* Copyright (C) 2018 Tobias Brunner
* Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Andreas Steffen
* HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. See <http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.txt>.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* @defgroup libtpmtss libtpmtss
* @addtogroup libtpmtss
* @{
#ifndef TPM_TSS_H_
#define TPM_TSS_H_
#include "tpm_tss_quote_info.h"
#include <library.h>
#include <crypto/hashers/hasher.h>
typedef enum tpm_version_t tpm_version_t;
typedef struct tpm_tss_t tpm_tss_t;
* TPM Versions
enum tpm_version_t {
* TPM access via TSS public interface
struct tpm_tss_t {
* Get TPM version supported by TSS
* @return TPM version
tpm_version_t (*get_version)(tpm_tss_t *this);
* Get TPM version info (TPM 1.2 only)
* @return TPM version info struct
chunk_t (*get_version_info)(tpm_tss_t *this);
* Generate AIK key pair bound to TPM (TPM 1.2 only)
* @param ca_modulus RSA modulus of CA public key
* @param aik_blob AIK private key blob
* @param aik_pubkey AIK public key
* @return TRUE if AIK key generation succeeded
bool (*generate_aik)(tpm_tss_t *this, chunk_t ca_modulus,
chunk_t *aik_blob, chunk_t *aik_pubkey,
chunk_t *identity_req);
* Get public key from TPM using its object handle (TPM 2.0 only)
* @param handle key object handle
* @return public key in PKCS#1 format
chunk_t (*get_public)(tpm_tss_t *this, uint32_t handle);
* Return signature schemes supported by the given key (TPM 2.0 only)
* @param handle key object handle
* @return enumerator over signature_params_t*
enumerator_t *(*supported_signature_schemes)(tpm_tss_t *this,
uint32_t handle);
* Check if there is an assigned PCR bank for the given hash algorithm
* @param alg hash algorithm
* @return TRUE if a PCR bank for this algorithm exists
bool (*has_pcr_bank)(tpm_tss_t *this, hash_algorithm_t alg);
* Retrieve the current value of a PCR register in a given PCR bank
* @param pcr_num PCR number
* @param pcr_value PCR value returned
* @param alg hash algorithm, selects PCR bank (TPM 2.0 only)
* @return TRUE if PCR value retrieval succeeded
bool (*read_pcr)(tpm_tss_t *this, uint32_t pcr_num, chunk_t *pcr_value,
hash_algorithm_t alg);
* Extend a PCR register in a given PCR bank with a hash value
* @param pcr_num PCR number
* @param pcr_value extended PCR value returned
* @param hash data to be extended into the PCR
* @param alg hash algorithm, selects PCR bank (TPM 2.0 only)
* @return TRUE if PCR extension succeeded
bool (*extend_pcr)(tpm_tss_t *this, uint32_t pcr_num, chunk_t *pcr_value,
chunk_t data, hash_algorithm_t alg);
* Do a quote signature over a selection of PCR registers
* @param aik_handle object handle of AIK to be used for quote signature
* @param pcr_sel selection of PCR registers
* @param alg hash algorithm to be used for quote signature
* @param data additional data to be hashed into the quote
* @param quote_mode define current and legacy TPM quote modes
* @param quote_info returns various info covered by quote signature
* @param quote_sig returns quote signature
* @return TRUE if quote signature succeeded
bool (*quote)(tpm_tss_t *this, uint32_t aik_handle, uint32_t pcr_sel,
hash_algorithm_t alg, chunk_t data,
tpm_quote_mode_t *quote_mode,
tpm_tss_quote_info_t **quote_info, chunk_t *quote_sig);
* Do a signature over a data hash using a TPM key handle (TPM 2.0 only)
* @param handle object handle of TPM key to be used for signature
* @param hierarchy hierarchy the TPM key object is attached to
* @param scheme scheme to be used for signature
* @param param signature scheme parameters
* @param data data to be hashed and signed
* @param pin PIN code or empty chunk
* @param signature returns signature
* @return TRUE if signature succeeded
bool (*sign)(tpm_tss_t *this, uint32_t hierarchy, uint32_t handle,
signature_scheme_t scheme, void *params, chunk_t data,
chunk_t pin, chunk_t *signature);
* Get random bytes from the TPM
* @param bytes number of random bytes requested
* @param buffer buffer where the random bytes are written into
* @return TRUE if random bytes could be delivered
bool (*get_random)(tpm_tss_t *this, size_t bytes, uint8_t *buffer);
* Get a data blob from TPM NV store using its object handle (TPM 2.0 only)
* @param handle object handle of TPM key to be used for signature
* @param hierarchy hierarchy the TPM key object is attached to
* @param pin PIN code or empty chunk
* @param data returns data blob
* @return TRUE if data retrieval succeeded
bool (*get_data)(tpm_tss_t *this, uint32_t hierarchy, uint32_t handle,
chunk_t pin, chunk_t *data);
* Get an event digest from a TPM measurement log
* @param fd file descriptor of the measurement log
* @param hash hash algorithm of the digest to be extracted
* @param digest allocated chunk_t containing event digest
* @return TRUE if event digest was successfully extracted
bool (*get_event_digest)(tpm_tss_t *this, int fd, hash_algorithm_t alg,
chunk_t *digest);
* Destroy a tpm_tss_t.
void (*destroy)(tpm_tss_t *this);
* Create a tpm_tss instance.
* @param version TPM version that must be supported by TSS
tpm_tss_t *tpm_tss_probe(tpm_version_t version);
* libtpmtss initialization function
* @return TRUE if initialization was successful
bool libtpmtss_init(void);
* libtpmtss de-initialization function
void libtpmtss_deinit(void);
#endif /** TPM_TSS_H_ @}*/
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