DIR="$(dirname `readlink -f $0`)/.."
. $DIR/testing.conf
. $DIR/scripts/function.sh
[ `id -u` -eq 0 ] || die "You must be root to run $0"
[ -f "$BASEIMG" ] || die "Base image $BASEIMG not found"
[ -f "$ROOTIMG" ] || die "Root image $ROOTIMG not found"
running_any $STRONGSWANHOSTS && die "Please stop test environment before running $0"
SRCUID=${SUDO_UID:-$(id -u)}
SRCGID=${SUDO_GID:-$(id -g)}
check_commands partprobe qemu-img qemu-nbd bindfs
mkdir -p $LOOPDIR
mkdir -p $IMGDIR
log_action "Connecting root image to NBD device $NBDEV"
execute "qemu-nbd -c $NBDEV $ROOTIMG"
do_on_exit qemu-nbd -d $NBDEV
partprobe $NBDEV
log_action "Mounting $NBDPARTITION to $LOOPDIR"
execute "mount $NBDPARTITION $LOOPDIR"
do_on_exit umount $LOOPDIR
log_action "Mounting proc filesystem to $LOOPDIR/proc"
execute "mount -t proc none $LOOPDIR/proc"
do_on_exit umount $LOOPDIR/proc
mkdir -p $LOOPDIR/root/testing
log_action "Mounting ${DIR} as /root/testing"
execute "bindfs -u $SRCUID -g $SRCGID --create-for-user=$SRCUID --create-for-group=$SRCGID ${DIR} $LOOPDIR/root/testing"
do_on_exit umount $LOOPDIR/root/testing
log_action "Building certificates"
execute_chroot "/root/testing/scripts/build-certs-chroot"
# rebuild the guest images to generate the CRLs on winnetou
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
# cleanup before mounting guest images
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