By Bob Jenkins, 1996. hashtab.c. Public Domain.
This implements a hash table.
* Keys are unique. Adding an item fails if the key is already there.
* Keys and items are pointed at, not copied. If you change the value
of the key after it is inserted then hfind will not be able to find it.
* The hash table maintains a position that can be set and queried.
* The table length doubles dynamically and never shrinks. The insert
that causes table doubling may take a long time.
* The table length splits when the table length equals the number of items
Comparisons usually take 7 instructions.
Computing a hash value takes 35+6n instructions for an n-byte key.
hcreate - create a hash table
hdestroy - destroy a hash table
hcount - The number of items in the hash table
hkey - key at the current position
hkeyl - key length at the current position
hstuff - stuff at the current position
hfind - find an item in the table
hadd - insert an item into the table
hdel - delete an item from the table
hstat - print statistics about the table
hfirst - position at the first item in the table
hnext - move the position to the next item in the table
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef STANDARD
#include "standard.h"
#ifndef LOOKUPA
#include "lookupa.h"
#ifndef HASHTAB
#include "hashtab.h"
#ifndef RECYCLE
#include "recycle.h"
#ifdef DEBUG
/* sanity check -- make sure ipos, apos, and count make sense */
static void hsanity(t)
htab *t;
ub4 i, end, counter;
hitem *h;
/* test that apos makes sense */
end = (ub4)1<<(t->logsize);
if (end < t->apos)
fprintf(stderr, "hsanity: end %ld, apos %ld\n", end, t->apos);
/* test that ipos is in bucket apos */
if (t->ipos)
for (h=t->table[t->apos]; h && h != t->ipos; h = h->next)
if (h != t->ipos)
fprintf(stderr, "hsanity: ipos not in apos, apos is %ld\n", t->apos);
/* test that t->count is the number of elements in the table */
for (counter=0, i=0; i<end; ++i)
for (h=t->table[i]; h; h=h->next)
if (counter != t->count)
fprintf(stderr, "hsanity: counter %ld, t->count %ld\n", counter, t->count);
#endif /* DEBUG */
* hgrow - Double the size of a hash table.
* Allocate a new, 2x bigger array,
* move everything from the old array to the new array,
* then free the old array.
static void hgrow( t)
htab *t; /* table */
register ub4 newsize = (ub4)1<<(++t->logsize);
register ub4 newmask = newsize-1;
register ub4 i;
register hitem **oldtab = t->table;
register hitem **newtab = (hitem **)malloc(newsize*sizeof(hitem *));
if (!newtab) return;
/* make sure newtab is cleared */
for (i=0; i<newsize; ++i) newtab[i] = (hitem *)0;
t->table = newtab;
t->mask = newmask;
/* Walk through old table putting entries in new table */
for (i=newsize>>1; i--;)
register hitem *this, *that, **newplace;
for (this = oldtab[i]; this;)
that = this;
this = this->next;
newplace = &newtab[(that->hval & newmask)];
that->next = *newplace;
*newplace = that;
/* position the hash table on some existing item */
/* free the old array */
free((char *)oldtab);
/* hcreate - create a hash table initially of size power(2,logsize) */
htab *hcreate(logsize)
word logsize; /* log base 2 of the size of the hash table */
ub4 i,len;
htab *t = (htab *)malloc(sizeof(htab));
if (!t) return 0;
len = ((ub4)1<<logsize);
t->table = (hitem **)malloc(sizeof(hitem *)*(ub4)len);
if (!t->table) return 0;
for (i=0; i<len; ++i) t->table[i] = (hitem *)0;
t->logsize = logsize;
t->mask = len-1;
t->count = 0;
t->apos = (ub4)0;
t->ipos = (hitem *)0;
t->space = remkroot(sizeof(hitem));
if (!t->space) return 0;
t->bcount = 0;
return t;
/* hdestroy - destroy the hash table and free all its memory */
void hdestroy( t)
htab *t; /* the table */
free((char *)t->table);
free((char *)t);
/* hcount() is a macro, see hashtab.h */
/* hkey() is a macro, see hashtab.h */
/* hkeyl() is a macro, see hashtab.h */
/* hstuff() is a macro, see hashtab.h */
/* hfind - find an item with a given key in a hash table */
word hfind( t, key, keyl )
htab *t; /* table */
ub1 *key; /* key to find */
ub4 keyl; /* key length */
hitem *h;
ub4 x = lookup(key,keyl,0);
ub4 y;
for (h = t->table[y=(x&t->mask)]; h; h = h->next)
if ((x == h->hval) &&
(keyl == h->keyl) &&
!memcmp(key, h->key, keyl))
t->apos = y;
t->ipos = h;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* hadd - add an item to a hash table.
* return FALSE if the key is already there, otherwise TRUE.
word hadd( t, key, keyl, stuff)
htab *t; /* table */
ub1 *key; /* key to add to hash table */
ub4 keyl; /* key length */
void *stuff; /* stuff to associate with this key */
register hitem *h,**hp;
register ub4 y, x = lookup(key,keyl,0);
/* make sure the key is not already there */
for (h = t->table[(y=(x&t->mask))]; h; h = h->next)
if ((x == h->hval) &&
(keyl == h->keyl) &&
!memcmp(key, h->key, keyl))
t->apos = y;
t->ipos = h;
return FALSE;
/* find space for a new item */
h = (hitem *)renew(t->space);
if (!h) return -1;
/* make the hash table bigger if it is getting full */
if (++t->count > (ub4)1<<(t->logsize))
y = (x&t->mask);
/* add the new key to the table */
h->key = key;
h->keyl = keyl;
h->stuff = stuff;
h->hval = x;
hp = &t->table[y];
h->next = *hp;
*hp = h;
t->ipos = h;
t->apos = y;
#ifdef DEBUG
#endif /* DEBUG */
return TRUE;
/* hdel - delete the item at the current position */
word hdel(t)
htab *t; /* the hash table */
hitem *h; /* item being deleted */
hitem **ip; /* a counter */
/* check for item not existing */
if (!(h = t->ipos)) return FALSE;
/* remove item from its list */
for (ip = &t->table[t->apos]; *ip != h; ip = &(*ip)->next)
*ip = (*ip)->next;
/* adjust position to something that exists */
if (!(t->ipos = h->next)) hnbucket(t);
/* recycle the deleted hitem node */
redel(t->space, h);
#ifdef DEBUG
#endif /* DEBUG */
return TRUE;
/* hfirst - position on the first element in the table */
word hfirst(t)
htab *t; /* the hash table */
t->apos = t->mask;
return (t->ipos != (hitem *)0);
/* hnext() is a macro, see hashtab.h */
* hnbucket - Move position to the first item in the next bucket.
* Return TRUE if we did not wrap around to the beginning of the table
word hnbucket(t)
htab *t;
ub4 oldapos = t->apos;
ub4 end = (ub4)1<<(t->logsize);
ub4 i;
/* see if the element can be found without wrapping around */
for (i=oldapos+1; i<end; ++i)
if (t->table[i&t->mask])
t->apos = i;
t->ipos = t->table[i];
return TRUE;
/* must have to wrap around to find the last element */
for (i=0; i<=oldapos; ++i)
if (t->table[i])
t->apos = i;
t->ipos = t->table[i];
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
void hstat(fp, t)
FILE *fp;
htab *t;
ub4 i,j;
double total = 0.0;
hitem *h;
hitem *walk, *walk2, *stat = (hitem *)0;
/* in stat, keyl will store length of list, hval the number of buckets */
for (i=0; i<=t->mask; ++i)
for (h=t->table[i], j=0; h; ++j, h=h->next)
for (walk=stat; walk && (walk->keyl != j); walk=walk->next)
if (walk)
walk = (hitem *)renew(t->space);
if (!walk) {
fprintf(fp, "renew: Can't allocate memory?\n");
walk->keyl = j;
walk->hval = 1;
if (!stat || stat->keyl > j) {walk->next=stat; stat=walk;}
for (walk2=stat;
walk2->next && (walk2->next->keyl<j);
walk->next = walk2->next;
walk2->next = walk;
/* figure out average list length for existing elements */
for (walk=stat; walk; walk=walk->next)
if (t->count) total /= (double)t->count;
else total = (double)0;
/* print statistics */
fprintf(fp, "\n");
for (walk=stat; walk; walk=walk->next)
fprintf(fp, "items %ld: %ld buckets\n", walk->keyl, walk->hval);
fprintf(fp, "\nbuckets: %ld items: %ld existing: %g\n\n",
((ub4)1<<t->logsize), t->count, total);
/* clean up */
while (stat)
walk = stat->next;
redel(t->space, stat);
stat = walk;
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