* LibAxl: Another XML library
* Copyright (C) 2006 Advanced Software Production Line, S.L.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307 USA
* You may find a copy of the license under this software is released
* at COPYING file. This is LGPL software: you are welcome to
* develop proprietary applications using this library without any
* royalty or fee but returning back any change, improvement or
* addition in the form of source code, project image, documentation
* patches, etc.
* For commercial support on build XML enabled solutions contact us:
* Postal address:
* Advanced Software Production Line, S.L.
* Edificio Alius A, Oficina 102,
* C/ Antonio Suarez Nº 10,
* Alcalá de Henares 28802 Madrid
* Spain
* Email address:
* info@aspl.es - http://www.aspl.es/xml
#ifndef __AXL_DECL_H__
#define __AXL_DECL_H__
/* include platform specific configuration */
#include <axl_config.h>
/* include this at this place to load GNU extensions */
#if defined(__GNUC__)
# ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
# define _GNU_SOURCE
# endif
# define __AXL_LINE__ __LINE__
# define __AXL_FILE__ __FILE__
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
# define __AXL_LINE__ __LINE__
# define __AXL_FILE__ __FILE__
/* unknown compiler */
#define __AXL_PRETTY_FUNCTION__ ""
#define __AXL_LINE__ 0
#define __AXL_FILE__ ""
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
/* only include unistd.h if unix platform is found or gnu gcc compiler
* is found */
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(AXL_OS_UNIX)
# include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <ctype.h>
* \defgroup axl_decl_module Axl Declarations: Common Axl declarations, Types, macros, and support functions.
* \addtogroup axl_decl_module
* @{
* @brief Axl XML document type definition.
* This type represents a reference to an entiry XML document loaded
* into memory. Functions to be used to load XML document could be the
* following:
* - \ref axl_doc_parse
* - \ref axl_doc_parse_strings
* - \ref axl_doc_parse_from_file
* You can also create an empty document by using \ref axl_doc_create
* and fill the initial root node using the \ref axl_doc_set_root
* function. Once the document have an initial root node, you can add
* more nodes as childs to the root element previously added.
* Check the \ref axl_doc_module "axlDoc API reference" to get more
* information.
typedef struct _axlDoc axlDoc;
* @brief An abstraction that allows to hold an xml node or any other
* content that can be found inside an xml node: comments, content,
* CDATA-content, PI, entity references.
* This type is mainly used inside the MIXED API, which allows to get
* access to every particular item found inside a particular node
* (\ref axlNode). Every item has a type (\ref AxlItemType) and a
* content that is being encapsulated and usually accessed by \ref
* axl_item_get_data.
* Check the \ref axl_item_module "Axl Item interface" for more information.
typedef struct _axlItem axlItem;
* @internal Factory allocation type.
typedef struct _axlFactory axlFactory;
* @internal String factory allocation type.
typedef struct _axlStrFactory axlStrFactory;
* @brief Axl XML node type definition.
* This type reference represents a single XML node. To create a xml node you can use:
* - \ref axl_node_create
* To get the node name or if the node have childs or if it is empty,
* you can use the following functions:
* - \ref axl_node_get_name
* - \ref axl_node_is_empty
* - \ref axl_node_have_childs
* To get the \ref axlNode content you can use the following
* functions:
* - \ref axl_node_get_content
* - \ref axl_node_get_content_copy
* - \ref axl_node_get_content_trans
* For attributes manipulation, you can using the following functions
* to set them and retrieve them:
* - \ref axl_node_get_attribute_value
* - \ref axl_node_get_attribute_value_copy
* - \ref axl_node_get_attribute_value_trans
* To retrive childs number or childs inside the given \ref axlNode
* you can use the following function:
* - \ref axl_node_get_child_num
* - \ref axl_node_get_child_nth
* You can also use the following functions to get the parent node for
* a provided xml node child and the next xml node found at the same
* level, for a provided xml node reference.
* - \ref axl_node_get_parent
* - \ref axl_node_get_next
* Check the axlNode \ref axl_node_module "API for more information".
typedef struct _axlNode axlNode;
* @brief Public cursor type used to iterate over attributes installed
* on a particular node (see \ref axl_node_attr_cursor_new to get examples and more information).
typedef struct _axlAttrCursor axlAttrCursor;
* @brief Axl DTD entity representation.
typedef struct _axlDtd axlDtd;
* @brief Axl DTD entity element declaration.
typedef struct _axlDtdElement axlDtdElement;
* @brief Axl DTD item list element declaration.
typedef struct _axlDtdElementList axlDtdElementList;
* @brief Axl DTD item list element declaration.
typedef struct _axlDtdElementListNode axlDtdElementListNode;
* @brief Axl DTD attribute declaration (<!ATTLIST..>)
typedef struct _axlDtdAttribute axlDtdAttribute;
* @brief Axl DTD attribute list decleration inside \ref axlDtdAttribute.
typedef struct _axlDtdAttributeDecl axlDtdAttributeDecl;
* @brief Axl DTD entity declaration (<!ENTITY support>)
typedef struct _axlDtdEntity axlDtdEntity;
* @brief Support type definition for \ref axlDtdEntity, which holds
* information about external resource pointed by the \ref
* axlDtdEntity instance.
typedef struct _axlDtdEntityExternalData axlDtdEntityExternalData;
* @brief Declares the entity type for a provided \ref axlDtdEntity.
typedef enum {
* @brief The \ref axlDtdEntity definition represents a
* general entity definition (that comes without % before the
* entity name).
* @brief The \ref axlDtdEntity definition represents a
* parameter entity definition (that comes with a % before the
* entity name, making this entity definition to be only
* usable from a DTD definition).
* @brief Attribute type declaration (the type of the attribute
* constrain). This type is used to identifier the attribute contains
* applied to the node selected.
typedef enum {
* @brief The attribute type is defined but its content is
* CDATA (any string value is allowed), activated when used 'CDATA'.
* @brief Especific token declaration that implicitly contrain
* the node attribute value, activated when used 'ID'.
* @brief Especific token declaration that implicitly contrain
* the node attribute value, activated when used 'IDREF'.
* @brief Especific token declaration that implicitly contrain
* the node attribute value, activated when used 'IDREFS'.
* @brief Especific token declaration that implicitly contrain
* the node attribute value, activated when used 'ENTITY'.
* @brief Especific token declaration that implicitly contrain
* the node attribute value, activated when used 'ENTITIES'.
* @brief Especific token declaration that implicitly contrain
* the node attribute value, activated when used 'NMTOKEN'.
* @brief Especific token declaration that implicitly contrain
* the node attribute value, activated when used 'NMTOKENS'.
* @brief The attribute type declaration is constrained to a
* set of values. This values are considered as an
* enumeration.
* @brief Attribute type not supported yet (although defined).
} AxlDtdAttributeType;
* @brief Defines the DTD attribute declaration default state.
typedef enum {
* @brief The attribute is required as especified by the
* attribute declaration.
* @brief The attribute is not requried, however, if it
* appears it must follow the attribute type declaration.
* @brief The attribute must appear and have the value
* provided as the default.
* @brief The type of the DTD sequences stored by the \ref
* axlDtdElementList.
typedef enum {
* @internal
* Internal value used by the library to support mixing
* content seperator types detection.
* @brief Represents that the item selection is configured to
* be a choice (a selection allowed from any item inside the
* collection).
* @brief Represents that the item selection is configured to
* select each item in the order they apper.
* @brief An indication of the element type stored on the provided
* \ref axlDtdElementListNode reference.
* An \ref axlDtdElementListNode reference could contain a single
* reference to a content particule name, that is the XML node name to
* be allowed to be used at the provided position or a reference to an
* \ref axlDtdElementList which contains a nested list containing more
* content particules.
typedef enum {
* @internal
* Represents the not defined value.
* @brief The reference contains an \ref axlDtdElementList.
* @brief The reference contains a reference to a leaf node, a
* content particule.
} NodeType;
* @brief DTD element type enumeration.
* While using DTD declaration, <b>ELEMENT</b> used to define how your
* xml document is structured and constrained, are clasified using the
* following values.
* This type specification must not be confused with \ref NodeType,
* which is the configuration for an element, inside the content DTD
* element specification.
typedef enum {
* @internal
* Internal value to avoid confusing EMPTY declaration with a
* non-defined value.
* @brief Used to represent that the element declaration have
* no content inside it. This includes not only PCDATA (data
* stored between xml tags) but also any child declaration.
* @brief Used to represent that the element used in your xml
* document could contain anthing without any contraint.
* @brief Used to represent that the following xml node have
* content not only defined by a set of allowed xml nodes but
* also PCDATA.
* @brief Used to represent that the folowing xml node have
* only xml nodes as content, in the form of xml childs,
* without inlucing PCDATA.
* @brief Used to represent that the DTD element specification
* contains only PCDATA. No child nodes or childs nodes mixed
* with PCDATA.
} AxlDtdElementType;
* @brief Current configuration for elements definied inside a ELEMENT
* DTD declaration.
typedef enum {
* @internal
* Internal representation to identify wrong repetition
* especification values.
* Current configuration for DTD element content specification
* signals that it must appear one and only one times.
* Current configuration for DTD element content specification
* signals that it could appear zero or one time.
* Current configuration for DTD element content specification
* signals
* Current configuration for DTD element content specification
* signals that it must appear one up to many times.
* @brief Item types that can hold an xml node (\ref axlNode).
* \ref AxlItemType is used to notify the type for a particular item
* (\ref axlItem) that is stored as a child on a particular \ref
* axlNode.
* This is mainly used inside the MIXED API, which is the way that Axl
* exposes the content of a xml node that is expected to contain more
* nodes mixed with more content.
* Each type represents a particular basic unit that could be found as
* a child item inside an xml node.
typedef enum {
* @brief The \ref axlItem is encapsulating another item
* node. Calling to \ref axl_item_get_data will return a
* reference to an \ref axlNode.
ITEM_NODE = 1 << 0,
* @brief The \ref axlItem is encapsulating an node
* content. Calling to the convenience function \ref
* axl_item_get_content to get the content and the size that
* is stored in the \ref axlItem with this type.
ITEM_CONTENT = 1 << 1,
* @brief The \ref axlItem is encapsulating an application
* process instruction. Calling to \ref axl_item_get_data will
* return a reference to a \ref axlPI.
ITEM_PI = 1 << 2,
* @brief The \ref axlItem is encapsulating an xml
* comment.
* XML comments inside Axl are handled xml node content. The
* comment that is returned from the function has the initial
* '<!--' and the ending '-->' elements stripped from its
* body.
* You must use the convenience function \ref
* axl_item_get_content to get the comment content and the
* size that is stored on the \ref axlItem.
ITEM_COMMENT = 1 << 3,
* @brief The \ref axlItem is encapsulating an xml entity
* reference that wasn't resolved yet.
* Not implemented yet.
ITEM_REF = 1 << 4,
* @brief The \ref axlItem is encapsulating an xml content
* that was enclosed using the <![CDATA[]]> construction. This
* child item works the same as \ref ITEM_CONTENT but, adding
* the CDATA semantic and the fact that the content wasn't
* parsed by the Axl XML engine.
* You must use the convenience function \ref
* axl_item_get_content to get the CDATA content and the size
* that is stored on the \ref axlItem.
ITEM_CDATA = 1 << 6,
* @internal Item type which allows to signal that the item
* comes from an item factory and shouldn't be deallocated in
* the usual manner.
* @internal Item type which allows to signal that the content
* item comes from an item factory and shouldn't be
* deallocated in the usual manner.
* @brief Simple alias for the AxlDtdElementType.
typedef AxlDtdElementType ElementType;
* @brief Axl DTD entity attribute element declaration.
typedef struct _axtDtdAttr axlDtdAttr;
* @brief Axl Processing instruction type definition.
typedef struct _axlPI axlPI;
* @brief Axl error reporting variable.
* All Axl interface report errors found, with a textual diagnostic,
* to the application level using this variable. You have to know that
* it is also optional, so every function that receives an \ref
* axlError, will properly handle a NULL reference received.
* Once an error was detected, for that condition you must check the
* documentation provided for the function that is failing, you can
* get the error code and the error textual diagnostic by using the
* following functions:
* - \ref axl_error_get_code
* - \ref axl_error_get
* If an error is not detected, there is no especial operation to be
* done once returned the function that has received the \ref axlError
* error reference. However, if an error is detected, the reference
* must be deallocated by using the following function:
* - \ref axl_error_free
* Here is an example:
* \code
* // declare the axlError reference
* axlError * error;
* // parse the document, giving a reference to the axlError
* // NOTE: you can safely provide a NULL reference.
* doc = axl_doc_parse_from_file ("test.xml", &error);
* if (doc == NULL) {
* printf ("Parse error: code=%d, message=%s\n",
* axl_error_get_code (error), axl_error_get (error));
* axl_error_free (error);
* return axl_false;
* }
* // beyond this point, it is not required to do
* // any especial task with the axlError reference
* \endcode
* To get more information about the \ref axlError check its \ref axl_error_module "API documentation".
typedef struct _axlError axlError;
* @brief Axl Stream representation (an abstraction API to manage
* source of data with convenience functions).
typedef struct _axlStream axlStream;
* @brief (DEPRECATED use \ref axl_true) Type definition to represent a boolean true value, that is equal to 1.
#define AXL_TRUE (axl_true)
* @brief (DEPRECATED use \ref axl_false) Type definition to represent a* boolean false value, that is equal to 0.
#define AXL_FALSE (axl_false)
* @brief Alias declaration to bind the <i>int</i> to the <b>boolean</b>
* concept (TRUE / FALSE states) (DEPRECATED).
* This is mainly used to emphasize that some integer values that
* returns some function must be considered to be \ref axl_true or \ref
* axl_false, that represents the boolean TRUE and FALSE values.
* This allows to perform boolean comparations using structure
* controls like if, while, but also making a differenciation about
* the boolean values and integer values.
* You are also allowed to use <b>bool</b> as boolean type definition.
typedef int aboolean;
* @brief Bool definition for the Axl library. This type built on top
* of <b>int</b> is used along with \ref axl_false and \ref axl_true
* to model those API functions and attributes that returns or receive
* a boolean state.
typedef int axl_bool;
* @brief Common definition to have false (\ref axl_false) value (which is defined to 0 integer value).
#define axl_false ((int)0)
* @brief Common definition to have true (\ref axl_true) value (which is defined to 1 integer value).
#define axl_true ((int)1)
* @brief Boolean, deprecated, compatibility mode provided for those
* applications and libraries built on top of Axl Library or any
* library on top of it (like Vortex Library) to support people from C
* user space using bool type definition and its corresponding values
* false and true as they was available before 0.5.5 release.
* Definitions provided by this compatibility mode are:
* - \ref bool
* - \ref true
* - \ref false
#if !defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(__bool_true_false_are_defined) && !defined(__axl_disable_broken_bool_def__)
* @brief <b>DEPRECATED:</b> boolean definition provided to support
* applications and libraries using this type as defined by Axl
* Library before 0.5.5 release. Do use this for newly written code.
typedef int bool;
* @brief <b>DEPRECATED:</b> boolean false definition provided to
* support applications and libraries using this type as defined by
* Axl Library before 0.5.5 release. Do use this for newly written
* code.
#define false axl_false
* @brief <b>DEPRECATED:</b> boolean true definition provided to
* support applications and libraries using this type as defined by
* Axl Library before 0.5.5 release. Do use this for newly written
* code.
#define true axl_true
* @brief Pointer to any structure definition. It should be required
* to use this definition, however, some platforms doesn't support the
* <b>void *</b> making it necessary to use the <b>char *</b>
* definition as a general way to represent references.
typedef void * axlPointer;
* @brief \ref axlList definition, a list implementation.
* See \ref axl_list_new for more information about using this type.
typedef struct _axlList axlList;
* @brief \ref axlListCursor definition, a iterator type used to
* traverse an axlList in a efficient way. See \ref axl_list_cursor_get.
typedef struct _axlListCursor axlListCursor;
* @brief \ref axlStack definitinon, a stack implementation on top of \ref
* axlList.
* See \ref axl_stack_new for more information about using this type.
typedef struct _axlStack axlStack;
* @brief Compact binary state representation stack.
* This data structure allows to store binary/boolean values in an
* efficient way.
* See \ref axl_binary_stack_new for more information.
typedef struct _axlBinaryStack axlBinaryStack;
* @brief \ref axlHash definition, a hash table to store key indexed
* values.
* See \ref axl_hash_new for more information about using this type.
typedef struct _axlHash axlHash;
* @brief \ref axlHashCursor definition, a support type that is used
* to iterate a hash in a linear mode, without calling to \ref
* axl_hash_foreach family functions (see \ref axl_hash_cursor_new).
typedef struct _axlHashCursor axlHashCursor;
* @brief Handler definition used to compare two elements.
* In the case they are equal, 0 is returned. In the case a should be
* before b the -1 is returned. In the case a should be after b then 1
* should be returned. A properly configured handler should help
* collections and other function to order elements.
* @param a The element to compare
* @param b The other element to compare
* @return A value selected from {-1,0,1} according to previous
* description.
typedef int (*axlEqualFunc) (axlPointer a, axlPointer b);
* @brief Handler definition which represent deallocation functions.
* @param ptr The pointer to the memory to be released.
typedef void (*axlDestroyFunc) (axlPointer ptr);
* @brief Handler used to represent the set of functions that could be
* used to configure the axl stream allocation method. See \ref
* axl_stream_set_buffer_alloc.
* @param size The amount of memory to be allocated (memory requested by the axl stream).
* @param data User defined pointer configured at \ref axl_stream_set_buffer_alloc.
* @return The handler must return newly allocated memory to hold <b>size</b>
* bytes.
typedef char * (*axlStreamAlloc) (int size, axlPointer data);
* @brief Handler definition for the set of functions that allows to
* translate content into a particular format back to utf-8, which is
* the default format used for internal data stored by Axl.
* @param source The source content to be decoded into utf-8.
* @param source_size The size of the source content to be decoded.
* @param source_encoding The encoding of the source.
* @param output The output of the decode operation. This buffer is
* memory allocated by the caller. The size to be written is limited
* by the following parameter.
* @param output_size The size of the output produced (in terms of
* octects not utf-8 logical units).
* @param remain_source_index Reference where the last index of valid
* input still pending to be process. Especially useful under
* situation where the decode function returns 2.
* @return The handler must return 1 if the operation was completed, 2
* if the operation was completed but not enough size was found on
* output buffer to store the content or 0 if the function fails.
typedef int (*axlStreamDecode) (const char * source, int source_size,
const char * source_encoding,
char * output, int output_size,
int * output_converted,
int * remain_source_index,
axlPointer user_data);
* @brief A handler definition used by axl stream API to define the
* set of functions that can be used to check content read from a file
* into the axl stream buffer. The initial intention was to allow axl
* babel to install an utf-8 content checked if an xml entity in utf-8
* was detected but it allows more features.
* This handler is configured using \ref axl_stream_setup_check.
* @param source The source to check.
* @param source_size The size of the source to check.
* @param source_encoding The source encoding found.
* @param user_data User defined pointer
* @return
typedef int (*axlStreamContentCheck) (const char * source,
int source_size,
const char * source_encoding,
axlPointer user_data,
axlError ** error);
* @brief Axl debug levels.
* While reporting log to the console, these levels are used to report
* the severity for such log.
typedef enum {
* @brief Debug level. Only used to report common
* circumstances that represent the proper functionality.
* @brief Warning level. Only used to report that an internal
* issue have happend that could be interesting while
* reporting error, but it could also mean common situations.
* @brief Critical level. Only used to report critical
* situations where some that have happened shouldn't.
* This level should only be used while reporting critical
* situations.
* @brief Support macro to allocate memory using axl_calloc function,
* making a casting and using the sizeof keyword.
* @param type The type to allocate
* @param count How many items to allocate.
* @return A newly allocated pointer.
#define axl_new(type, count) (type *) axl_calloc (count, sizeof (type))
* @brief Allows to check a condition and return if it is not meet.
* @param expr The expresion to check.
#define axl_return_if_fail(expr) \
if (!(expr)) {__axl_log ("", AXL_LEVEL_CRITICAL, "Expresion '%s' have failed at %s (%s:%d)", #expr, __AXL_PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __AXL_FILE__, __AXL_LINE__); return;}
* @brief Allows to check a condition and return the given value if it
* is not meet.
* @param expr The expresion to check.
* @param val The value to return if the expression is not meet.
#define axl_return_val_if_fail(expr, val) \
if (!(expr)) { __axl_log ("", AXL_LEVEL_CRITICAL, "Expresion '%s' have failed, returning: %s at %s (%s:%d)", #expr, #val, __AXL_PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __AXL_FILE__, __AXL_LINE__); return val;}
* @brief Consumes all spaces found and tabulars on the given stream
* until a different char is found.
* This internal function also consumes coments inside the xml read.
* @param stream The stream where the operation will be performed.
#define AXL_CONSUME_SPACES(stream) \
axl_stream_consume_white_spaces (stream)
* @internal
* @brief Allows to check if the provided string is empty either
* because it is NULL of because the string contains no data.
* @param str The string to check for emptyness.
* @return Returns axl_true if the string is empty and axl_false if
* not.
#define AXL_IS_STR_EMPTY(str) (((str == NULL) || strlen (str) == 0) ? axl_true : axl_false)
* @internal
* C++ support declarations borrowed from the libtool webpage. Thanks
* you guys for this information.
* BEGIN_C_DECLS should be used at the beginning of your declarations,
* so that C++ compilers don't mangle their names. Use END_C_DECLS at
* the end of C declarations.
#undef END_C_DECLS
#ifdef __cplusplus
# define BEGIN_C_DECLS extern "C" {
# define END_C_DECLS }
# define BEGIN_C_DECLS /* empty */
# define END_C_DECLS /* empty */
#define _memcmp(i,s1,s2,size)\
i = 0;\
while (s1 [i] != 0 && s2 [i] != 0) {\
if (s1 [i] != s2 [i])\
return axl_false;\
if (i == size)\
return axl_true;\
return axl_false
* @brief Allows to configure how is performed the iteration other the xml document.
* An xml document could be considered as a tree structure, where the
* root document node is the root of the tree. This enumerator allows
* to configure how is visited each node of the tree.
typedef enum {
* @brief Makes a deep iteration, visiting first childs of a
* visited node instead of brother nodes at the same level.
* @brief Makes a wide iteration, visiting first all nodes for
* a given level, after visiting nodes for the next level.
} AxlIterationMode;
* \defgroup axl_handlers Axl Handlers: Handlers declarations used by Axl Library functions.
* \addtogroup axl_handlers
* @{
* @brief Axl iteration function definition.
* This handler definition is used by \ref axl_doc_iterate as the
* function definition that will be called for each node found in the
* document.
* The function provides a pointer to the node found, the first
* paramenter, and additionally, provides a pointer to the parent node
* for the node found, the document where the node is found and an
* optional user defined pointer provided at the function calling
* (\ref axl_doc_iterate).
* The function returns a boolean value to signal the library to stop
* iterating over the XML structure if \ref axl_false is returned. So, to
* continue the iteration, you must always return \ref axl_true.
* @param node The node found inside the document.
* @param parent The parent node for the node found (first parameter).
* @param doc The document that contains the node found.
* @param was_removed If contains a reference to a boolean value that
* helps the invoked funtion to notify the iteration system that the
* node was removed from the tree, using \ref axl_node_remove or \ref
* axl_node_replace. Iteration support inside axl library is built in
* a way that allows the programmer to remove a node (including its
* childs) without breaking the loop, however, you must use this
* variable to notify that the node was removed, so the iteration
* system won't iterate over its childs.
* @param ptr A user defined pointer that the user provided at \ref
* axl_doc_iterate.
* @return The callback must return axl_false in the case the iteration
* must be stopped. Otherwise, axl_true must be returned.
typedef axl_bool (*axlIterationFunc) (axlNode * node, axlNode * parent, axlDoc * doc, axl_bool * was_removed, axlPointer ptr);
* @brief Axl iteration function definition (with two user defined
* pointer support).
* This handler definition is used by \ref axl_doc_iterate_full as the
* function definition that will be called for each node found in the
* document.
* The function provides a pointer to the node found, the first
* paramenter, and additionally, provides a pointer to the parent node
* for the node found, the document where the node is found and an
* optional user defined pointer provided at the function calling
* (\ref axl_doc_iterate_full).
* The function returns a axl_boolean value to signal the library to stop
* iterating over the XML structure if \ref axl_false is returned. So, to
* continue the iteration, you must always return \ref axl_true.
* @param node The node found inside the document.
* @param parent The parent node for the node found (first parameter).
* @param doc The document that contains the node found.
* @param was_removed If contains a reference to a boolean value that
* helps the invoked funtion to notify the iteration system that the
* node was removed from the tree, using \ref axl_node_remove or \ref
* axl_node_replace. Iteration support inside axl library is built in
* a way that allows the programmer to remove a node (including its
* childs) without breaking the loop, however, you must use this
* variable to notify that the node was removed, so the iteration
* system won't iterate over its childs.
* @param ptr A user defined pointer that the user provided at \ref
* axl_doc_iterate_full.
* @param ptr2 Second user defined pointer that the user provided at
* \ref axl_doc_iterate_full.
* @return The callback must return axl_false in the case the iteration
* must be stopped. Otherwise, axl_true must be returned.
typedef axl_bool (*axlIterationFunc2) (axlNode * node, axlNode * parent, axlDoc * doc, axl_bool * was_removed, axlPointer ptr, axlPointer ptr2);
* @brief Defines a signature for a set of function that are used to
* duplicate the content provided at the first parameter, returning a
* copy.
* This handler definition is used by:
* - \ref axl_list_copy
* @param ptr The data to duplicate.
* @return A newly allocated data duplicated.
typedef axlPointer (*axlDuplicateFunc) (axlPointer ptr);
* @brief Handler used by the \ref axl_list_module "axl list module"
* to perform linear and efficient lookups.
* @param ptr A pointer to the object stored inside the list and to be
* checked if it is the one looked up.
* @param data A pointer to a user defined data that is received at
* the lookup function and passed to this handler.
* @return The function should return axl_true (found). Otherwise, axl_false
* must be returned to keep on searching.
typedef axl_bool (*axlLookupFunc) (axlPointer ptr, axlPointer data);
* @brief Hashing function used by the axl hash module to implement
* translation from an user defined pointer into a number that should
* be as much unique as possible.
* @param key User defined data that represents the key for a data to
* be stored into the hash. The value provided here usually is an
* string but it could be any other data used as key.
* @return The function must return a positive value that will be used
* to index the content into the hash table. It doesn't matter if the
* number is greater than the table size. A modulo operation is
* applied to the result.
typedef unsigned int (*axlHashFunc) (axlPointer key);
* @brief Foreach function signature used to represent the set of
* functions used at \ref axl_hash_foreach.
* The function receives the item found (key and data values) as well
* as a user defined pointer also defined at \ref
* axl_hash_foreach. The function must return \ref axl_true (<i>"item
* found"</i>) to make the search to stop. In the case a full
* iteration over all items inside the hash is required, the function
* must always return \ref axl_false.
* @param key The key for the item stored.
* @param data The data associated to the key found
* @param user_data User defined data that was provided to the axl_hash_foreach function.
* @return \ref axl_true to make the foreach process to stop. \ref axl_false
* to make the process to continue.
typedef axl_bool (* axlHashForeachFunc) (axlPointer key, axlPointer data, axlPointer user_data);
* @brief Foreach function signature used to represent the set of
* functions used at \ref axl_hash_foreach2.
* The function receives the item found (key and data values) as well
* as two user defined pointers also defined at \ref
* axl_hash_foreach2. The function must return \ref axl_true (<i>"item
* found"</i>) to make the search to stop. In the case a full
* iteration over all items inside the hash is required, the function
* must always return \ref axl_false.
* @param key The key for the item stored.
* @param data The data associated to the key found
* @param user_data User defined data that was provided to the axl_hash_foreach2 function.
* @param user_data2 Second User defined data that was provided to the axl_hash_foreach2 function.
* @return \ref axl_true to make the foreach process to stop. \ref axl_false
* to make the process to continue.
typedef axl_bool (* axlHashForeachFunc2) (axlPointer key, axlPointer data, axlPointer user_data, axlPointer user_data2);
* @brief Foreach function signature used to represent the set of
* functions used at \ref axl_hash_foreach3.
* The function receives the item found (key and data values) as well
* as tree user defined pointers also defined at \ref
* axl_hash_foreach3. The function must return \ref axl_true (<i>"item
* found"</i>) to make the search to stop. In the case a full
* iteration over all items inside the hash is required, the function
* must always return \ref axl_false.
* @param key The key for the item stored.
* @param data The data associated to the key found
* @param user_data User defined data that was provided to the
* axl_hash_foreach3 function.
* @param user_data2 Second User defined data that was provided to the
* axl_hash_foreach3 function.
* @param user_data3 Third User defined data that was provided to the
* axl_hash_foreach3 function.
* @return \ref axl_true to make the foreach process to stop. \ref axl_false
* to make the process to continue.
typedef axl_bool (* axlHashForeachFunc3) (axlPointer key, axlPointer data, axlPointer user_data, axlPointer user_data2, axlPointer user_data3);
* @brief Foreach function signature used to represent the set of
* functions used at \ref axl_hash_foreach4.
* The function receives the item found (key and data values) as well
* as tree user defined pointers also defined at \ref
* axl_hash_foreach4. The function must return \ref axl_true (<i>"item
* found"</i>) to make the search to stop. In the case a full
* iteration over all items inside the hash is required, the function
* must always return \ref axl_false.
* @param key The key for the item stored.
* @param data The data associated to the key found
* @param user_data User defined data that was provided to the
* axl_hash_foreach4 function.
* @param user_data2 Second User defined data that was provided to the
* axl_hash_foreach4 function.
* @param user_data3 Third User defined data that was provided to the
* axl_hash_foreach4 function.
* @param user_data4 Forth User defined data that was provided to the
* axl_hash_foreach4 function.
* @return \ref axl_true to make the foreach process to stop. \ref axl_false
* to make the process to continue.
typedef axl_bool (* axlHashForeachFunc4) (axlPointer key, axlPointer data, axlPointer user_data, axlPointer user_data2, axlPointer user_data3, axlPointer user_data4);
* @brief Function handler definition for to allowing copying items at
* the hash by \ref axl_hash_copy function.
* The function receive both pointers the key and the data value but,
* only one of them must be copied. This is done to provide more
* control at the copy process, but only the required value must be
* returned. There is no indication to about which pointer must be
* returned, so, don't use the same function to copy both pointers.
* The function also receive pointers to the current function
* deallocation associated to the key and value being copied. This
* could also work as information to know if the data must be
* replicated or not. Having the destroy function defined for the item
* is a clue to return an allocated item.
* @param key The key to be copied if the function was provided to copy the key.
* @param key_destroy The key destroy function associated to the value
* being copied.
* @param data The data to be copied if the function was provided to copy the data.
* @param data_destroy The data destroy function associated to the
* data value being copied.
* @return A newly allocated reference representing the copy.
typedef axlPointer (*axlHashItemCopy) (axlPointer key, axlDestroyFunc key_destroy, axlPointer data, axlDestroyFunc data_destroy);
* @brief Foreach function handler used at \ref axl_stack_foreach
* function to iterate all elements inside the stack, from the head to
* the tail.
* The function receives two user defined pointers that are defined at
* the \ref axl_stack_foreach function.
* @param stack_data A reference to the stack data stored.
* @param user_data A reference to a user defined pointer passed to
* \ref axl_stack_foreach.
* @param user_data2 A second reference to a user defined pointer
* passed to \ref axl_stack_foreach.
* @return \ref axl_true to make the foreach process to stop. \ref axl_false
* to make the process to continue.
typedef axl_bool (* axlStackForeach2) (axlPointer stack_data, axlPointer user_data, axlPointer user_data2);
* @brief Foreach function handler used at \ref axl_stack_foreach3
* function to iterate all elements inside the stack, from the head to
* the tail.
* The function receives three user defined pointers that are defined
* at the \ref axl_stack_foreach3 function.
* @param stack_data A reference to the stack data stored.
* @param user_data A reference to a user defined pointer passed to
* \ref axl_stack_foreach3.
* @param user_data2 A second reference to a user defined pointer
* passed to \ref axl_stack_foreach3.
* @param user_data3 Third reference to a user defined pointer passed
* to \ref axl_stack_foreach3.
* @return \ref axl_true to make the foreach process to stop. \ref axl_false
* to make the process to continue.
typedef axl_bool (* axlStackForeach3) (axlPointer stack_data, axlPointer user_data, axlPointer user_data2, axlPointer user_data3);
* @brief Foreach function used by \ref axl_node_attr_foreach function.
* @param key The attribute name.
* @param value The attribute value.
* @param data User defined pointer provided at \ref
* axl_node_attr_foreach.
* @param data2 Second user defined data provided at \ref
* axl_node_attr_foreach.
* @return The foreach function can stop the process at a particular
* attribute by returning \ref axl_true ("item found"). To iterate all
* attributes return \ref axl_false.
typedef axl_bool (* axlNodeAttrForeachFunc) (const char * key, const char * value, axlPointer data, axlPointer data2);
* @brief Entity resolver function used by the library to translate
* entity references into the replacement text. This is normally used
* by the library itself, not by the application programmer.
* This handler is currently used at \ref axl_dtd_check_entity_ref_and_expand
* @param entityName The entity name that is being requested to be
* resolved.
* @return The user defined data provided at \ref
* axl_dtd_check_entity_ref_and_expand, which is passed to the
* resolver function once it is executed.
typedef const char * (* axlDtdEntityResolver) (const char * entityName, axlPointer data);
* @brief Handler definition for the set of functions that allows to
* detect codification found at the document being opened by the
* \ref axlStream reference provided.
* @param stream The stream where the detection will be implemented.
* @param detected A reference to the codification detected or NULL if
* nothing clearly detected. For example (ascii, iso-8859) but still
* not enough information. Handler implementator must configure an
* static string for this value.
* @param user_data A reference to user-defined data. This value was
* configured at \ref axl_doc_set_detect_codification_func.
* @return axl_true if the detection was implemented properly, otherse
* axl_false is returned. The handler could return axl_true and no
* codification be clearly detected.
typedef axl_bool (* axlDocDetectCodification) (axlStream * stream, const char ** detected, axlPointer user_data, axlError ** error);
* @brief Handler definition for the set of functions that allows to
* finally configure codification to be used for the provided stream.
* @param stream A reference to the stream to be configured.
* @param encoding A reference to the encoding detected. It could be
* @param detected_encoding A reference to the detected encoding (a
* value provided by the \ref axlDocDetectCodification if defined).
* @param user_data A reference to user defined data.
* @param error An optional error that will be filled in the case an
* error is found.
* @return axl_true if the configuration operation was done, otherwise
* axl_false is returned.
typedef axl_bool (* axlDocConfigureCodification) (axlStream * stream, const char * encoding, const char * detected_encoding, axlPointer user_data, axlError ** error);
axlPointer axl_calloc (size_t count, size_t size);
axlPointer axl_realloc (axlPointer ref, size_t size);
void axl_free (axlPointer ref);
/* @} */
/* @} */
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