* LibAxl: Another XML library
* Copyright (C) 2006 Advanced Software Production Line, S.L.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307 USA
* You may find a copy of the license under this software is released
* at COPYING file. This is LGPL software: you are welcome to
* develop proprietary applications using this library without any
* royalty or fee but returning back any change, improvement or
* addition in the form of source code, project image, documentation
* patches, etc.
* For commercial support on build XML enabled solutions contact us:
* Postal address:
* Advanced Software Production Line, S.L.
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* Email address:
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#include <axl_hash.h>
#include <axl_factory.h>
#include <axl_log.h>
#define LOG_DOMAIN "axl-hash"
* \defgroup axl_hash_module Axl Hash: A hash table used by Axl Library
* \addtogroup axl_hash_module
* @{
typedef struct _axlHashNode axlHashNode;
struct _axlHashNode {
/* the key stored and the destroy function */
axlPointer key;
axlDestroyFunc key_destroy;
/* the data stored and the destroy function */
axlPointer data;
axlDestroyFunc data_destroy;
/* a pointer to the next item */
axlHashNode * next;
struct _axlHash {
/* the hash function */
axlHashFunc hash;
axlEqualFunc equal;
/* the hash table, implemented using chaining for collition
* resolution. */
axlHashNode ** table;
/* factory to allocate nodes */
axlFactory * factory;
/* stored items in the hash */
int items;
/* the hash size */
int hash_size;
/* steps: how many slots are allocated when the hash is
* resized */
int step;
* @internal Implementation of the axl hash cursor.
struct _axlHashCursor {
/* a pointer to the hash */
axlHash * hash;
/* a pointer to the node inside the hash (current value) */
axlHashNode * node;
/* the value if the index being accessed by the node
* pointed (current value) */
int index;
* @brief Public hash implementation for keys that are strings.
* @param _key The string key to hash.
* @return A value associated to the key.
unsigned int axl_hash_string (axlPointer _key)
/* never is received a NULL value at this function, so, don't
* check it */
int g, h = 0;
char * key = _key;
/* hashing taken from the Red Dragon book!! */
while (*key) {
h = (h << 4) + *key;
if ((g = h & 0xF0000000) != 0) {
h ^= g >> 24;
h ^= g;
++ key;
} /* end while */
/* return the value */
return h;
* @brief Common equal hash function associated to \ref
* axl_hash_string that allows to check two keys to be equal,
* conforming to the results expected by the hash (\ref axlHash).
* @param keya The key to compare.
* @param keyb The other key to compare.
* @return 0 if both strings are equal and any other else value when
* they differs.
int axl_hash_equal_string (axlPointer keya,
axlPointer keyb)
char * _keya = keya;
char * _keyb = keyb;
int i = 0;
while (_keya [i] != 0 && _keyb [i] != 0) {
/* check values */
if (_keya [i] != _keyb [i])
return 1;
/* update the iterator */
} /* end while */
/* check that both string ends at the same point */
if (_keya [i] != 0 || _keyb [i] != 0)
return 1;
/* both keys are equal */
return 0;
* @brief Convenience hashing function to store keys that are
* integers.
* @param key The key that is supported to contain a int value stored
* using \ref INT_TO_PTR.
* @return The index in the hash where is located the associated data.
unsigned int axl_hash_int (axlPointer key)
int value = PTR_TO_INT (key);
return (unsigned int) value;
* @brief Convenience hash function to compare two keys that holds
* integers values.
* @param keya The first key to compare.
* @param keyb The second key to compare.
* @return 0 if both keys are equal, 1 if not.
int axl_hash_equal_int (axlPointer keya,
axlPointer keyb)
/* return if both keys containing int values are equal */
return (PTR_TO_INT (keya) == PTR_TO_INT(keyb)) ? 0 : 1;
* @internal Internal lookup function, returns the hole hash node.
* @param hash The hash where the lookup will be performed.
* @param key The key that is being looked up.
* @return The axlHashNode reference or NULL if not found.
axlHashNode * __axl_hash_internal_lookup (axlHash * hash, axlPointer key)
axlHashNode * node;
axl_return_val_if_fail (hash, NULL);
/* get the node at the provided position */
if (hash->hash_size == 0)
return NULL;
node = hash->table [hash->hash (key) % hash->hash_size];
/* node not found */
if (node == NULL)
return NULL;
/* check for equal keys */
if (hash->equal (node->key, key) == 0)
return node;
while (node->next != NULL) {
/* seems we have more nodes */
node = node->next;
/* check for equal keys */
if (hash->equal (node->key, key) == 0)
return node;
} /* end */
/* node not found */
return NULL;
* @brief Creates a new hash table using the function provided as
* hashing function.
* The hash function (\ref axlHashFunc) allows the hash table to
* distribute values across the table while performing inserts
* operation but it is also used while getting data from the table.
* A second function is required (\ref axlEqualFunc) to resolve
* internal table conflicts while placing data that are indexed using
* the same value generated by \ref axlHashFunc. This hash
* implementation store items at the giving position using a linked
* list (Chaining collition resolution). Knowing this, an external
* function is required to compare items to ensure they are selected
* properly.
* This hash accept any kind of key and values to be stored as long as
* the provided functions returns different identifiers to store
* items. However, because the common use of a hash is to store data
* using strings as keys two functions are provided by default to
* create a string index hash table: \ref axl_hash_equal_string and
* \ref axl_hash_string.
* \code
* // create a string indexed hash
* axlHash * hash = axl_hash_new (axl_hash_string, axl_hash_equal_string);
* \endcode
* Additionally, two functions are provided to create hash containing
* integer values as keys: \ref axl_hash_int and \ref axl_hash_equal_int.
* Once the hash is created the following functions must be used to
* store data:
* - \ref axl_hash_insert
* - \ref axl_hash_insert_full
* Then, use the following function to get data associated to the
* provided key.
* - \ref axl_hash_get
* Finally, you can use the following functions to either remove items
* from the hash and to completely deallocate the memory used by the
* hash and all of its data:
* - \ref axl_hash_remove
* - \ref axl_hash_free
* @param hash The hashing function to be used for this table.
* @param equal The equal function used by the hash to actually check
* that two stored items are equal (using the key value)
* @return A newly created hash table that is deallocated by using \ref axl_hash_free.
axlHash * axl_hash_new (axlHashFunc hash, axlEqualFunc equal)
/* call to full implementation */
return axl_hash_new_full (hash, equal, 10);
* @brief The function works the same way like \ref axl_hash_new, but
* provides a way to configure how many unit are allocated on hash
* resizing operations.
* See \ref axl_hash_new for more information. That function uses a
* default step value equal to 10.
* @param hash The hashing function to be used for this table.
* @param equal The equal function used by the hash to actually check
* that two stored items are equal (using the key value)
* @param step The number of empty new slots to allocate once the hash
* must be resized.
* @return A newly created hash table that is deallocated by using \ref axl_hash_free.
axlHash * axl_hash_new_full (axlHashFunc hash,
axlEqualFunc equal,
int step)
/* create the hash */
axlHash * result;
result = axl_new (axlHash, 1);
result->factory = axl_factory_create (sizeof (axlHashNode));
result->hash = hash;
result->equal = equal;
result->step = step;
/* return the hash table created */
return result;
* @brief Inserts a key index value into the provided hash table.
* The function will store the data provided on the hash setting no
* destroy function for the key and the data stored. See \ref
* axl_hash_insert_full for more details.
* <b>NOTE:</b> The insert operation will replace a previously
* inserted item with the same key. If no item is found, and insert
* will take place, otherwise previous item is replaced calling to the
* key destroy and data destroy defined.
* @param hash The hash table where the insert operation will be
* produced.
* @param key The key to store in the hash table. If the key is found,
* previous data is replaced, storing this new key and the value
* provided.
* @param data The data to store associated to the provided key.
void axl_hash_insert (axlHash * hash,
axlPointer key,
axlPointer data)
/* call to the full implementation */
axl_hash_insert_full (hash, key, NULL, data, NULL);
/* nothing more to do */
* @internal Function used to create the node that will be stored in
* the hash.
#define __axl_hash_create_node(factory, node, key, key_destroy, data, data_destroy)\
node = axl_factory_get (factory);\
node->key = key;\
node->key_destroy = key_destroy;\
node->data = data;\
node->data_destroy = data_destroy;
* @internal Function that performs the hash insertion for the
* selected node.
#define __axl_hash_insert_node(_pos,_hash,_key,_node,_increase)\
_pos = (_hash->hash (_key)) % _hash->hash_size;\
_node->next = _hash->table [_pos];\
_hash->table [pos] = _node;\
if (_increase)\
* @brief Inserts a key value into the provided hash table, allowing
* to provide deallocation functions for the key and the data to be
* stored.
* <b>NOTE:</b> The insert operation will replace a previously
* inserted item with the same key. If no item is found, an insert
* will take place, otherwise previous item is replaced calling to the
* key destroy and data destroy functions defined.
* @param hash The hash table where the data will be added.
* @param key The key to store in the hash table. If the key is found,
* previous data is replaced, storing this new key and the value
* provided.
* @param key_destroy An optional destroy function that will be called
* to deallocate the key provided.
* @param data The data to store associated to the provided key.
* @param data_destroy An optional destroy function that will be
* called to deallocate the data provided.
void axl_hash_insert_full (axlHash * hash,
axlPointer key,
axlDestroyFunc key_destroy,
axlPointer data,
axlDestroyFunc data_destroy)
int pos = 0;
axlHashNode * node = NULL;
axlHashNode * aux = NULL;
int iterator = 0;
/* check incoming data */
axl_return_if_fail (hash);
/* check the really basic case where the hash has no data
* stored yet. */
if (hash->hash_size == 0) {
/* allocate memory for the hash */
hash->table = axl_new (axlHashNode *, hash->step);
hash->hash_size = hash->step;
/* create the node to store */
__axl_hash_create_node (hash->factory, node, key, key_destroy, data, data_destroy);
/* insert the node into the hash */
__axl_hash_insert_node (pos, hash, key, node, axl_true);
/* now check for a more complex case */
node = __axl_hash_internal_lookup (hash, key);
/* if the node is not found and the hash size can't hold more items, expand it and rehash */
if ((hash->hash_size == hash->items) && (node == NULL)) {
/* seems we need to rehash items, reallocating enough
* memory */
/* before allocating more memory, extract all items to
* be reallocated */
iterator = 0;
node = NULL;
while (iterator < hash->hash_size) {
/* check for content */
if (hash->table[iterator] != NULL) {
/* check if node has been initialized,
* and set it to the first position */
if (node == NULL) {
/* configure init node position */
node = hash->table[iterator];
/* and last aux position */
aux = node;
while (aux->next != NULL) {
/* update reference */
aux = aux->next;
} else {
/* make aux to point to the next list */
aux->next = hash->table[iterator];
/* and while the last item is not
* reached, move aux to point to the
* last item of the chain */
while (aux->next != NULL) {
/* update reference */
aux = aux->next;
} /* end if */
/* update the iterator */
/* now we have in node a complete list of items
* stored, allocate more memory and rehash */
hash->hash_size += hash->step;
hash->table = realloc (hash->table, sizeof (axlHashNode *) * (hash->hash_size));
/* clear the table */
memset (hash->table, 0, sizeof (axlHashNode*) * (hash->hash_size));
/* for each item inside the list rehash it */
while (node != NULL) {
/* store next item to rehash in aux */
aux = node->next;
/* insert the node into the hash */
__axl_hash_insert_node (pos, hash, node->key, node, axl_false);
/* update the reference */
node = aux;
} /* end while */
/* clear node reference */
node = NULL;
} /* rehashing if end */
/* we have enough space to store the item create the
node to store */
if (node == NULL) {
/* create a new node */
__axl_hash_create_node (hash->factory, node, key, key_destroy, data, data_destroy);
/* insert the node into the hash as usual */
__axl_hash_insert_node (pos, hash, key, node, axl_true);
} else {
/* don't create a node, replace previous content and use new content */
if (node->key_destroy != NULL) {
node->key_destroy (node->key);
if (node->data_destroy != NULL) {
node->data_destroy (node->data);
/* now use new data */
node->key = key;
node->key_destroy = key_destroy;
node->data = data;
node->data_destroy = data_destroy;
/* nothing more man!! */
* @internal Function that supports axl_hash_remove and
* axl_hash_delete.
* The function returns axl_true if an item was removed due to the call
* done.
axl_bool __axl_hash_remove_common (axlHash * hash,
axlPointer key,
axl_bool remove)
axlHashNode * node;
axlHashNode * aux;
int pos;
axl_return_val_if_fail (hash, axl_false);
/* do not perform any operation if the hash is empty */
if (hash->hash_size == 0)
return axl_false;
/* get the node at the provided position */
pos = (hash->hash (key)) % hash->hash_size;
node = hash->table [pos];
/* node not found */
if (node == NULL)
return axl_false;
/* check for equal keys */
if (hash->equal (node->key, key) == 0) {
/* set that no items are available at the provided
* position */
hash->table [pos] = node->next;
/* key destruction is defined */
if (node->key_destroy != NULL && remove)
node->key_destroy (node->key);
/* if data destruction is defined */
if (node->data_destroy != NULL && remove)
node->data_destroy (node->data);
/* decreases elements found */
/* delete the node */
axl_factory_release_spare (hash->factory, node);
/* axl_free (node); */
/* element destroyed, nothing more to do around
* here */
return axl_true;
/* seems we have more nodes */
while (node->next != NULL) {
/* store a reference to the current node (which will
* be the previous on next sentences) */
aux = node;
/* update the reference to the next node */
node = node->next;
/* check for equal keys */
if (hash->equal (node->key, key) == 0) {
/* make previous node to point to the next
* element of the following node */
aux->next = node->next;
goto remove_element;
} /* end */
/* no item was found on the hash */
return axl_false;
* @brief Allows to remove the selected pair key/value on the provided
* hash table.
* The function will remevo the item but it will not resize the table
* due to it. The function will call to the key destroy and data
* destroy function if they were defined at the insertion time (\ref
* axl_hash_insert_full).
* @param hash The hash table where the removal operation will be
* performed.
* @param key The key to lookup to be removed.
* @return The function returns axl_true if the item was removed,
* otherwise axl_false is returned. If the function returns axl_true, it means
* the object was stored in the hash before calling to remove it.
axl_bool axl_hash_remove (axlHash * hash,
axlPointer key)
/* call common implementation deleting data with destroy
* functions defined */
return __axl_hash_remove_common (hash, key, axl_true);
* @brief Allows to remove the selected pair key/value on the provided
* hash table, without calling to destroy functions.
* The function will remove the item but it will not resize the table
* due to it. The function will NOT call to the key destroy and data
* destroy function if they were defined at the insertion time (\ref
* axl_hash_insert_full).
* @param hash The hash table where the removal operation will be
* performed.
* @param key The key to lookup to be removed.
* @return The function returns axl_true if the item was removed
* (deallocation functions aren't called), otherwise axl_false is
* returned. If the function returns axl_true, it means the object was
* stored in the hash before calling to remove.
axl_bool axl_hash_delete (axlHash * hash,
axlPointer key)
/* call common implementation, without calling destroy
* functions defined */
return __axl_hash_remove_common (hash, key, axl_false);
* @brief Allows to get the content associated to the key provided
* inside the hash provided.
* @param hash The hash table where the lookup will be performed.
* @param key The key to use to retrieve the information.
* @return NULL or the associated data to the key provided. The
* function will also return a NULL value if provided a NULL hash
* reference or a NULL key reference.
axlPointer axl_hash_get (axlHash * hash,
axlPointer key)
axlHashNode * node;
axl_return_val_if_fail (hash, NULL);
/* check for empty hash to return NULL directly */
if (hash->items == 0)
return NULL;
/* lookup using internal function */
node = __axl_hash_internal_lookup (hash, key);
/* return the content or NULL if not defined the node */
if (node != NULL)
return node->data;
return NULL;
* @internal
* Common implementation for both foreach functions: axl_hash_foreach
* and axl_hash_foreach2.
void __axl_hash_foreach (axlHash * hash,
axlHashForeachFunc func,
axlHashForeachFunc2 func2,
axlHashForeachFunc3 func3,
axlHashForeachFunc4 func4,
axlPointer user_data,
axlPointer user_data2,
axlPointer user_data3,
axlPointer user_data4)
int iterator = 0;
axlHashNode * node;
/* perform some basic checks */
axl_return_if_fail (hash);
/* foreach item row inside the hash table */
while (iterator < hash->hash_size) {
/* check for content */
if (hash->table[iterator] != NULL) {
/* get the first item inside the table */
node = hash->table[iterator];
do {
/* check for one user defined pointer
* foreach: notify the item found */
if (func != NULL && func (node->key, node->data, user_data)) {
/* user have decided to stop */
} /* end if */
/* check for two user defined pointers
* notify the item found */
if (func2 != NULL && func2 (node->key, node->data, user_data, user_data2)) {
/* user have decided to stop */
} /* end if */
/* check for three user defined pointers
* notify the item found */
if (func3 != NULL && func3 (node->key, node->data, user_data, user_data2, user_data3)) {
/* user have decided to stop */
} /* end if */
/* check for four user defined
* pointers notify the item found */
if (func4 != NULL && func4 (node->key, node->data, user_data, user_data2, user_data3, user_data4)) {
/* user have decided to stop */
} /* end if */
/* next item inside the same collition
* position */
node = node->next;
/* while the next item is not null,
* keep on iterating */
} while (node != NULL);
} /* end if */
/* update the iterator */
} /* end while */
* @brief Performs a foreach operation over all items stored in the
* hash provided.
* The function provided (<b>func</b>) will be called passing in the
* item found, and the data provided (third argument).
* Because the \ref axlHashForeachFunc function is used, \ref axl_true must be
* returned to stop the foreach process. In the case all items must be
* visited, \ref axl_false must be returned in any case.
* @param hash The hash table where the iteration process will take
* place.
* @param func The function to call for each item found.
* @param user_data User defined data to be passed in to the function callback along with the item found.
void axl_hash_foreach (axlHash * hash,
axlHashForeachFunc func,
axlPointer user_data)
/* perform the foreach operation using common support */
__axl_hash_foreach (hash,
/* foreach function */
/* user defined data */
user_data, NULL, NULL, NULL);
* @brief Allows to perform a foreach operation providing two user
* defined pointer to be passed to the foreach function for each item
* found.
* This function works like \ref axl_hash_foreach function but support
* two user defined pointers. See \ref axl_hash_foreach for more information.
* @param hash The hash where the iteration will be performed.
* @param func The foreach function that will be called for all nodes
* found passed in both pointers defined along with the key value and
* the value associated.
* @param user_data User defined data to be passed to the foreach
* function.
* @param user_data2 Second User defined data to be passed to the
* foreach function.
void axl_hash_foreach2 (axlHash * hash,
axlHashForeachFunc2 func,
axlPointer user_data,
axlPointer user_data2)
/* perform the foreach operation using common support */
__axl_hash_foreach (hash,
/* foreach function */
/* user defined data */
user_data, user_data2, NULL, NULL);
* @brief Three user defined pointers foreach function over a hash.
* See \ref axl_hash_foreach2 and \ref axl_hash_foreach3 for more
* information.
* @param hash The hash where the foreach operation will take place.
* @param func The function to be called for each item found in the
* hash.
* @param user_data The user defined pointer to be configured in the
* hash.
* @param user_data2 Second user defined pointer to be configured in
* the hash.
* @param user_data3 Third user defined pointer to be configured in
* the hash.
void axl_hash_foreach3 (axlHash * hash,
axlHashForeachFunc3 func,
axlPointer user_data,
axlPointer user_data2,
axlPointer user_data3)
/* perform the foreach operation using common support */
__axl_hash_foreach (hash,
/* foreach function */
/* user defined data */
user_data, user_data2, user_data3, NULL);
* @brief Four user defined pointers foreach function over a hash.
* See \ref axl_hash_foreach2 and \ref axl_hash_foreach3 for more
* information.
* @param hash The hash where the foreach operation will take place.
* @param func The function to be called for each item found in the
* hash.
* @param user_data The user defined pointer to be configured in the
* hash.
* @param user_data2 Second user defined pointer to be configured in
* the hash.
* @param user_data3 Third user defined pointer to be configured in
* the hash.
* @param user_data4 Forth user defined pointer to be configured in
* the hash.
void axl_hash_foreach4 (axlHash * hash,
axlHashForeachFunc4 func,
axlPointer user_data,
axlPointer user_data2,
axlPointer user_data3,
axlPointer user_data4)
/* perform the foreach operation using common support */
__axl_hash_foreach (hash,
/* foreach functions */
/* user defined data */
user_data, user_data2, user_data3, user_data4);
* @brief Allows to check if the provided key is found on the given
* hash table.
* The function allows to get if the key is found on the table pretty
* much the behaviour that we could get using the following:
* \code
* // just compare if the provided key returns some value
* axl_bool value = (axl_hash_get (hash, "key2") != NULL);
* \endcode
* However it could happen that the value associated to the key, which
* already exists, is a NULL pointer, making previous comparation to
* not work in all cases. This function allows to check for the
* existance of a key and its associated data no mather what is the
* value of the associated data.
* @param hash The hash table to check for a key value.
* @param key The key to check for its existance.
* @return axl_true if the key is found, otherwise axl_false is returned.
axl_bool axl_hash_exists (axlHash * hash,
axlPointer key)
/* check if the hash is provided without loggin an error */
return (__axl_hash_internal_lookup (hash, key) != NULL);
* @internal function for axl_hash_copy.
axl_bool __axl_hash_copy_foreach (axlPointer key,
axlPointer data,
/* user defined pointers */
axlPointer user_data, /* hash */
axlPointer user_data2, /* result */
axlPointer user_data3, /* key_copy */
axlPointer user_data4) /* value_copy */
/* get a reference to the received data */
axlHash * hash = user_data;
axlHash * result = user_data2;
axlHashItemCopy key_copy = user_data3;
axlHashItemCopy value_copy = user_data4;
/* additional variables */
axlHashNode * node;
/* get node to copy */
node = hash->table [(hash->hash (key)) % hash->hash_size];
/* check this is the node to copy */
while (node != NULL) {
if (hash->equal (node->key, key) == 0)
/* it isn't the node looked up */
node = node->next;
} /* end while */
/* copy */
axl_hash_insert_full (result,
/* insert the key and its destroy function. */
key_copy (node->key, node->key_destroy, node->data, node->data_destroy), node->key_destroy,
/* insert data and its destroy function. */
value_copy (node->key, node->key_destroy, node->data, node->data_destroy), node->data_destroy);
/* make the foreach process to continue until the last element */
return axl_false;
* @brief Allows to copy the provided hash, providing the copy
* function used to duplicate key and value items stored.
* The function are optional, so, if they are null, the same value is
* stored in the hash (for the key and the value). In this case, if
* the source hash has defined destroy function for either key or
* values, they will not be configured in the returning hash.
* If function are provided, \ref axl_hash_copy will use it to get a
* duplicated version for either the key or the value. In this case,
* if the source hash has defined the destroy function either for the
* key or the value, it will be configured in the returning hash.
* @param hash The \ref axlHash that will work as data source.
* @param key_copy The function to be used to duplicate keys.
* @param value_copy The function used to duplicate values.
* @return A newly allocated reference to a \ref axlHash containing
* all values from the source hash. The function will fail if the hash
* provided is a null reference or copy functions aren't provided.
axlHash * axl_hash_copy (axlHash * hash,
axlHashItemCopy key_copy,
axlHashItemCopy value_copy)
axlHash * result;
/* return if the hash reference is null */
axl_return_val_if_fail (hash, NULL);
axl_return_val_if_fail (key_copy, NULL);
axl_return_val_if_fail (value_copy, NULL);
/* create the hash */
result = axl_hash_new_full (hash->hash,
/* make initial step to be equal
* to the current hash size copied
* to avoid resizing operations
* during the foreach. */
/* restore step */
result->step = hash->step;
/* check empty hash value */
if (hash->hash_size == 0)
return result;
/* copy all items */
axl_hash_foreach4 (hash, __axl_hash_copy_foreach, hash, result, key_copy, value_copy);
/* return created hash */
return result;
* @brief Returns the number of items already stored on the provided
* hash.
* @param hash The hash that is being requested for the number of
* indexed data items.
* @return The number of items or -1 if it fails.
int axl_hash_items (axlHash * hash)
axl_return_val_if_fail (hash, -1);
/* return current items stored */
return hash->items;
* @brief Allows to get the amount of items that could store the hash
* without allocating more additional memory.
* @param hash The hash that is being requested to return its items
* capacity (key + value) pair.
* @return The capacity or -1 if the reference received is null.
int axl_hash_capacity (axlHash * hash)
axl_return_val_if_fail (hash, -1);
/* return current capacity */
return hash->hash_size;
* @internal Shows current hash status to the console.
* The function is only useful for internal hash module purposes. It
* shows the numbers of items stored, the table size, the number of
* collitions, etc.
* @param hash The hash where the status is requested.
void axl_hash_show_status (axlHash * hash)
/* use full implementation */
axl_hash_show_status_full (hash, NULL);
* @internal Shows current hash content to the console using the
* provided function to show the hash content.
* @param hash The hash that is requested to show its content.
* @param show_item The function to be used to show the content.
void axl_hash_show_status_full (axlHash * hash,
axlHashPrintKeyData show_item)
axlHashNode * node;
int iterator;
int count;
axl_return_if_fail (hash);
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "axl hash table status:");
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "table size: %d items: %d step: %d",
hash->hash_size, hash->items, hash->step);
/* get the number of empty blocks */
iterator = 0;
count = 0;
while (iterator < hash->hash_size) {
/* empty item found */
if (hash->table[iterator] == NULL) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "empty cell at: %d", iterator);
/* update iterator */
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "number of empty cells: %d", count);
/* get the number properly used cells (no collitions) */
iterator = 0;
count = 0;
while (iterator < hash->hash_size) {
/* empty item found */
node = hash->table[iterator];
if (node != NULL && node->next == NULL) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "properly used cell at: %d", iterator);
if (show_item != NULL) {
show_item (node->key, node->data);
/* update iterator */
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "number of properly used cells (no collition): %d", count);
/* get the number of collitioned cells */
iterator = 0;
count = 0;
while (iterator < hash->hash_size) {
/* empty item found */
node = hash->table[iterator];
if (node != NULL && node->next != NULL) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "collitioned cell at: %d", iterator);
/* for each node show the content */
while ((show_item) != NULL && (node != NULL)) {
if (show_item != NULL) {
show_item (node->key, node->data);
/* update to the next node */
node = node->next;
/* update iterator */
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "number of collitioned cells: %d", count);
* @brief Allows to deallocate the hash provided.
* @param hash The hash to deallocate.
void axl_hash_free (axlHash * hash)
int iterator = 0;
axlHashNode * node;
axlHashNode * aux;
/* do not perform any operation if a null reference is
* received */
if (hash == NULL)
/* release the hash table */
if (hash->table != NULL) {
/* first release all nodes inside */
while (iterator < hash->hash_size) {
node = hash->table[iterator];
if (node != NULL) {
do {
/* key destruction is defined */
if (node->key_destroy != NULL)
node->key_destroy (node->key);
/* if data destruction is defined */
if (node->data_destroy != NULL)
node->data_destroy (node->data);
/* check data */
aux = node;
node = node->next;
/* while more nodes */
} while (node != NULL);
} /* end if */
/* update the iterator */
} /* end while */
/* now release the table */
axl_free (hash->table);
} /* end if */
/* free factory */
axl_factory_free (hash->factory);
/* now release the hash itself */
axl_free (hash);
/* nothing more to free */
* @internal Function that allows to get how many spare internal hash
* nodes we can store.
int __axl_hash_spare_max (axlHash * hash)
return axl_factory_spare_max (hash->factory);
* @internal Function that allows to get how many spare internal hash
* nodes are actually stored.
int __axl_hash_spare_next (axlHash * hash)
return axl_factory_spare_next (hash->factory);
/* @} */
* \defgroup axl_hash_cursor_module Axl Hash Cursor: Iterator support for the Axl Hash
/* init the cursor */
void __axl_hash_cursor_init (axlHashCursor * cursor, axl_bool first)
/* pointer to a hash node (basic atom holding key and value) */
axlHashNode * node = NULL;
if (first) {
/* configure first */
cursor->index = 0;
/* foreach element inside the hash, check the first value */
while (cursor->index < cursor->hash->hash_size) {
/* check the table at the current position */
node = cursor->hash->table[cursor->index];
if (node != NULL) {
/* first node found, store it */
cursor->node = node;
} /* end if */
/* node not found, go next position */
} /* end while */
} else {
/* find last value */
cursor->index = cursor->hash->hash_size - 1;
cursor->node = NULL;
while (cursor->index > 0) {
/* check the table at the current position */
node = cursor->hash->table[cursor->index];
if (node != NULL) {
/* find last entry filled, now find
* last entry in the same index */
while (node->next != NULL)
node = node->next;
/* configure it */
cursor->node = node;
} /* end if */
/* node not found, go next position */
} /* end while */
} /* end if */
/* if the node wasn't found, reset index */
if (node == NULL)
cursor->index = 0;
/* cursor initialized */
* \addtogroup axl_hash_cursor_module
* @{
* @brief Allows to get a cursor to iterate the hash in a linear and
* efficient way.
* The \ref axlHashCursor could be used to iterate an \ref axlHash in
* an efficient way because it stores current state (position), hiding
* all module details. Then using the following functions you can
* modify the state (current position to get):
* - \ref axl_hash_cursor_first
* - \ref axl_hash_cursor_last
* - \ref axl_hash_cursor_next
* Finally, the following functions are provided to get the data stored at a
* particular position, pointed by the current status of the cursor:
* - \ref axl_hash_cursor_get_key (returns the key of the current position)
* - \ref axl_hash_cursor_get_value (returns the value of the current position)
* You are allowed to remove elements from the hash (\ref axlHash)
* having a cursor created (\ref axlHashCursor), using \ref
* axl_hash_cursor_remove.
* Here is an example:
* \code
* axlPointer key;
* axlPointer value;
* axlHashCursor * cursor;
* // create the cursor
* cursor = axl_hash_cursor_new (hash);
* // while there are more elements
* while (axl_hash_cursor_has_item (cursor)) {
* // get the value and key
* value = axl_hash_cursor_get_key (cursor);
* value = axl_hash_cursor_get_value (cursor);
* // get the next
* axl_hash_cursor_next (cursor);
* }
* // free the cursor
* axl_hash_cursor_free (cursor);
* \endcode
* @param hash The hash that the new cursor (\ref axlHashCursor) will
* provide access.
* @return A newly created \ref axlHashCursor used to iterate the
* hash. Once finished you must call to \ref axl_hash_cursor_free.
axlHashCursor * axl_hash_cursor_new (axlHash * hash)
axlHashCursor * cursor;
axl_return_val_if_fail (hash, NULL);
/* create the cursor */
cursor = axl_new (axlHashCursor, 1);
/* initial configuration */
cursor->hash = hash;
/* init the cursor */
__axl_hash_cursor_init (cursor, axl_true);
/* return cursor */
return cursor;
* @brief Allows to configure the cursor to point to the first item of
* the hash (if there are any).
* @param cursor The cursor that is required to be configured to point the first item.
void axl_hash_cursor_first (axlHashCursor * cursor)
axl_return_if_fail (cursor);
/* init the cursor at the initial state */
__axl_hash_cursor_init (cursor, axl_true);
* @brief Allows to configure the cursor to point to the last item of
* the hash (if there are any).
* @param cursor The cursor that is required to be configured to point
* to the last item.
void axl_hash_cursor_last (axlHashCursor * cursor)
axl_return_if_fail (cursor);
/* init the cursor at the initial state, selecting the last
* node */
__axl_hash_cursor_init (cursor, axl_false);
* @brief Allows to configure the cursor to point to the next item of
* the hash (if there are any).
* @param cursor The cursor that is required to be configured to point
* to the next item.
void axl_hash_cursor_next (axlHashCursor * cursor)
axl_return_if_fail (cursor);
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "getting next element at the cursor");
/* check if the current node is null and do nothing if nothing
* is found */
if (cursor->node == NULL) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "no nodes found....");
/* basic case, the item is found in the same level */
if (cursor->node->next != NULL) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "getting next node....");
/* configure new current node */
cursor->node = cursor->node->next;
} /* end if */
/* node not found, go next position */
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "updating and checking next index: %d (hash: %d)....",
cursor->index, cursor->hash->hash_size);
/* check if we have reached the phisical limit of the hash */
if (cursor->index >= cursor->hash->hash_size) {
cursor->node = NULL;
/* seems next is null, see in other positions */
while (cursor->index < cursor->hash->hash_size) {
/* check the table at the current position */
cursor->node = cursor->hash->table[cursor->index];
if (cursor->node != NULL) {
/* node found, stop! */
} /* end if */
/* node not found, go next position */
} /* end while */
/* nothing to be done */
* @brief Allows to check if there are more elements next to the
* current element pointed by the cursor.
* @param cursor The cursor that is required to return if there are
* next items.
* @return \ref axl_true if more items are found, otherwise \ref axl_false is
* returned.
axl_bool axl_hash_cursor_has_next (axlHashCursor * cursor)
int iterator;
axl_return_val_if_fail (cursor, axl_false);
/* check basic case */
if (cursor->node != NULL && cursor->node->next != NULL) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "next is defined..");
return axl_true;
/* seems next is null, see in other positions */
iterator = cursor->index + 1;
while (iterator < cursor->hash->hash_size) {
/* check the table at the current position */
if (cursor->hash->table[iterator] != NULL)
return axl_true;
/* node not found, go next position */
} /* end while */
return axl_false;
* @brief Allows to know if the current position has items.
* @param cursor The cursor pointing to a particular element inside
* the hash (or not).
* @return \ref axl_true if the hash that is iterated can return data at
* the current position, otherwise \ref axl_false is returned.
axl_bool axl_hash_cursor_has_item (axlHashCursor * cursor)
axl_return_val_if_fail (cursor, axl_false);
/* return axl_true if there are a item selected */
return (cursor->node != NULL);
* @brief Allows to remove current element pointed by the cursor,
* maintainig internal state of the cursor, calling to the destroy
* function associated in the hash.
* The function will call to the destroy function asociated to the
* hash.
* @param cursor The cursor pointing to the item inside the hash that
* must be removed.
void axl_hash_cursor_remove (axlHashCursor * cursor)
axlHashNode * node;
axl_return_if_fail (cursor);
/* if current cursor is pointing nowhere, just do nothing */
if (cursor->node == NULL)
/* remember node */
node = cursor->node->next;
/* remove node selected */
axl_hash_remove (cursor->hash, cursor->node->key);
/* configure next item */
cursor->node = node;
if (cursor->node == NULL) {
while (cursor->index < cursor->hash->hash_size) {
/* check the table at the current position */
if (cursor->hash->table[cursor->index] != NULL) {
/* configure the next node */
cursor->node = cursor->hash->table[cursor->index];
/* node not found, go next position */
} /* end while */
} /* end if */
* @brief Allows to get current value at the current cursor state.
* @param cursor The cursor that will be used to return the data
* located at the hash, using cursor current state.
axlPointer axl_hash_cursor_get_value (axlHashCursor * cursor)
axl_return_val_if_fail (cursor, NULL);
/* nothing to return if current is NULL */
if (cursor->node == NULL)
return NULL;
/* return data */
return cursor->node->data;
* @brief Allows to get current key at the current cursor state.
* @param cursor The cursor that will be used to return the data
* located at the hash, using cursor current state.
axlPointer axl_hash_cursor_get_key (axlHashCursor * cursor)
axl_return_val_if_fail (cursor, NULL);
/* nothing to return if current is NULL */
if (cursor->node == NULL)
return NULL;
/* return key pointer */
return cursor->node->key;
* @brief Allows to get the reference to the hash that is associated
* to the cursor received.
* @param cursor The cursor that is required to return the hash associated.
* @return A reference to the hash being iterated or NULL if fails.
axlHash * axl_hash_cursor_hash (axlHashCursor * cursor)
/* check incoming cursor */
axl_return_val_if_fail (cursor, NULL);
/* return the hash */
return cursor->hash;
* @brief Deallocates memory used by the cursor.
* @param cursor The cursor to be deallocated.
void axl_hash_cursor_free (axlHashCursor * cursor)
axl_return_if_fail (cursor);
/* free the cursor */
axl_free (cursor);
/* @} */
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