Diff for /embedaddon/sudo/README between versions and

version, 2012/02/21 16:23:01 version, 2013/07/22 10:46:10
Line 11  version.  The latest sudo may always be gotten via ano Line 11  version.  The latest sudo may always be gotten via ano
 ftp.sudo.ws in the directory /pub/sudo/ or from the sudo web site,  ftp.sudo.ws in the directory /pub/sudo/ or from the sudo web site,
 http://www.sudo.ws/  http://www.sudo.ws/
The distribution is sudo-M.m.tar.gz where `M' is the majorThe distribution is sudo-M.m.tar.gz where `M' is the major version
version number and `m' is the minor version number.number and `m' is the minor version number.  BETA versions of sudo may
BETA versions of sudo may also be available.  If you joinalso be available.  If you join the `sudo-workers' mailing list you
the `sudo-workers' mailing list you will get the BETA announcementswill get the BETA announcements (see the `Mailing lists' section below).
(see the `Mailing lists' section below). 
 What's new  What's new
 ==========  ==========
Line 28  If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Sudo,  Line 27  If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Sudo, 
 the UPGRADE file in the doc directory.  the UPGRADE file in the doc directory.
 For a history of sudo please see the HISTORY file in the doc directory.  For a history of sudo please see the HISTORY file in the doc directory.
   You can find a list of contributors to sudo in the doc/CONTRIBUTORS file.
 System requirements  
 To build sudo from the source distribution you need a nominally  
 POSIX-compliant operating system (any modern version of BSD, Linux  
 or UNIX should work), a working ANSI/ISO C compiler (C89 or higher),  
 and the ar, make and ranlib utilities  
 If you wish to modify the parser then you will need flex version  
 2.5.2 or later and either bison or byacc (sudo comes with a pre-flex'd  
 tokenizer and pre-yacc'd grammar parser).  You'll also have to  
 uncomment a few lines from the Makefile or run configure with the  
 --with-devel option.  You can get flex via anonymous ftp from  
 ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/pub/flex* as well as any GNU mirror.  You can  
 get GNU bison from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/bison/ or any GNU  
 Building the release  Building the release
 ====================  ====================
Please read the installation guide in the `INSTALL' file beforePlease read the installation guide in the `INSTALL' file before trying to
trying to build sudo.  Pay special attention to the "OS dependent notes"build sudo.  Pay special attention to the "OS dependent notes" section.
 Copyright  Copyright
 =========  =========
Line 82  for the appropriate links. Line 65  for the appropriate links.
 Web page  Web page
 ========  ========
There is a sudo web page at http://www.sudo.ws/ that containsThere is a sudo web page at http://www.sudo.ws/ that contains an
an overview of sudo, documentation, downloads, information aboutoverview of sudo, documentation, downloads, a bug tracker, information
beta versions and other useful info.about beta versions and other useful info.
 Bug reports  Bug reports
 ===========  ===========

Removed from v.  
changed lines
  Added in v.

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