Annotation of embedaddon/sudo/src/po/, revision ! misho       1:       

        !             2: 


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1.1       misho       5: Options:
                      6: %s - edit files as another user
                      8: %s - execute a command as another user
                      9: ! misho      10: %s changed labels%s is group writable%s is not a regular file%s is not a valid context%s is owned by uid %u, should be %u%s is world writable%s left unmodified%s must be only be writable by owner%s must be owned by uid %d%s must be owned by uid %d and have the setuid bit set%s unchanged%s%s: %s%s: %s%s: incompatible policy major version %d, expected %d%s: not a regular file%s: only a single policy plugin may be loaded%s: short write%s: unable to find symbol %s%s: unknown policy type %d: Configure options: %s
1.1       misho      11: Only one of the -e, -h, -i, -K, -l, -s, -v or -V options may be specifiedSudo version %s
                     12: Unknown signalclose all file descriptors >= fd
                     13: contents of edit session left in %scould not bind to default resource pool for project "%s"could not join project "%s"create SELinux security context with specified role
                     14: display help message and exit
                     15: display version information and exit
                     16: edit files instead of running a command   misho      17: effective uid is not %d, is %s on a file system with the 'nosuid' option set or an NFS file system without root privileges?effective uid is not %d, is sudo installed setuid root?error initializing I/O plugin %serror reading from pipeerror reading from signal pipeerror reading from socketpairexecute command as the specified group ! misho      18: failed to get old_contextfailed to set new role %sfailed to set new type %sfatal error, unable to load pluginsinternal error, %s overflowinternal error, tried to ecalloc(0)internal error, tried to emalloc(0)internal error, tried to emalloc2(0)internal error, tried to erealloc(0)internal error, tried to erealloc3(0)internal error, tried to erecalloc(0)invalidate timestamp file
1.1       misho      19: list user's available commands   misho      20: load_interfaces: overflow detectedno askpass program specified, try setting SUDO_ASKPASSno resource pool accepting default bindings exists for project "%s"no tty present and no askpass program specifiednon-interactive mode, will not prompt user
                     21: plugin error: missing file list for sudoeditpolicy plugin %s does not include a check_policy methodpolicy plugin %s does not support listing privilegespolicy plugin %s does not support the -k/-K optionspolicy plugin %s does not support the -v optionpolicy plugin failed session initializationpreserve group vector instead of setting to target's
1.1       misho      22: preserve user environment when executing command
                     23: read password from standard input
                     24: remove timestamp file completely
                     25: requires at least one argumentresource control limit has been reachedrun a login shell as target user
                     26: run a shell as target user
                     27: run command (or edit file) as specified user
                     28: run command in the background
                     29: run command with specified login class
                     30: select failedset HOME variable to target user's home dir.
                     31: setproject failed for project "%s"specified resource pool does not exist for project "%s"stop processing command line arguments   misho      32: sudoedit is not supported on this platformthe `-A' and `-S' options may not be used togetherthe `-E' option is not valid in edit modethe `-U' option may only be used with the `-l' optionthe argument to -C must be a number greater than or equal to 3the invoking task is finalunable to allocate memoryunable to allocate ptyunable to change directory to %sunable to change root to %sunable to change to runas uid (%u, %u)unable to change uid to root (%u)unable to create pipeunable to create socketsunable to determine enforcing mode.unable to dlopen %s: %sunable to dup2 stdinunable to execute %sunable to fgetfilecon %sunable to forkunable to get current tty context, not relabeling ttyunable to get default type for role %sunable to get group vectorunable to get new tty context, not relabeling ttyunable to initialize policy pluginunable to open %sunable to open %s, not relabeling ttyunable to open audit systemunable to open socketunable to open userdbunable to read temporary fileunable to remove PRIV_PROC_EXEC from PRIV_LIMITunable to restore context for %sunable to restore registryunable to restore stdinunable to restore tty labelunable to run %sunable to save stdinunable to send audit messageunable to set controlling ttyunable to set effective gid to runas gid %uunable to set exec context to %sunable to set gid to %uunable to set gid to runas gid %uunable to set key creation context to %sunable to set new tty contextunable to set process priorityunable to set supplementary group IDsunable to set terminal to raw modeunable to set uid to %uunable to set user contextunable to setup tty context for %sunable to stat %sunable to switch to registry "%s" for %sunable to write to %sunexpected child termination condition: %dunexpected reply type on backchannel: %dunexpected sudo mode 0x%xunknown login class %sunknown uid %u: who are you?unknown user: %supdate user's timestamp without running a command
1.1       misho      33: use helper program for password prompting
                     34: use specified BSD authentication type
                     35: use specified password prompt
                     36: user "%s" is not a member of project "%s"warning, resource control assignment failed for project "%s"when listing, list specified user's privileges ! misho      37: you may not specify both the `-i' and `-E' optionsyou may not specify both the `-i' and `-s' optionsyou may not specify environment variables in edit modeyou must specify a role for type %sProject-Id-Version: sudo-1.8.6b4
1.1       misho      38: Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ! misho      39: POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 13:08-0400
        !            40: PO-Revision-Date: 2012-08-21 10:16+0800
1.1       misho      41: Last-Translator: Wylmer Wang <>
                     42: Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) <>   misho      43: Language: zh_CN
1.1       misho      44: MIME-Version: 1.0
                     45: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
                     46: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
                     48: 选项:
                     49: %s - 以其他用户身份编辑文件
                     51: %s - 以其他用户身份执行一条命令
                     52: ! misho      53: %s 修改了标签%s 可被用户组写%s 不是常规文件%s 不是有效的环境%s 属于用户 ID %u,应为 %u%s 可被任何人写%s 并未修改%s 必须只对其所有者可写%s 必须属于用户 ID %d(的用户)%s 必须属于用户 ID %d(的用户)并且设置 setuid 位%s 已更改%s%s:%s%s:%s%s:不兼容的策略主版本号 %d,应为 %d%s:不是常规文件%s:只能加载一个策略插件%s:截短写入%s:找不到符号 %s%s:未知的策略类型 %d:当前选项:%s
1.1       misho      54: 只能指定 -e、-h、-i、-K、-l、-s、-v 或 -V 选项中的一个Sudo 版本 %s
                     55: 未知信号关闭所有 >= fd 的文件描述符
                     56: 编辑会话的内容留在了 %s 中无法为项目“%s”绑定到默认的资源池无法加入项目“%s”以指定的角色创建 SELinux 安全环境
                     57: 显示帮助消息并退出
                     58: 显示版本信息并退出
                     59: 编辑文件而非执行命令   misho      60: 有效用户 ID 不是 %d,%s 位于一个设置了“nosuid”选项的文件系统或没有 root 权限的 NFS 文件系统中吗?有效用户 ID 不是 %d,sudo 属于 root 并设置了 setuid 位吗?初始化 I/O 插件 %s 出错从管道读取出错从单管道读取出错从套接字对读取出错以指定的用户组执行命令 ! misho      61: 无法获取 old_context设置新角色 %s 失败设置新类型 %s 失败致命错误,无法加载插件内部错误,%s 溢出内部错误,试图 ecalloc(0)内部错误,试图 emalloc(0)内部错误,试图 emalloc2(0)内部错误,试图 erealloc(0)内部错误,试图 erealloc3(0)内部错误,试图 erecalloc(0)无效的时间戳文件
1.1       misho      62: 列出用户能执行的命令   misho      63: load_interfaces:检测到溢出没有指定 askpass 程序,尝试设置 SUDO_ASKPASS不存在对应于项目“%s”的、接受默认绑定的资源池没有终端存在,且未指定 askpass 程序非交互模式,将不提示用户
                     64: 插件错误:缺少 sudoedit 的文件列表策略插件 %s 不包含 check_policy 方法策略插件 %s 不支持列出权限策略插件 %s 不支持 -k/-K 选项策略插件 %s不支持 -v 选项策略插件会话初始化失败保留组向量,而非设置为目标的组向量
1.1       misho      65: 在执行命令时保留用户环境
                     66: 从标准输入读取密码
                     67: 完全移除时间戳文件
                     68: 要求至少有一个参数达到了资源控制限制以目标用户身份运行一个登录 shell
                     69: 以目标用户身份运行 shell
                     70: 以指定用户身份运行命令(或编辑文件)
                     71: 在后台运行命令
                     72: 以指定的登录类别运行命令
                     73: select 失败将 HOME 变量设为目标用户的主目录。
                     74: 对项目“%s”执行 setproject 失败指定的对应于项目“%s”的资源池不存在停止处理命令行参数   misho      75: 此平台不支持 sudoedit“-A”和“-S”选项不可同时使用“-E”选项在编辑模式中无效“-U”选项只能与“-l”选项一起使用-C 选项的参数必须是一个大于等于 3 的数字调用的任务是最终的(final)无法分配内存无法分配伪终端无法将目录切换到 %s无法从 root 切换到 %s无法切换到以用户 ID(%u,%u)运行无法将用户 ID 切换到 root(%u)无法创建管道无法创建套接字无法确定强制模式。无法 dlopen %s:%s无法 dup2 stdin无法执行 %s无法 fgetfilecon %s无法执行 fork无法获取当前终端的环境,将不重新标记终端无法获取 %s 角色的默认类型无法获取组向量无法获取新终端的环境,将不重新标记终端无法初始化策略插件打不开 %s无法打开 %s,将不重新标记终端无法打开审查系统无法打开套接字无法打开 userdb无法读取临时文件无法从 PRIV_LIMIT 中移除 PRIV_PROC_EXEC无法恢复 %s 的环境无法恢复注册表无法恢复 stdin无法恢复终端标签无法执行 %s无法保存 stdin无法发送审查消息无法设置控制终端无法设置有效组 ID 来以组 ID %u 运行无法向 %s 设置 exec 环境无法将组 ID 设为 %u无法设置组 ID 来以组 ID %u 运行无法向 %s 设置键创建环境无法设置新终端的环境无法设置进程优先级无法设置补充组 ID无法将终端设为原始模式无法将用户 ID 设为 %u无法设置用户环境无法设置 %s 的终端环境无法 stat %s无法为 %2$s 切换到注册表“%1$s”无法写入 %s异常的子进程终止条件:%d联络通道的回应类型异常:%d异常的 sudo 模式 0x%x未知的登录类别 %s未知的用户 ID %u:您是?未知用户:%s更新用户的时间戳而不执行命令
1.1       misho      76: 使用助手程序进行密码提示
                     77: 使用指定的 BSD 认证类型
                     78: 使用指定的密码提示
                     79: 用户“%s”不是项目“%s”的成员警告,对项目“%s”的资源控制分配失败在列表时,列出指定用户的权限
                     80: 您不能同时指定“-i”和“-E”选项您不能同时指定“-i”和“-s”选项在编辑模式中您不能指定环境变量您必须为 %s 类型指定一个角色

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