/*- * Copyright (c) 2022 Michael Pounov * * * Redistribution and use in source forms, with and without modification, * are permitted provided that this entire comment appears intact. * * Redistribution in binary form may occur without any restrictions. * Obviously, it would be nice if you gave credit where credit is due * but requiring it would be too onerous. * * This software is provided ``AS IS'' without any warranties of any kind. * * command line interface for sync state of IP firewall */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ipfw2.h" typedef union { struct sockaddr_storage ss; struct sockaddr sa; struct sockaddr_un sun; struct sockaddr_in sin; struct sockaddr_in6 sin6; struct sockaddr_dl sdl; } sockaddr_t; #define E_SOCKADDR_INIT { .ss = { 0 } } #define E_SOCKADDR_MAX MIN(sizeof(sockaddr_t), 0xff) #define SYNC_SHIFT_ARG { ac--; av++; } #define DEF_SYNC_PORT 20611 void ipfw_config_sync(int ac, char **av) { u_short port; sockaddr_t *sa = NULL; int len, j, i = 0; char *str, *buf, show[BUFSIZ], host[64]; void *ptr; ipfw_obj_header *oh; struct ipfw_sync_cfg *cfg; SYNC_SHIFT_ARG; len = sizeof(*oh) + sizeof(*cfg); buf = malloc(len); if (!buf) errx(EX_OSERR, "malloc failed"); else memset(buf, 0, len); oh = (ipfw_obj_header*) buf; cfg = (struct ipfw_sync_cfg*) (oh + 1); oh->ntlv.head.length = sizeof(oh->ntlv); if (ac && !strcmp(*av, "edge")) { SYNC_SHIFT_ARG; if (ac && !strcmp(*av, "port")) SYNC_SHIFT_ARG; if (!ac) errx(EX_DATAERR, "missing edge port\n"); strlcpy(host, *av, sizeof host); if ((str = strchr(host, ','))) { *str++ = 0; port = strtol(str, NULL, 10); if (!port) errx(EX_DATAERR, "incorrect port number\n"); } else { port = strtol(host, NULL, 10); if (!port) errx(EX_DATAERR, "incorrect port number\n"); strlcpy(host, "", sizeof host); } strlcpy(oh->ntlv.name, "edge", sizeof(oh->ntlv.name)); strlcpy(cfg->name, "edge", sizeof(cfg->name)); cfg->mode = CFG_SYNC_EDGE; cfg->addrs = 1; cfg->addr[0].addr.sa_family = strchr(host, ':') ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET; if (cfg->addr[0].addr.sa_family == AF_INET) { cfg->addr[0].ip4.sin_len = sizeof cfg->addr[0].ip4; cfg->addr[0].ip4.sin_port = htons(port); if (inet_pton(AF_INET, host, &cfg->addr[0].ip4.sin_addr) != 1) errx(EX_DATAERR, "invalid edge IPv4 address\n"); } else { cfg->addr[0].ip6.sin6_len = sizeof cfg->addr[0].ip6; cfg->addr[0].ip6.sin6_port = htons(port); if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, host, &cfg->addr[0].ip6.sin6_addr) != 1) errx(EX_DATAERR, "invalid edge IPv6 address\n"); } } else if (ac && !strcmp(*av, "collector")) { SYNC_SHIFT_ARG; if (!ac) errx(EX_DATAERR, "missing destination(s) address[,port]\n"); while (ac && *av) { ptr = realloc(sa, E_SOCKADDR_MAX * (i + 1)); if (!ptr) { free(sa); errx(EX_DATAERR, "not enough memory for collectors\n"); } else sa = ptr; memset(sa + i, 0, E_SOCKADDR_MAX); if ((str = strchr(*av, ','))) { *str++ = 0; port = strtol(str, NULL, 10); if (!port) { free(sa); errx(EX_DATAERR, "incorrect port number\n"); } } else port = DEF_SYNC_PORT; sa[i].sa.sa_family = strchr(*av, ':') ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET; if (sa[i].sa.sa_family == AF_INET) { sa[i].sa.sa_len = sizeof sa[i].sin; sa[i].sin.sin_port = htons(port); if (inet_pton(AF_INET, *av, &sa[i].sin.sin_addr) != 1) { free(sa); errx(EX_DATAERR, "invalid collector address\n"); } cfg->addr[1 + i].ip4.sin_len = sizeof cfg->addr[1 + i].ip4; cfg->addr[1 + i].ip4.sin_family = AF_INET; cfg->addr[1 + i].ip4.sin_port = htons(port); memcpy(&cfg->addr[1 + i].ip4.sin_addr, &sa[i].sin.sin_addr, sizeof cfg->addr[1 + i].ip4.sin_addr); } else { sa[i].sa.sa_len = sizeof sa[i].sin6; sa[i].sin6.sin6_port = htons(port); if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, *av, &sa[i].sin6.sin6_addr) != 1) { free(sa); errx(EX_DATAERR, "invalid collector address\n"); } cfg->addr[1 + i].ip6.sin6_len = sizeof cfg->addr[1 + i].ip6; cfg->addr[1 + i].ip6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; cfg->addr[1 + i].ip6.sin6_port = htons(port); memcpy(&cfg->addr[1 + i].ip6.sin6_addr, &sa[i].sin6.sin6_addr, sizeof cfg->addr[1 + i].ip6.sin6_addr); } i++; SYNC_SHIFT_ARG; if (i == 2) /* maximum 2 collectors at same time */ break; } free(sa); strlcpy(oh->ntlv.name, "collector", sizeof(oh->ntlv.name)); strlcpy(cfg->name, "collector", sizeof(cfg->name)); cfg->mode = CFG_SYNC_COLLECTOR; cfg->addrs = MIN(i, 2); } else errx(EX_DATAERR, "missing type of service edge or collector\n"); i = do_set3(IP_FW_SYNC_XCONFIG, &oh->opheader, len); if (i) err(1, "setsockopt(%s)", "IP_FW_SYNC_XCONFIG"); if (!g_co.do_quiet) { /* After every modification, we show the resultant rule. */ if (cfg->mode == CFG_SYNC_EDGE) { printf("edge port %hu\n", ntohs(cfg->addr[0].ip4.sin_port)); } else { printf("collector"); for (j = 1; j < cfg->addrs + 1; j++) { if (cfg->addr[j].addr.sa_family == AF_INET) printf(" %s,%hu", inet_ntop(AF_INET, &cfg->addr[j].ip4.sin_addr, show, sizeof show), ntohs(cfg->addr[j].ip4.sin_port)); else printf(" %s,%hu", inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &cfg->addr[j].ip6.sin6_addr, show, sizeof show), ntohs(cfg->addr[j].ip6.sin6_port)); } printf("\n"); } } free(buf); } void ipfw_show_sync(int ac, char **av) { ipfw_obj_header *oh; struct ipfw_sync_cfg *cfg; size_t sz; char show[BUFSIZ]; int i; SYNC_SHIFT_ARG; sz = sizeof *oh + sizeof *cfg; while (42) { if (!(oh = malloc(sz))) return; else memset(oh, 0, sz); cfg = (struct ipfw_sync_cfg*) (oh + 1); oh->ntlv.head.length = sizeof(oh->ntlv); strlcpy(oh->ntlv.name, ac ? *av : "", sizeof(oh->ntlv.name)); strlcpy(cfg->name, ac ? *av : "", sizeof(cfg->name)); if (do_get3(IP_FW_SYNC_XGETCONFIG, &oh->opheader, &sz)) { free(oh); if (errno == ENOMEM) continue; return; } break; } i = strtol(cfg->name, NULL, 10); if (!ac || !strcmp(*av, "edge")) printf("ipfw sync %s edge\n", (i & CFG_SYNC_EDGE) ? "start" : "stop"); if (!ac || !strcmp(*av, "collector")) printf("ipfw sync %s collector\n", (i & CFG_SYNC_COLLECTOR) ? "start" : "stop"); if ((!ac || !strcmp(*av, "edge")) && cfg->mode & CFG_SYNC_EDGE) printf("ipfw sync config edge port %hu\n", ntohs(cfg->addr[0].ip4.sin_port)); if ((!ac || !strcmp(*av, "collector")) && cfg->mode & CFG_SYNC_COLLECTOR) { printf("ipfw sync config collector"); for (i = 1; i < cfg->addrs + 1; i++) { if (cfg->addr[i].addr.sa_family == AF_INET) printf(" %s,%hu", inet_ntop(AF_INET, &cfg->addr[i].ip4.sin_addr, show, sizeof show), ntohs(cfg->addr[i].ip4.sin_port)); else printf(" %s,%hu", inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &cfg->addr[i].ip6.sin6_addr, show, sizeof show), ntohs(cfg->addr[i].ip6.sin6_port)); } printf("\n"); } } void ipfw_start_sync(int ac, char **av) { int *n; ipfw_obj_header *oh; size_t sz; char *buf; SYNC_SHIFT_ARG; sz = sizeof *oh + sizeof(int); buf = malloc(sz); if (!buf) errx(EX_OSERR, "malloc failed"); else memset(buf, 0, sz); oh = (ipfw_obj_header*) buf; n = (int*) (oh + 1); oh->ntlv.head.length = sizeof(oh->ntlv); if (!ac || !strcmp(*av, "edge")) { *n = CFG_SYNC_EDGE; } if (!ac || !strcmp(*av, "collector")) { *n |= CFG_SYNC_COLLECTOR; } if (do_set3(IP_FW_SYNC_START, &oh->opheader, sz)) err(1, "setsockopt(%s)", "IP_FW_SYNC_START"); if (!g_co.do_quiet) { if (!ac || !strcmp(*av, "edge")) printf("ipfw sync start edge\n"); if (!ac || !strcmp(*av, "collector")) printf("ipfw sync start collector\n"); } } void ipfw_stop_sync(int ac, char **av) { int *n; ipfw_obj_header *oh; size_t sz; char *buf; SYNC_SHIFT_ARG; sz = sizeof *oh + sizeof(int); buf = malloc(sz); if (!buf) errx(EX_OSERR, "malloc failed"); else memset(buf, 0, sz); oh = (ipfw_obj_header*) buf; n = (int*) (oh + 1); oh->ntlv.head.length = sizeof(oh->ntlv); if (!ac || !strcmp(*av, "edge")) { *n = CFG_SYNC_EDGE; } if (!ac || !strcmp(*av, "collector")) { *n |= CFG_SYNC_COLLECTOR; } if (do_set3(IP_FW_SYNC_STOP, &oh->opheader, sz)) err(1, "setsockopt(%s)", "IP_FW_SYNC_STOP"); if (!g_co.do_quiet) { if (!ac || !strcmp(*av, "edge")) printf("ipfw sync stop edge\n"); if (!ac || !strcmp(*av, "collector")) printf("ipfw sync stop collector\n"); } } void ipfw_flush_sync(int ac, char **av) { int *n; ipfw_obj_header *oh; size_t sz; char *buf; SYNC_SHIFT_ARG; sz = sizeof *oh + sizeof(int); buf = malloc(sz); if (!buf) errx(EX_OSERR, "malloc failed"); else memset(buf, 0, sz); oh = (ipfw_obj_header*) buf; n = (int*) (oh + 1); oh->ntlv.head.length = sizeof(oh->ntlv); if (!ac || !strcmp(*av, "edge")) { *n = CFG_SYNC_EDGE; } if (!ac || !strcmp(*av, "collector")) { *n |= CFG_SYNC_COLLECTOR; } if (do_set3(IP_FW_SYNC_DESTROY, &oh->opheader, sz)) err(1, "setsockopt(%s)", "IP_FW_SYNC_DESTROY"); if (!g_co.do_quiet) { if (!ac || !strcmp(*av, "edge")) printf("ipfw sync flush edge\n"); if (!ac || !strcmp(*av, "collector")) printf("ipfw sync flush collector\n"); } }