Annotation of embedaddon/strongswan/src/pool/pool_usage.c, revision

1.1       misho       1: /*
                      2:  * Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Willi
                      3:  * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Andreas Steffen
                      4:  * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
                      5:  *
                      6:  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
                      7:  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
                      8:  * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
                      9:  * option) any later version.  See <>.
                     10:  *
                     11:  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
                     12:  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
                     13:  * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
                     14:  * for more details.
                     15:  */
                     17: #include <stdio.h>
                     19: /**
                     20:  * print pool usage info
                     21:  */
                     22: void usage(void)
                     23: {
                     24:        printf("\
                     25: Usage:\n\
                     26:   ipsec pool --status|--add|--replace|--del|--resize|--leases|--purge [options]\n\
                     27:   ipsec pool --showattr|--statusattr|--addattr|--delattr [options]\n\
                     28:   \n\
                     29:   ipsec pool --status\n\
                     30:     Show a list of installed pools with statistics plus nameserver info.\n\
                     31:   \n\
                     32:   ipsec pool --statusattr [--hexout]\n\
                     33:     Show a list of all attributes stored in the database with the values\n\
                     34:     converted to the correct format if the type is known by --showattr or\n\
                     35:     in hex format otherwise.\n\
                     36:       hexout:  Output all values in hex format\n\
                     37:   \n\
                     38:   ipsec pool --showattr\n\
                     39:     Show a keyword list of the major attribute types.\n\
                     40:   \n\
                     41:   ipsec pool --add <name> --start <start> --end <end> [--timeout <timeout>]\n\
                     42:   ipsec pool --replace <name> --start <start> --end <end> [--timeout <timeout>]\n\
                     43:     Add a new pool to or replace an existing pool in the database.\n\
                     44:       name:    Name of the pool, as used in ipsec.conf rightsourceip=%%name\n\
                     45:       start:   Start address of the pool\n\
                     46:       end:     End address of the pool\n\
                     47:       timeout: Lease time in hours (use 'd', 'm', or 's' to alternatively\n\
                     48:                configure the time in days, minutes or seconds, respectively),\n\
                     49:                0 for static leases\n\
                     50:   \n\
                     51:   ipsec pool --add <name> --addresses <file> [--timeout <timeout>]\n\
                     52:   ipsec pool --replace <name> --addresses <file> [--timeout <timeout>]\n\
                     53:     Add a new pool to or replace an existing pool in the database.\n\
                     54:       name:    Name of the pool, as used in ipsec.conf rightsourceip=%%name\n\
                     55:       file:    File newline separated addresses for the pool are read from.\n\
                     56:                Optionally each address can be pre-assigned to a roadwarrior\n\
                     57:                identity, e.g.\n\
                     58:                If a - (hyphen) is given instead of a file name, the addresses\n\
                     59:                are read from STDIN. Reading addresses stops at the end of file\n\
                     60:                or an empty line. Pools created with this command can not be\n\
                     61:                resized.\n\
                     62:       timeout: Lease time in hours (use 'd', 'm', or 's' to alternatively\n\
                     63:                configure the time in days, minutes or seconds, respectively),\n\
                     64:                0 for static leases\n\
                     65:   \n\
                     66:   ipsec pool --addattr <type> [--pool <name> [--identity <id>]]\n\
                     67:              --addr|--mask|--server|--subnet|--string|--hex <value>\n\
                     68:     Add a new attribute to the database. Attributes can be bundled by using\n\
                     69:     the --pool and --identity options. If a bundle matches a peer the contained\n\
                     70:     attributes are sent to that peer instead of the global ones.\n\
                     71:       type:    a keyword from --showattr or a number from the range 1..32767\n\
                     72:       name:    the name of the pool this attribute is added to\n\
                     73:       id:      identity of the peer this attribute is bound to\n\
                     74:       addr:    IPv4 or IPv6 address\n\
                     75:       mask:    IPv4 or IPv6 netmask (synonym for --addr)\n\
                     76:       server:  IPv4 or IPv6 address of a server (synonym for --addr)\n\
                     77:       subnet:  IPv4 subnet[s] given by network/mask[,network/mask,...]\n\
                     78:       string:  value of a string-type attribute\n\
                     79:       hex:     hex value of any attribute\n\
                     80:   \n\
                     81:   ipsec pool --del <name>\n\
                     82:     Delete a pool from the database.\n\
                     83:       name:    Name of the pool to delete\n\
                     84:   \n\
                     85:   ipsec pool --delattr <type> [--pool <name> [--identity <id>]]\n\
                     86:              [--addr|--mask|--server|--subnet|--string|--hex <value>]\n\
                     87:     Delete a specific or all attributes of a given type from the database.\n\
                     88:       type:    a keyword from --showattr or a number from the range 1..32767\n\
                     89:       name:    the name of the pool this attribute is added to\n\
                     90:       id:      identity of the peer this attribute is bound to\n\
                     91:       addr:    IPv4 or IPv6 address\n\
                     92:       mask:    IPv4 or IPv6 netmask (synonym for --addr)\n\
                     93:       server:  IPv4 or IPv6 address of a server (synonym for --addr)\n\
                     94:       subnet:  IPv4 subnet[s] given by network/mask[,network/mask,...]\n\
                     95:       string:  value of a string-type attribute\n\
                     96:       hex:     hex value of any attribute\n\
                     97:   \n\
                     98:   ipsec pool --resize <name> --end <end>\n\
                     99:     Grow or shrink an existing pool.\n\
                    100:       name:    Name of the pool to resize\n\
                    101:       end:     New end address for the pool\n\
                    102:   \n\
                    103:   ipsec pool --leases [--filter <filter>] [--utc]\n\
                    104:     Show lease information using filters:\n\
                    105:       filter:  Filter string containing comma separated key=value filters,\n\
                    106:                e.g.,addr=\n\
                    107:                   pool:   name of the pool\n\
                    108:                   id:     assigned identity of the lease\n\
                    109:                   addr:   lease IP address\n\
                    110:                   tstamp: UNIX timestamp when lease was valid, as integer\n\
                    111:                   status: status of the lease: online|valid|expired\n\
                    112:       utc:    Show times in UTC instead of local time\n\
                    113:   \n\
                    114:   ipsec pool --purge <name>\n\
                    115:     Delete lease history of a pool:\n\
                    116:       name:    Name of the pool to purge\n\
                    117:   \n\
                    118:   ipsec pool --batch <file>\n\
                    119:     Read commands from a file and execute them atomically.\n\
                    120:       file:    File to read the newline separated commands from. Commands\n\
                    121:                appear as they are written on the command line, e.g.\n\
                    122:                   --replace mypool --start --end\n\
                    123:                   --del dns\n\
                    124:                   --add dns --server\n\
                    125:                   --add dns --server\n\
                    126:                If a - (hyphen) is given as a file name, the commands are read\n\
                    127:                from STDIN. Reading commands stops at the end of file. Empty\n\
                    128:                lines are ignored. The file may not contain a --batch command.\n\
                    129:   \n");
                    130: }

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