Diff for /embedaddon/sudo/doc/sudoers.pod between versions 1.1 and

version 1.1, 2012/02/21 16:23:02 version, 2012/05/29 12:26:49
Line 1 Line 1
Copyright (c) 1994-1996, 1998-2005, 2007-2011Copyright (c) 1994-1996, 1998-2005, 2007-2012
         Todd C. Miller <Todd.Miller@courtesan.com>          Todd C. Miller <Todd.Miller@courtesan.com>
 Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
Line 89  environment are inherited by the command to be run.  T Line 89  environment are inherited by the command to be run.  T
 distinct ways I<sudoers> can deal with environment variables.  distinct ways I<sudoers> can deal with environment variables.
 By default, the I<env_reset> option is enabled.  This causes commands  By default, the I<env_reset> option is enabled.  This causes commands
to be executed with a minimal environment containing C<TERM>,to be executed with a new, minimal environment.  On AIX (and Linux
C<PATH>, C<HOME>, C<MAIL>, C<SHELL>, C<LOGNAME>, C<USER> and C<USERNAME> insystems without PAM), the environment is initialized with the
addition to variables from the invoking process permitted by thecontents of the F</etc/environment> file.  On BSD systems, if the
 I<use_loginclass> option is enabled, the environment is initialized
 based on the I<path> and I<setenv> settings in F</etc/login.conf>.
 The new environment contains the C<TERM>, C<PATH>, C<HOME>, C<MAIL>,
 C<SHELL>, C<LOGNAME>, C<USER>, C<USERNAME> and C<SUDO_*> variables
 in addition to variables from the invoking process permitted by the
 I<env_check> and I<env_keep> options.  This is effectively a whitelist  I<env_check> and I<env_keep> options.  This is effectively a whitelist
 for environment variables.  for environment variables.
Line 119  As a special case, if B<sudo>'s B<-i> option (initial  Line 124  As a special case, if B<sudo>'s B<-i> option (initial 
 specified, I<sudoers> will initialize the environment regardless  specified, I<sudoers> will initialize the environment regardless
 of the value of I<env_reset>.  The I<DISPLAY>, I<PATH> and I<TERM>  of the value of I<env_reset>.  The I<DISPLAY>, I<PATH> and I<TERM>
 variables remain unchanged; I<HOME>, I<MAIL>, I<SHELL>, I<USER>,  variables remain unchanged; I<HOME>, I<MAIL>, I<SHELL>, I<USER>,
and I<LOGNAME> are set based on the target user.  On Linux and AIXand I<LOGNAME> are set based on the target user.  On AIX (and Linux
systems the contents of F</etc/environment> are also included.  Allsystems without PAM), the contents of F</etc/environment> are also
other environment variables are removed.included.  On BSD systems, if the I<use_loginclass> option is
 enabled, the I<path> and I<setenv> variables in F</etc/login.conf>
 are also applied.  All other environment variables are removed.
   Finally, if the I<env_file> option is defined, any variables present
   in that file will be set to their specified values as long as they
   would not conflict with an existing environment variable.
 The I<sudoers> file is composed of two types of entries: aliases  The I<sudoers> file is composed of two types of entries: aliases
Line 537  and F</usr/bin/vi> but shell escapes will be disabled. Line 548  and F</usr/bin/vi> but shell escapes will be disabled.
  aaron  shanty = NOEXEC: /usr/bin/more, /usr/bin/vi   aaron  shanty = NOEXEC: /usr/bin/more, /usr/bin/vi
See the L<PREVENTING SHELL ESCAPES> section below for more detailsSee the L<Preventing Shell Escapes> section below for more details
 on how C<NOEXEC> works and whether or not it will work on your system.  on how C<NOEXEC> works and whether or not it will work on your system.
Line 655  F</etc/sudoers> will be processed.  Files that are inc Line 666  F</etc/sudoers> will be processed.  Files that are inc
 themselves include other files.  A hard limit of 128 nested include  themselves include other files.  A hard limit of 128 nested include
 files is enforced to prevent include file loops.  files is enforced to prevent include file loops.
The file name may include the C<%h> escape, signifying the short formIf the path to the include file is not fully-qualified (does not
 begin with a F</>), it must be located in the same directory as the
 sudoers file it was included from.  For example, if F</etc/sudoers>
 contains the line:
 =over 4
 C<#include sudoers.local>
 the file that will be included is F</etc/sudoers.local>.
 The file name may also include the C<%h> escape, signifying the short form
 of the host name.  I.e., if the machine's host name is "xerxes", then  of the host name.  I.e., if the machine's host name is "xerxes", then
 C<#include /etc/sudoers.%h>  C<#include /etc/sudoers.%h>
Line 770  default. Line 794  default.
 =item env_reset  =item env_reset
If set, B<sudo> will reset the environment to only contain theIf set, B<sudo> will run the command in a minimal environment
LOGNAME, MAIL, SHELL, USER, USERNAME and the C<SUDO_*> variables.  Anycontaining the C<TERM>, C<PATH>, C<HOME>, C<MAIL>, C<SHELL>,
 C<LOGNAME>, C<USER>, C<USERNAME> and C<SUDO_*> variables.  Any
 variables in the caller's environment that match the C<env_keep>  variables in the caller's environment that match the C<env_keep>
and C<env_check> lists are then added.  The default contents of theand C<env_check> lists are then added, followed by any variables
C<env_keep> and C<env_check> lists are displayed when B<sudo> ispresent in the file specified by the I<env_file> option (if any).
run by root with the I<-V> option.  If the I<secure_path> optionThe default contents of the C<env_keep> and C<env_check> lists are
is set, its value will be used for the C<PATH> environment variable.displayed when B<sudo> is run by root with the I<-V> option.  If
This flag is I<@env_reset@> by default.the I<secure_path> option is set, its value will be used for the
 C<PATH> environment variable.  This flag is I<@env_reset@> by
 =item fast_glob  =item fast_glob
Line 921  by default. Line 948  by default.
 If set, all commands run via B<sudo> will behave as if the C<NOEXEC>  If set, all commands run via B<sudo> will behave as if the C<NOEXEC>
 tag has been set, unless overridden by a C<EXEC> tag.  See the  tag has been set, unless overridden by a C<EXEC> tag.  See the
description of I<NOEXEC and EXEC> below as well as the L<PREVENTING SHELLdescription of I<NOEXEC and EXEC> below as well as the L<Preventing Shell
ESCAPES> section at the end of this manual.  This flag is I<off> by default.Escapes> section at the end of this manual.  This flag is I<off> by default.
 =item path_info  =item path_info
Line 1256  Default is C<@mailsub@>. Line 1283  Default is C<@mailsub@>.
 =item noexec_file  =item noexec_file
This option is deprecated and will be removed in a future releaseThis option is no longer supported.  The path to the noexec file
of B<sudo>.  The path to the noexec file should now be set in theshould now be set in the F<@sysconfdir@/sudo.conf> file.
F<@sysconfdir@/sudo.conf> file. 
 =item passprompt  =item passprompt
Line 1358  B<Strings that can be used in a boolean context>: Line 1384  B<Strings that can be used in a boolean context>:
 =item env_file  =item env_file
The I<env_file> options specifies the fully qualified path to aThe I<env_file> option specifies the fully qualified path to a
 file containing variables to be set in the environment of the program  file containing variables to be set in the environment of the program
 being run.  Entries in this file should either be of the form  being run.  Entries in this file should either be of the form
 C<VARIABLE=value> or C<export VARIABLE=value>.  The value may  C<VARIABLE=value> or C<export VARIABLE=value>.  The value may
Line 1576  is displayed when B<sudo> is run by root with the I<-V Line 1602  is displayed when B<sudo> is run by root with the I<-V
 =back  =back
   =head1 SUDO.CONF
   The F<@sysconfdir@/sudo.conf> file determines which plugins the
   B<sudo> front end will load.  If no F<@sysconfdir@/sudo.conf> file
   is present, or it contains no C<Plugin> lines, B<sudo> will use the
   I<sudoers> security policy and I/O logging, which corresponds to
   the following F<@sysconfdir@/sudo.conf> file.
    # Default @sysconfdir@/sudo.conf file
    # Format:
    #   Plugin plugin_name plugin_path plugin_options ...
    #   Path askpass /path/to/askpass
    #   Path noexec /path/to/sudo_noexec.so
    #   Debug sudo /var/log/sudo_debug all@warn
    #   Set disable_coredump true
    # The plugin_path is relative to @prefix@/libexec unless
    #   fully qualified.
    # The plugin_name corresponds to a global symbol in the plugin
    #   that contains the plugin interface structure.
    # The plugin_options are optional.
    Plugin policy_plugin sudoers.so
    Plugin io_plugin sudoers.so 
   Starting with B<sudo> 1.8.5 it is possible to pass options to the
   I<sudoers> plugin.  Options may be listed after the path to the
   plugin (i.e. after F<sudoers.so>); multiple options should be
   space-separated.  For example:
    Plugin sudoers_policy sudoers.so sudoers_file=/etc/sudoers sudoers_uid=0 sudoers_gid=0 sudoers_mode=0440
   The following plugin options are supported:
   =over 10
   =item sudoers_file=pathname
   The I<sudoers_file> option can be used to override the default path
   to the I<sudoers> file.
   =item sudoers_uid=uid
   The I<sudoers_uid> option can be used to override the default owner
   of the sudoers file.  It should be specified as a numeric user ID.
   =item sudoers_gid=gid
   The I<sudoers_gid> option can be used to override the default group
   of the sudoers file.  It should be specified as a numeric group ID.
   =item sudoers_mode=mode
   The I<sudoers_mode> option can be used to override the default file
   mode for the sudoers file.  It should be specified as an octal value.
   =head2 DEBUG FLAGS
   Versions 1.8.4 and higher of the I<sudoers> plugin supports a
   debugging framework that can help track down what the plugin is
   doing internally if there is a problem.  This can be configured in
   the F<@sysconfdir@/sudo.conf> file as described in L<sudo(8)>.
   The I<sudoers> plugin uses the same debug flag format as B<sudo>
   itself: I<subsystem>@I<priority>.
   The priorities used by I<sudoers>, in order of decreasing severity,
   are: I<crit>, I<err>, I<warn>, I<notice>, I<diag>, I<info>, I<trace>
   and I<debug>.  Each priority, when specified, also includes all
   priorities higher than it.  For example, a priority of I<notice>
   would include debug messages logged at I<notice> and higher.
   The following subsystems are used by I<sudoers>:
   =over 10
   =item I<alias>
   C<User_Alias>, C<Runas_Alias>, C<Host_Alias> and C<Cmnd_Alias> processing
   =item I<all>
   matches every subsystem
   =item I<audit>
   BSM and Linux audit code
   =item I<auth>
   user authentication
   =item I<defaults>
   I<sudoers> I<Defaults> settings
   =item I<env>
   environment handling
   =item I<ldap>
   LDAP-based sudoers
   =item I<logging>
   logging support
   =item I<match>
   matching of users, groups, hosts and netgroups in I<sudoers>
   =item I<netif>
   network interface handling
   =item I<nss>
   network service switch handling in I<sudoers>
   =item I<parser>
   I<sudoers> file parsing
   =item I<perms>
   permission setting
   =item I<plugin>
   The equivalent of I<main> for the plugin.
   =item I<pty>
   pseudo-tty related code
   =item I<rbtree>
   redblack tree internals
   =item I<util>
   utility functions 
 =head1 FILES  =head1 FILES
 =over 24  =over 24
   =item F<@sysconfdir@/sudo.conf>
   Sudo front end configuration
 =item F<@sysconfdir@/sudoers>  =item F<@sysconfdir@/sudoers>
 List of who can run what  List of who can run what
Line 1602  Directory containing time stamps for the I<sudoers> se Line 1784  Directory containing time stamps for the I<sudoers> se
 =item F</etc/environment>  =item F</etc/environment>
Initial environment for B<-i> mode on Linux and AIXInitial environment for B<-i> mode on AIX and Linux systems
 =back  =back
Line 1792  for encapsulating in a shell script. Line 1974  for encapsulating in a shell script.
   =head2 Limitations of the '!' operator
 It is generally not effective to "subtract" commands from C<ALL>  It is generally not effective to "subtract" commands from C<ALL>
 using the '!' operator.  A user can trivially circumvent this  using the '!' operator.  A user can trivially circumvent this
 by copying the desired command to a different name and then  by copying the desired command to a different name and then
Line 1805  different name, or use a shell escape from an editor o Line 1989  different name, or use a shell escape from an editor o
 program.  Therefore, these kind of restrictions should be considered  program.  Therefore, these kind of restrictions should be considered
 advisory at best (and reinforced by policy).  advisory at best (and reinforced by policy).
Furthermore, if the I<fast_glob> option is in use, it is not possibleIn general, if a user has sudo C<ALL> there is nothing to prevent
 them from creating their own program that gives them a root shell
 (or making their own copy of a shell) regardless of any '!' elements
 in the user specification.
 =head2 Security implications of I<fast_glob>
 If the I<fast_glob> option is in use, it is not possible
 to reliably negate commands where the path name includes globbing  to reliably negate commands where the path name includes globbing
 (aka wildcard) characters.  This is because the C library's  (aka wildcard) characters.  This is because the C library's
 L<fnmatch(3)> function cannot resolve relative paths.  While this  L<fnmatch(3)> function cannot resolve relative paths.  While this
Line 1821  For example, given the following I<sudoers> entry: Line 2012  For example, given the following I<sudoers> entry:
 User B<john> can still run C</usr/bin/passwd root> if I<fast_glob> is  User B<john> can still run C</usr/bin/passwd root> if I<fast_glob> is
 enabled by changing to F</usr/bin> and running C<./passwd root> instead.  enabled by changing to F</usr/bin> and running C<./passwd root> instead.
=head1 PREVENTING SHELL ESCAPES=head2 Preventing Shell Escapes
 Once B<sudo> executes a program, that program is free to do whatever  Once B<sudo> executes a program, that program is free to do whatever
 it pleases, including run other programs.  This can be a security  it pleases, including run other programs.  This can be a security
Line 1885  to unintended privilege escalation.  In the specific c Line 2076  to unintended privilege escalation.  In the specific c
 editor, a safer approach is to give the user permission to run  editor, a safer approach is to give the user permission to run
 B<sudoedit>.  B<sudoedit>.
=head1 SECURITY NOTES=head2 Time stamp file checks
 I<sudoers> will check the ownership of its time stamp directory  I<sudoers> will check the ownership of its time stamp directory
 (F<@timedir@> by default) and ignore the directory's contents if  (F<@timedir@> by default) and ignore the directory's contents if
Line 1925  monotonically increase the inode number of devices as  Line 2116  monotonically increase the inode number of devices as 
 created (such as Mac OS X), I<sudoers> is able to determine when a  created (such as Mac OS X), I<sudoers> is able to determine when a
 tty-based time stamp file is stale and will ignore it.  Administrators  tty-based time stamp file is stale and will ignore it.  Administrators
 should not rely on this feature as it is not universally available.  should not rely on this feature as it is not universally available.
 If users have sudo C<ALL> there is nothing to prevent them from  
 creating their own program that gives them a root shell (or making  
 their own copy of a shell) regardless of any '!' elements in the  
 user specification.  
 =head1 SEE ALSO  =head1 SEE ALSO

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  Added in v.

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