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1.1 misho 1: moon::iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules 2: carol::iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules 3: dave::iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules 4: alice::rm /etc/swanctl/x509/aliceCert.pem 5: alice::rm /etc/swanctl/rsa/aliceKey.pem 6: carol::rm /etc/swanctl/x509/carolCert.pem 7: carol::rm /etc/swanctl/rsa/carolKey.pem 8: dave::rm /etc/swanctl/x509/daveCert.pem 9: dave::rm /etc/swanctl/rsa/daveKey.pem 10: alice::cat /etc/tnc_config 11: carol::cat /etc/tnc_config 12: dave::cat /etc/tnc_config 13: carol::echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward 14: dave::echo aabbccddeeff11223344556677889900 > /var/lib/dbus/machine-id 15: alice::sed -i "s/NOW/`date +%s`/g" /etc/pts/data1.sql 16: alice::sed -i "s:DEBIAN_VERSION:\`cat /etc/debian_version\`:" /etc/pts/data1.sql 17: alice::cd /usr/local/share/strongswan/templates/database/imv; cat tables.sql data.sql /etc/pts/data1.sql | sqlite3 /etc/db.d/config.db 18: alice::chgrp -R www-data /etc/db.d/config.db; chmod -R g+w /etc/db.d/config.db 19: alice::/usr/local/bin/init_tnc 20: alice::systemctl start apache2 21: alice::systemctl start strongswan 22: moon::systemctl start strongswan 23: dave::systemctl start strongswan 24: carol::systemctl start strongswan 25: moon::expect-connection rw-allow 26: moon::expect-connection rw-isolate 27: dave::expect-connection home 28: dave::swanctl --initiate --child home 2> /dev/null 29: carol::expect-connection home 30: carol::swanctl --initiate --child home 2> /dev/null 31: carol::sleep 1