Annotation of embedaddon/sudo/doc/, revision   misho       1: SUDOREPLAY(1m)               System Manager's Manual              SUDOREPLAY(1m)
1.1       misho       2: 
                      3: NNAAMMEE   misho       4:      ssuuddoorreeppllaayy - replay sudo session logs
1.1       misho       5: 
                      6: SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS   misho       7:      ssuuddoorreeppllaayy [--hh] [--dd _d_i_r] [--ff _f_i_l_t_e_r] [--mm _n_u_m] [--ss _n_u_m] ID
1.1       misho       8:   misho       9:      ssuuddoorreeppllaayy [--hh] [--dd _d_i_r] --ll [search expression]
1.1       misho      10: 
                     11: DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN   misho      12:      ssuuddoorreeppllaayy plays back or lists the output logs created by ssuuddoo.  When
                     13:      replaying, ssuuddoorreeppllaayy can play the session back in real-time, or the
                     14:      playback speed may be adjusted (faster or slower) based on the command
                     15:      line options.
1.1       misho      16:   misho      17:      The _I_D should either be a six character sequence of digits and upper case
                     18:      letters, e.g. 0100A5, or a pattern matching the _i_o_l_o_g___f_i_l_e option in the
                     19:      _s_u_d_o_e_r_s file.  When a command is run via ssuuddoo with _l_o_g___o_u_t_p_u_t enabled in
                     20:      the _s_u_d_o_e_r_s file, a TSID=ID string is logged via syslog or to the ssuuddoo
                     21:      log file.  The _I_D may also be determined using ssuuddoorreeppllaayy's list mode.
1.1       misho      22:   misho      23:      In list mode, ssuuddoorreeppllaayy can be used to find the ID of a session based on
                     24:      a number of criteria such as the user, tty or command run.
1.1       misho      25:   misho      26:      In replay mode, if the standard output has not been redirected,
                     27:      ssuuddoorreeppllaayy will act on the following keys:
1.1       misho      28: ! misho      29:      `\n' or `\r'  Skip to the next replay event; useful for long pauses.
        !            30:   misho      31:      ` ' (space)   Pause output; press any key to resume.
1.1       misho      32:   misho      33:      `<'           Reduce the playback speed by one half.
1.1       misho      34:   misho      35:      `>'           Double the playback speed.
1.1       misho      36:   misho      37:      The options are as follows:
1.1       misho      38:   misho      39:      --dd _d_i_r, ----ddiirreeccttoorryy=_d_i_r
                     40:                  Store session logs in _d_i_r instead of the default,
                     41:                  _/_v_a_r_/_l_o_g_/_s_u_d_o_-_i_o.
                     43:      --ff _f_i_l_t_e_r, ----ffiilltteerr=_f_i_l_t_e_r
                     44:                  Select which I/O type(s) to display.  By default, ssuuddoorreeppllaayy
                     45:                  will display the command's standard output, standard error
                     46:                  and tty output.  The _f_i_l_t_e_r argument is a comma-separated
                     47:                  list, consisting of one or more of following: _s_t_d_o_u_t, _s_t_d_e_r_r,
                     48:                  and _t_t_y_o_u_t.
                     50:      --hh, ----hheellpp  Display a short help message to the standard output and exit.
                     52:      --ll, ----lliisstt [_s_e_a_r_c_h _e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n]
                     53:                  Enable ``list mode''.  In this mode, ssuuddoorreeppllaayy will list
                     54:                  available sessions in a format similar to the ssuuddoo log file
                     55:                  format, sorted by file name (or sequence number).  If a
                     56:                  _s_e_a_r_c_h _e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n is specified, it will be used to restrict
                     57:                  the IDs that are displayed.  An expression is composed of the
                     58:                  following predicates:
                     60:                  command _p_a_t_t_e_r_n
                     61:                          Evaluates to true if the command run matches _p_a_t_t_e_r_n.
                     62:                          On systems with POSIX regular expression support, the
                     63:                          pattern may be an extended regular expression.  On
                     64:                          systems without POSIX regular expression support, a
                     65:                          simple sub-string match is performed instead.
                     67:                  cwd _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y
                     68:                          Evaluates to true if the command was run with the
                     69:                          specified current working directory.
                     71:                  fromdate _d_a_t_e
                     72:                          Evaluates to true if the command was run on or after
                     73:                          _d_a_t_e.  See _D_a_t_e _a_n_d _t_i_m_e _f_o_r_m_a_t for a description of
                     74:                          supported date and time formats.
                     76:                  group _r_u_n_a_s___g_r_o_u_p
                     77:                          Evaluates to true if the command was run with the
                     78:                          specified _r_u_n_a_s___g_r_o_u_p.  Note that unless a
                     79:                          _r_u_n_a_s___g_r_o_u_p was explicitly specified when ssuuddoo was
                     80:                          run this field will be empty in the log.
                     82:                  runas _r_u_n_a_s___u_s_e_r
                     83:                          Evaluates to true if the command was run as the
                     84:                          specified _r_u_n_a_s___u_s_e_r.  Note that ssuuddoo runs commands
                     85:                          as user _r_o_o_t by default.
                     87:                  todate _d_a_t_e
                     88:                          Evaluates to true if the command was run on or prior
                     89:                          to _d_a_t_e.  See _D_a_t_e _a_n_d _t_i_m_e _f_o_r_m_a_t for a description
                     90:                          of supported date and time formats.
                     92:                  tty _t_t_y _n_a_m_e
                     93:                          Evaluates to true if the command was run on the
                     94:                          specified terminal device.  The _t_t_y _n_a_m_e should be
                     95:                          specified without the _/_d_e_v_/ prefix, e.g. _t_t_y_0_1
                     96:                          instead of _/_d_e_v_/_t_t_y_0_1.
                     98:                  user _u_s_e_r _n_a_m_e
                     99:                          Evaluates to true if the ID matches a command run by
                    100:                          _u_s_e_r _n_a_m_e.
                    102:                  Predicates may be abbreviated to the shortest unique string
                    103:                  (currently all predicates may be shortened to a single
                    104:                  character).
                    106:                  Predicates may be combined using _a_n_d, _o_r and _! operators as
                    107:                  well as `(' and `)' grouping (note that parentheses must
                    108:                  generally be escaped from the shell).  The _a_n_d operator is
                    109:                  optional, adjacent predicates have an implied _a_n_d unless
                    110:                  separated by an _o_r.
                    112:      --mm, ----mmaaxx--wwaaiitt _m_a_x___w_a_i_t
                    113:                  Specify an upper bound on how long to wait between key
                    114:                  presses or output data.  By default, ssuuddoorreeppllaayy will
                    115:                  accurately reproduce the delays between key presses or
                    116:                  program output.  However, this can be tedious when the
                    117:                  session includes long pauses.  When the --mm option is
                    118:                  specified, ssuuddoorreeppllaayy will limit these pauses to at most
                    119:                  _m_a_x___w_a_i_t seconds.  The value may be specified as a floating
                    120:                  point number, e.g. _2_._5.
                    122:      --ss, ----ssppeeeedd _s_p_e_e_d___f_a_c_t_o_r
                    123:                  This option causes ssuuddoorreeppllaayy to adjust the number of seconds
                    124:                  it will wait between key presses or program output.  This can
                    125:                  be used to slow down or speed up the display.  For example, a
                    126:                  _s_p_e_e_d___f_a_c_t_o_r of _2 would make the output twice as fast whereas
                    127:                  a _s_p_e_e_d___f_a_c_t_o_r of _._5 would make the output twice as slow.
1.1       misho     128:   misho     129:      --VV, ----vveerrssiioonn
                    130:                  Print the ssuuddoorreeppllaayy versions version number and exit.
1.1       misho     131: 
                    132:    DDaattee aanndd ttiimmee ffoorrmmaatt   misho     133:      The time and date may be specified multiple ways, common formats include:
1.1       misho     134:   misho     135:      HH:MM:SS am MM/DD/CCYY timezone
                    136:              24 hour time may be used in place of am/pm.
1.1       misho     137:   misho     138:      HH:MM:SS am Month, Day Year timezone
                    139:              24 hour time may be used in place of am/pm, and month and day
                    140:              names may be abbreviated.  Note that month and day of the week
                    141:              names must be specified in English.
1.1       misho     142:   misho     143:      CCYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
                    144:              ISO time format
1.1       misho     145:   misho     146:      DD Month CCYY HH:MM:SS
                    147:              The month name may be abbreviated.
1.1       misho     148:   misho     149:      Either time or date may be omitted, the am/pm and timezone are optional.
                    150:      If no date is specified, the current day is assumed; if no time is
                    151:      specified, the first second of the specified date is used.  The less
                    152:      significant parts of both time and date may also be omitted, in which
                    153:      case zero is assumed.
1.1       misho     154:   misho     155:      The following are all valid time and date specifications:
1.1       misho     156:   misho     157:      now     The current time and date.
1.1       misho     158:   misho     159:      tomorrow
                    160:              Exactly one day from now.
1.1       misho     161:   misho     162:      yesterday
                    163:              24 hours ago.
1.1       misho     164:   misho     165:      2 hours ago
                    166:              2 hours ago.
1.1       misho     167:   misho     168:      next Friday   misho     169:              The first second of the Friday in the next (upcoming) week.  Not
                    170:              to be confused with ``this friday'' which would match the friday
                    171:              of the current week.
                    173:      last week
                    174:              The current time but 7 days ago.  This is equivalent to ``a week
                    175:              ago''.
1.1       misho     176:   misho     177:      a fortnight ago
                    178:              The current time but 14 days ago.
1.1       misho     179:   misho     180:      10:01 am 9/17/2009
                    181:              10:01 am, September 17, 2009.
1.1       misho     182:   misho     183:      10:01 am
                    184:              10:01 am on the current day.
1.1       misho     185:   misho     186:      10      10:00 am on the current day.
1.1       misho     187:   misho     188:      9/17/2009
                    189:              00:00 am, September 17, 2009.
1.1       misho     190:   misho     191:      10:01 am Sep 17, 2009
                    192:              10:01 am, September 17, 2009.
1.1       misho     193:   misho     194:      Note that relative time specifications do not always work as expected.
                    195:      For example, the ``next'' qualifier is intended to be used in conjunction
                    196:      with a day such as ``next Monday''.  When used with units of weeks,
                    197:      months, years, etc the result will be one more than expected.  For
                    198:      example, ``next week'' will result in a time exactly two weeks from now,
                    199:      which is probably not what was intended.  This will be addressed in a
                    200:      future version of ssuuddoorreeppllaayy.
1.1       misho     202: FFIILLEESS   misho     203:      _/_v_a_r_/_l_o_g_/_s_u_d_o_-_i_o          The default I/O log directory.
1.1       misho     204:   misho     205:      _/_v_a_r_/_l_o_g_/_s_u_d_o_-_i_o_/_0_0_/_0_0_/_0_1_/_l_o_g
1.1       misho     206:                                Example session log info.
                    207:   misho     208:      _/_v_a_r_/_l_o_g_/_s_u_d_o_-_i_o_/_0_0_/_0_0_/_0_1_/_s_t_d_i_n
1.1       misho     209:                                Example session standard input log.
                    210:   misho     211:      _/_v_a_r_/_l_o_g_/_s_u_d_o_-_i_o_/_0_0_/_0_0_/_0_1_/_s_t_d_o_u_t
1.1       misho     212:                                Example session standard output log.
                    213:   misho     214:      _/_v_a_r_/_l_o_g_/_s_u_d_o_-_i_o_/_0_0_/_0_0_/_0_1_/_s_t_d_e_r_r
1.1       misho     215:                                Example session standard error log.
                    216:   misho     217:      _/_v_a_r_/_l_o_g_/_s_u_d_o_-_i_o_/_0_0_/_0_0_/_0_1_/_t_t_y_i_n
1.1       misho     218:                                Example session tty input file.
                    219:   misho     220:      _/_v_a_r_/_l_o_g_/_s_u_d_o_-_i_o_/_0_0_/_0_0_/_0_1_/_t_t_y_o_u_t
1.1       misho     221:                                Example session tty output file.
                    222:   misho     223:      _/_v_a_r_/_l_o_g_/_s_u_d_o_-_i_o_/_0_0_/_0_0_/_0_1_/_t_i_m_i_n_g
1.1       misho     224:                                Example session timing file.
                    225:   misho     226:      Note that the _s_t_d_i_n, _s_t_d_o_u_t and _s_t_d_e_r_r files will be empty unless ssuuddoo
                    227:      was used as part of a pipeline for a particular command.
1.1       misho     228: 
                    229: EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS   misho     230:      List sessions run by user _m_i_l_l_e_r_t:
1.1       misho     231:   misho     232:            # sudoreplay -l user millert
1.1       misho     233:   misho     234:      List sessions run by user _b_o_b with a command containing the string vi:
1.1       misho     235:   misho     236:            # sudoreplay -l user bob command vi
1.1       misho     237:   misho     238:      List sessions run by user _j_e_f_f that match a regular expression:
1.1       misho     239:   misho     240:            # sudoreplay -l user jeff command '/bin/[a-z]*sh'
1.1       misho     241:   misho     242:      List sessions run by jeff or bob on the console:
1.1       misho     243:   misho     244:            # sudoreplay -l ( user jeff or user bob ) tty console
1.1       misho     245: 
                    246: SSEEEE AALLSSOO   misho     247:      sudo(1m), script(1)
1.1       misho     248:   misho     249: AAUUTTHHOORRSS
                    250:      Todd C. Miller
1.1       misho     251: 
                    252: BBUUGGSS   misho     253:      If you feel you have found a bug in ssuuddoorreeppllaayy, please submit a bug
                    254:      report at
1.1       misho     255: 
                    256: SSUUPPPPOORRTT   misho     257:      Limited free support is available via the sudo-users mailing list, see
                    258: to subscribe or search the
                    259:      archives.
1.1       misho     260: 
                    261: DDIISSCCLLAAIIMMEERR   misho     262:      ssuuddoorreeppllaayy is provided ``AS IS'' and any express or implied warranties,
                    263:      including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability
                    264:      and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.  See the LICENSE
                    265:      file distributed with ssuuddoo or for
                    266:      complete details.
1.1       misho     267: ! misho     268: Sudo 1.8.10                    February 15, 2014                   Sudo 1.8.10

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