Annotation of embedaddon/sudo/doc/, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: VISUDO(1m)                   MAINTENANCE COMMANDS                   VISUDO(1m)
        !             2: 
        !             3: 
        !             4: 
        !             5: NNAAMMEE
        !             6:        visudo - edit the sudoers file
        !             7: 
        !             8: SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS
        !             9:        vviissuuddoo [--cchhqqssVV] [--ff _s_u_d_o_e_r_s]
        !            10: 
        !            11: DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN
        !            12:        vviissuuddoo edits the _s_u_d_o_e_r_s file in a safe fashion, analogous to _v_i_p_w(1m).
        !            13:        vviissuuddoo locks the _s_u_d_o_e_r_s file against multiple simultaneous edits,
        !            14:        provides basic sanity checks, and checks for parse errors.  If the
        !            15:        _s_u_d_o_e_r_s file is currently being edited you will receive a message to
        !            16:        try again later.
        !            17: 
        !            18:        There is a hard-coded list of one or more editors that vviissuuddoo will use
        !            19:        set at compile-time that may be overridden via the _e_d_i_t_o_r _s_u_d_o_e_r_s
        !            20:        Default variable.  This list defaults to "vi".  Normally, vviissuuddoo does
        !            21:        not honor the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variables unless they
        !            22:        contain an editor in the aforementioned editors list.  However, if
        !            23:        vviissuuddoo is configured with the _-_-_w_i_t_h_-_e_n_v_-_e_d_i_t_o_r option or the
        !            24:        _e_n_v___e_d_i_t_o_r Default variable is set in _s_u_d_o_e_r_s, vviissuuddoo will use any the
        !            25:        editor defines by VISUAL or EDITOR.  Note that this can be a security
        !            26:        hole since it allows the user to execute any program they wish simply
        !            27:        by setting VISUAL or EDITOR.
        !            28: 
        !            29:        vviissuuddoo parses the _s_u_d_o_e_r_s file after the edit and will not save the
        !            30:        changes if there is a syntax error.  Upon finding an error, vviissuuddoo will
        !            31:        print a message stating the line number(s) where the error occurred and
        !            32:        the user will receive the "What now?" prompt.  At this point the user
        !            33:        may enter "e" to re-edit the _s_u_d_o_e_r_s file, "x" to exit without saving
        !            34:        the changes, or "Q" to quit and save changes.  The "Q" option should be
        !            35:        used with extreme care because if vviissuuddoo believes there to be a parse
        !            36:        error, so will ssuuddoo and no one will be able to ssuuddoo again until the
        !            37:        error is fixed.  If "e" is typed to edit the  _s_u_d_o_e_r_s file after a
        !            38:        parse error has been detected, the cursor will be placed on the line
        !            39:        where the error occurred (if the editor supports this feature).
        !            40: 
        !            41: OOPPTTIIOONNSS
        !            42:        vviissuuddoo accepts the following command line options:
        !            43: 
        !            44:        -c          Enable cchheecckk--oonnllyy mode.  The existing _s_u_d_o_e_r_s file will be
        !            45:                    checked for syntax and a message will be printed to the
        !            46:                    standard output detailing the status of _s_u_d_o_e_r_s.  If the
        !            47:                    syntax check completes successfully, vviissuuddoo will exit with
        !            48:                    a value of 0.  If a syntax error is encountered, vviissuuddoo
        !            49:                    will exit with a value of 1.
        !            50: 
        !            51:        -f _s_u_d_o_e_r_s  Specify and alternate _s_u_d_o_e_r_s file location.  With this
        !            52:                    option vviissuuddoo will edit (or check) the _s_u_d_o_e_r_s file of your
        !            53:                    choice, instead of the default, _/_e_t_c_/_s_u_d_o_e_r_s.  The lock
        !            54:                    file used is the specified _s_u_d_o_e_r_s file with ".tmp"
        !            55:                    appended to it.  In cchheecckk--oonnllyy mode only, the argument to
        !            56:                    --ff may be "-", indicating that _s_u_d_o_e_r_s will be read from
        !            57:                    the standard input.
        !            58: 
        !            59:        -h          The --hh (_h_e_l_p) option causes vviissuuddoo to print a short help
        !            60:                    message to the standard output and exit.
        !            61: 
        !            62:        -q          Enable qquuiieett mode.  In this mode details about syntax
        !            63:                    errors are not printed.  This option is only useful when
        !            64:                    combined with the --cc option.
        !            65: 
        !            66:        -s          Enable ssttrriicctt checking of the _s_u_d_o_e_r_s file.  If an alias is
        !            67:                    used before it is defined, vviissuuddoo will consider this a
        !            68:                    parse error.  Note that it is not possible to differentiate
        !            69:                    between an alias and a host name or user name that consists
        !            70:                    solely of uppercase letters, digits, and the underscore
        !            71:                    ('_') character.
        !            72: 
        !            73:        -V          The --VV (version) option causes vviissuuddoo to print its version
        !            74:                    number and exit.
        !            75: 
        !            76: EENNVVIIRROONNMMEENNTT
        !            77:        The following environment variables may be consulted depending on the
        !            78:        value of the _e_d_i_t_o_r and _e_n_v___e_d_i_t_o_r _s_u_d_o_e_r_s variables:
        !            79: 
        !            80:        VISUAL          Invoked by visudo as the editor to use
        !            81: 
        !            82:        EDITOR          Used by visudo if VISUAL is not set
        !            83: 
        !            84: FFIILLEESS
        !            85:        _/_e_t_c_/_s_u_d_o_e_r_s            List of who can run what
        !            86: 
        !            87:        _/_e_t_c_/_s_u_d_o_e_r_s_._t_m_p        Lock file for visudo
        !            88: 
        !            89: DDIIAAGGNNOOSSTTIICCSS
        !            90:        sudoers file busy, try again later.
        !            91:            Someone else is currently editing the _s_u_d_o_e_r_s file.
        !            92: 
        !            93:        /etc/sudoers.tmp: Permission denied
        !            94:            You didn't run vviissuuddoo as root.
        !            95: 
        !            96:        Can't find you in the passwd database
        !            97:            Your userid does not appear in the system passwd file.
        !            98: 
        !            99:        Warning: {User,Runas,Host,Cmnd}_Alias referenced but not defined
        !           100:            Either you are trying to use an undeclare
        !           101:            {User,Runas,Host,Cmnd}_Alias or you have a user or host name listed
        !           102:            that consists solely of uppercase letters, digits, and the
        !           103:            underscore ('_') character.  In the latter case, you can ignore the
        !           104:            warnings (ssuuddoo will not complain).  In --ss (strict) mode these are
        !           105:            errors, not warnings.
        !           106: 
        !           107:        Warning: unused {User,Runas,Host,Cmnd}_Alias
        !           108:            The specified {User,Runas,Host,Cmnd}_Alias was defined but never
        !           109:            used.  You may wish to comment out or remove the unused alias.  In
        !           110:            --ss (strict) mode this is an error, not a warning.
        !           111: 
        !           112:        Warning: cycle in {User,Runas,Host,Cmnd}_Alias
        !           113:            The specified {User,Runas,Host,Cmnd}_Alias includes a reference to
        !           114:            itself, either directly or through an alias it includes.  This is
        !           115:            only a warning by default as ssuuddoo will ignore cycles when parsing
        !           116:            the _s_u_d_o_e_r_s file.
        !           117: 
        !           118: SSEEEE AALLSSOO
        !           119:        _v_i(1), _s_u_d_o_e_r_s(4), _s_u_d_o(1m), _v_i_p_w(1m)
        !           120: 
        !           121: AAUUTTHHOORR
        !           122:        Many people have worked on _s_u_d_o over the years; this version of vviissuuddoo
        !           123:        was written by:
        !           124: 
        !           125:         Todd Miller
        !           126: 
        !           127:        See the HISTORY file in the sudo distribution or visit
        !           128: for more details.
        !           129: 
        !           130: CCAAVVEEAATTSS
        !           131:        There is no easy way to prevent a user from gaining a root shell if the
        !           132:        editor used by vviissuuddoo allows shell escapes.
        !           133: 
        !           134: BBUUGGSS
        !           135:        If you feel you have found a bug in vviissuuddoo, please submit a bug report
        !           136:        at
        !           137: 
        !           138: SSUUPPPPOORRTT
        !           139:        Limited free support is available via the sudo-users mailing list, see
        !           140: to subscribe or search
        !           141:        the archives.
        !           142: 
        !           143: DDIISSCCLLAAIIMMEERR
        !           144:        vviissuuddoo is provided ``AS IS'' and any express or implied warranties,
        !           145:        including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
        !           146:        merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
        !           147:        See the LICENSE file distributed with ssuuddoo or
        !           148: for complete details.
        !           149: 
        !           150: 
        !           151: 
        !           152: 1.8.3                         September 16, 2011                    VISUDO(1m)

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