if the difference is within 5ms. */ static inline void time_is_at_least(timeval_t *expected, timeval_t *actual) { if (!timercmp(actual, expected, >)) { timeval_t diff; timersub(expected, actual, &diff); if (!diff.tv_sec && diff.tv_usec <= 5000) { warn("allow timer event %dus too early on Windows (expected: %u.%u, " "actual: %u.%u)", diff.tv_usec, expected->tv_sec, expected->tv_usec, actual->tv_sec, actual->tv_usec); return; } fail("expected: %u.%u, actual: %u.%u", expected->tv_sec, expected->tv_usec, actual->tv_sec, actual->tv_usec); } } #else /* WIN32 */ static inline void time_is_at_least(timeval_t *expected, timeval_t *actual) { ck_assert_msg(timercmp(actual, expected, >), "expected: %u.%u, actual: " "%u.%u", expected->tv_sec, expected->tv_usec, actual->tv_sec, actual->tv_usec); } #endif /* WIN32 */ /******************************************************************************* * recursive mutex test */ #define THREADS 20 /** * Thread barrier data */ typedef struct { mutex_t *mutex; condvar_t *cond; int count; int current; bool active; } barrier_t; /** * Create a thread barrier for count threads */ static barrier_t* barrier_create(int count) { barrier_t *this; INIT(this, .mutex = mutex_create(MUTEX_TYPE_DEFAULT), .cond = condvar_create(CONDVAR_TYPE_DEFAULT), .count = count, ); return this; } /** * Destroy a thread barrier */ static void barrier_destroy(barrier_t *this) { this->mutex->destroy(this->mutex); this->cond->destroy(this->cond); free(this); } /** * Wait to have configured number of threads in barrier */ static bool barrier_wait(barrier_t *this) { bool winner = FALSE; this->mutex->lock(this->mutex); if (!this->active) { /* first, reset */ this->active = TRUE; this->current = 0; } this->current++; while (this->current < this->count) { this->cond->wait(this->cond, this->mutex); } if (this->active) { /* first, win */ winner = TRUE; this->active = FALSE; } this->mutex->unlock(this->mutex); this->cond->broadcast(this->cond); sched_yield(); return winner; } /** * Barrier for some tests */ static barrier_t *barrier; /** * A mutex for tests requiring one */ static mutex_t *mutex; /** * A condvar for tests requiring one */ static condvar_t *condvar; /** * A counter for signaling */ static int sigcount; static void *mutex_run(void *data) { int locked = 0; int i; /* wait for all threads before getting in action */ barrier_wait(barrier); for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { mutex->lock(mutex); mutex->lock(mutex); mutex->lock(mutex); locked++; sched_yield(); if (locked > 1) { fail("two threads locked the mutex concurrently"); } locked--; mutex->unlock(mutex); mutex->unlock(mutex); mutex->unlock(mutex); } return NULL; } START_TEST(test_mutex) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; int i; barrier = barrier_create(THREADS); mutex = mutex_create(MUTEX_TYPE_RECURSIVE); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { mutex->lock(mutex); mutex->unlock(mutex); } for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { mutex->lock(mutex); } for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { mutex->unlock(mutex); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i] = thread_create(mutex_run, NULL); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); } mutex->destroy(mutex); barrier_destroy(barrier); } END_TEST /** * Spinlock for testing */ static spinlock_t *spinlock; static void *spinlock_run(void *data) { int i, *locked = (int*)data; barrier_wait(barrier); for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { spinlock->lock(spinlock); (*locked)++; ck_assert_int_eq(*locked, 1); (*locked)--; spinlock->unlock(spinlock); } return NULL; } START_TEST(test_spinlock) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; int i, locked = 0; barrier = barrier_create(THREADS); spinlock = spinlock_create(); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i] = thread_create(spinlock_run, &locked); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); } spinlock->destroy(spinlock); barrier_destroy(barrier); } END_TEST static void *condvar_run(void *data) { mutex->lock(mutex); sigcount++; condvar->signal(condvar); mutex->unlock(mutex); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_condvar) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; int i; mutex = mutex_create(MUTEX_TYPE_DEFAULT); condvar = condvar_create(CONDVAR_TYPE_DEFAULT); sigcount = 0; for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i] = thread_create(condvar_run, NULL); } mutex->lock(mutex); while (sigcount < THREADS) { condvar->wait(condvar, mutex); } mutex->unlock(mutex); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); } mutex->destroy(mutex); condvar->destroy(condvar); } END_TEST static void *condvar_recursive_run(void *data) { mutex->lock(mutex); mutex->lock(mutex); mutex->lock(mutex); sigcount++; condvar->signal(condvar); mutex->unlock(mutex); mutex->unlock(mutex); mutex->unlock(mutex); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_condvar_recursive) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; int i; mutex = mutex_create(MUTEX_TYPE_RECURSIVE); condvar = condvar_create(CONDVAR_TYPE_DEFAULT); sigcount = 0; mutex->lock(mutex); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i] = thread_create(condvar_recursive_run, NULL); } mutex->lock(mutex); mutex->lock(mutex); while (sigcount < THREADS) { condvar->wait(condvar, mutex); } mutex->unlock(mutex); mutex->unlock(mutex); mutex->unlock(mutex); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); } mutex->destroy(mutex); condvar->destroy(condvar); } END_TEST static void *condvar_run_broad(void *data) { mutex->lock(mutex); while (sigcount < 0) { condvar->wait(condvar, mutex); } mutex->unlock(mutex); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_condvar_broad) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; int i; mutex = mutex_create(MUTEX_TYPE_DEFAULT); condvar = condvar_create(CONDVAR_TYPE_DEFAULT); sigcount = 0; for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i] = thread_create(condvar_run_broad, NULL); } sched_yield(); mutex->lock(mutex); sigcount = 1; condvar->broadcast(condvar); mutex->unlock(mutex); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); } mutex->destroy(mutex); condvar->destroy(condvar); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_condvar_timed) { thread_t *thread; timeval_t start, end, diff = { .tv_usec = 50000 }; mutex = mutex_create(MUTEX_TYPE_DEFAULT); condvar = condvar_create(CONDVAR_TYPE_DEFAULT); sigcount = 0; mutex->lock(mutex); while (TRUE) { time_monotonic(&start); if (condvar->timed_wait(condvar, mutex, diff.tv_usec / 1000)) { break; } } time_monotonic(&end); mutex->unlock(mutex); timersub(&end, &start, &end); time_is_at_least(&diff, &end); thread = thread_create(condvar_run, NULL); mutex->lock(mutex); while (sigcount == 0) { ck_assert(!condvar->timed_wait(condvar, mutex, 1000)); } mutex->unlock(mutex); thread->join(thread); mutex->destroy(mutex); condvar->destroy(condvar); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_condvar_timed_abs) { thread_t *thread; timeval_t start, end, abso, diff = { .tv_usec = 50000 }; mutex = mutex_create(MUTEX_TYPE_DEFAULT); condvar = condvar_create(CONDVAR_TYPE_DEFAULT); sigcount = 0; mutex->lock(mutex); while (TRUE) { time_monotonic(&start); timeradd(&start, &diff, &abso); if (condvar->timed_wait_abs(condvar, mutex, abso)) { break; } } time_monotonic(&end); mutex->unlock(mutex); time_is_at_least(&diff, &end); thread = thread_create(condvar_run, NULL); time_monotonic(&start); diff.tv_sec = 1; timeradd(&start, &diff, &abso); mutex->lock(mutex); while (sigcount == 0) { ck_assert(!condvar->timed_wait_abs(condvar, mutex, abso)); } mutex->unlock(mutex); thread->join(thread); mutex->destroy(mutex); condvar->destroy(condvar); } END_TEST static void *condvar_cancel_run(void *data) { thread_cancelability(FALSE); mutex->lock(mutex); sigcount++; condvar->broadcast(condvar); thread_cleanup_push((void*)mutex->unlock, mutex); thread_cancelability(TRUE); while (TRUE) { condvar->wait(condvar, mutex); } thread_cleanup_pop(TRUE); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_condvar_cancel) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; int i; mutex = mutex_create(MUTEX_TYPE_DEFAULT); condvar = condvar_create(CONDVAR_TYPE_DEFAULT); sigcount = 0; for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i] = thread_create(condvar_cancel_run, NULL); } /* wait for all threads */ mutex->lock(mutex); while (sigcount < THREADS) { condvar->wait(condvar, mutex); } mutex->unlock(mutex); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->cancel(threads[i]); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); } mutex->destroy(mutex); condvar->destroy(condvar); } END_TEST /** * RWlock for different tests */ static rwlock_t *rwlock; static void *rwlock_run(refcount_t *refs) { rwlock->read_lock(rwlock); ref_get(refs); sched_yield(); ignore_result(ref_put(refs)); rwlock->unlock(rwlock); if (rwlock->try_write_lock(rwlock)) { ck_assert_int_eq(*refs, 0); sched_yield(); rwlock->unlock(rwlock); } rwlock->write_lock(rwlock); ck_assert_int_eq(*refs, 0); sched_yield(); rwlock->unlock(rwlock); rwlock->read_lock(rwlock); rwlock->read_lock(rwlock); ref_get(refs); sched_yield(); ignore_result(ref_put(refs)); rwlock->unlock(rwlock); rwlock->unlock(rwlock); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_rwlock) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; refcount_t refs = 0; int i; rwlock = rwlock_create(RWLOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i] = thread_create((void*)rwlock_run, &refs); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); } rwlock->destroy(rwlock); } END_TEST static void *rwlock_try_run(void *param) { if (rwlock->try_write_lock(rwlock)) { rwlock->unlock(rwlock); return param; } return NULL; } START_TEST(test_rwlock_try) { uintptr_t magic = 0xcafebabe; thread_t *thread; rwlock = rwlock_create(RWLOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT); thread = thread_create(rwlock_try_run, (void*)magic); ck_assert_int_eq((uintptr_t)thread->join(thread), magic); rwlock->read_lock(rwlock); thread = thread_create(rwlock_try_run, (void*)magic); ck_assert(thread->join(thread) == NULL); rwlock->unlock(rwlock); rwlock->read_lock(rwlock); rwlock->read_lock(rwlock); rwlock->read_lock(rwlock); thread = thread_create(rwlock_try_run, (void*)magic); ck_assert(thread->join(thread) == NULL); rwlock->unlock(rwlock); rwlock->unlock(rwlock); rwlock->unlock(rwlock); rwlock->write_lock(rwlock); thread = thread_create(rwlock_try_run, (void*)magic); ck_assert(thread->join(thread) == NULL); rwlock->unlock(rwlock); rwlock->destroy(rwlock); } END_TEST /** * Rwlock condvar */ static rwlock_condvar_t *rwcond; static void *rwlock_condvar_run(void *data) { rwlock->write_lock(rwlock); sigcount++; rwcond->signal(rwcond); rwlock->unlock(rwlock); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_rwlock_condvar) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; int i; rwlock = rwlock_create(RWLOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT); rwcond = rwlock_condvar_create(); sigcount = 0; for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i] = thread_create(rwlock_condvar_run, NULL); } rwlock->write_lock(rwlock); while (sigcount < THREADS) { rwcond->wait(rwcond, rwlock); } rwlock->unlock(rwlock); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); } rwlock->destroy(rwlock); rwcond->destroy(rwcond); } END_TEST static void *rwlock_condvar_run_broad(void *data) { rwlock->write_lock(rwlock); while (sigcount < 0) { rwcond->wait(rwcond, rwlock); } rwlock->unlock(rwlock); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_rwlock_condvar_broad) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; int i; rwlock = rwlock_create(RWLOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT); rwcond = rwlock_condvar_create(); sigcount = 0; for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i] = thread_create(rwlock_condvar_run_broad, NULL); } sched_yield(); rwlock->write_lock(rwlock); sigcount = 1; rwcond->broadcast(rwcond); rwlock->unlock(rwlock); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); } rwlock->destroy(rwlock); rwcond->destroy(rwcond); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_rwlock_condvar_timed) { thread_t *thread; timeval_t start, end, diff = { .tv_usec = 50000 }; rwlock = rwlock_create(RWLOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT); rwcond = rwlock_condvar_create(); sigcount = 0; rwlock->write_lock(rwlock); while (TRUE) { time_monotonic(&start); if (rwcond->timed_wait(rwcond, rwlock, diff.tv_usec / 1000)) { break; } } rwlock->unlock(rwlock); time_monotonic(&end); timersub(&end, &start, &end); time_is_at_least(&diff, &end); thread = thread_create(rwlock_condvar_run, NULL); rwlock->write_lock(rwlock); while (sigcount == 0) { ck_assert(!rwcond->timed_wait(rwcond, rwlock, 1000)); } rwlock->unlock(rwlock); thread->join(thread); rwlock->destroy(rwlock); rwcond->destroy(rwcond); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_rwlock_condvar_timed_abs) { thread_t *thread; timeval_t start, end, abso, diff = { .tv_usec = 50000 }; rwlock = rwlock_create(RWLOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT); rwcond = rwlock_condvar_create(); sigcount = 0; rwlock->write_lock(rwlock); while (TRUE) { time_monotonic(&start); timeradd(&start, &diff, &abso); if (rwcond->timed_wait_abs(rwcond, rwlock, abso)) { break; } } rwlock->unlock(rwlock); time_monotonic(&end); time_is_at_least(&abso, &end); thread = thread_create(rwlock_condvar_run, NULL); time_monotonic(&start); diff.tv_sec = 1; timeradd(&start, &diff, &abso); rwlock->write_lock(rwlock); while (sigcount == 0) { ck_assert(!rwcond->timed_wait_abs(rwcond, rwlock, abso)); } rwlock->unlock(rwlock); thread->join(thread); rwlock->destroy(rwlock); rwcond->destroy(rwcond); } END_TEST static void *rwlock_condvar_cancel_run(void *data) { thread_cancelability(FALSE); rwlock->write_lock(rwlock); sigcount++; rwcond->broadcast(rwcond); thread_cleanup_push((void*)rwlock->unlock, rwlock); thread_cancelability(TRUE); while (TRUE) { rwcond->wait(rwcond, rwlock); } thread_cleanup_pop(TRUE); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_rwlock_condvar_cancel) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; int i; rwlock = rwlock_create(RWLOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT); rwcond = rwlock_condvar_create(); sigcount = 0; for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i] = thread_create(rwlock_condvar_cancel_run, NULL); } /* wait for all threads */ rwlock->write_lock(rwlock); while (sigcount < THREADS) { rwcond->wait(rwcond, rwlock); } rwlock->unlock(rwlock); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->cancel(threads[i]); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); } rwlock->destroy(rwlock); rwcond->destroy(rwcond); } END_TEST /** * Semaphore for different tests */ static semaphore_t *semaphore; static void *semaphore_run(void *data) { semaphore->post(semaphore); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_semaphore) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; int i, initial = 5; semaphore = semaphore_create(initial); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i] = thread_create(semaphore_run, NULL); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS + initial; i++) { semaphore->wait(semaphore); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); } semaphore->destroy(semaphore); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_semaphore_timed) { thread_t *thread; timeval_t start, end, diff = { .tv_usec = 50000 }; semaphore = semaphore_create(0); time_monotonic(&start); ck_assert(semaphore->timed_wait(semaphore, diff.tv_usec / 1000)); time_monotonic(&end); timersub(&end, &start, &end); time_is_at_least(&diff, &end); thread = thread_create(semaphore_run, NULL); ck_assert(!semaphore->timed_wait(semaphore, 1000)); thread->join(thread); semaphore->destroy(semaphore); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_semaphore_timed_abs) { thread_t *thread; timeval_t start, end, abso, diff = { .tv_usec = 50000 }; semaphore = semaphore_create(0); time_monotonic(&start); timeradd(&start, &diff, &abso); ck_assert(semaphore->timed_wait_abs(semaphore, abso)); time_monotonic(&end); time_is_at_least(&abso, &end); thread = thread_create(semaphore_run, NULL); time_monotonic(&start); diff.tv_sec = 1; timeradd(&start, &diff, &abso); ck_assert(!semaphore->timed_wait_abs(semaphore, abso)); thread->join(thread); semaphore->destroy(semaphore); } END_TEST static void *semaphore_cancel_run(void *data) { refcount_t *ready = (refcount_t*)data; thread_cancelability(FALSE); ref_get(ready); thread_cancelability(TRUE); semaphore->wait(semaphore); ck_assert(FALSE); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_semaphore_cancel) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; refcount_t ready = 0; int i; semaphore = semaphore_create(0); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i] = thread_create(semaphore_cancel_run, &ready); } while (ready < THREADS) { sched_yield(); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->cancel(threads[i]); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); } semaphore->destroy(semaphore); } END_TEST static void *join_run(void *data) { /* force some context switches */ sched_yield(); return (void*)((uintptr_t)data + THREADS); } START_TEST(test_join) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; int i; for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i] = thread_create(join_run, (void*)(uintptr_t)i); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { ck_assert_int_eq((uintptr_t)threads[i]->join(threads[i]), i + THREADS); } } END_TEST static void *exit_join_run(void *data) { sched_yield(); thread_exit((void*)((uintptr_t)data + THREADS)); /* not reached */ ck_assert(FALSE); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_join_exit) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; int i; for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i] = thread_create(exit_join_run, (void*)(uintptr_t)i); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { ck_assert_int_eq((uintptr_t)threads[i]->join(threads[i]), i + THREADS); } } END_TEST static void *detach_run(void *data) { refcount_t *running = (refcount_t*)data; ignore_result(ref_put(running)); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_detach) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; int i; refcount_t running = 0; for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { ref_get(&running); threads[i] = thread_create(detach_run, &running); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->detach(threads[i]); } while (running > 0) { sched_yield(); } /* no checks done here, but we check that thread state gets cleaned * up with leak detective. give the threads time to clean up. */ usleep(10000); } END_TEST static void *detach_exit_run(void *data) { refcount_t *running = (refcount_t*)data; ignore_result(ref_put(running)); thread_exit(NULL); /* not reached */ ck_assert(FALSE); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_detach_exit) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; int i; refcount_t running = 0; for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { ref_get(&running); threads[i] = thread_create(detach_exit_run, &running); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->detach(threads[i]); } while (running > 0) { sched_yield(); } /* no checks done here, but we check that thread state gets cleaned * up with leak detective. give the threads time to clean up. */ usleep(10000); } END_TEST static void *cancel_run(void *data) { /* default cancelability should be TRUE, so don't change it */ while (TRUE) { sleep(10); } return NULL; } START_TEST(test_cancel) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; int i; for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i] = thread_create(cancel_run, NULL); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->cancel(threads[i]); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); } } END_TEST typedef struct { semaphore_t *sem; bool cancellable; } cancel_onoff_data_t; static void *cancel_onoff_run(void *data_in) { cancel_onoff_data_t *data = (cancel_onoff_data_t*)data_in; thread_cancelability(FALSE); data->cancellable = FALSE; /* we should not get cancelled here */ data->sem->wait(data->sem); data->cancellable = TRUE; thread_cancelability(TRUE); /* but here */ while (TRUE) { sleep(10); } return NULL; } START_TEST(test_cancel_onoff) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; cancel_onoff_data_t data[THREADS]; semaphore_t *sem; int i; sem = semaphore_create(0); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { data[i].sem = sem; data[i].cancellable = TRUE; threads[i] = thread_create(cancel_onoff_run, &data[i]); /* wait until thread has cleared its cancelability */ while (data[i].cancellable) { sched_yield(); } } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->cancel(threads[i]); } /* let all threads continue */ for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { sem->post(sem); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); ck_assert(data[i].cancellable); } sem->destroy(sem); } END_TEST static void *cancel_point_run(void *data) { thread_cancelability(FALSE); while (TRUE) { /* implicitly enables cancelability */ thread_cancellation_point(); } return NULL; } START_TEST(test_cancel_point) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; int i; for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i] = thread_create(cancel_point_run, NULL); } sched_yield(); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->cancel(threads[i]); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); } } END_TEST static void close_fd_ptr(void *fd) { close(*(int*)fd); } static void cancellation_recv() { int sv[2]; char buf[1]; ck_assert(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sv) == 0); thread_cleanup_push(close_fd_ptr, &sv[0]); thread_cleanup_push(close_fd_ptr, &sv[1]); thread_cancelability(TRUE); while (TRUE) { ck_assert(recv(sv[0], buf, sizeof(buf), 0) == 1); } } static void cancellation_read() { int sv[2]; char buf[1]; ck_assert(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sv) == 0); thread_cleanup_push(close_fd_ptr, &sv[0]); thread_cleanup_push(close_fd_ptr, &sv[1]); thread_cancelability(TRUE); while (TRUE) { ck_assert(read(sv[0], buf, sizeof(buf)) == 1); } } static void cancellation_select() { int sv[2]; fd_set set; ck_assert(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sv) == 0); thread_cleanup_push(close_fd_ptr, &sv[0]); thread_cleanup_push(close_fd_ptr, &sv[1]); FD_ZERO(&set); FD_SET(sv[0], &set); thread_cancelability(TRUE); while (TRUE) { ck_assert(select(sv[0] + 1, &set, NULL, NULL, NULL) == 1); } } static void cancellation_poll() { int sv[2]; struct pollfd pfd; ck_assert(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sv) == 0); thread_cleanup_push(close_fd_ptr, &sv[0]); thread_cleanup_push(close_fd_ptr, &sv[1]); pfd.fd = sv[0]; pfd.events = POLLIN; thread_cancelability(TRUE); while (TRUE) { ck_assert(poll(&pfd, 1, -1) == 1); } } static void cancellation_accept() { host_t *host; int fd, c; fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); ck_assert(fd >= 0); host = host_create_from_string("", 0); ck_assert_msg(bind(fd, host->get_sockaddr(host), *host->get_sockaddr_len(host)) == 0, "%m"); host->destroy(host); ck_assert(listen(fd, 5) == 0); thread_cleanup_push(close_fd_ptr, &fd); thread_cancelability(TRUE); while (TRUE) { c = accept(fd, NULL, NULL); ck_assert(c >= 0); close(c); } } static void cancellation_cond() { mutex_t *mutex; condvar_t *cond; mutex = mutex_create(MUTEX_TYPE_DEFAULT); cond = condvar_create(CONDVAR_TYPE_DEFAULT); mutex->lock(mutex); thread_cleanup_push((void*)mutex->destroy, mutex); thread_cleanup_push((void*)cond->destroy, cond); thread_cancelability(TRUE); while (TRUE) { cond->wait(cond, mutex); } } static void cancellation_rwcond() { rwlock_t *lock; rwlock_condvar_t *cond; lock = rwlock_create(RWLOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT); cond = rwlock_condvar_create(); lock->write_lock(lock); thread_cleanup_push((void*)lock->destroy, lock); thread_cleanup_push((void*)cond->destroy, cond); thread_cancelability(TRUE); while (TRUE) { cond->wait(cond, lock); } } static void (*cancellation_points[])() = { cancellation_read, cancellation_recv, cancellation_select, cancellation_poll, cancellation_accept, cancellation_cond, cancellation_rwcond, }; static void* run_cancellation_point(void (*fn)()) { fn(); return NULL; } static void* run_cancellation_point_pre(void (*fn)()) { usleep(5000); fn(); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_cancellation_point) { thread_t *thread; thread = thread_create((void*)run_cancellation_point, cancellation_points[_i]); usleep(5000); thread->cancel(thread); thread->join(thread); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_cancellation_point_pre) { thread_t *thread; thread = thread_create((void*)run_cancellation_point_pre, cancellation_points[_i]); thread->cancel(thread); thread->join(thread); } END_TEST static void cleanup1(void *data) { uintptr_t *value = (uintptr_t*)data; ck_assert_int_eq(*value, 1); (*value)++; } static void cleanup2(void *data) { uintptr_t *value = (uintptr_t*)data; ck_assert_int_eq(*value, 2); (*value)++; } static void cleanup3(void *data) { uintptr_t *value = (uintptr_t*)data; ck_assert_int_eq(*value, 3); (*value)++; } static void *cleanup_run(void *data) { thread_cleanup_push(cleanup3, data); thread_cleanup_push(cleanup2, data); thread_cleanup_push(cleanup1, data); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_cleanup) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; uintptr_t values[THREADS]; int i; for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { values[i] = 1; threads[i] = thread_create(cleanup_run, &values[i]); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); ck_assert_int_eq(values[i], 4); } } END_TEST static void *cleanup_exit_run(void *data) { thread_cleanup_push(cleanup3, data); thread_cleanup_push(cleanup2, data); thread_cleanup_push(cleanup1, data); thread_exit(NULL); ck_assert(FALSE); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_cleanup_exit) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; uintptr_t values[THREADS]; int i; for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { values[i] = 1; threads[i] = thread_create(cleanup_exit_run, &values[i]); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); ck_assert_int_eq(values[i], 4); } } END_TEST static void *cleanup_cancel_run(void *data) { thread_cancelability(FALSE); barrier_wait(barrier); thread_cleanup_push(cleanup3, data); thread_cleanup_push(cleanup2, data); thread_cleanup_push(cleanup1, data); thread_cancelability(TRUE); while (TRUE) { sleep(1); } return NULL; } START_TEST(test_cleanup_cancel) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; uintptr_t values[THREADS]; int i; barrier = barrier_create(THREADS+1); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { values[i] = 1; threads[i] = thread_create(cleanup_cancel_run, &values[i]); } barrier_wait(barrier); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->cancel(threads[i]); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); ck_assert_int_eq(values[i], 4); } barrier_destroy(barrier); } END_TEST static void *cleanup_pop_run(void *data) { thread_cleanup_push(cleanup3, data); thread_cleanup_push(cleanup2, data); thread_cleanup_push(cleanup1, data); thread_cleanup_push(cleanup2, data); thread_cleanup_pop(FALSE); thread_cleanup_pop(TRUE); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_cleanup_pop) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; uintptr_t values[THREADS]; int i; for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { values[i] = 1; threads[i] = thread_create(cleanup_pop_run, &values[i]); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); ck_assert_int_eq(values[i], 4); } } END_TEST static void *cleanup_popall_run(void *data) { thread_cleanup_push(cleanup3, data); thread_cleanup_push(cleanup2, data); thread_cleanup_push(cleanup1, data); thread_cleanup_popall(); return NULL; } START_TEST(test_cleanup_popall) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; uintptr_t values[THREADS]; int i; for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { values[i] = 1; threads[i] = thread_create(cleanup_popall_run, &values[i]); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); ck_assert_int_eq(values[i], 4); } } END_TEST static thread_value_t *tls[10]; static void *tls_run(void *data) { uintptr_t value = (uintptr_t)data; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < countof(tls); i++) { ck_assert(tls[i]->get(tls[i]) == NULL); } for (i = 0; i < countof(tls); i++) { tls[i]->set(tls[i], (void*)(value * i)); } for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { for (i = 0; i < countof(tls); i++) { tls[i]->set(tls[i], (void*)(value * i)); ck_assert(tls[i]->get(tls[i]) == (void*)(value * i)); } sched_yield(); } for (i = 0; i < countof(tls); i++) { ck_assert(tls[i]->get(tls[i]) == (void*)(value * i)); } return (void*)(value + 1); } START_TEST(test_tls) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; int i; for (i = 0; i < countof(tls); i++) { tls[i] = thread_value_create(NULL); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i] = thread_create(tls_run, (void*)(uintptr_t)i); } ck_assert_int_eq((uintptr_t)tls_run((void*)(uintptr_t)(THREADS + 1)), THREADS + 2); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { ck_assert_int_eq((uintptr_t)threads[i]->join(threads[i]), i + 1); } for (i = 0; i < countof(tls); i++) { tls[i]->destroy(tls[i]); } } END_TEST static void tls_cleanup(void *data) { uintptr_t *value = (uintptr_t*)data; (*value)--; } static void *tls_cleanup_run(void *data) { int i; for (i = 0; i < countof(tls); i++) { tls[i]->set(tls[i], data); } return NULL; } START_TEST(test_tls_cleanup) { thread_t *threads[THREADS]; uintptr_t values[THREADS], main_value = countof(tls); int i; for (i = 0; i < countof(tls); i++) { tls[i] = thread_value_create(tls_cleanup); } for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { values[i] = countof(tls); threads[i] = thread_create(tls_cleanup_run, &values[i]); } tls_cleanup_run(&main_value); for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { threads[i]->join(threads[i]); ck_assert_int_eq(values[i], 0); } for (i = 0; i < countof(tls); i++) { tls[i]->destroy(tls[i]); } ck_assert_int_eq(main_value, 0); } END_TEST Suite *threading_suite_create() { Suite *s; TCase *tc; s = suite_create("threading"); tc = tcase_create("recursive mutex"); tcase_add_test(tc, test_mutex); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("spinlock"); tcase_add_test(tc, test_spinlock); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("condvar"); tcase_add_test(tc, test_condvar); tcase_add_test(tc, test_condvar_recursive); tcase_add_test(tc, test_condvar_broad); tcase_add_test(tc, test_condvar_timed); tcase_add_test(tc, test_condvar_timed_abs); tcase_add_test(tc, test_condvar_cancel); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("rwlock"); tcase_add_test(tc, test_rwlock); tcase_add_test(tc, test_rwlock_try); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("rwlock condvar"); tcase_add_test(tc, test_rwlock_condvar); tcase_add_test(tc, test_rwlock_condvar_broad); tcase_add_test(tc, test_rwlock_condvar_timed); tcase_add_test(tc, test_rwlock_condvar_timed_abs); tcase_add_test(tc, test_rwlock_condvar_cancel); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("semaphore"); tcase_add_test(tc, test_semaphore); tcase_add_test(tc, test_semaphore_timed); tcase_add_test(tc, test_semaphore_timed_abs); tcase_add_test(tc, test_semaphore_cancel); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("thread joining"); tcase_add_test(tc, test_join); tcase_add_test(tc, test_join_exit); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("thread detaching"); tcase_add_test(tc, test_detach); tcase_add_test(tc, test_detach_exit); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("thread cancellation"); tcase_add_test(tc, test_cancel); tcase_add_test(tc, test_cancel_onoff); tcase_add_test(tc, test_cancel_point); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("thread cancellation point"); tcase_add_loop_test(tc, test_cancellation_point, 0, countof(cancellation_points)); tcase_add_loop_test(tc, test_cancellation_point_pre, 0, countof(cancellation_points)); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("thread cleanup"); tcase_add_test(tc, test_cleanup); tcase_add_test(tc, test_cleanup_exit); tcase_add_test(tc, test_cleanup_cancel); tcase_add_test(tc, test_cleanup_pop); tcase_add_test(tc, test_cleanup_popall); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); tc = tcase_create("thread local storage"); tcase_add_test(tc, test_tls); tcase_add_test(tc, test_tls_cleanup); suite_add_tcase(s, tc); return s; }