File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / sudo / src / po /
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Mon Jul 22 10:46:13 2013 UTC (11 years, 2 months ago) by misho
Branches: sudo, MAIN
CVS tags: v1_8_8p0, v1_8_8, v1_8_7p0, v1_8_7, v1_8_5p1, v1_8_3p2, v1_8_10p3_0, v1_8_10p3, HEAD

    1: H\a 
    2: !!,(N$w#&I= :#X#|$#$$	%3	Y	t	"		6	/
    3: !2
    4: T
    5: !s

    7: "
    8: *
    9: 2
   10: )$5N>4!4Jc{


   11: C7N:+!'.JjR!";"^##+$&62]334#-7Q&@3&< c:0/87(p:.48"Ps#$-D)[-L0d77; H
   12: "9' 1<@*!.=0$6/2,%BA&4)G+#E-	7C8D;:>
   13: Options:
   14: %s - edit files as another user
   16: %s - execute a command as another user
   18: %s must be only be writable by owner%s must be owned by uid %d%s unchanged%s%s: %s%s: %s%s: not a regular file%s: unable to find symbol %s%s: unknown policy type %d: Configure options: %s
   19: Only one of the -e, -h, -i, -K, -l, -s, -v or -V options may be specifiedSudo version %s
   20: Unknown signalcould not join project "%s"display help message and exit
   21: error initializing I/O plugin %serror reading from pipeerror reading from signal pipeerror reading from socketpairfatal error, unable to load pluginsinternal error, emalloc2() overflowinternal error, erealloc3() overflowinternal error, tried to emalloc(0)internal error, tried to emalloc2(0)internal error, tried to erealloc(0)internal error, tried to erealloc3(0)invalidate timestamp file
   22: list user's available commands
   23: load_interfaces: overflow detectedmust be setuid rootno askpass program specified, try setting SUDO_ASKPASSno tty present and no askpass program specifiedremove timestamp file completely
   24: requires at least one argumentrun a login shell as target user
   25: select failedsetproject failed for project "%s"sudoedit is not supported on this platformthe `-A' and `-S' options may not be used togetherthe `-E' option is not valid in edit modethe `-U' option may only be used with the `-l' optionthe argument to -C must be a number greater than or equal to 3the argument to -D must be between 1 and 9 inclusiveunable to allocate memoryunable to change uid to root (%u)unable to create pipeunable to create socketsunable to dlopen %s: %sunable to dup2 stdinunable to execute %sunable to fgetfilecon %sunable to forkunable to open socketunable to open userdbunable to read temporary fileunable to restore registryunable to restore stdinunable to run %sunable to save stdinunable to set gid to %uunable to set uid to %uunable to switch to registry "%s" for %sunable to write to %sunexpected reply type on backchannel: %dunknown user: %syou may not specify both the `-i' and `-E' optionsyou may not specify both the `-i' and `-s' optionsyou may not specify environment variables in edit modeProject-Id-Version: sudo 1.8.2rc2
   26: Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:
   27: POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-04 18:27-0400
   28: PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 18:28+0100
   29: Last-Translator: Mikel Olasagasti Uranga <>
   30: Language-Team: Basque <>
   31: Language: eu
   32: MIME-Version: 1.0
   33: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
   34: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
   37: Aukerak:
   38: %s - editatu fitxategia beste erabiltzaile bat bezala
   40: %s - exekutatu komandu bat beste erabiltzaile bat bezala
   42: %s jabeak bakarrik idazteko moduan behar du%s-(r)en jabeak %d uid-a behar du%s aldatugabea%s%s: %s%s: %s%s: ez da fitxategi normala%s: ezin da %s sinboloa aurkitu%s: %d arau moeta ezezaguna:Konfigurazio aukerak: %s
   43: Soilik -e, -h, -i, -K, -l, -s, -v edo -V aukeretako bat definitu beharko litzateke%s sudo bertsioa
   44: Seinale ezezagunaezin izan da "%s" proiektura batulaguntza mezua erakutsi eta irten
   45: errorea %s I/O plugina abiarazteanerrorea hoditik irakurtzeanerrorea seinale hoditik irakurtzeanerrorea socketpair-etik irakurtzeanerrore larria, ezin dira gehigarriak gehitubarne errorea, emalloc2() overflow-abarne errorea, erealloc3(0) overflow-abarne errorea, emalloc(0) egiteko saiakera egon dabarne errorea, emalloc2(0) egiteko saiakera egon dabarne errorea, erealloc(0) egiteko saiakera egon dabarne errorea, erealloc3(0) egiteko saiakera egon dabaliogabetu data-zigilu fitxategia
   46: zerrendatu erabiltzaileak eskuragarri dituen komandoak
   47: load_interfaces: overflow-a atzeman daroot setuid-a behar duez da askpass aplikaziorik zehaztu, saiatu SUDO_ASKPASS ezartzenez dago tty-rik eta askpass aplikazioa zehaztu gabeezabatu guztiz data-zigilu fitxategia
   48: gutxienez argumentu bat behar duabiarazi login shell bat helburua den erabiltzaile moduan
   49: select-ek huts egin dusetproject-ek huts egin du "%s" proiektuarentzatsudoedit-ek ez du euskarririk plataforma hontan`-A' eta `-S' aukerak ez lirateke batera erabili beharko`-E' aukera ez da onartzen edizio moduan`-U' aukera `-l' aukerarekin erabili beharko zenuke soilik-C argumentuak 3 edo zenbaki altuagoa behar du-D argumentua 1 eta 9 bitartean behar du, biak barneezin da memoria esleituezin da uid-a root-era aldatu (%u)ezin da pipe bat sortuezin da socketik sortuezin da %s-(r)engan dlopen egin: %sezin da stdin-era dup2 eginezin da %s exekutatuezin da %s-(r)engan fgetfilecon eginezin da fork eginezin da socket-a irekiezin da userdb-a irekiezin da aldi baterako fitxategia irakurriezin da erregistroa leheneratuezin da stdin-era leheneratuezin da %s exekutatuezin da stdin-era gordeezin da %u gid-a ezarriezin da %u uid-a ezarriezin da "%s" erregistrora aldatu %s-(r)entzatezin da %s-(e)ra idatziespero ez zen erantzun moeta backchannel-ean: %derabiltzaile ezezaguna: %sez zenitzuke `-i' eta `-E' aukerak batera erabili beharez zenituzke `-i' eta `-s' aukerak batera erabili beharez zenuke ingurune aldagairik zehaztu beharko edizio moduan

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