* Copyright (C) 2008-2019 Tobias Brunner
* Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Martin Willi
* Copyright (C) 2005 Jan Hutter
* HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. See <http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.txt>.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* @defgroup chunk chunk
* @{ @ingroup utils
#ifndef CHUNK_H_
#define CHUNK_H_
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <alloca.h>
#include <utils/utils.h>
typedef struct chunk_t chunk_t;
* General purpose pointer/length abstraction.
struct chunk_t {
/** Pointer to start of data */
u_char *ptr;
/** Length of data in bytes */
size_t len;
#include "utils.h"
* A { NULL, 0 }-chunk handy for initialization.
extern chunk_t chunk_empty;
* Create a new chunk pointing to "ptr" with length "len"
static inline chunk_t chunk_create(u_char *ptr, size_t len)
chunk_t chunk = {ptr, len};
return chunk;
* Create a clone of a chunk pointing to "ptr"
chunk_t chunk_create_clone(u_char *ptr, chunk_t chunk);
* Calculate length of multiple chunks
size_t chunk_length(const char *mode, ...);
* Concatenate chunks into a chunk pointing to "ptr".
* The mode string specifies the number of chunks, and how to handle each of
* them with a single character: 'c' for copy (allocate new chunk), 'm' for move
* (free given chunk) or 's' for sensitive-move (clear given chunk, then free).
chunk_t chunk_create_cat(u_char *ptr, const char* mode, ...);
* Split up a chunk into parts, "mode" is a string of "a" (alloc),
* "c" (copy) and "m" (move). Each letter say for the corresponding chunk if
* it should get allocated on heap, copied into existing chunk, or the chunk
* should point into "chunk". The length of each part is an argument before
* each target chunk. E.g.:
* chunk_split(chunk, "mcac", 3, &a, 7, &b, 5, &c, d.len, &d);
void chunk_split(chunk_t chunk, const char *mode, ...);
* Write the binary contents of a chunk_t to a file
* If the write fails, errno is set appropriately.
* @param chunk contents to write to file
* @param path path where file is written to
* @param mask file mode creation mask
* @param force overwrite existing file by force
* @return TRUE if write operation was successful
bool chunk_write(chunk_t chunk, char *path, mode_t mask, bool force);
* Store data read from FD into a chunk
* On error, errno is set appropriately.
* @param fd file descriptor to read from
* @param chunk chunk receiving allocated buffer
* @return TRUE if successful, FALSE on failure
bool chunk_from_fd(int fd, chunk_t *chunk);
* mmap() a file to a chunk
* The returned chunk structure is allocated from heap, but it must be freed
* through chunk_unmap(). A user may alter the chunk ptr or len, but must pass
* the chunk pointer returned from chunk_map() to chunk_unmap() after use.
* On error, errno is set appropriately.
* @param path path of file to map
* @param wr TRUE to sync writes to disk
* @return mapped chunk, NULL on error
chunk_t *chunk_map(char *path, bool wr);
* munmap() a chunk previously mapped with chunk_map()
* When unmapping a writeable map, the return value should be checked to
* ensure changes landed on disk.
* @param chunk pointer returned from chunk_map()
* @return TRUE of changes written back to file
bool chunk_unmap(chunk_t *chunk);
* Convert a chunk of data to hex encoding.
* The resulting string is '\\0' terminated, but the chunk does not include
* the '\\0'. If buf is supplied, it must hold at least (chunk.len * 2 + 1).
* @param chunk data to convert to hex encoding
* @param buf buffer to write to, NULL to malloc
* @param uppercase TRUE to use uppercase letters
* @return chunk of encoded data
chunk_t chunk_to_hex(chunk_t chunk, char *buf, bool uppercase);
* Convert a hex encoded in a binary chunk.
* If buf is supplied, it must hold at least (hex.len / 2) + (hex.len % 2)
* bytes. It is filled by the right to give correct values for short inputs.
* @param hex hex encoded input data
* @param buf buffer to write decoded data, NULL to malloc
* @return converted data
chunk_t chunk_from_hex(chunk_t hex, char *buf);
* Convert a chunk of data to its base64 encoding.
* The resulting string is '\\0' terminated, but the chunk does not include
* the '\\0'. If buf is supplied, it must hold at least (chunk.len * 4 / 3 + 1).
* @param chunk data to convert
* @param buf buffer to write to, NULL to malloc
* @return chunk of encoded data
chunk_t chunk_to_base64(chunk_t chunk, char *buf);
* Convert a base64 in a binary chunk.
* If buf is supplied, it must hold at least (base64.len / 4 * 3).
* @param base64 base64 encoded input data
* @param buf buffer to write decoded data, NULL to malloc
* @return converted data
chunk_t chunk_from_base64(chunk_t base64, char *buf);
* Convert a chunk of data to its base32 encoding.
* The resulting string is '\\0' terminated, but the chunk does not include
* the '\\0'. If buf is supplied, it must hold (chunk.len * 8 / 5 + 1) bytes.
* @param chunk data to convert
* @param buf buffer to write to, NULL to malloc
* @return chunk of encoded data
chunk_t chunk_to_base32(chunk_t chunk, char *buf);
* Free contents of a chunk
static inline void chunk_free(chunk_t *chunk)
*chunk = chunk_empty;
* Overwrite the contents of a chunk and free it
static inline void chunk_clear(chunk_t *chunk)
if (chunk->ptr)
memwipe(chunk->ptr, chunk->len);
* Initialize a chunk using a char array
#define chunk_from_chars(...) ((chunk_t){(u_char[]){__VA_ARGS__}, sizeof((u_char[]){__VA_ARGS__})})
* Initialize a chunk to point to a thing
#define chunk_from_thing(thing) chunk_create((u_char*)&(thing), sizeof(thing))
* Initialize a chunk from a string, not containing 0-terminator
#define chunk_from_str(str) ({char *x = (str); chunk_create((u_char*)x, strlen(x));})
* Allocate a chunk on the heap
#define chunk_alloc(bytes) ({size_t x = (bytes); chunk_create(x ? malloc(x) : NULL, x);})
* Allocate a chunk on the stack
#define chunk_alloca(bytes) ({size_t x = (bytes); chunk_create(x ? alloca(x) : NULL, x);})
* Clone a chunk on heap
#define chunk_clone(chunk) ({chunk_t x = (chunk); chunk_create_clone(x.len ? malloc(x.len) : NULL, x);})
* Clone a chunk on stack
#define chunk_clonea(chunk) ({chunk_t x = (chunk); chunk_create_clone(x.len ? alloca(x.len) : NULL, x);})
* Concatenate chunks into a chunk on heap
#define chunk_cat(mode, ...) chunk_create_cat(malloc(chunk_length(mode, __VA_ARGS__)), mode, __VA_ARGS__)
* Concatenate chunks into a chunk on stack
#define chunk_cata(mode, ...) chunk_create_cat(alloca(chunk_length(mode, __VA_ARGS__)), mode, __VA_ARGS__)
* Skip n bytes in chunk (forward pointer, shorten length)
static inline chunk_t chunk_skip(chunk_t chunk, size_t bytes)
if (chunk.len > bytes)
chunk.ptr += bytes;
chunk.len -= bytes;
return chunk;
return chunk_empty;
* Skip any leading zero-valued bytes
static inline chunk_t chunk_skip_zero(chunk_t chunk)
while (chunk.len > 1 && *chunk.ptr == 0x00)
return chunk;
* Copy the data from src to dst, left-padded with chr if dst is longer,
* otherwise data is copied truncated on the left.
* @param dst data is copied here
* @param src data is copied from here
* @param chr value to use for padding if necessary
* @return the destination chunk
chunk_t chunk_copy_pad(chunk_t dst, chunk_t src, u_char chr);
* Compare two chunks, returns zero if a equals b
* or negative/positive if a is small/greater than b
int chunk_compare(chunk_t a, chunk_t b);
* Compare two chunks for equality,
* NULL chunks are never equal.
static inline bool chunk_equals(chunk_t a, chunk_t b)
return a.ptr != NULL && b.ptr != NULL &&
a.len == b.len && memeq(a.ptr, b.ptr, a.len);
* Compare two chunks for equality, constant time for cryptographic purposes.
* Note that this function is constant time only for chunks with the same
* length, i.e. it does not protect against guessing the length of one of the
* chunks.
static inline bool chunk_equals_const(chunk_t a, chunk_t b)
return a.ptr != NULL && b.ptr != NULL &&
a.len == b.len && memeq_const(a.ptr, b.ptr, a.len);
* Compare two chunks (given as pointers) for equality (useful as callback),
* NULL chunks are never equal.
static inline bool chunk_equals_ptr(chunk_t *a, chunk_t *b)
return a != NULL && b != NULL && chunk_equals(*a, *b);
* Increment a chunk, as it would represent a network order integer.
* @param chunk chunk to increment
* @return TRUE if an overflow occurred
bool chunk_increment(chunk_t chunk);
* Check if a chunk has printable characters only.
* If sane is given, chunk is cloned into sane and all non printable characters
* get replaced by "replace".
* @param chunk chunk to check for printability
* @param sane pointer where sane version is allocated, or NULL
* @param replace character to use for replacing unprintable characters
* @return TRUE if all characters in chunk are printable
bool chunk_printable(chunk_t chunk, chunk_t *sane, char replace);
* Seed initial key for chunk_hash().
* This call should get invoked once during startup. This is usually done
* by calling library_init(). Calling it multiple times is safe, it gets
* executed just once.
void chunk_hash_seed();
* Computes a 32 bit hash of the given chunk.
* @note The output of this function is randomized, that is, it will only
* produce the same output for the same input when calling it from the same
* process. For a more predictable hash function use chunk_hash_static()
* instead.
* @note This hash is only intended for hash tables not for cryptographic
* purposes.
* @param chunk data to hash
* @return hash value
uint32_t chunk_hash(chunk_t chunk);
* Incremental version of chunk_hash. Use this to hash two or more chunks.
* @param chunk data to hash
* @param hash previous hash value
* @return hash value
uint32_t chunk_hash_inc(chunk_t chunk, uint32_t hash);
* Computes a 32 bit hash of the given chunk.
* Compared to chunk_hash() this will always calculate the same output for the
* same input. Therefore, it should not be used for hash tables (to prevent
* hash flooding).
* @note This hash is not intended for cryptographic purposes.
* @param chunk data to hash
* @return hash value
uint32_t chunk_hash_static(chunk_t chunk);
* Incremental version of chunk_hash_static(). Use this to hash two or more
* chunks in a predictable way.
* @param chunk data to hash
* @param hash previous hash value
* @return hash value
uint32_t chunk_hash_static_inc(chunk_t chunk, uint32_t hash);
* Computes a quick MAC from the given chunk and key using SipHash.
* The key must have a length of 128-bit (16 bytes).
* @note While SipHash has strong features using it for cryptographic purposes
* is not recommended (in particular because of the rather short output size).
* @param chunk data to process
* @param key key to use
* @return MAC for given input and key
uint64_t chunk_mac(chunk_t chunk, u_char *key);
* Calculate the Internet Checksum according to RFC 1071 for the given chunk.
* If the result is used with chunk_internet_checksum_inc() and the data length
* is not a multiple of 16 bit the checksum bytes have to be swapped to
* compensate the even/odd alignment.
* @param data data to process
* @return checksum (one's complement, network order)
uint16_t chunk_internet_checksum(chunk_t data);
* Extend the given Internet Checksum (one's complement, in network byte order)
* with the given data.
* If data is not a multiple of 16 bits the checksum may have to be swapped to
* compensate even/odd alignment (see chunk_internet_checksum()).
* @param data data to process
* @param checksum previous checksum (one's complement, network order)
* @return checksum (one's complement, network order)
uint16_t chunk_internet_checksum_inc(chunk_t data, uint16_t checksum);
* printf hook function for chunk_t.
* Arguments are:
* chunk_t *chunk
* Use #-modifier to print a compact version
* Use +-modifier to print a compact version without separator
int chunk_printf_hook(printf_hook_data_t *data, printf_hook_spec_t *spec,
const void *const *args);
#endif /** CHUNK_H_ @}*/
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